My random thought's thread

Mr. Artistic guy

Better Off This Way
"Sean Waltman Wants a Kliq Reunion at the WWE Hall of Fame"

...............HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, GOOD ONE. Delusions of a hateable guy. A man who had a phrase coined after them meaning the act of fans hating a guy outside of their actual character, I'm sure if sway was a currency in the wrestling world, Pac would be a rich guy...? But surely he is beloved amongst fellow wrestlers, officials and the fans, particularly the guys in WWE who he has relentlessly shot down at every occassion in spare-room shoot videos, never once when he was sobre. I'm sure to reward him for this Vince is going to have the guy speak at his event dedicated for the wrestling royalty, no in fact dedicated particularly for legendary wrestlers who competed in WCW.

But wait a second..........yes Sixx, you did compete in WCW. That's about it. Wouldn't it be massively appropriate to have a guy who was an early member of the faction that brought WCW into the #1 wrestling spot for ratings, and then when it started to fail, scrambled in his pockets as fast as he could for his old friends number, still working in the rival company to be part of the rival faction that were effectively responsible in WCW falling apart in the first place. I'm sure Waltman has precisely as much right and likelihood, but is far less deserving, to attend the black suit event as Randy Savage does of coming to the christening of Stephanie McMahon's new baby.

You made a porn video with someone who looks like a melting piece of plasticine by the name of Joanie Lauper, how do you expect anybody to take a word you say seriously?

TMZ Confronts Jeff Hardy About His Legal Situation - "Very frustrating... It should be coming to an end soon, so I'll move on...I'll make the best of it."

Well I'm a gullable guy, I truly believed Ric Flair when he said he was going to retire. I'll take you for your word Jeff. Especially since you've never been found to revert back to drugs after being caught. I'm sure the guy's at your workplace are so hard-line that they might well punish you by giving you a world heavyweight title reign and letting you show up on their flagship show every couple of weeks, maybe even concuss a few more guys! Certainly sucks to be you!

Matt Hardy on his twitter account - "The last 2 days of work at TNA have been AWESOME! Fun, stress-free, & how work should be-I am very grateful toward TNA for the opportunity."

TRANSLATION: Not one single person has told me to stamp out my doobie or attempted to arrange a meeting with a personal trainer yet!! I can't remember the last 2 days of work at TNA! Meth, beers and pizza....THIS IS WHAT A REAL PROFFESSIONAL WRESTLER LOOKS LIKE BITCHES!! I cannot believe my luck

John Cena's twitter account - "CeNation. Lots of posts about my language last night on raw. I do apologize. It was out of line and I was indeed fined. If I have offended anyone it was not my intention. I was very frustrated about being hurt and not able to compete. I lost my cool. I am sorry. Next time I will use something more creative like "whoop yer crap locker!" Or "whoop yer dump box!"

Yeah I'm sure that's what you wanted to say John. Not, "SO I'M NOT EVEN ALLOWED TO SAY A** ANYMORE?! THIS IS BULLS**T"!

CM Punk's twitter account - The leader of WWE's Nexus. Often confused with Batman. Once tipped a stripper with a filet-o-fish..

I'm not gonna pretend to interpret CM Punk's messages, the man said precisely what he intended to say, precisely how he intended to say it.

OK, I may make this a weekly series depending on the response from anyone who reads this. It'll more than likely consist of me reading of the twitter's of various superstars and the news section on the WZ website and interpretting what I think about a given situation, or what a certain person maybe was intending to say..... what

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