My Problem Wtih the WWE


Dark Match Jobber
well i dont really know where to put this but its about raw so i figured....ya know.....

now i dont know if its just the fact that i dont really get to see smackdown, or really catch nxt or superstars, but i seriously think that the reason i dont get excited about wwe any more is because of raw.

like seriously there are some good things on raw( miz, kofi, legacy, orton, hhh, and hbk ), but all in all i find myself bored with raw. and its sad , it really is .in a company and show that made wrestling exciting gave ussome of the best memories ever is now shit. but there is hope in every other show that wwe produces. nxt is good on principle alone. superstars, amazing. and smackdown, let me tell you i watched smackdown for the first time in years tonight and i was shoicked to see the "B" show become in my eyes the premiere show in wwe.
I defintely agree with you. In my eyes, Smackdown is the real A show of the WWE. I'm not really sure why though. I just feel that Smackdown has so much more energy and young talent. On RAW, You've seen the same people face each other and all of the rivalries have already happened. On Smackdown, You've got guys like Morrison and McIntyre who bring new things to the table. I think Smackdown is way better at making new stars because it's simply less boring. I think another issue with RAW is that it's SO PREDICTABLE. Smackdown is like this at times but, RAW is way more predictable if you ask me...
Your thoughts?
I think the problem with RAW is its great for about 10 minutes of the 2 1/4 hrs its on and pretty boring for 2 hrs and 5 minutes...smackdown is slightly above good for most of its 2 hrs and nxt is good throughout...I find it sad that to me a RAW is worth my time if there is 1 good match and some good promos I like RAW alot but i feel like 2 1/4 hrs is too much time to put into 10 min- 1/2 hr of entertainment
Is this a RAW vs. Smackdown thread because so far all the post I've seen is absolutely correct. I mean back when Regal was general manager I have to say I was actually entertained with RAW. Now Raw can be interesting sometimes but not all the time like when I'm entertaoned with smackdown. I mean lat night they did a good job with Punk I mean whe have seen the true CM Punk the heel that he's good at and we have to thank smackdown for that. If he would've stayed on RAW then I don't think we will be that must interested in CM Punk with his face gimmick. Send Kofi to smackdown and see what we get out of that. I mean Smackdown has an interesting Diva's division and all. Like really on RAW do see what we see on smackdown. Simply Flawless was a great idea especially bringing that creature Vicky Guerrero in the mix. That's another thing Smackdown has Vicky someone we love to boo and boo loud. Now I don't know what happened to Dolph Ziggler he doen't seem toget that little push he was given any more but he wouldn't get a push at all on RAW. Smackdown has been the A show to me for a long time. Even when Trips was on Smackdown but I liked Raw just as much. Now I like Smackdown more than RAW because it's entertaining and that's what I'm looking for in RAW instead of these lame jokes they try to say to get us to laugh. To be honest I think Santino was way funnier than DX. Except for that time when Trips called Serena Brittany Spears that was a classic DX joke.
To each person their own opinion....

But I have to say Im not bored with RAW right now. The last several weeks there have been great promos and good matches. I pray that it isnt just because WM26 is right around the corner and that all this will continue after the PPV.

Im guessing the topic of this thread is the comparison between Smackdown and RAW. I gotta say I have been impressed with Smackdown as well lately. To me, WWE has kicked it up a notch lately! (Thanks TNA?, time will tell)
I agree with Rko champ raw is actually pretty good right now you have batista as a heel destroying cena, you have the vince vs bret angle, you have randy orton becoming a face, and I forsee a triple h, shawn michaels fued coming up. But anyhow smackdown has always been a better wrestling show.
i have to agree kind of. i normally like smackdown a lot more than raw. im not bored with raw, but every now and then i find it pretty boring. like when orton was champ, worse time ever. but now that wrestlemania is coming up, raw has entertained me far more than smackdown. with the exception of the ses and jericho and edge, raw is just a better product right now. it might be because its not the same old orton, hhh, cena all the time, they are fueding with other people and giving other people the chance with the belt. in fact i have like raw more since tlc when sheamus first one the belt.

