My view on professional wrestling


The Backbreaker Machine
Well as many of you know I'm training to be a wrestler, and I thought I'd start a thread based on my views as a trainee and rookie for one of Australia's top wrestling companies PWA Australia. Over the course of Febuary this year to now, I have realized the business isn't completely full of assholes, most are willing to befriend you and treat you with respect if you pull your weight and what not. Another aspect is that meeting many over seas people Is always a pleasure too. Ring rats aka groupie ****s are worth fucking lol.

Training aspect.....8 months in and for me personally I still fuck up, so if you wanna be a wrestler expect at least nearly 2 years of training depending on learning curves, doing hip tosses can be hard as with suplexes too. When people say that looks easy it's not. Chain wrestling is always fun but most of all even other wrestlers who
Are your trainers in my experence will help you out never be scared to ask.

Wrestling is a industry where everyone in it gets frustrated, hell I nearly quit after close calls with my neck but over coming fears is one thing,wrestling is about. If your afraid to bump and not even attempt you shouldn't be wrestling in a ring, but you get a mentality ingrained into you were you won't end up quitting but improve.

Also being trained under Madison Eagles who is currently PWI's number 1 ranked female wrestler in the world and current SHIMMER world champ, as well as he husband whose ranked in the top 10 in Australia is a privilege. More info on my wrestling career to come soon.

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