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My matches from a tournament


Reaper of Miracles
These are just a few of my matches that I wrote for a Book This Tournament a few months back. I didn't win the tournament, but I did make it to the semifinals.

In these matches I take my knowledge of the business to try and develop and write matches that would rival those that the WWE would perform.

And knowing me, you guys can probably guess what the theme of most of my matches are....

(I've written these matches for the pleasure of you guys, so I not expecting feedback, but if you do decide to give me feedback, please take the rules of the BT Section into consideration first)



Terri Athens (c) vs Susan Duran

UWWA Title Match

Tale of the Tape


Height: 5’ 7

Weight: 145 lbs
Finisher: Black Diamond (RKO)

3 time UWWA Champion
1 time UWWA Tag Champion



Height: 5’ 6

Weight: 180 lbs

Finisher: Demoralizer (Vertical Suplex powerbomb)

1 Time UWWA Intercontinental Champion
1 Time UWWA Tag Champion​

The Story[/CENTER]

What history between these two women. Both women debuted around the same time, both looking to make an impact. Susan Duran, with her seemingly superhuman strength and ridiculous agility quickly propelled her though the ranks. Terri Athens, a master of manipulation and mind games, quickly capitalized on opportunity, relying on her skills and slyness to get her by. Throughout their careers within the UWWA, both of these women have been allies, partners, and even tag champions together. Susan was at Terri’s side when she won the belt, besting former champ Trish Stratus. Susan had Terri’s back during her feud with Chyna over the belt, and upon losing the belt in a Fatal Four way, Susan had been the difference maker in helping Terri regain the belt once more, intervening on Terri’s behalf. Powered by greed, Terri stood at the top of the mountain, a callus champion.

Susan managed to find her own success with singles gold by winning the Intercontinental Championship, after powering her way through the former champion Rebecca Knox. Susan was sure that her comrade would have her back during the title reign, but Terri showed her true colors when Susan was forced to defend the title against a vengeful and hateful Lilith. Susan managed to win the match after Lilith got herself DQ’ed but she was unable to stop Lilith from incapacitating her with a steel chair, as Lilith looked to do permanent damage to Susan. Terri attempted to intervene and stop Liltih, but instead she drew back and watched from the ramp as Lilith brutally beat Susan post match. The injuries that Susan sustained were so severe that she was forced to vacate the title. That was strike one for Susan.

The second strike came when Terri snapped after losing a non title match, and she blamed Susan for not having her back. Susan claimed that it strange that Terri assumed that she would be there for her when Terri had left her to be beaten at the hands of Lilith. Terri countered by saying that she could give a damn about Susan, she called Susan a servant, a dog chained to leash. Terri called Susan weak and that not capitalizing on all her advantages had made her weak. The argument caused a falling out between the two, but Terri predicted that Susan would be back. Terri soon had to put the title on the line against the toughest opponent that she had faced up to that point, Awesome Kong. Kong not only vowed to end Athens tyrannical reign as champion, but she vowed to take Athens out. The 260 lb behemoth made good on her word and dominated Terri during their match, but as Terri had predicted Susan returned, and used her unbelievable strength to take Kong out of the match with a Spear/ Demoralizer combo. Terri mended their relationship and the two were back as a team, wreaking havoc on the rest of the roster.

Their partnership proved to be short lived as Susan was soon entered into a tournament to determine the next contender for Terri’s title. Despite going into the tournament with lowered expectations and against Terri’s advisement, Susan won the tournament and title opportunity against Terri. The final straw for Susan came when Terri stated in an interview that Susan didn’t deserve a title shot against her. Terri admitted that her partnership with Susan had been a lie from the beginning, and that she honestly cared more about the title than their friendship.

At the contract signings before the match, Terri made an effort to try and get Susan to nullify her title contract by continuing to play mind games and berating Susan. Susan stated that she saw through the games and that she could she Terri for what she really was….. An egotistical, maniacal Bitch. Susan proceeded to put Terri through the debate table with a spinebuster, thus completing her face turn. Susan vowed to be the one to finally put Terri in her place and take her title. Susan stated in an interview that at the PPV, Terri will have nowhere to hide, and she won’t have anyone to cover for her. Susan stated that at the PPV, it’s just going to be her and Terri one on one.

The match

Torrie Wilson: Welcome all you loyal fans to Madison Square Garden! We promised you an awesome PPV and what a night it has been… but the best is yet to come… Terri Athens verses Susan Duran in what should be the women’s match of the century.

