My Plan to "Fix" WWE

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Dark Match Jobber
Ok, I'll just get right into it and answer anyone's questions later. This'll be pretty long, so bear with me.

First, retire the WWE Women's Title. No, I'm not sexist whatsoever. Yes, some of the women have great talent. Unfortunately, they seem to be expolited as "tits & ass" anyway and most of their segments are ridiculous and slow down the show. Let them be valets, ring announcers, interviewers, etc. Just some sort of on-air personality (as well as their out-of-the-ring "modeling") and never, or very rarely, stepping into the ring. To replace this belt, move the ECW Championship to Monday Night Raw. It would serve as a glorified "Hardcore Title" minus the 24/7 rule. All hardcore matches within the Raw brand would be called "Extreme Rules". Likewise, all hardcore matches within the Friday Night SmackDown brand would be called simply "Hardcore". No real difference, it's just to make it sound special. So, the title picture would look like this:

Monday Night Raw:
WWE Championship
WWE Intercontinental Title
ECW Championship
World Tag Team Titles

Friday Night SmackDown:
World Heavyweight Championship
WWE United States Title
WWE Cruiserweight Title
WWE Tag Team Titles

This means, of course, killing off ECW on Sci-Fi. Anyone who wants out, let them out. No harm, no foul, release them. Anyone who wants to stay, disperse them between Raw and SmackDown to even out the number of Superstars per roster as balanced as possible. Split everyone behind-the-scenes up between Raw and SmackDown as well, making cuts where nessacary. There's four referees, so send two to each other show. The members of the roster who don't compete will have to find some on-air role, I assume. Other than the title on Raw, no trace of ECW will be left in the current WWE.

Now, each brand has five exclusive PPV events and they both share five PPV events. Here's how it would look:

Monday Night Raw:
January - New Year's Revolution
April - Backlash
June - Bad Blood
July - Vengeance
September - Unforgiven

Friday Night SmackDown:
February - No Way Out
May - Judgment Day
June - One Night Stand
October - No Mercy
December - Armageddon

January - Royal Rumble
March/April - WrestleMania
August - SummerSlam
October/November - Cyber Sunday
November - Survivor Series

Once or twice a year, they hold a Saturday Night's Main Event on NBC. It should be a PPV-quality show for two hours and neutral between the brands. Those one or two occasions, plus the five aforemetioned pay-per-views (6-7 times per year), Raw and SmackDown cross-promote. "Raw vs. SmackDown" matches, but never cross-title defenses. Maybe some preliminary "invasions" to further the storylines as well. Otherwise, Raw and SmackDown stay 100% SEPERATE. Even tour schedules, never even in the same city at the same time.

Furthermore, the developmental territories should be exclusive. DSW: Deep South Wrestling is Raw's exclusive "breeding ground" and OVW: Ohio Valley Wrestling is SmackDown's exclusive "breeding ground". Adjust their rosters to accomodate this.

HEaT is taped before Raw, Velocity is taped before SmackDown, and both are webcasted online at and, respectively. A new HEaT each Sunday and a new Velocity each Saturday. This should make sure that WWE offers only 4 regular hours of televised programming a week (the USA Network and the CW Network) with all other shows entirely cancelled. Raw would still feature the "SmackDown Lowdown" and SmackDown would still feature the "Raw Rebound", in case you missed the highlights.

Then, make any cost-reducing cuts needed, and you're all set! This even 50/50 split of everything would make organization and business much easier and give more emphasis on the brand extension. Also, the 6 or 7 cross-promotions would seem more special and push the "Civil War within WWE, between Raw and SmackDown" angle, as it would promote Raw and SmackDown as being each other's only recognized competiton.

Any thoughts?
let me be the first to say that would suck!

they cant get rid of the womens title do u no how many women watch wwe taking away the title is like shooting the viewers they wont come back!
I don't think WWE needs your help on running their company. Your ideas totally suck. FYI the Women's title is the WWE's oldest title, they have had it since 1956. If they haven't gotten rid of it in over 50 years, what makes you think they will get rid of it now.
I think your plan is a bit of a joke sorry to say.

