my ongoing Facebook conversation with the National Association for Gun Rights


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens
Cory Allen

I am all for people's right to have guns for defense of home, family & self but where I draw the line is when come psycho can get an automatic weapon and shoot up a school for no reason.*

What about a parents right to send their child to elementary school and not worry about them getting shot?

I am not for taking away guns entirely. That does go against the 2nd ammendment and I do not want to start down the slope of taking away guaranteed rights.

What I pray & hope for is laws that make it harder for people who will only misuse them to get them.

Saturday at 2:49pm

National Association for Gun Rights

Those laws you're talking about just don't work. Criminals and homicidal lunatics don't obey the laws. Reality is at no other time in human history have we gathered all of our children together for 8 hours a day and then issued a public guarantee that they will be defenseless. That's flat out crazy. If we post armed guards to keep "important people" safe, we should absolutely post them at schools to keep our kids safe. That would start to make a difference, instead of making our kids victims.

25 minutes ago*·*Sent from Web

Cory Allen

I agree 100% that we should have armed guards at schools

We have countless homeless veterans that I am sure would love to have the job of protecting our children.

21 minutes ago

National Association for Gun Rights

Not to mention parents with Concealed carry permits. I'd volunteer at my kids' school one day a week to walk the halls if it meant keeping them safe. The problem isn't availability of able bodied guards; it's the mindset of the media who lump law abiding citizens with guns with homicidal lunatics.

9 minutes ago*·*Sent from Web

Cory Allen

The liberal media does do that and I don't agree at all.

But on the other hand the right is acting like all people who disagree with them are trying to ban all guns across the board.

There has to be equal ground where everyone is happy and I hope it's found before more children die

Just now
I don't see why we all can't just take a psychological evaluation before obtaining a gun permit. Will it eliminate the problem entirely? No. But it has to be a better choice than to have armed people you don't know around your kids 5 days of the week, surely.
Then people would complain they shouldn't have to see a shrink to own a gun.

That idea solves 2 problems at once
People are going to complain regardless. I'd rather take the test than let my kid be escorted around a building with what I hope is a perfectly sane adult carrying a killing machine. If a test could keep one sick fuck from obtaining a gun, then I would say it was a successful venture.

Just how I feel about it. There's no real answer to any of this that will make everyone happy.
I don't see why we all can't just take a psychological evaluation before obtaining a gun permit. Will it eliminate the problem entirely? No. But it has to be a better choice than to have armed people you don't know around your kids 5 days of the week, surely.

Over here they introduced the gun-owner's exam a few years ago. I'm not 100% on the exact specifications, but you're only allowed a certain number (no assault rifles, obviously). My dad owns a .38 revolver, a .303 rifle and two .22's, but he gets a +2 or +3, because he's a member of a local shooting range.
Over here they introduced the gun-owner's exam a few years ago. I'm not 100% on the exact specifications, but you're only allowed a certain number (no assault rifles, obviously). My dad owns a .38 revolver, a .303 rifle and two .22's, but he gets a +2 or +3, because he's a member of a local shooting range.

Good job there are no major South African celebrities on trial for murder via shooting at the moment then.
I could send my kids to school and guarantee they wouldn't get shot. No armed guards.
Sure, guns have rights- but what about lamps? Who is going to speak on behalf of all those poor & defenseless table lamps, slaughtered at the hands of drunken college students each year? Who will shine the light of justice on their troubles?
Good job there are no major South African celebrities on trial for murder via shooting at the moment then.

He did two desk-pops prior to the shooting - once at a restaurant and once in a convertible. He still kept his licence.
These young blood have no idea that they have opened a Milenko thread....

Ah the virgins!
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He did two desk-pops prior to the shooting - once at a restaurant and once in a convertible. He still kept his licence.

The best way to ensure that less lunatics get guns would be to make the whole process very cumbersome, with added bureaucracy and the need of obtaining clearances from a lot of places, so that only those who really need it will go through the hard process of trying to obtain it. Instable people, i.e. the type that go around shooting in schools won't have the patience to go through the whole process. Some limitations have to be imposed on the fundamental rights, if it is for the welfare and safeguard of the very people whom the fundamental rights are meant to protect.
I don't see why we all can't just take a psychological evaluation before obtaining a gun permit. Will it eliminate the problem entirely? No. But it has to be a better choice than to have armed people you don't know around your kids 5 days of the week, surely.
Americans don't have to do that?
The best way to ensure that less lunatics get guns would be to make the whole process very cumbersome, with added bureaucracy and the need of obtaining clearances from a lot of places, so that only those who really need it will go through the hard process of trying to obtain it. Instable people, i.e. the type that go around shooting in schools won't have the patience to go through the whole process. Some limitations have to be imposed on the fundamental rights, if it is for the welfare and safeguard of the very people whom the fundamental rights are meant to protect.

The psychos will just get illegal firearms.
See that's the thing I don't get. They always say 'criminals' will always get there hands on guns no matter what even if it's illegal. But these depressed/mentally ill/psychotic teenagers aren't exactly 'criminals'. if they didn't have such easy, fast access to guns you wouldn't have seen any school shootings to the magnitude that you have.