The restless crowd stands in anticipation, as they await the start of the championship match. “Ladies and gentlemen” by Saliva plays of the loudspeaker, marking the entrance of the challenger Susan Duran. The crowd gives her a standing ovation, showing her that they are firmly supporting her quest to dethrone Terri Athens and put her in her place.

Announcer: Introducing first, from Dallas Texas, weighing 180 lbs, the challenger, Susan Duran!

Susan enters the arena with a smile on her face. She stops and poses on the ramp as she takes in the atmosphere of the arena. Susan makes her way down the ramp, shaking hands and waving to the fans, showing them that she deeply appreciates their support.

Torrie Wilson: Susan came here with one thought on her mind…. Retribution

Sable: Susan is easily one of the most physically imposing women’s wrestlers that I have ever seen… anywhere. The strength that this woman possesses is nothing short of freakish. But, she’s going to need more than brute force if she expects to beat Terri here.

Susan enters the ring, and waits for the arrival of her former partner and friend, the champion, Terri Athens. “Clouds over California” by Devildriver plays over the loudspeaker signaling the arrival of the champ. Terri enters the arena to a chorus of boos, but as always she shrugs off the hostile welcome and raises her title belt above her head in a taunting manner as shower of gold pyro explodes at her side.

Announcer: And introducing from London, England, weighing 145 lbs, she is the current UWWA Champion, Terri Athens!

Torrie: You’d have to wonder if it’s by sheer force of luck that Terri has been able to keep the title this long…

Sable: Well why couldn’t she Torrie? Terri seems to have a counter for everything, and she has shown that she can hit the Black Diamond from just about any position and from out of nowhere. Susan will have to be on her toes in this match if she expects to win.

Terri enters the ring and locks eyes with Susan, as the two women engage themselves in a staredown battle. The two women stand eye to eye with each other, as Terri throws insults at Susan and raises the title above her head in a taunting fashion. Susan cracks a half smile and turns her back, but thinks twice and immediately pivots around and clotheslines the smirk off Terri’s face. The referee takes the title into her custody, and then rings the bell to start the match.

Susan picks up Terri and drives her backwards against the turnbuckle forcefully. Susan starts to hammer away on Terri with heavy blows from her fists, as Terri struggles to cover up. Susan lifts Terri for a slam, but Terri slides off Susan’s shoulder and rams her face first into the turnbuckle. Terri starts to wail away on Susan in the corner. She begins to stomp her, driving her boot forcefully into Susan’s chest, causing her to slump against the bottom rope. Terri begins to choke Susan with her boot as the referee steps in to intervene with a 5 count. Terri willfully breaks the count at 4, but she ignores the referee’s presence as she bends Susan’s right arm around the middle rope as she tries to pull Susan’s arm out of socket. Terri breaks the count again but shows her tenacity by rolling out of the ring and dragging Susan to the middle of the canvas, where she positions Susan’s head just outside the bottom rope. Terri pays little attention to the referee’s count as she elbows Susan in the face before pivoting on her heel and kneeing Susan in the back of the head. Terri climbs onto the ring apron as she sizes up her opponent and former comrade before dropping a leg across Susan’s exposed chest. The impact of the blow causes Susan torso to slump out of the ring, as the rest of her falls on top of her. Terri gets back into the ring as she measures Susan on the outside. Susan rights herself but turns right into a baseball slide from Terri on the inside, which knocks the larger woman down again. Terri takes a chance by climbing to the top turnbuckle. Terri aims to do further damage to Susan on the outside, so she takes her time to pick her spot. Susan rights herself and turns around right before Terri flies off the top rope. Susan senses the danger and suddenly explodes, using her full power to knock Terri out of the air with a clothesline, earning a pop from the astonished crowd.

Torrie: Oh my Lord! What power from Susan! She just knocked Terri right out of the air!

Sable: I don’t care what anyone says, that was nothing but impressive.

