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My, my.... Why so fickle with Eric Escobar, Vinnie?


The Shark Should've Worked in WCW
from F4WOnline.come said:
- The word is that WWE has pretty much given up on the push of Eric Escobar as he’s been working more in FCW as of late. WWE may find another role for Vickie Guerrero unless things with Escobar turn around.

Well, that was fast, wasn't it? I mean, I didn't particularly care all too much for the guy, but it seems this guys stint on Smackdown may have already been put to a kaput. Wasn't this guy in FCW for four years or something? I mean, I understand you shouldn't give this guy a main event push, but I don't particularly see what was so wrong with how he was portrayed on television. The guy seems to have paid his dues.... Is this, indeed, a rash and fickle move by Vince?

Personally, I just don't get the logic. The guy's young, and has a bit of talent. It's not even like the guy had too much of a chance with the Smackdown brand, and at the very least, he could've been demoted to ECW. But sending the guy to FCW? Is the Vince being Vince?
More erratic behavior from Vince McMahon. I don't know how Stephanie does it, and I don't know how Linda and Shane did it for all those years. It's no wonder they left.

Multiple methods for training in place in WWE to test and develop talent to ensure they are ready.

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Why is there any excuse for giving someone the green light to go to the Main Roster, if they aren't ready, especially with all those developmental methods in place to ensure they are ready to go? There is no excuse.

Escobar must have really rubbed Master Vince the wrong way, if he's being sent down to FCW from Smackdown, instead of ECW, as you said, Tenta. He probably didn't ask Vince if he wanted any coffee one night. It was all downhill from there.

You remember Crazy Vince from a few years ago? Well, this is what he's really like backstage today.

While I agree it is probably a bit harsh, I didn't really see the appeal of Eric Escobar. He has a generic look, and looked kind of out of shape, and didn't really impress me at all. He will probably show up somewhere again soon, but I can't see him being as successful as guys like Drew McIntyre, Sheamus, or Yoshi Tatsu
He probably didn't ask Vince if he wanted any coffee one night. It was all downhill from there.

That's the only thing I can think of Sidious. I mean, the guy got the Shane Douglas treatment, and even Douglas lasted a good four to five months. This guy only had enough time to get a decent win over Matt Hardy, and that's pretty much it. The guy wasn't given promo time, and wasn't given a full chance to show exactly what he could do. And like you said, Siddy (Hope you don't mind that), the WWE has plenty of chances to give him some time away from television. The guy had four years in FCW.

Is this a case of Vince's emotions getting the better of him, or did Eric really perform that poorly?
Now that I think about it, he got screwed by being put with Vickie Guerrero. While she may be the best out-of-ring heat draw-er (God that was awful) in recent memory, everyone was too busy booing her out of the building to give a shit about Escobar. The fact that she drew all of his heat combined with not doing anything to stand out in the ring are a perfect combo to get someone sent back to Florida
LOL, not to sound like a douche, but i'm glad. I was wondering what happened to him, because he hasn't shown his face since he lost to Matt. Anyway, I didn't like the guy at all, and it wasn't because he's a heel or anything like that, I just couldn't stand the guy. I found him really annoying, especially with the way he walked out to the ring. His music was gay, and he had no charisma, Vickie had it all. Well, BYE Eric!!!! Good riddens.
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LOL, not to sound like a douche, but i'm glad. I was wondering what happened to him, because he hasn't shown his face since he lost to Matt. Anyway, I didn't like the guy at all, and it wasn't because he's a heel or anything like that, I just couldn't stand the guy. I found him really annoying, especially with the way he walked out to the ring. His music was gay, and he had no charisma, Vickie had it all. Well, BYE Eric!!!! Good riddens.

This is exactly what I'm talking about.

You hated his walk to the ring? Really? If that's the best reason you find for disliking the guy, I suggest you try to find either another wrestler to troll, or find another hobby.

I can understand if the guy was totally inept in the ring, but he wasn't that horrendous, at all. I found him really good. No Charisma? Could that be because you only saw the guy for one fucking month? I mean, I'd understand if you had a legitimate reason for disliking the guy, but come on now, you're saying you dislike the guy because of music. It's not like that's his choice. That fell on Jim Johnston and Vince.
At this moment, I cannot really tell if this was/is a good idea or a bad idea. Eric Escobar seemed like your average big guy wrestler, without much going for him that represented any type of uniqueness. He was given like 3 or 4 matches on TV, so we haven't really gotten much of a chance to see what this guy could bring to the table.

When I first saw that he was being paired with Vickie, I thought that WWE was making or atleast attempting to make a star out of him. If any manager in this day and age could turn you into a star, I assumed it'd be Vickie, but I guess not. It seemed like the heat she was getting was just left-over from her time managering Smackdown and Raw.

