My Phone Company Sucks...


When I got my new plan with m phone company, they told me my monthly bill would be about $39, plus tax. A few weeks ago, I had a complaint, as they has canceled my old account instead of just changing my number, like I asked. I'd lost all credit because of it, and I couldn't get a new phone because of it. I called, and they saw the mistake, and offered me $200 credit. That was fine.

I went to get my phone, and they then told me I only had $150 credit for a new phone, so I hadto pay even more for my phone, but they told me that other $50 would be credited off my next bill. I was a little upset, but I'd accept it.

I just got my bill: It was $113. I'm pissed. Most of the shit I got souldn't even be there. Hardware change, which I was never informed of. They added all my plans together for one sum o money, and then charged me for everything as individual afterwards. And I never got the $50 credit. Lucky for me, my roomate works for my phone compny, so she's going to look at my bill and try to figure it out. If she can't, I'm fucking leaving them. I'm uber pissed right now.

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