My Shit Kick List


The Future Mr. Kelly Kelly
Just saw a Subway commercial during the Pirates game and man would I love to kick Jared's ass.

He's been on my list for several years, but I wondered who's on yours.

For me :

1) Jared from Subway - Seriously, there's no way his fat ass ate only Subway to lose all that weight. The story just made for a great gimmick.

2) Offer "Vince" Shlomi : The Shamwow / Slapchop guy - Is there really an explanation needed ?? And yes, that's really his name !!

3) Miley Cyrus / The Jonas Brothers - I have them grouped together because who doesn't want to whoop the ass of a bunch of teenage billionaires ??

4) Brad Pitt - Sure, he married Angelina Jolie, BUT HE GAVE UP JENNIFER ANISTON !!! Seriously, he goes from the perfect woman (beautiful, intelligent & future great mom) to a chick who once wore Billy Bob Thornton's blood around her neck !! And no, I do not think Angelina Jolie is hot.... but I'd totally hit it :thumbsup:

5) Sam Walton (even though he's dead) - For those who don't know, he's the creator of Wal Mart. Don't get me wrong, I love Wal Mart. But therein lies the problem - I spend way too much money at Wal Mart. It's not fair that one guy (or in this case, family) gets so much cash from myself or everyone else who shops there. Last year, Forbes magazine ranked the top ten richest people in the U.S. and seven of them were members of the Walton family. Outrageous !!
Nancy Grace. She is a fucking annoying completely biased twat. She is the only women on earth that I would probably enjoy beating.

Another one is Bill O'Reilly. How he is still on tv is beyond me. He is a dick. he is an annoying little cunt and just needs to do us all a favor and either go live in a hole or just stop breathing.
I would also love to kick Bill O'Reilly in the face, he's a blubbering douchebag. I'd also love to kick Dane Cook in the face, I wonder what hilariously funny noise he'd have for that.
I would also love to kick Bill O'Reilly in the face, he's a blubbering douchebag. I'd also love to kick Dane Cook in the face, I wonder what hilariously funny noise he'd have for that.

He would probably steal it from another comedian and say he came up with it.
Probably Spencer and Heidi. I don't even watch that shit and I hate their guts.
Spencer Pratt would be on my list. I'd whoop that ass.

Glenn Beck is another biased dick breath I'd knuckle rape.

Dane Cook, Jimmy Fallon, Nancy Grace, Ann Coulter, and Trista and Ryan from the Bachelorette. No two people have done less to be famous.

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