Susan picks Terri up like a rag doll and slams her into the ring step, the force of the blow causing Terri to cry out in pain. Susan stops to take in the roaring crowd, who cheers in satisfaction as Susan grabs Terri and flings her back into the ring. Susan hammers away on Terri locks on a hammer lock. Terri reverses and twists Susan’s arm, trying to toque it out of place, but Susan shoves her off. The two trade arm locks before Susan gains the advantage trapping Terri in a headlock. Susan shoves Terri into the ropes, but using her wits, Terri takes out Susan’s leg with a low dropkick. Terri begins to target Susan’s leg, stomping away, trying to destroy the stronger woman’s vertical base. Susan manages to push her opponent away before she can do any permanent damage. Susan stands to face Terri, suddenly delivering a hard clothesline. Susan lifts Terri for a slam, but Terri counters into a facebreaker on the knee, which staggers her opponent. Terri fires away with haymakers, driving Susan backwards towards the ropes. Terri runs at Susan in an attempt to drive her over the top rope but Susan catches Terri in a military press, holding her above her head. Susan effortlessly, but firmly, tosses Terri over the top rope; her body smacking the floor below. Susan steadies herself on the ropes as she waits for Terri to regain her composure, before launching her body over the top rope and taking Terri out on the outside.

Torrie: what agility by Susan!! She’s as strong as an ox, yet she’s as nimble as a spider monkey

Susan rolls back into the ring as the referee begins to count, as Terri lay on her back on the outside. Terri gets to her feet right as the referee reaches the count of 8; she immediately slides back into the ring. Susan grabs Terri and yanks her up at the shoulders and throws her backwards into the turnbuckle Susan rams her shoulder into Terri’s gut like a battering ram. Susan attempts another suplex, but Terri counters and hits a Reverse DDT, driving Susan down on the back of her head. Susan shakes off the blow and sits right back up, Terri springboards off the middle rope and cracks Susan in the side of the head with kick, knocking her back down to the mat. Terri makes the first cover of the match


But Susan kicks out with relative ease. Terri mounts Susan and wails away with aggressive rights and lefts, her temper rising. Terri continues to target the leg of Susan’s that she had worked on earlier. Terri applies a kneebar, as Susan struggles in agony. Susan manages to push Terri off of her, but Terri drags her over to the ropes, were she continues to work over her leg.

Sable: See now this is smart by Terri. Take out Susan’s leg and her vertical base. She’s not quite as powerful on one leg

Terri locks in a stretch muffler submission, torquing Susan’s leg at a ridiculous angle, using her shoulders and neck as leverage. Susan struggles against the pain, but she manages to use her uncanny upper body strength to drag herself, and her opponent, to the ropes. Susan manages to break the hold, but Terri keeps the hold locked in, finally breaking it after the referee’s count of 4. Terri locks in a headlock, but Susan tosses her into the ropes and nails a shoulderblock. Susan lifts Terri for a slam and plants her on her back. Susan places Terri in a sitting position, bounces off the ropes and delivers a low dropkick straight to Terri’s face. Susan attempts a cover


But Terri kicks out rather quickly. Susan lifts Terri into a bearhug, trying to squeeze the life out of her opponent with her tremendous power. Terri wrenches in pain, trying to free herself. Terri reaches out with her free hand and begins to violently gouge the eyes of her opponent, freeing herself from the death grip. Terri kicks Susan in the leg in an attempt to bring the larger woman down but Susan shoves her away. Susan tries for a knockdown, but Terri ducks. Susan tries for a lariat, and gets momentum from the ropes, but Terri catches her with one of her picture perfect dropkicks. Terri kicks Susan in the head, and then targets her leg again. Susan fights Terri off of her, overpowering her and whipping her hard into the turnbuckle. With a notable limp in her step, Susan rushes to avalanche Terri, but eats her elbow instead. Terri cuts Susan’s momentum and hits an inverted neck breaker. Terri drops to the mat and begins to stalk her opponent with an evil look on her face.

Torrie: Look! Terri might be going for the Black Diamond early!

Sable: She’s crafty but has she worn Susan down enough to connect with it?

Terri grabs Susan to attempt her finisher, but Susan catches her and shoves her off. Susan grabs Terri by the throat, then military presses the smaller woman above her head. Susan holds Terri in limbo for a few moments, then transitions the move into a powerslam, driving Terri into the mat. Susan stands and plays off the crowd who cheer her on in approval. Susan clotheslines Terri down, then again. Susan grabs Terri and whips her into the ropes. Susan tries for a knockdown but Terri ducks. Terri tries for a knockdown of her own, but Susan catches her in mid air! Susan swings Terri onto her shoulder to attempt another power move, but Terri counters, slides off, and nails a DDT driving Susan into the canvas. Terri thinks twice about making a cover, and instead decides to take a chance and try a high risk move. Terri quickly springboards her body to the top turnbuckle and leaps off with a flying body press onto a staggering Susan. Terri holds Susan down for the pin attempt