side note: ill agree for nxt too. the episodes that i have watched have been very good. wwe has really stepped up their game. i dont know what sparked it, i seriously doubt it was tna, but hopefully they stay this course.
I think that it's because the WWE has realized that Raw has been their number one show forever now, and they want to be able to give the competition which in this case would be Smackdown, some new light. They want to reinnovate it, so that people make sure that instead of catching Raw every week, the long time viewer, or the regular viewer will watch both shows.
its strange, i mean i pretty much agree with all of you but the thing i find I do find smackdown the better show and i admit i find raw boring here and there and i find its cause of the stupid guest hosts! i mean yeah get some media attention and some more ratings but when they show a 10-15 min segment with a guest host instead of having and evan bourne match or just something instead it takes away from the show in my opinion.
I like RAW right now. But earlier in the year I didn't. I don't ever get to see Smackdown because I don't get that channel. But when I look at the results on the internet I wish I could watch it. I think Smackdown is better.
I do agree. To me RAW seems to just be rotating the same 3-4 people for champ. HHH, Cena, Orton, Batista. Granted, Sheamus was a dark horse. I remember when Raw used to be the innovator of the HLA thanks to Bischoff, and the ever infamous Bra and Panty matches, etc. But it seems like all the people who did the stunts that ended up on 'highlight' reels are on Smackdown. Punk, Y2J, Edge, Mysterio, Taker. I also do think there is a freshness when you add Matt Stryker and Todd Grisham on commentary, Stryker is a smart cookie and does know his wrestling history, so he does give a witty take on 'did you know' type things. But I wouldn't say that just because I tend to be a little more UP on SD that everything is hunky dory on WWE right now. It just seems like I've been seeing storylines recycled as of late. On RAW not that long ago, there was the incident where Kane was stalking Kelly Kelly a while back, didn't that seem a little reminiscent of the Kane-Lita-Matt Hardy story? Then my husband has heard some of the same Lawler jokes from older broadcasts (not a few weeks ago, but like 2003 and so forth, all about divas.) And it wasn't just once, but like EVERY diva match. I don't know, call me crazy, but I think it isn't the the wrestlers that need a big spring cleaning, I think its also corporate (ie...creative and training etc) that need a big wake up. Fans aren't dumb, and with the technology of the internet, people have the capabilities to look up older episodes, and can see when things are being recycled.
I defintely agree with you. In my eyes, Smackdown is the real A show of the WWE. I'm not really sure why though. I just feel that Smackdown has so much more energy and young talent. On RAW, You've seen the same people face each other and all of the rivalries have already happened. On Smackdown, You've got guys like Morrison and McIntyre who bring new things to the table. I think Smackdown is way better at making new stars because it's simply less boring. I think another issue with RAW is that it's SO PREDICTABLE. Smackdown is like this at times but, RAW is way more predictable if you ask me...
Your thoughts?

I'm afraid I can't agree with you on McIntyre after the way they let him get crushed by Undertaker in 2 1/2 minutes. Yea, it wasn't much more than that. Sure, it's WM time and Taker's at this best and McIntyre is a noob still but he is the INT champ which is a very prestigious title and he's billed as a future world champion. Don't you think he should've put up a little more resistance than what he did? I get it, they want to show that Taker and HBK are at the top of their game going in to this rematch, fine...but Jesus, I think the creative powers might be getting lazy. What's Kofi doing? Either put him in the MITB match and round it off at 10 guys or make an INT match with him and McIntyre. Simple...
Ok all of you are smoking something. To say Smackdown and/or Raw is better than the other is a joke. Niether show is at the top of its game. Lets take a look at them: Smackdown
1) Almost always pre-empted in the WWE's largest market areas.
2) If you have access to the net you can see who wins tuesday night once the tapings end, and you can usually watch it on youtube by thursday night.
3) Although the talent is young and fresh, there arent to many stars in that group. With exception to (Punk, Morrison, and McIntyre).
4) and the worse part about Smackdown, the under-utilization of the talent they have. While having 2 or 3 future superstars in the making they fail to use some of the great talent (not stars) they have. Kane, Benjamin, Hart Dynasty, Cryme Tyme, Matt Hardy and many others. Benjamin and Hardy definently need a huge push or in all honesty I think theyll be leaving the company when ever there contracts are up.

1) Same champions all the time! While I am a fan of Cena it gets old seeing him as champ all the time. same with triple h and orton. i like to see my favorite lose a bunch of times, or even be in the main event but not for the title (like Taker and HBK). Sheamus was a good switch, but I dont feel he actually did anything to deserve the title besides being friends with the right people, i.e. Triple H. i remember the days when Austin, The Rock, Undertaker, and Triple H switched back and forth (throw in Kurt Angle), there was at least a passion for making it stick with one or the other for a while, not just 3 months.
2) Where in the hell is the undercard? With Wrestlemania in a 8 days where is the undercard on raw. We get all the stars on the show in different segments, but where are the undercarders. MVP, Mark Henry, Jack Swagger, Christian, Kofi, ect ect. They get one or two matches a Raw and there done. We need undercarders or midcarders if thats what you call them, to step up like Owen Hart did. Thats the utilization they need. Owen Hart was one of the best midcarders around. And Ken Shamrock as well.
3) And my last problem with Raw, the PG RATING! Its not helping you WWE. first you say no blood, batista bleeds and refuses help, WTF? Then the divas have to dress a bit classier? So what nothing can fall out, stop buying them tits then, and then hardcore matches wont be hardcore. What about this No Holds Barred street Fight between McMahon and Hart? No blood there? No aggressive violence? WWE your not making sense right now.

