My mom has cancer.


Championship Contender
It's spreading quick. It's spread to her ribs, and apparently her forehead. It's around her lungs and she has cancerous lesions on her spine. I am so like.. fucked up. I have no clue what to think..
That's awful; sorry to hear this.

Get a phone book and call for an appointment with a therapist. Seriously.
I'm sorry to hear that Freddy. I will definitely keep you, your mom, and your family in my prayers. Cancer is a brutal thing and sucks major ass.
Listen to RVDgurl. Get a therapist, and get one now. I don't care if you go with your mom or without her, find a therapist and get this stuff off your chest before you let it fester and it drives you crazy.

Cancer sucks, mang.
A therapist would be a great idea like Razor and RVDgurl stated. I really wish I would have went to one while my dad had cancer. I just kept everything bottled up and it made things worse for me than they already were.
sorry to hear this Freddy, you, your mom and your family are in my thoughts. And I echo everyone else's advise on the therapist.
I've lost three family members and two close friends to cancer. I feel for you. My prayers are with your family.
Wow man that fucking sucks. Cancer fucking sucks. I hope your able to stay strong during this awful time, your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Stay strong for your Mom man, I have lost quite a few members of my family of that nasty C word, most recently my Grandma 2 days after Christmas this year!
Fuckin' cancer sucks, I just lost an Aunt to it, and my Dad is going through treatment right now. I feel your pain, it sucks, but don't let fester, that's not good as others have said, find someone to talk to, a therapist, doctor, friend, priest or someone. Keep strong for her as well, your mom, yourself and your family will be in my prayers.
I'm sorry to hear that. Like others have said, find someone you can express your feelings to. And try to make your mom happy whether she's going to die or not. Hopefully it's the latter.
The best advice I can give to you is to stay positive. Cancer treatment has made remarkable leaps in recent years, and overall the illness is less fatal than it once was. The power of positive thinking has remarkable effects on the body, don't look at this as the beginning of the end, try to stay optimistic for your own health and for your mothers. Stay supportive; it's an unfortunate situation but people regularly beat cancer worse than your mothers.
My heart,and the heart of your friends here at WrestleZone is with you.I hope your mom gets the best of care and she fights through it like a champion.

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