Susan grabs Terri from underneath her and kicks out with force, launching Terri’s body into the air. Susan tries to follow up but Terri takes out her knee, as Susan doubles over in pain, clutching her knee in agony. Terri locks on the stretch muffler for a second time, and again Susan shows her tenacity and begins to crawl towards the bottom rope. Terri cuts Susan off and drags her back to the middle of the ring and cinches the hold in deeper. Susan feigns tapping, digging down deep, drawing strength from the raging crowd that wills her on. Susan manages to roll out of the hold, and uses her momentum to hold Terri on her shoulders. Susan pins Terri using the strength in her upper body



But Terri kicks out

Torrie: Gosh how close was that? Susan managed to counter into a pin despite being in so much pain

Sable: It shows that she’s ring smart, Torrie. And that she’s not just about brawn, that’s makes her dangerous in the ring and dangerous to pin down.

The two women slowly rise to their feet, with Susan struggling to stand after the vicious onslaught by Terri. Terri throws a haymaker that rocks Susan, but she delivers one right back. The two women trade blows back and forth with Terri getting the advantage. Terri tries to Irish whip Susan, but she gets overpowered. Susan attempts an overhead suplex on Terri, but she finds that she can’t complete the move when her leg gives out. Susan cries out in frustration as she quickly grabs Terri to try for the move again. Susan delivers the overhead suplex on one leg, but finds she can’t roll over fast enough to capitalize. Susan gets back to her feet, and knocks Terri down with a clothesline. She whips Terri hard into the turnbuckle. Susan lifts her arms above her head, signaling for the crowd to make some noise. Susan runs and tries for the avalanche in the corner, but Terri moves out of the way at the last second and Susan eats the turnbuckle hard, her head bouncing of the steel at the top of the turnbuckle. Terri takes advantage of a dazed Susan and quickly locks her arms around her waist. Terri takes Susan over with a German Suplex, but not satisfied, she keeps her hands locked and takes Susan over again with the German. And to everyone’s astonishment, Terri keeps her hands locked and delivers yet another German suplex, the third one in succession, to her larger opponent. As Susan lay incapacitated on the mat, Terri taunts the crowd, flexing her muscles and talking trash, never noticing Susan getting up behind her. Terri turns around and walks straight into a vicious spinebuster from Susan, which draws a huge pop from the crowd. Susan decides to take a chance and heads to the top turnbuckle, with a top rope shoulder block being on her mind. Ignoring the pain in her knee, Susan makes the leap of faith right as Terri recovers. Terri jumps to meet Susan in mid air, and brings her crashing to the canvas with the Black Diamond!

Torrie: A Black Diamond in mind air! A Black Diamond in mid air! Un – freaking - real!

: Get a fat woman and tell her to sing! This match is over!

Terri covers Susan


Susan kicks out at the last second, and Terri can’t believe it. Terri lifts Susan and tries for another Black Diamond, but Susan counters and nails a Side suplex. Susan begins to measure Terri for a spear, picks her spot and lungs towards Terri in the corner. Terri sees Susan coming out of the corner of her eye and sidesteps her at the last second, causing Susan to eat the ringpost hard. Terri grabs Susan’s body, and rolls her onto her shoulders with a schoolgirl. Terri pins Susan, but puts her feet on the ropes for leverage. The referee begins the count, but sees Terri’s feet on the rope and stops the count. Terri backs Susan into the corner and decides to do even more damage to Susan’s knee. Terri wraps the knee around the middle rope and torques it, causing Susan to cry out in pain. Susan swats Terri away and frees her leg. Terri rushes Susan in the corner and clotheslines her. Terri stands on the middle turnbuckle above Susan, and starts to pound away on her with right hands. Terri gets halfway through the 10 count when Susan suddenly reaches up and grabs her from below. Feeling a sudden burst of adrenaline overcome her, Susan explodes out of the corner and delivers a devastating running powerbomb on Terri out of the corner. With both women lying on the canvas, the referee begins the 10 count.