I can say even though the program isnt the best, TNA is seeming more intriquing because even though there poorly produced the storylines are fairly decent. We are left with questions every week about something. WWE just isnt doing this anymore. There leaving everything to predictable. Thats why I can say, My problem with WWE is the WWE in general. Its time to put up or shut up cause this is what lead the fans to WCW in the past, the WWE being stale.
:shrug: Well, I can say that I never said one was better than the other. I am kinda a little more hooked on SD right now more than Raw. I think one will kinda overshadow one at times each show is always going to have its own die hard fans. I just think all of WWE needs to be improved overall. :banghead:
I'm afraid I can't agree with you on McIntyre after the way they let him get crushed by Undertaker in 2 1/2 minutes. Yea, it wasn't much more than that. Sure, it's WM time and Taker's at this best and McIntyre is a noob still but he is the INT champ which is a very prestigious title and he's billed as a future world champion. Don't you think he should've put up a little more resistance than what he did? I get it, they want to show that Taker and HBK are at the top of their game going in to this rematch, fine...but Jesus, I think the creative powers might be getting lazy. What's Kofi doing? Either put him in the MITB match and round it off at 10 guys or make an INT match with him and McIntyre. Simple...

Yeah, I think he should of pulled off a little more resistance. I don't really think that I've seen McIntyre pull of a really good wrestling match. Ever. But, You kind of made my point for me because I think it's fair to say that Kofi is much more over with the crowd than McIntyre and he's being left off the 'Mania card and McIntyre actually has some kind of storyline going into it. Plus, Look at guys like Christian, MVP and Jack Swagger who were doing well before they were moved to RAW... I would say that the only young wrestler who's been pushed correctly lately would be The Miz....
Seriously, I think raw too, has kicked it up a notch. Maybe cause of WM26 or TNA but i've been very pleased with Raw as of late. Lately i can't wait until the next week of RAW, this hasn't been the case since the great attitude era... the miz is doing great too, keep it up.
Well,Smackdown is second grade show in the eyes of WWE.They will never admitted but you can see that on the example of NXT.Winner will probably be on Raw and second one will be contracted to Smackdown(so i heard).Fact is that RAW draws more ratings probably because of the fact its a live show(not always but 95% of times) and Smackdown is taped early in the week.Even if all the best stars where on Smackdown it would be the same.Now,if Smackdown is taped live and they do hardcore stuff(not this PG crap) it would probably draw more ratings and it would be closely to Raw

I like Smackdown as a show.Sure they keep Mysterio highly there even tho he is average wrestler(my opinion only) because of ratings with kids and latinos(we could see that last year) but some of my favorites are there(Jericho,Edge,Punk,Undertaker).They dont deserve to be second grade show to Raw.Raw is the best but some of that guest GM crap lately has pissed me off.I mean its a good thing to see SCAA,Trish and someone connected to wrestling or even a big cellebrity or a fan but they bring up people that dont have any connection to wrestling at all and they arent that big draw like lately Jewel and her husband.

You are right for midcarders and Smackdown is to me the show for them simply because in RAW they cant get a chance(Miz is exception,look at Kofi lately,big push and has no match at wrestlemania yet).In Smackdown you can shine even in midcard level(Morrison,Drew,infamous Mysterio even Zigler sometimes) and you can get pushed more properly simply because you wouldnt have to job to likes of Cena,HHH or even worse(Sheamus).Raw has more starpower and is and it will be bigger than Smackdown.I dont see that to change ever
RAW sucks every week,it's the same show over & over again.The guest host thing needs to end,although I did like Stone Cold hosting.Smackdown has some amazing talent,Morrison,Mysterio & CM Punk who is on point every night.Love whats going on with Mysterio right.Punks a great heel.RAW is just so boring & how many times are we going to see Cena vs Orton or HHH.RAW is centered around Cena,he will win at Wrestlemania.Vince thinks thats what we wont,I don't.If the creative team for the WWE were smart they would go to these types of sites & get a better understanding of todays wrestling fan.Man I hate Hornswoggle.
The two shows are so different. Raw wasn't designed to have showcase match after showcase match. It's designed to grab audiences from other shows like Bones, and Chuck. Yea, it sounds weird, but they are on a big time slot which has a lot of entertaining shows on it. Smackdown, on Friday nights, doesn't have too many prime time contenders, so they can put more matches on, and have more showcase matches. It sucks right now, but that's how it is. The WWE doesn't want to give channel surfers a chance to go find something else. So, instead of having two or 3 big ten minute matches that require commercials, they will have the quick "entertaining" ordeals that don't require a bunch of commercials. Sounds weird, but that's how it is.
at the time raw is better with the mutiple storylines which is what raw has been missing for awhile. i just hope they can continue this mark my words this wm coming up will probably the best we have seen in awhile. the only bad thing at this moment is that wwe is pg

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