First off, the Women's title is deserved, and many have proven to be entertaining Women's champions in recent memory. Just think Trish Stratus, Mickie James, Victoria ... The Women's division is getting better with the recent divas training more and more, and better divas coming in.

Then, like many others, I would say that the tag team titles of both brands should be merged into one. This one give more credibility to the tag team division of the WWE, and the champions could defend on every show, which could be great. Start it off with a TLC or Tag Team Turmoil Undisputed World Tag Team Championship match at Wrestlemania between WGTT, Cryme Tyme, MNM, Hardyz, London and Kendrick, and Deuce and Domino (makes a lot, but these are the deserving teams). The brands should therefore not be completely separated.

The last point I wanted to make was about ECW and its championship. Don't get rid of ECW. On the contrary, add the TV Title to the show, to help train young superstars and give them credibility. The ECW Championship as a Hardcore Title on Raw makes absolutely no sense. You have obviously not understood what the new ECW is about, or even what the old ECW was about in fact. It's not about hardcore matches you know. You think guys like Tazz or Shane Douglas were masters with barbed wire baseball bats ? And what about the new champions like Lashley or Show ? No way. It is a heavyweight division, and I, like JR and not many others, think that we should give ECW time to grow. If you don't like it, don't watch it, but let it grow on its own.
i honestly say that Vince should obviously give heyman ECW back to him seeing as no matter how hard Vince wants to keep up his "New Vision" bullshit, its still gonna suck and die in his hands and it will be known as a major failure in his hands. Aslo, he should get rid of that stupid brand seperation and have every wrestler go against each other as it was back then, simple as that. Get better writers who dont act like little children and destroy wrestlers names and their talents. If anyone doesnt know, im refering to RVD's case. Or just get better writers in general. Better wreslters, big fuckin Dur right there. More Stephanie Mcmahon air time cuz she's just hot!
To be honest with you I don't see what your plan does to really change WWE. There's not much that's that different or innovative from what WWE is doing now. It's more of a lateral movement.

All WWE needs is one big, really well done storyline to get it going again (and frankly there's not that much wrong with it now).
The only thing I really cared to see in the plan was the abolishing of the Women's Division. It's been a joke for a very long time and it's gotten progressively worse since McMahon stopped actually looking for wrestlers to make it up with, and instead let fans vote on the hottest, half-plastic airheads to comprise it. If I want to see badly acted segments involving half-naked women who roll around on the floor with each other in a completely disjointed fashion, then that's what internet porn is for. NOT a wrestling show.

Well, and killing off ECW would be another fine idea. I've given up on it a long time ago and it should be put out of its misery as it is obviously the best Vince McMahon concept since the XFL.
The only thing I really cared to see in the plan was the abolishing of the Women's Division. It's been a joke for a very long time and it's gotten progressively worse since McMahon stopped actually looking for wrestlers to make it up with, and instead let fans vote on the hottest, half-plastic airheads to comprise it. If I want to see badly acted segments involving half-naked women who roll around on the floor with each other in a completely disjointed fashion, then that's what internet porn is for. NOT a wrestling show.

Well, and killing off ECW would be another fine idea. I've given up on it a long time ago and it should be put out of its misery as it is obviously the best Vince McMahon concept since the XFL.

I would never can the womens division, they just need to put some better talent there. Mickie can wrestle, Melina is getting better and they need to bring back beth phoenix and get candace to improve as she has show some potential to. It won't take much to get it better, just a matter if he wants to.
I think your plan is a bit of a joke sorry to say.

First off, the Women's title is deserved, and many have proven to be entertaining Women's champions in recent memory. Just think Trish Stratus, Mickie James, Victoria ... The Women's division is getting better with the recent divas training more and more, and better divas coming in.

Then, like many others, I would say that the tag team titles of both brands should be merged into one. This one give more credibility to the tag team division of the WWE, and the champions could defend on every show, which could be great. Start it off with a TLC or Tag Team Turmoil Undisputed World Tag Team Championship match at Wrestlemania between WGTT, Cryme Tyme, MNM, Hardyz, London and Kendrick, and Deuce and Domino (makes a lot, but these are the deserving teams). The brands should therefore not be completely separated.

