My Smackdown Experience (Will Contain Spoilers)

Nate DaMac

Fuck erbody but me
So tonight, I'll be attending the Smackdown tapings. I've never been to any wrestling event, so I'll be busting my cherry tonight.

I want to document my experience while I'm there and I shall be sharing when I get home tonight.
Have fun, man, all the live events I've been to (a house show, a RAW, an SD) have been blast.
Ok so I sent text messages to myself during the show, which was my way of taking notes. The following are the messages.

The parking sucks. I'll never drive to one of these myself again.
Awesome. My first show and there's a Steel Cage above the ring.

My very first live match is..... Drew McIntyre vs Showtime Percy Watson. I LOVE McIntyre's music. Watson wins in what has to be an upset.

NXT is starting now. I know none of these people besides Darren Young and Titus O' Neil.

Why is Young here? He clearly got a contract while he was with the Nexus and he's on Superstars all the time.

They do a "Talk The Talk" challenge and they all suck major ass at it. Titus wins.
Darren Young beats someone. No idea who.
Yoshi still has a thing for Maryse. Him and his rookie lose to Kidd and Lucky Canon.
They do the Keg Challenge with a lot of emphasis on ripping on Titus blowing it in the last one he was in. Of course he wins it and the crowd eats it up. This is clearly the winner this season.

Time for Superstars and my first pyro experience. That shit is loud son.
Tyler Reks vs JTG. No idea who won, I went and got some chicken.
Smackdown starts and my ears are ringing from the pyro.

Edge vs that fat guy that's always with ADR for some reason starts us off.

Yeah.... kinda boring, but I wasn't expecting a classic here. ADR interferes, but Christian neutralizes him. Edge wins.

Afterwards, Christian beats Rios ass until refs break it up. Long comes out and makes a Steel Cage match between them.
Sheamus vs Kofi. I love both of these guys. Fun match, SHeamus wins with the Brogue Kick.

Trent Baretta vs Cody Rhodes. Rhodes has slightly different music and has on a suit with a towel covering his head. ok then.
Total squash and Rhodes wins after smashing him in the face with his mask. I like this for some reason.

Layla vs Kelly Kelly next. Michelle does commentary and I'm thankful I don't have to hear it. Actually not a completely terrible match. Layla wins clean.

The absolute highlight of the night now as when McCool gets up from the announce table, her dress rode up and her bare ass is there for all to see. She ain't even got no panties on.

Kane & Big Show vs Slater and Gabriel. This is for the Tag Titles. Ok match, DQ finish when Gabriel pulls out the ref.

Barrett and Jackson come out and we get a big beatdown. Barrett does the most god awful excuse of a Wasteland I've ever seen on Show.

They destroy Kane's knee with stares and put Show through the announce table. None if it looked great, but I get what they're doing.

Chris Master vs Jack Swagger. Glad to see Masters on Smackdown.

Glorified squash and Swagger wins with the Ankle Lock. Afterwards, Cole comes in and gets the Ankle Lock on Masters. they dance around the ring to celebrate.

Rey Mysterio vs DiBiase. Ok then. Rey easily gets the biggest pop of the night.
Would have been a decent match but there were some bad botches. Rey wins of course.

ADR vs Christian in the cage. I'm assuming this makes the show as that last match would be a shit main event.

Pretty good match, Christian wins.

ADR is a poor sport, beats up Christian afterward. Edge threatens ADR's car until fat guy makes the save. One man Con-Chair-To to Edge's arm and that ends us.

Dark Match: The Corre & ADR vs Kofi, Rey, Christian, & Kane.

Faces win after a distraction from Taker backs Heath into the ring by himself and all of the hit their finishers.

So for my first show, this was fucking awesome. I've never got to see this kind of thing in person before and it gives you a whole lot more respect for what they do. Seeing Kane's pyro was something I have always wanted to see live and it was killer. Apparently he's face again by the way. Kofi has some crazy jumping ability that tv does no justice.

Rey is so popular here it's unreal. KC has a pretty large Hispanic demo so I get it. Plus there were tons of kids.

I can't really put everything into words, but it was a fantastic experience.

Questions? Comments?
Yea, but I thought I was going to have a MTFO moment

BTW, Kane's Pyro is the shit, isn't it. I could never get tired of that.

And did 'Taker do his full entrance? You think it's cool on TV? In person, I almost jizz my pants everytime I see it. Which has only been 5 times.
Man that would be sweet.

I'm telling you though, when he does the whole bit and raises the lights and shit. Chills man. Just chills.

First time I seen it was at Ground Zero in Louisville KY in 1997. That was when he used to throw his arms up really fast and that loud boom would happen. I was in the second row. Right in front of the ring steps and you could just see this black figure walking. It was so fucking epic.
Why don't you have pics of this? Or the rest of the night for that matter.

It was a very very quick instance, but every one on our half of the audience saw it. I do have some pics of other shit though, I'll get them up later.

One very demanding question:


It's virtually the same, but with no words other than the "OOH OH" and a darker tone.
So here's the pictures I have. Nothing mind blowing, my girlfriend took them.







Yeah it was sweet. The only thing that sucked were the 3 little bastards in front of me who threw their god damn signs up at the most inopportune times. I would have thrown my damn drink at them if I didn't pay 6 fucking dollars for it.

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