I just don't get how Vince McMahon chooses which superstars from FCW are called up to the main roster when. I mean, I can name atleast half a dozen superstars from FCW that I think are ready to be on the main roster, but WWE has to make them wait and give people who aren't 100% ready the chance.
Vince has lost it. I don't when, but he did. Eric has been wrestling since 1998. In FCW for 4 years. What the hell did he do so bad that got his ass shipped back to FCW? If Vince didn't like him then why did he bother? He brought Vickie back, squashed Matt Hardy and now has nothing to show for it. Vince is too irrational sometimes and if his workers aren't yes men catering to his every whim then they might as well be paintings on the wall. Its a damn shame really cause I'm more than sure Eric isn't the only one to fall victim to McMahon's mood swings. One can only hope that somehow TNA and Hogan get their own shit together and actually take it to WWE. Because McMahon will always think about him self first as long as there's no close danger. For God's sake. These are people with dreams and he fills their heads with the idea of those dreams coming true only make them blow up in smoke just because of spilled milk. So Eric isn't appealing. Then again how are we supposed to know. He was on TV for only 4 weeks. He got no real change. He isn't the first one and he damn sure won't be the last.
Guy seemed bland as they come and didn't jump out at me at all. I won't lose any sleep over this. More time for guys like Morrison, Drew, and Knox.

As for what happened, I think I read a while back (Can't find the article, so take it with a grain of salt) that Escobar has a reputation of coming off as being mentally unstable and that it followed him to the main roster. I can understand how that reputation might affect him in the political mine-field of the WWE. If he is mentally unstable, I could imagine the big children that make up most of the roster in this profession being offput by such a disposition rather than sympathetic and helpful. I hope I'm wrong and misinformed though.
ive said it before i say it again.. he is nothing but a fat slob horrible on the mic and has no Charisma what so ever.. never seen a real move set from besides get the crap beat out of him and win with a small package rollup.. yes he might have been rude to vince.. but im sorry ive went to a few FCW shows and he has never been a nice guy when it comes to "fans" tho i dont think he really has any.. saw him yell at a kid that was maybe 11 or 12 wanting his autograph once.. since then ive hated the guy and wish nothing but ill will towards him.. if there was something lower then FCW thats where he should be
You gotta be kidding me. That dumbass still yells at people? He's been doing that for as long as I can remember. That's still no reason keep him around for so long, bring back Vickie and embarass Matt Hardy. If these problems really bothered Vince so much then why didn't he release him at first instance. Staying in the same place wrestling for 4 years is not gonna kick that bad habbit out of him. If Vince doesn't care for ECW it seems he care's a lot less for FCW if he's just dropping him there. If the guy has problems then help him. Send him to a shrink or something. Don't keep him around taking his, our and other workers time. If these problems were seen from the beginning, then they should've been fixed then. Not now after going through all of those expenses for the guy.
More erratic behavior from Vince McMahon.

Ironically, that's possibly why Escobar got sent back. Just from reading around, Escobar is supposedly not the most sane or stable person and when he got promoted, that became more and more apparent.
Personally I never saw why he got promoted in the first place. The guy looked distinctly average, couldn't talk and most damning, couldn't get heat, despite being with Vickie. Hopefully someone with more talent will get pushed in his place.
Well, the guy's been in development for four years. Throughout that time, he's come up and worked with the main roster a few times. They finally decided to give him the call up, and see if he could run with the ball. They even brought back Vickie Guerrero, one of the biggest heat missiles in recent WWE history, in as his manager. He had a lot of protection. At the very least, if he couldn't get over on his own, Vickie was conceivably there to go ahead and help him get heat.

Well, he proved that he couldn't draw heat if he went into a sauna. He had some matches, and he proved to be very average as a whole. He didn't do anything to stand out and perhaps he thought that Vickie would do all the work for him when the wrestler is always more important than the manager.

There's no conspiracy here guys. The guy just is not good enough to hang with the big boys, and some guys just aren't meant to cut it in the WWE. He can still be a valuable asset in FCW putting over guys who might be ready to make the jump, basically as the de facto gatekeeper of FCW.

I remember a quote I read recently about him, I think from Mike Bucci (Simon Dean), the former head of development, and he even said himself (paraphrasing), "If the guy's been in development for four years... he either has it or he doesn't." I think its plain to see that he doesn't have what it takes. He went over Matt Hardy and had Vickie as a manager, and he couldn't capitalize on the heat.
This happened waaaay too fast. Has old man Vince lost his mind? they could have worked something out with this guy. I mean he had the queen of heat behind his back, they should have let him form a tag team or join Jerishow or something. But instead Vince was like '' Hey lets put him on Television I like his look'' Next week '' Who the hell is this guy? put him back in FCW'' . Either that or he must have pissed somebody really hard. Anyway it's ridiculous what they're doing with talent these days. Well I guess I have no right to complain, since I didn't give a shit about him but more for Vickie..
Anyway it's ridiculous what they're doing with talent these days.