The last point I wanted to make was about ECW and its championship. Don't get rid of ECW. On the contrary, add the TV Title to the show, to help train young superstars and give them credibility. The ECW Championship as a Hardcore Title on Raw makes absolutely no sense. You have obviously not understood what the new ECW is about, or even what the old ECW was about in fact. It's not about hardcore matches you know. You think guys like Tazz or Shane Douglas were masters with barbed wire baseball bats ? And what about the new champions like Lashley or Show ? No way. It is a heavyweight division, and I, like JR and not many others, think that we should give ECW time to grow. If you don't like it, don't watch it, but let it grow on its own.

Someone I can actually agree with lol.

You pretty much took the words right out of my mouth. What I agree with the most is the ECW part of your post. I believe that if you give something time to expand, it can ultimitley happen. ECW may appear as a joke show as of now, but give it time and it could be a great one, easily.
Thats a pretty bad plan if you were to do that TNA would run past Wwe in ratings <_<

Exactly :icon_wink:

Haha... I'm sorry, I knew I'd get a lot of heat for my comments on the Women's Division. Just my opinion.

I know my "plan" won't drastically change WWE, but it'll give the promotion some clean organization. If you get some more creative and inspired writers, it would be great. Focus more on the talent and less on ridiculous outsiders (K-Fed, Donald Trump, etc.) and the product would improve dramatically.
I would never can the womens division, they just need to put some better talent there. Mickie can wrestle, Melina is getting better and they need to bring back beth phoenix and get candace to improve as she has show some potential to. It won't take much to get it better, just a matter if he wants to.
I suppose, man. However, anytime I put in a match between Madusa, Gail Kim, Akira Hokuto, Luna Vachon, Jazz, Molly, or Bull Nakano it just pisses me off to no end because the best effort I see put forth on WWE tv these days is what I'd consider to be light-years behind anything done by any of the ladies I've mentioned. I just wish that it wasn't all about scouting for women that are better suited for wet t-shirt contests than wrestling. I still have faith in Victoria, though. She's the saving grace of consistency for that division, for my tastes. Even if she has a bum knee, I still find her performances to be very crisp by comparison to her cohorts in the division. Who knows? Maybe they'll scout some indies or something. I just can't stand another damn "diva search." Those go hand in hand wasting airtime with any segment involving Khali.
I have to dissagree with you about Khali, Kasey. I love him. I've come to realise that he's there for a while. And WWE is also going to be shit until TNA get two hour's and really step up there game.

Khali is shit, so I've decided to embrace him to my bossom. I find that the one thing that will always keep my attention is a shit match. Blow's spot's and shit match's are Khali's forte. He's unmatched in the bad wrestler stake's. Viscera could wrestle ring's round him. And Jeff Hardy jump's about a lot so it's inevitable he's going to blow spot's.

A great pure wrestling contest is prefered but if you cant have the best, have the worst. Give Khali 10 minute's at each T.V. taping and P.P.V. Dont tell him what to do, just send him out.

Entertainment personified.
I don't think WWE needs your help on running their company. Your ideas totally suck. FYI the Women's title is the WWE's oldest title, they have had it since 1956. If they haven't gotten rid of it in over 50 years, what makes you think they will get rid of it now.

Lets be serious for a minute here.

Sure the guys plans to "fix" the unbroken are silly, but do not act like the Women's Championship has been an integral part of the WWF/E since 1956. For one, the title didn't change hands for 28 freakin' years.

After the belts re-emergence in 1984, it essentially disappeared again from 1988-1993. The title was then essentially MIA from 1995-1998.

Melina could pretty much quit carrying the title on TV or be removed from TV without any mention of the Women's Title. Then, 3 or 5 years from now could come back with no mention of it and few would notice.

But I like the current state of the womens division. I don't care if they can't really wrestle, they look good sucking.
Ok, I'll just get right into it and answer anyone's questions later. This'll be pretty long, so bear with me.