Then again, I doubt it'll ever change. If nothing has been done after Sandy Hook (which combined everything wrong with having no gun control) then nothing will ever be done.
People don't realize that what those against guns are trying to do is not make it so you're not allowed to have them, but simply make people more aware, and also make it easier to regulate it, and at the same time make it a little less easier to acquire one. Which shouldn't be a problem for somebody who is legitimately looking to purchase the weapon for recreational purposes.

That means more background checks. A little more clearance. That's all.

These morons think Barrack Obama himself is going to come knock on their doors, burst in, search their house from head to toe and steal all their firearms. When in reality all they're going to do is make it more difficult for people like Adam Lanza and James Holmes from acquiring them. Maybe with more regulation, Lanza's mother would have never been allowed to purchase those weapons with the knowledge that they'd be in the same house as someone who is diagnosed with Asperger’s.

And the idea of having armed guards in schools is even more preposterous. What's next, are we going to get armed guards in our homes too? That's one of the most conservative things I've ever heard of.

My high school had it's own officer assigned to patrol it all day long. Well...not really the high school, but the entire district. The way my schools were set up is the elementary school, middle school, and high school were all lined up next to each other on basically the same road. And the township had an officer patrolling that entire road all day long, usually spending a lot of time in the buildings as well. So if something were to happen, he'd be right there.

The psychos will just get illegal firearms.

Yeah, I don't know about you...but I wouldn't even know where to start with buying a gun illegally. What do I do post an ad on craigslist? Yeah, gang members get guns. But we're not talking about gang crime. We're talking about mass shootings. Someone like Adam Lanza, a 20 year old with Asperger’s who doesn't leave the house, isn't going to be able to go out and buy some gun off the street.

Yes, Lanza did get his hands on guns, but that goes back into what I said earlier about making people more aware. Lock up your guns, hide them even. Don't make them so they can easily be broken into and stolen, or found by your children. That right there is more important than actually regulating the purchase of weapons.
People don't realize that what those against guns are trying to do is not make it so you're not allowed to have them, but simply make people more aware, and also make it easier to regulate it, and at the same time make it a little less easier to acquire one. Which shouldn't be a problem for somebody who is legitimately looking to purchase the weapon for recreational purposes.

That means more background checks. A little more clearance. That's all.

These morons think Barrack Obama himself is going to come knock on their doors, burst in, search their house from head to toe and steal all their firearms. When in reality all they're going to do is make it more difficult for people like Adam Lanza and James Holmes from acquiring them. Maybe with more regulation, Lanza's mother would have never been allowed to purchase those weapons with the knowledge that they'd be in the same house as someone who is diagnosed with Asperger’s.

And the idea of having armed guards in schools is even more preposterous. What's next, are we going to get armed guards in our homes too? That's one of the most conservative things I've ever heard of.

My high school had it's own officer assigned to patrol it all day long. Well...not really the high school, but the entire district. The way my schools were set up is the elementary school, middle school, and high school were all lined up next to each other on basically the same road. And the township had an officer patrolling that entire road all day long, usually spending a lot of time in the buildings as well. So if something were to happen, he'd be right there.

Yeah, I don't know about you...but I wouldn't even know where to start with buying a gun illegally. What do I do post an ad on craigslist? Yeah, gang members get guns. But we're not talking about gang crime. We're talking about mass shootings. Someone like Adam Lanza, a 20 year old with Asperger’s who doesn't leave the house, isn't going to be able to go out and buy some gun off the street.

Yes, Lanza did get his hands on guns, but that goes back into what I said earlier about making people more aware. Lock up your guns, hide them even. Don't make them so they can easily be broken into and stolen, or found by your children. That right there is more important than actually regulating the purchase of weapons.

Another big problem with the public/media in the States and around the world - they don't really understand mental health. Aspergers would never lead to someone gunning down a school. Lanza had A LOT of other mental health issues on top of this. He had Aspergers - which is on the Autism scale. That has nothing to do with being violent.
I'd be open to mental health evaluations for gun ownership. It wouldn't solve everything but it's a good start.

If people were responsible with their guns things like Sandy Hook and Columbine would be less likely to happen. Would it phase out all school shootings? Certainly not but having easy access like the people in those events had certainly made it easier for them to carry out those attacks. Those guns should have never been in reach of those shooters.

Plus you hear/read so many stories about small children who get their hands on guns because they're left laying out. That's ridiculous.

A couple years ago my dad had some sort of mental breakdown. I'm not really sure of all the details but he was hospitalized and while he was there my step mom, aunt and uncle went to my dad and step mom's house and took all his guns out of the house and locked them up somewhere so he wouldn't have access to them. Because that was the responsible thing to do.

Background/mental health checks and responsibility would go a long way to help prevent people being shot.

As far as getting illegal guns I may not be able to get one on my own but I know some people that could probably get me one if I really wanted it.

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