Susan gets back to her feet first, and begins to pound away on Terri on the mat. Susan locks in a neck crank, putting pressure of Terri’s neck and shoulders. Terri fights her way to her feet, and elbows herself free. Terri clotheslines Susan, but the larger woman won’t go down. Terri bounces off the ropes to try for the move again, but Susan catches her an powerslams her to the mat with brutal force. Susan attempts one of her signature moves, the Olympic Slam, but Terri counters and locks in a sleeper hold, bringing Susan to the canvas. The referee began to check on Susan. She lifted Susan’s hand once, which fell back down to the canvas. The referee checked Susan’s arm for a second time, but again, the arm fell back to the canvas. The referee checked Susan’s arm for a third time, she lifted the arm up and let it fall. Susan’s arm almost touched the canvas, but she held it up, signaling that she still has some life left. Terri’s face went from having a triumphant look on it to a look of anxiousness as Susan began fighting to get back to her feet. Susan stood with Terri, fighting to find her vertical base. Susan manages to drive Terri backwards against the turnbuckle breaking her grip.

Sable: This woman is an absolute beast….now she’s carrying Terri on one leg

Torrie: despite everything that Terri has thrown at Susan in this match, Susan continues to find a way to battle through it

The two women trade counters as Terri tries to get her momentum back. Susan lifts Terri into a torture rack position, but Terri slides off. Terri attempts a short arm lariat, but Susan counters and completely overtakes her with a lariat of her own. Susan whips Terri into the ropes, and she fires back with a flying clothesline, which brings Susan to her knees. Terri bounces off the ropes to try for the move again, but Susan suddenly explodes upwards and takes her out with a huge spear! Susan goes for the cover



But Terri kicks out. Susan shakes her head in disbelief. Susan pulls Terri to her feet, but Terri breaks her grip and begins to hammer away at Susan with one shot after the other. Susan counters and grabs Terri to attempt another Olympic Slam, but Terri counters. Terri tries for a neckbreaker, but Susan counters Terri back into position for the Olympic Slam. Susan lifts Terri off her feet and slams her on her back with force. Susan stands and signals for the Demoralizer at the delight of the crowd. Susan stalks Terri, kicks her in the gut, and lifts her above her head in a delayed Vertical Suplex. Susan drops Terri looking for the slam, but Terri somehow counters mid move and hits the Black Diamond!

Torrie: Another Black Diamond out of nowhere!

Sable: The Demoralizer countered into the Black Diamond… I never… this woman seems to be able to pull that move straight out of her ass at times

Terri covers Susan with a smirk on her face


Susan kicks out yet again, and Terri is beside herself. She slams her fists into the mat, angered that despite her best efforts, she can’t seem to put her opponent away. Terri stands and begins to argue with the ref. Terri begins to badmouth the official about a slow count, and grabs the referee by her collar. Terri shoves the referee away, unaware that Susan has not only recovered, but is poised lying in wait behind her. Terri turns around right into another vicious spear by Susan. Susan jumps to her feet as she gets the crowd to rally behind her as she stalks Terri for the Demoralizer once more. Susan lifts Terri above her head, but this time she holds her there with one arm. Susan turns in a 360 degree circle before slamming Terri down to the canvas on her neck and shoulders. Susan hooks the leg as the referee makes the count




Susan cries out in joy as the bell rings, declaring her the winner. Susan stands tall as the referee raises her hand in victory and awards her the title belt

Announcer: Here is your winner and the new UWWA Champion, Susan Duran!

Torrie: My God, she won, Susan won, after all that Terri has put her though, Susan as finally gained some retribution here tonight

Susan climbs to the top turnbuckle and poses to the crowd with her new title as she stares into the cold, icy glare of the seething former champion and her former friend

Beth Phoenix (c) vs Rebecca Knox vs Lilith

UWWA Intercontinental Championship Match

Tale of the Tape


Height: 5' 7

Weight: 156 lbs
Finisher: Beth Valley Driver

1 time UWWA Intercontinental champion
2 time UWWA Tag Team Champion



Height: 5'6

Weight: 140 lbs

Finisher: Iron Cross (Rings Of Saturn)

no championships



Height: 5'10

Weight: 170 lbs

Finisher: Psychclone (F5)