First, retire the WWE Women's Title. No, I'm not sexist whatsoever. Yes, some of the women have great talent. Unfortunately, they seem to be expolited as "t&a" anyway and most of their segments are ridiculous and slow down the show. Let them be valets, ring announcers, interviewers, etc. Just some sort of on-air personality (as well as their out-of-the-ring "modeling") and never, or very rarely, stepping into the ring. To replace this belt, move the ECW Championship to Monday Night Raw. It would serve as a glorified "Hardcore Title" minus the 24/7 rule. All hardcore matches within the Raw brand would be called "Extreme Rules". Likewise, all hardcore matches within the Friday Night SmackDown brand would be called simply "Hardcore". No real difference, it's just to make it sound special. So, the title picture would look like this:

Monday Night Raw:
WWE Championship
WWE Intercontinental Title
ECW Championship
World Tag Team Titles

Friday Night SmackDown:
World Heavyweight Championship
WWE United States Title
WWE Cruiserweight Title
WWE Tag Team Titles

This means, of course, killing off ECW on Sci-Fi. Anyone who wants out, let them out. No harm, no foul, release them. Anyone who wants to stay, disperse them between Raw and SmackDown to even out the number of Superstars per roster as balanced as possible. Split everyone behind-the-scenes up between Raw and SmackDown as well, making cuts where nessacary. There's four referees, so send two to each other show. The members of the roster who don't compete will have to find some on-air role, I assume. Other than the title on Raw, no trace of ECW will be left in the current WWE.

Now, each brand has five exclusive PPV events and they both share five PPV events. Here's how it would look:

Monday Night Raw:
January - New Year's Revolution
April - Backlash
June - Bad Blood
July - Vengeance
September - Unforgiven

Friday Night SmackDown:
February - No Way Out
May - Judgment Day
June - The Great American Bash
October - No Mercy
December - Armageddon

January - Royal Rumble
March/April - WrestleMania
August - SummerSlam
October/November - Cyber Sunday
November - Survivor Series

Once or twice a year, they hold a Saturday Night's Main Event on NBC. It should be a PPV-quality show for two hours and neutral between the brands. Those one or two occasions, plus the five aforemetioned pay-per-views (6-7 times per year), Raw and SmackDown cross-promote. "Raw vs. SmackDown" matches, but never cross-title defenses. Maybe some preliminary "invasions" to further the storylines as well. Otherwise, Raw and SmackDown stay 100% SEPERATE. Even tour schedules, never even in the same city at the same time.

Furthermore, the developmental territories should be exclusive. DSW: Deep South Wrestling is Raw's exclusive "breeding ground" and OVW: Ohio Valley Wrestling is SmackDown's exclusive "breeding ground". Adjust their rosters to accomodate this.

HEaT is taped before Raw, Velocity is taped before SmackDown, and both are webcasted online at and, respectively. A new HEaT each Sunday and a new Velocity each Saturday. This should make sure that WWE offers only 4 regular hours of televised programming a week (the USA Network and the CW Network) with all other shows entirely cancelled. Raw would still feature the "SmackDown Lowdown" and SmackDown would still feature the "Raw Rebound", in case you missed the highlights.

Then, make any cost-reducing cuts needed, and you're all set! This even 50/50 split of everything would make organization and business much easier and give more emphasis on the brand extension. Also, the 6 or 7 cross-promotions would seem more special and push the "Civil War within WWE, between Raw and SmackDown" angle, as it would promote Raw and SmackDown as being each other's only recognized competiton.

Any thoughts?

Okay. First off, the brand extension is a failure, regardless what anyone sees of it. And if you really think that the women's title should be taken out and that would fix their problems, then you are seriously messed up my friend. And regardless what anyone says, the belts are to the point where they mean little to nothing in value. The WWE title blows. The old WCW belt/World Heavyweight Title is barely hanging on. The IC belt is hanging by a thread. The tag team titles have become useless. The US and Cruiserweight belts, nobody even knows who the hell has them and if they do, they have a hard time remembering. ECW is the worst of the 3 brands and needs to be put out of it's misery. That world title now holds as much value as a toy belt you can pick up at a Wal-Mart.

