My New Wrestling Youtube Channel


Pre-Show Stalwart
I don't really have much to say besides the fact that i just recently started my own Youtube where i will be discussing wrestling. I thought i would post it here on Wrestlezone to try to get some views as well as invite people to discuss wrestling on my videos. I did my first video, it's nothing special. It was all one take with zero edits so i do make a few mistakes while talking but just work with me. If you could check it out and just contribute to the discussion it would be appreciated. In my first video i discuss a controversial topic, rather The Rock deserves a championship match. I'm interested in what you have to say, so thanks for reading this.
You could make a thread on that topic seeing as that's the point of a wrestling forum.
Is that your normal speaking voice? It sounded like you were trying really hard to be quiet and it distracted me.

It wasn't bad for a first video though.
I might have been. Towards the end i was more chill about it. I was more just focused on not messing up my words. lol
That's cool. I watched, commented and subbed. It will be interesting to see what people have to say since you picked a subject that people seem so extreme about.

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