What exactly are you trying to say here? I think the WWE, especially as of late, has done a great job elevating new talent and managing their talent. The key word there is talent. Gen-Eric Escobar just wasn't that good.

Look at all of this new talent they've done a good job with this year:

Yoshi Tatsu - Came onto the scene getting razzed by Shelton and instantly became a crowd favorite. Asian guys haven't had too much success in recent years (Exhibits A and B: Funaki and Jimmy Wang Yang), and the WWE really is letting Yoshi Tatsu get over and haven't done anything to really depush him. I bet he'll continue to contend for the ECW Title, and he'll be right in the mix for a midcard title if he gets moved to Raw or Smackdown.

Zack Ryder - He was even more generic than Escobar was as part of his tag team with Curt Hawkins. He was given the chance to recreate his character, and it's really taken off on ECW, proving that he did indeed have untapped charisma and potential. He's proved the WWE right in giving him a chance by putting on PPV quality matches with Christian.

Drew McIntyre - I think he's as generic as Escobar is, but he still is showing something right now, and he's still young, which means the WWE can still mold him into the type of wrestler that they want him to be. They're being patient with him, and obviously he has the in-ring ability that Escobar is not showing.

Sheamus - Was allowed to really get over on ECW, and now he's taking off on Raw. As HHH's interview showed, he's got a great worth ethic too, and that's going to take him far.

Escobar was given the same opportunity as these guys, PLUS given Vickie as a manager. He was also even at one point booked in the co-main event of Bragging Rights, until the call was made to switch things up. Escobar flat out doesn't have the it factor, or any type of ability to show that he can be on the same level as the aforementioned four guys I listed. The WWE has also elevated a bunch of guys this year besides these four examples.

Gen-Eric Escobar is not going to be a factor in the WWE. He was given four years in development and countless house show tours with the main roster for house shows. I think he's actually been given enough chances.
What exactly are you trying to say here? I think the WWE, especially as of late, has done a great job elevating new talent and managing their talent.
Really? hmmm, I'd say 50/50. I mean you can give me all of these clean cut ECW/FCW examples but you must be forgetting about the ''talent'' over at Raw and Smackdown the WWE has destroyed. I.E CM Punk, who've they invested all this time and effort in and now they're demoting him just because of a dress code :wtf: . The Colons, they become Tag Champs and then what? well.. nothing. Chris Masters, they bring him back and do what? let him play with a midget.. Evan Bourne, the next Jamie Noble! and so on..

The key word there is talent. Gen-Eric Escobar just wasn't that good.
I get that but what I'm getting at is, why put a guy on TV and afterwards ditch him like garbage? , they could've given that roster spot to someone else you know.

Look at all of this new talent they've done a good job with this year:
Lets take a look.

Yoshi Tatsu - Came onto the scene getting razzed by Shelton and instantly became a crowd favorite. Asian guys haven't had too much success in recent years (Exhibits A and B: Funaki and Jimmy Wang Yang), and the WWE really is letting Yoshi Tatsu get over and haven't done anything to really depush him. I bet he'll continue to contend for the ECW Title, and he'll be right in the mix for a midcard title if he gets moved to Raw or Smackdown.
Yoshi's alright beside the fact that the guy can't speak English and therefore cant cut a promo. I'll bet he'll become some kind of decent midcarder at most.

Zack Ryder - He was even more generic than Escobar was as part of his tag team with Curt Hawkins. He was given the chance to recreate his character, and it's really taken off on ECW, proving that he did indeed have untapped charisma and potential. He's proved the WWE right in giving him a chance by putting on PPV quality matches with Christian.
Well can you explain to me what he's doing now?

Drew McIntyre - I think he's as generic as Escobar is, but he still is showing something right now, and he's still young, which means the WWE can still mold him into the type of wrestler that they want him to be. They're being patient with him, and obviously he has the in-ring ability that Escobar is not showing.
This is just MEH. Haven't seen much other wrestlers already have shown.

Sheamus - Was allowed to really get over on ECW, and now he's taking off on Raw. As HHH's interview showed, he's got a great worth ethic too, and that's going to take him far.
I agree with you on this guy, he's awesome.

Escobar was given the same opportunity as these guys,
Hold on, he hasnt been given a decent opportunity, I mean how can you expect someone to win over wrestling crowds with simply a few appearances. I'm not saying I liked the guy, he was a major MEH. I'm just saying they should have given him more time.

PLUS given Vickie as a manager.
Vickie owns but she doesnt have creative control..

He was also even at one point booked in the co-main event of Bragging Rights, until the call was made to switch things up. Escobar flat out doesn't have the it factor, or any type of ability to show that he can be on the same level as the aforementioned four guys I listed. The WWE has also elevated a bunch of guys this year besides these four examples.