The WWE wants to fix themselves, here's what you do. Cut down on the Soap Opera BS. Not completely but enough to give a little more focus back on the match quality. The matches are watered down. The wrestlers are slow and holding back their potential. It's disgraceful. I'm all for the WWE needing fixing, but try focusing on where the real problems are. Not solutions that would just make it worse.
The WWE should focus more on match quality, and they should have random fueds, and not just John Cena having the title forever. The WWE, World Heavyweight, and ECW Titles should unify, and have the champion be able to go to whatever show he wants, like it was in 2001, because it would create better matches, instead of long drawn out fueds, like John Cena vs. Edge, and DX vs. The McMahons.
I agree with every other person who has responded in this thread about your "plan" making WWE even worse then it already is.

My Plan
In my own opionion, to "fix" the WWE, end the brand extension. The World Heavyweight Championship isn't really too shabby to the company, so drop that and let the WWE Championship be the company's #1 Championship like it already is. This would open up the competition for the Championship rather then seeing the same old garbage of Cena vs. Edge or Cena holding the title for way too long. This would also open up more exciting matches and bring back some old exciting ones (6-Pack Challange, Armageddon Hell In A Cell, Fatal Four Ways, etc). As for the IC and US title, have a match that would merge the 2 Championships and keep the name WWE Intercontinental Championship as it has a very good history. The Tag Team Championships can also be merged and just keep the name WWE Tag Team Championships, because why have "World Tag Team Championships" or "World Heavyweight Champion". The company is laballed "WWE", not "World". Keep the WWE Women's Championship as there are up-and-coming female performers that keep that part of the roster living. Also keep around the WWE Cruiserweight Championship (possible name change back to WWE Light Heavyweight Championship) because the little guys that aren't quite IC Title division need something to work their ass off for. Bring back the WWE Hardcore Championship WITH the 24/7 Defending Rule. That was an interesting part of wrestling when I frst started watching. I loved seeing the current WWE Hardcore Champion being interviewed, then suddenly cracked with a chair and pinned. It was an exciting part of the show and it brought out some good quality matches (Hardcore Match mostly, Time Limit Title Match, Anywhere Falls Match, etc).

What do you think of my plan to "fix" the WWE?
I have to dissagree with you about Khali, Kasey. I love him. I've come to realise that he's there for a while. And WWE is also going to be shit until TNA get two hour's and really step up there game.

Khali is shit, so I've decided to embrace him to my bossom. I find that the one thing that will always keep my attention is a shit match. Blow's spot's and shit match's are Khali's forte. He's unmatched in the bad wrestler stake's. Viscera could wrestle ring's round him. And Jeff Hardy jump's about a lot so it's inevitable he's going to blow spot's.

A great pure wrestling contest is prefered but if you cant have the best, have the worst. Give Khali 10 minute's at each T.V. taping and P.P.V. Dont tell him what to do, just send him out.

Entertainment personified.
HAHAHAHAHA! That's a hilarious way to think of it, Jake. He's like Owen Hart, except he's not having bad matches on's just natural. Entertainment personified. That's genius, man. I'm still on the other side of the fence...but every time I see him suck ass in the ring, I'll be thinking of you and trying not to fall off of my sofa from laughing my ass silly.
As yourself this question Kasey.

World Heavyweight Champion: Batista or Khali?

They both suck. There both slow (in the ring not mentally). There both shit on the mic but Khali's promo's are hilarious. But Khali never does spot's therefore he never blow's them. Khali for the top dog spot on Smackdown? I'm there.
Have you been smoking funny cigarettes?! Batista and Khali should be fired on the spot, no sneding them for development, they should be fired! they cannnot wrestle, its ridicolous what your saying.
Not really. You obviously did'nt read the post properly. I stated that they both suck. But WWE is going to push them hard anyway. So I'd prefer Khali over Batista as World Champion. I did'nt say fire Benoit, Finlay etc. Pure wrestling's dead. The point I was making is WWE's going to push big, muscular guy's anyway. Main event's are going to suck so why not make them more awful by using Khali, and therefore making them more entertaining.
Well, your plan isn't much difference than what WWE is doing now. The woman's division is pretty much dead. There's two women that can wrestle; Mickie James and Victoria. All the rest of divas and can't put on good matches. They are just there for show. Killing off ECW is a good thing, because that's just a waste.

