My PS4 downloaded a game on its own?!

Hollywood Naitch

The current reigning and defending
I was watching the Cruiserweight Classic on WWE Network and got an email on my phone telling me 'thank you for my purchase from the PS Store' telling me I had bought FIFA 16 just then, and it was available for download.

I thought it was a scam email just trying to get my details so i logged off the network and checked the PS Store and sure enough, there was FIFA 16, with my account balance down to £3. What the fuck?

The email said that the game is non-refundable, so there is nothing I can do but how has this happened? I was watching the Network at the time of the 'purchase' and would never have bought this game?!

Any ideas?
Someone likely hacked your account dude. Change passwords and contact PS Support, but they might not even refund you if the game actually downloaded. Bunch a pricks they are.
Yeah that's all I can think of. I'll have to try and figure out my own password lol, then change it. I haven't bought anything off the PS in over a year. Luckily there wasn't a huge amount of money in the account, but it's still a ball ache. Cheers
Probably nothing so suspicious. Most likely scenario is you did it accidentally without noticing. If you were using a PS3 controller for anything, it's possible for it to controlling multiple devices with the same inputs, which was a bit of a problem in the early days. FIFA 16 is on the front page of the store for most devices, so it's the kind of thing you might accidentally buy.

Alternately, you left yourself signed in to the PSN on some other device (PC or using your account at a friends house?) and someone else did it by accident.

The PS3 does not buy games by itself, PSN accounts don't get "hacked" unless you give your password away, and if someone does go to the trouble to deliberately stealing your network account then the first thing they'll do is lock you out of it.
The PS3 does not buy games by itself, PSN accounts don't get "hacked" unless you give your password away, and if someone does go to the trouble to deliberately stealing your network account then the first thing they'll do is lock you out of it.

My account's been hacked more than once. PSN had a "security breach" not too long ago. To OP, don't take it so lightly. I'm not saying guy above me is wrong about it possibly being an accident but if you brush it off and it turns out you were hacked, it will happen again. I'm talking from experience.
Password now changed.

I highly doubt I did it by accident, as I haven't been on the PS store in months, and was watching WWE Network when the transaction took place. I haven't used my account on any other device. I'll drop PS Support an email, but not expecting a refund. At least there wasn't any more cash in my account to be spent.
Do you have your account info on more than one system? Like we have 2 PS4s in our house and my account is on both. Sometimes my brother and sister do stuff on my account without realizing. Other than that, Idk what it could be.
Nope, no info on other systems.

Probably just was hacked but the password change should prevent it happening again.

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