My Problem With The Uso's


WWE Just Blog It's Bushwhacker
So after watching the royal rumble last night. I've started to notice that the Uso's are becoming the Cena of the tag team division. Practically impossible to beat. They need to mix it up, not just have them get beat down. Then hit a few signatures and win the match.

Last night, one of them was hit by 2 skull crushing finales. Just to easily kick out at 2 both times.

Don't get me wrong, the Uso's are the best team around at the moment. But I don't want them going down a route where they just destroy the division for long enough that it's back where it was a few years ago where no one cared about it and the title was being changed at house shows.

I would like to see them maybe have more of a mixed style match, not the superhero comeback that they seem to be using at the moment.
Well, think about it. They're the Tag Team CHAMPIONS. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't a champion supposed to be strong? To be able to overcome the odds and pull out a victory? Granted, WWE hasn't exactly been consistent when it comes to booking their champions but I guess being a friend of Cena has its perks when it comes to booking priorities.
Yeah I get that. I'm just bored of seeing the same every time. Like, even let em dominate a few teams. And the occasional loss won't hurt either. Look back when tag team wrestling was great, teams traded victories constantly.
So after watching the royal rumble last night. I've started to notice that the Uso's are becoming the Cena of the tag team division. Practically impossible to beat. They need to mix it up, not just have them get beat down. Then hit a few signatures and win the match.

Last night, one of them was hit by 2 skull crushing finales. Just to easily kick out at 2 both times.

Don't get me wrong, the Uso's are the best team around at the moment. But I don't want them going down a route where they just destroy the division for long enough that it's back where it was a few years ago where no one cared about it and the title was being changed at house shows.

I would like to see them maybe have more of a mixed style match, not the superhero comeback that they seem to be using at the moment.

Yeah they're a dominant tag team, not different than the other face tag team champs like Kofi/Truth and Team Hell No.

The Miz and Mizdow/Usos storyline was good when they added the dynamic of Naomi in the storyline. I think it got a little overkill with turning Alicia Fox again after she turned on Paige going into Survivor Series, hopefully this is the end of that feud. Usos just need to be in meaningful feuds instead of the typical the contenders beat them in a non-title match and they fight in a series of singles matches before ending it at the PPV.
I've started to notice that the Uso's are becoming the Cena of the tag team division.

There are a lot of supporting reasons why this is a very true statement, and its been obvious with them for a while, but...

Let's take it a step further, this is now an epidemic with how WWE pushes certain faces, and not surprisingly all who get this treatment are not as over as the WWE would hope.

Uso's are the twin tag team version of Cena, Sheamus is the Irish stereotype version of Cena, Reigns is the millennial version of Cena, and so on.
There are a lot of supporting reasons why this is a very true statement, and its been obvious with them for a while, but...

Let's take it a step further, this is now an epidemic with how WWE pushes certain faces, and not surprisingly all who get this treatment are not as over as the WWE would hope.

Uso's are the twin tag team version of Cena, Sheamus is the Irish stereotype version of Cena, Reigns is the millennial version of Cena, and so on.

I hadn't really looked at it like that, especially with Sheamus but i think that's because I haven't seen him wrestle for so long. I get that wwe like a good old fashioned come from behind victory. When all hope is lost, one man triumphs and all that shtick. But they are giving it to every face in the company. Like is there a real dominant face, no.
Daft as it sounds as they eventually went bust. WCW had an amazing time with Goldberg. He just slaughtered people in the ring. Got massive cheers and left without really playing up to the crowd. But they still loved him anyways. They dont need an overcome adversity in matches angle for every superstar going that is a face.
Maybe there is room for a Samoan family heel stable. Rocky, Roman and the Usos. Roman is going to be getting heat for the foreseeable so why not embrace it. The Rock doesn't need a title, but could be looking to cement his "family legacy", plus everyone knows how entertaining a heel Rock can be. Finally, give the Usos a run as heel Tag Team champs just to freshen them up.
Maybe there is room for a Samoan family heel stable. Rocky, Roman and the Usos. Roman is going to be getting heat for the foreseeable so why not embrace it. The Rock doesn't need a title, but could be looking to cement his "family legacy", plus everyone knows how entertaining a heel Rock can be. Finally, give the Usos a run as heel Tag Team champs just to freshen them up.

Would be an interesting idea down the road, and actually could be done to setup a Rock vs Roman match at some point as well, if possible. It would also give a change of direction to the Usos.

However, at this time, Reigns is in a push and the Usos are basically the only decent tag team in existence given how the Dusts have been de-pushed, Miz and Mizdow is close to running its course, and the Ascension have just come up...
I'm serious tired of them with the titles. When they were facing Rowan and Harper, it was awesome though, but they should of let Rowan and Harper had a run. My problem with them is I want to see them do some more damn moves! Most of their matches end the same way like 98% and has become boring to me. While I'll admit they have a cool factor and a seriousness about them as well, their promos are dry as hell. The WWE definitely need to build up the tag division because it's weak right now. I was hoping the WWE would do right by The Ascension despite they are garbage in the ring (mostly Konnor, but Viktor is alright). They had a cool entrance in NXT, but they did keep the cool theme ("Let The Battle Commence!" was better). They dropped the ball by turning them into LOD rip-offs and making Hawk turn in his grave. For now, I want Kidd and Cesaro to win the titles, The New Day don't do it for me, Los Matadores gimmick is trash, and I just want Stardust to turn on Goldust to bring back Cody Rhodes; in addition, I'm tired of seeing Sandow as Miz's stunt double. It's time for them to feud. The Lucha Dragons need to be called up ASAP! They have promising tag teams in NXT with some real talent: The Vaudevillians, Lucha Dragons, Buddy Murphy and Wesley Blake (they need a name), Jason Jordan and Tye Dillinger (although I heard reports of Jordan joining a stable), and Enzo and Big Cass (I think Big Cass will debut as a singles wrestler with Enzo being manager to him and Carmella). One thing I do like what they are doing with the teams now is making them correlate! I hated names like Jeri-Show, Rybaxel, and whatever the fuck, lol. Anyway, The Usos need to bust out some damn new moves or something. Why not book them in ladder matches? They already book them in a cage match.
Here's whats funny about wrestling fans when it comes to champions. They're never actually happy.

They don't like the titles to be changed around very much because they go on about how it "devalues" the title but then they want everybody to hold said titles. It's really annoying

As for the Uso's. They're a solid team that really don't have bad matches, they're successful, the live crowds are pretty into them, and they seem to do a pretty good job with merch because i usually see some of the shirts in the crowd. So i really don't see a problem with them
By this logic Bryan is the bearded version of Cena. :banghead:

Anyway I like the Usos. I was on the bandwagon way back way they were still slumming it on Superstars/Main Event. My only issue is they lack are really uninteresting other then superkicking and jumping around. They need a E&C to prop up their Hardys act.
The Usos are just bland. They've been bland for a while. Actually they've always been bland but them being pushed to the forefront so prominently has shown how bland they are.

Aside from being the children of Rikishi, having the facepaint, doing the dance during their entrance and one of them being married to Naomi what memorable thing have they done. Don't get me wrong they're great in-ring competitors and you know you'll get a good match when they're on buy I honestly cannot think of a memorable match The Usos have been in.

Compare that to The Wolves in TNA or ReDRagon in ROH and they're kinda shit. I don't even watch ROH that much but Kyle O'Reilly and Bobby Fish have left more of an impression on me in about three matches and accompanying vignettes than The Usos have made in the last year.

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