My YouTube Thread Disappeared AGAIN

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke

I sit behind a computer? I guess you're typing on your Blackberry or perhaps your iPhone. Judging from your grammar and sentence structure I'm going to guess you're enough of a high-flying business type to afford one. Perhaps several.

Seriously, how the fuck else am I going to reply to someone else on YouTube? I'd tell you to tell me your address and I'll grab the next plane and we can sort this out man to man but that seems like a little bit of waste of time and money, but I guess that's what you're suggesting I do.

I may not know wrestling but I at least know you don't know how to use the term "mark" properly. Did I say I wanted pure wrestling? No. I love matches with high spots. I just don't like matches where nine guys stand underneath one guy, seemingly in awe, as they wait for him to dive down. The eight guys that didn't even get skimmed then drop like they've just been shot in the head. Then repeat. And THAT'S why it's a shit.

Perhaps you need to develop some sort of standards. As for respect, don't make me laugh. I commented on the video saying:

"Too many guys, too scripted, too shit. Do it with three or four guys and you've got yourself a match. Otherwise, completely shit. "

You then replied with an almost completely nonsensical personal insult:

"to scripted its wrestling moron"

I assume you meant this:

"Too scripted? It's wrestling moron."

A better answer would have been:

"Too scripted? Good sir, I think one will find that professional wrestling on the whole is scripted, therefore you must ignore the degree to which a match is scripted. If you would care to debate this issue further, feel free to reply. However, I have some solid gold arguments regarding high spots - you've been warned!"

So yeah, I disrespected no one until you started your infantile whining. Now, when you see this comment I'm sure you'll think something along the lines of this:

"wot i dun unnastan iz he mackin fun of mi grammer i wan fuk im up coz e is repliin ona compoota like mi"

You should, however, be thinking this:

"Oh my! I just got completely and fucking owned. If this situation were to translate to real life, he would have just bent me over and heartily had his way to me. That's how fucking owned I got. In fact, the degree to which I just got owned is truly epic - such ownage is a rare thing indeed. I must inform my fellow unwashed fiends not to fuck with this hot British sex machine. I shan't bother replying for two reasons: the aforementioned complete ownage and the fact that he has blocked me. Oh dear, that computer argument really backfired when I realised that I, in fact, was using a computer to pick a fight with him. I should have really realised that, how foolish of me. Oh well, perhaps I shall have to spread my illiteracy and ignorance to other areas of the internet."

That's what you should be thinking, good sir. Now would you kindly fuck off? That's right, off you fuck.

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