What they need to do, is end the seperate brands. The only reason why WWE did this is because they had no competition. Now, WWE has competition with TNA and WSX. So, that's all the more reason to end the seperate brands. Because now, the titles are complete jokes. The titles don't mean shit. The WWE Champion John Cena can't wrestle, Batista has no charisma and Lashley has crappy in ring skills. In the past, title holders meant something and the wrestler truly deserved it. Now, it dosen't matter how good the wrestlers are, it's about who can they make into celebrities. And who's the most marketable so, they can sell merchandise. Another problem is that WWE is trying to relieve the glory days of the Attitude Era, but, what WWE dosen't realize that we wrestle fans don't want to relive the past. We don't care about seeing DX again. Because let's face it, the new DX is lame. We want something new, something fresh. Wrestling fans realized this in the mid 1990s, that wrestling needed to change. Now, WWE needs to reinvent itself, and make something new.
I agree. Today, it's not about the wrestling. It's about the entertainment. Strictly about looks, and attitude. Not about actual skills. Skills is nothing anymore. They rather have a white rapper with hardly any skills, over a blander character with excellent ring skills. Why? Because it sells. It makes Vincent Kennedy McMahon THE CASH. And let's face it. It is a point. Then it starts to get bland, and crappy. 2007...what is going to happen to the WWE? Are they going to continue their bland, crappy ways for another entire year? Are they going to let Cena hold the belt until people start to throw up, for a whole nother year? Give the belt to fresh, yet deserving talent. Randy Orton would be a great champion. I don't like the guys character, but he is fit for the WWE title at this point in his career. He is over with the crowd, and is still young with good in ring ability.

So WWE does need to change something. Change it up. Give Undertaker the WHT, and give HBK the WWE Title. That's what I want to see.
I agree. Today, it's not about the wrestling. It's about the entertainment. Strictly about looks, and attitude. Not about actual skills. Skills is nothing anymore. They rather have a white rapper with hardly any skills, over a blander character with excellent ring skills. Why? Because it sells. It makes Vincent Kennedy McMahon THE CASH. And let's face it. It is a point. Then it starts to get bland, and crappy. 2007...what is going to happen to the WWE? Are they going to continue their bland, crappy ways for another entire year? Are they going to let Cena hold the belt until people start to throw up, for a whole nother year? Give the belt to fresh, yet deserving talent. Randy Orton would be a great champion. I don't like the guys character, but he is fit for the WWE title at this point in his career. He is over with the crowd, and is still young with good in ring ability.

So WWE does need to change something. Change it up. Give Undertaker the WHT, and give HBK the WWE Title. That's what I want to see.

Cena is being forced down our throats. The popularity of the kind of babyface that Cena is died long ago. People hate the "clean" babyfaces. I mean by "clean" babyface are faces that were in wrestling in 1980s like Hulk Hogan. When the mid-1990s came, people started to get sick of Hogan always winning and saving the day. That's why they made Hogan go into the nWo and turn him heel, to completely change his character. And that's what the fans wanted, something new, fresh. That's what they need to do with Cena, Cena's got stale, repetitive, not just in ring, but, on the mic as well. To be honest, I think they've ran out of ideas to do with Cena's character. So, Cena is just sitting doing nothing with the WWE title, which explains the non-entertaining wrestling product.

But, they need to give young guys chances to have the WWE and World titles, because in a few years, guys like Michaels, Undertaker, HHH are going to either be on a light schedule or retired completely because they are close or in their 40s. So, once they're gone, who's going to carry WWE? They need push young talent, so, they carry the future of WWE, into a new generation.
My 2 cents.
I think WWE needs a lot of "fixing" and you didn't do much to fix it. I agree with you about the womens division slowly down television though...I think something needs to be done about it but not eliminating it.
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