My Top 10

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
Hello everybody, I'm back and starting a newer, fun type of threads called My Top 10. Basically, I'm making a list of my top 10 of a particular topic. It's not meant to be a great non spam thread, it's simply meant to be an entertaining thing.

So for my first top 10 I will present my top 10 wrestlers.

10) Cesaro
9) Kofi Kingston
8) Santino
7) The Miz
6) Dolph Ziggler
5) CM Punk
4) John Cena
3) Jericho
1) Ryback

Feel Free to Make Your Own
These are the people I never fast forward through

10) El Generico-Hopefully WWE doesn't ruin him, I'm not holding my breath.
9) Miz-Don't hate him as a face as much as I thought I would
8) Mike Bennett-Think he could be a star,props for banging Maria
7) Bubba Ray- Recent storyline not withstanding, the best at what he does
6) Punk-Not his biggest fan, but always interesting stuff
5) Cena-Love him or hate him, you have to watch.
4) Jericho-One of the alltime greats, IMO. Glad he is back.
3) The Briscoes-True old school tag team, dying breed,they make me laugh
2) Paul Heyman-Perfection, he should teach classes.
1) Kevin Steen-Not much to look at, but he has "it" in spades.
Fuck it. Umm this is based on my interest, as in who I'm more prone to pay attention to currently.

10. TaDarius Thomas - what little I've seen of him has been great.
9. Alberto Del Rio - I'm enjoying this face run.
8. Kevin Steen - I mean, the dude's good.
7. Ryback - losing interest, but still look forward to see what he brings each night.
6. Cena
5. Jeff Hardy - even though he's been a bit of a cunt, I can't help that he was one of my favorites growing up and I continue to follow what he does.
4. Cesaro - usually puts on my favorite match of the night.
3. Ziggler - always interested in seeing what he's gonna do with the briefcase, AJ & Langston, and generally has pretty solid matches.
2. Punk - he's been a special talent and has really kept my interest during times when I was losing all intrigue in the product.
1. The Shield - anticipate them every night. Three future stars that are running with the ball right now. Never fail to impress me.
10. Dolph Ziggler
9. John Cena
8. Daniel Bryan
7. Randy Orton
6. Antonio Cesaro
5. The Rock
4. Mark Henry
3. The Shield
2. Chris Jericho
1. Cm Punk

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