Gen-Eric Escobar is not going to be a factor in the WWE. He was given four years in development and countless house show tours with the main roster for house shows. I think he's actually been given enough chances.
We agree the guy sucks, but we dont agree on this.
Really? hmmm, I'd say 50/50. I mean you can give me all of these clean cut ECW/FCW examples but you must be forgetting about the ''talent'' over at Raw and Smackdown the WWE has destroyed. I.E CM Punk, who've they invested all this time and effort in and now they're demoting him just because of a dress code :wtf: . The Colons, they become Tag Champs and then what? well.. nothing. Chris Masters, they bring him back and do what? let him play with a midget.. Evan Bourne, the next Jamie Noble! and so on..

I think Punk is very safe, just because of the on-screen relationship he's built with Vince. JR even said on his blog that the "dress code" rumor was (paraphrasing) preposterous. Right now, the WWE seems to be doing the top tag teams vs. World Champions angle for Survivor Series. Personally, I think Punk is going to win the Rumble and take on the Undertaker at Wrestlemania for the title. He's just in a holding pattern for right now. They've done it in the past with a bunch of guys. Punk may not have too many supporters backstage, but his two biggest ones are the ones who count the most: Vince and HHH.

I think Primo is definitely getting a raw deal, but Carlito's work ethic, or lack thereof, is well-known at this point. Back when Primo first debuted, they made it seem like he wanted nothing to do with being known as "Carlito's brother". It's too bad they didn't keep that going... that seemed it would be interesting.

Masters... eh, he shouldn't have been brought back to begin with, and it's not like they didn't give him a chance, he showed he was basically the same he was when he had that mini-feud with MVP. He has a ceiling as a lower midcard heel, and I think the WWE realizes that.

Bourne was supposedly being punished due to his marijuana use backstage. Since then, he's worked his way back to the US Title picture, currently in a feud with The Miz and Jack Swagger for the title.

I get that but what I'm getting at is, why put a guy on TV and afterwards ditch him like garbage? , they could've given that roster spot to someone else you know.

I think they wanted to see what he could have done on the main roster, and after four years, it was now or never. Maybe they thought he'd be able to impress enough to take it to that next level and really engage the crowd, especially when he had Vickie to work off of. By letting him get wins over Matt Hardy twice, and R-Truth, they wanted to give him the chance to make it. He showed he couldn't do it.

Personally, I agree with the second part of your statement, they certainly could have given his spot to someone else who would have ran with the ball and engaged the crowd, especially with one of the biggest heels in recent memory on his side.

Yoshi's alright beside the fact that the guy can't speak English and therefore cant cut a promo. I'll bet he'll become some kind of decent midcarder at most.

That's still a respectable outcome for him. It's still more than what has come from Funaki and Jimmy Wang Yang. I think he's really over, and he has the chance to at least hold the ECW Title for a few weeks at some point next year.

Well can you explain to me what he's doing now?

They seem to be making some sort of angle between him and Rosa Mendes, and so far they've had pretty good on-screen chemistry. As long as he keeps getting over and being impressive in the ring, I think he'll be fine.

This is just MEH. Haven't seen much other wrestlers already have shown.

We'll have to see what happens in the weeks to come. For some reason Vince and HHH seem to see something in him... something that Escobar couldn't show. Both guys have basically had equal opportunities, getting wins over experienced midcarders.

Hold on, he hasnt been given a decent opportunity, I mean how can you expect someone to win over wrestling crowds with simply a few appearances. I'm not saying I liked the guy, he was a major MEH. I'm just saying they should have given him more time.

I think they were expecting decent ring work out of him, and for him to engage the crowd. McIntyre may be charismatically challenged, but at least he's been 1 for 2 so far with his in ring work, which should only get better.

Vickie owns but she doesnt have creative control..

Yeah, but he could have heeled it up with her and made the most of what he had: Instant heat. If he went ahead and deep-kissed Vickie after beating Matt Hardy, for example, he would have gotten nuclear heat... especially when she provided the distraction and it was his debut. Sometimes, the wrestlers have to take it upon themselves and improvise to get over

We agree the guy sucks, but we dont agree on this.

Yeah, I mean, the way I look at it is that something has to give with the 4 years in development and the numerous callups to the main roster in the mean time. He had the tools given to him to try to at least build himself up to a midcarder on Smackdown and he wasn't able to capitalize. They'll move onto the next guy.
Meh, I don't really care. He had a few matches and wasn't that special, so he's gone now. There's probably a reason he was in FCW for so long, he wasn't that good. You have to prove yourself and impress right from the get go, or else you're gone. That's just the way it is.

Of course, he could've also fucked Stehpanie, but who knows?

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