My thoughts on NY legalizing same sex marriage.


Pre-Show Stalwart
As a heterosexual male (last I checked,) the legalization of same sex marriage doesn't really bother me (though it'd be funny as fuck if it turned out all the women in the world were lesbians and decided to only marry other women, that shit would be getting appealed in an instant.)

Having a heart, the obvious answer for people who want to marry someone of the same sex, as long as they're not hurting/affecting anyone else, is to let them do so. Not being involved in any of this, it's easy for me to say "go ahead and get married."

But if I were a justice of the peace or someone who was in a position that had to marry a gay couple... I couldn't do it. The same way if I were a Doctor, I could not perform an abortion.

The way I feel about gay marriage is the same I'd feel about buying underage kids beer, I might not be against the idea and/or it may seem harmless, but it's the law.

If there is a heaven, I would not want to jeopardize my chances of getting in there because I really don't know how marrying a gay couple or performing an abortion would look on my life's resume. I just rather not be associated with either.

I don't think anyone can really judge other's unless they ask themselves the same question. I would think there are others here who don't see same sex marriage as a big deal, but they would not feel comfortable marrying a same sex couple and I think it would be really hard(impossible) for most to actually abort a baby.

Anyway, if there are justices of the peace willing to marry them, then best of luck to them.

By the way, I'm not trying to say gay marriage and abortion having anything to do with one another. In my opinion, you'd think same sex marriage would of been legalized far sooner then abortion.
If you don't think Gay men have just as much right to be as miserable as every other married couple, then you are a mother fucker and should die.
So you wouldn't want to marry a gay couple in case you couldn't get into a completely fictitious world made up by people since the start of human civillisation? Cool.

Although I am in no way religious, I would have no problems in marrying a gay couple. It's just as natural as marrying a heterosexual couple. I don't believe in marriage, but I can imagine that bestowing joy on someone by marrying would be a wonderful feeling to have.

EDIT: Basically what Dave said.
"In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you." Jesus Christ, John 14:2

I'm atheist, but my interpretation of that extract is that God accepts people of all walks of life into heaven and there is ample room for them. If anything's going to get you barred from heaven, it's not having gay sex. It's not treating them as equals. Like God intended them to be treated.
Its interesting that most modern countries in the world have adapted and have been allowing same sex marriage for years now. While the USA, the most powerful and richest nation in the world is fight state by state to give people equal rights. The problem with this entire thing boils down to religion, the people who are overly religious and feel that what is written in the bible should be their guidelines for how they live their lives today.

Take religion completely out of the picture, and give these people the same rights as everyone else has. Its a shame only 6 out of 50 states allow these people to marry each other. Its interesting that most people who are not religious do not care if these people have the same rights as everyone else.

Homosexuals should not be treated any differently than heterosexuals, what they do in private is their business and no one else's.
Should it be legal? Absolutely. Should a church be forced to marry a gay couple? No. Allow these institutions to continue the ignorance, if they please.
If you don't think Gay men have just as much right to be as miserable as every other married couple, then you are a mother fucker and should die.

That's the type of stuff that scares me, heh.

As for my OP, my thoughts were sincere, but it seems as though some people aren't satisfied unless I'd see no problem marrying two same sex people myself?

Don't I have the right to my own beliefs? I said I had no problem with the bill passing and that I really have no say in the matter as I'm not the person marrying them. As far as treating everyone equally, I am. I will never be in any position to marry any couple, straight or same sex :) And until you yourself are, there really is no reason to judge.

It's easy to say your glad the bill passed, so I wanted to take it a step further and be honest that I wouldn't feel comfortable marrying them myself. It's not even that I'm religious. It's kind of like an OCD thing in that enough people have a problem with it, that I try not get into the middle of it. I'm overly cautious.

I'm not even sure if it's mentioned in the bible - gay marriage that is. I kind of follow my own religion, The Church of Jenks! Either my mind says something is right or wrong and if there is a stigma surrounding something, I keep away from it. Not that I keep away from gay people, just performing rituals to unite them. Rituals are another thing I like to keep away from.
Its interesting that most modern countries in the world have adapted and have been allowing same sex marriage for years now. While the USA, the most powerful and richest nation in the world is fight state by state to give people equal rights. The problem with this entire thing boils down to religion, the people who are overly religious and feel that what is written in the bible should be their guidelines for how they live their lives today.

Actually there are very few countires where same-sex marriage is legal, from the research I've done, Argentina, Belguim, Canada, Netherlands, Spain, South Africa, Norway, Iceland, Sweden & Portugal are the only countries were same-sex marriage is legal but Nepal where 4 years ago being in a Homosexual relationship would get you 2 years in prison is now strongly considering legalising same-sex marriage

And you also mentioned Religon aswell but when you look at Argentina which a very Catholic country but yet Same-Sex marriage is legal over there so I really don't understand how countires like, the UK, France, Germany, Japan and 44 states of the America can not have same-sex marriage legalised, it is complete Horseshit

I've commented on this story in the non-prison thread aswell and it's a topic I feel strongly about even though i'm not gay myself nor do I have any gay friends but I think that in the 21'st century Western World it's complete bullshit that Gay people still carn't live like everybody else
Just to mention, the part I agreed with that Dave said was that marriages are miserable. Marriage is apiece of shit that ends in divorce and the women destroys the mans life.
Actually if you were preacher in New York Jenks then you don't have to marry anyone even if they are of the same sex. I believe New York passed another bill to allow for exemptions with religious institutions. Basically a Christian or Catholic church doesn't have to grant marriages for same sex couples.

In reality it really doesn't matter whether you are married or not "by God" as long as you have the proper paperwork and a marriage license. I can't understand why some gay people would want to be married in a church or even be religious considering how it's an "abomination" and all.

To each his own Jenks, but I don't see what is so evil about two men or women marrying each other. Religion will always find some way to keep us in dark ages instead of looking forward to the future in my opinion. New York is a pretty liberal state, so I am surprised it took this long for them to legalize gay marriage.
Basically a Christian or Catholic church doesn't have to grant marriages for same sex couples.

A church shouldn't do anything it doesn't want to do, so that's a good thing. For example, the Catholic church doesn't want to stop elderly men from having their way with young boys. Being wrong has never stopped religion before, why start now :suspic:

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