no championships


Beth Phoenix, the UWWA Intercontinental Champion, had been stalked for weeks by a brash, reckless, but highly skilled competitor in Rebecca Knox who was desperate to take that title away from her. But Beth was a fighting champion, and managed to turn back her nemesis on more than one occasion. Unfortunately for both Beth and Rebecca, they became so wrapped up in their own feud that they failed to realize the danger that was creeping up on top of them. Both women, or more so the title, were being stalked by an evil far more deadly than either of the women could fathom. Lilith, the most diabolical and violent woman on the roster, had risen like a phoenix being reborn from the ashes of hell itself, after seemly being vanquished to the far corners of the broken mind of Simone Walker, where the vile personality had first been spawned. Lilith asserted herself, and forcefully placed herself into the feud for the IC Championship. The champion Beth Phoenix soon found herself having to defend her title in a triple threat match against her hungry long term nemesis Rebecca Knox as well as the extremely dangerous, violent, and unpredictable Lilith. Despite their hatred for each other, will Beth and Rebecca be able to co exist long enough to get rid of Lilith and duke it out for the belt, or will their hatred for one another blind them allowing Lilith to destroy both of them and take the title? Who will walk out of this match the champion?


The arena blackens as the haunting sound of an air raid siren fills the air. A blood mist surrounds the entranceway as the song “Hellrasier” begins to play. A figure appears from the mist, a woman, tall with an angelic looking face and model good looks but with a satanic personality begins to make her way to the ring

Announcer: Making her way to the ring, weighing 170 lbs, Lilith!

Lilith enters the ring, and adjusts her MMA style gloves, smoothes the creases in her long black and white pants, and adjusts her top which houses her generously sized bust before silently waiting on her two opponents

Celtic style rock music begins to play as Rebecca Knox comes out to her usual chorus of boos and jeers. K- Nox responds to the hostility by gesturing to the crowd to “shove it” as she walks towards the ring

Announcer: And from Dublin, Ireland, weighing 135 lbs Rebecca Knox!

Rebecca hesitates to get inside in the ring as she sees Lilith eyeing her from across the ring watching her every move. Rebecca slowly eases herself inside the ring and quickly backs away from Lilith with her hands in the air, showing her that she wants no part of her yet

After a brief moment of silence, the crowd erupts into cheers as the familiar music of the self proclaimed Glamazon begins to play. Beth Phoenix makes her way out with her championship lovingly secured around her shoulder. Beth stops at the top of the ramp and raises the title above her head as a sensational lightshow of pyro ignites above her.

Announcer: And from New York City, weighing 156 lbs, she is the current UWWA Intercontinental Champion, Beth Phoenix!

The Glamazon makes her way down to the ring, and like her nemesis before her, she carefully gets into the ring. Beth raises the title above her head in a silent statement saying “I’m the champ, If you want my title, you’ll have to go through me” The referee takes the title the title as the girls get into position and rings the bell, starting the contest.

Right away Beth and Rebecca get into a stare down contest, which quickly escalates into a shoving match. The two start to yell at each other as Rebecca moves her arm back for a punch as Beth notices out of the corner of her eye that Lilith has begun moving towards them. Eye contact is all that Rebecca needs from Beth and within a fraction of a second the two women break from their positions and begin viciously double teaming Lilith in an n attempt to take the more vicious woman out early. Beth and Rebecca manage to dump Lilith on the outside as they immediately resume right where they left off, unmercifully beating the crap out of each other. After losing a brief mat wrestling battle to the more skilled Rebecca, Beth counters with power, as she powers her way out of Rebecca armbar and whips her into the ropes. Beth tries for a knockdown but Rebecca ducks and runs to the other side of the ring, where she is promptly tripped, and then dragged screaming out of the ring by a pissed off Lilith who whips Rebecca violently into the ring steps.

Torrie: My God!! A fraction of a second was all that it took for Lilith to get the upper hand. That was just sickening to watch!

Sable: Beth Phoenix you better start praying to some form of higher power, this woman’s crazy!

Beth steadies herself as a supercharged, hated filled Lilith gets back into the ring to face off with her. Beth and Lilith circle each other, throwing mock take downs, before Lilith tries to take Beth down the hard way; Beth sidesteps her and locks in a waistlock from behind. Beth tries to take Lilith to the mat, but Lilith prevents her. Beth switches to a headlock and continues to try and take Lilith down but with no luck. Lilith throws Beth into the ropes, who charges back with a shouldertackle, but runs into a brick wall as Lilith again won’t go down. Beth tries for the move again, but Lilith grabs her by the hair, cutting off her momentum. Lilith tosses Beth to the mat, mounts her and begins throwing her devastating MMA style forearms into Beth Phoenix’s face. Lilith picks Beth up like a rag doll and tosses her into the corner, where she begins to throw the heavy right and lefts at lightning speed pummeling Beth into submission. Lilith finishes the barrage with an uppercut that takes Beth off her feet. Lilith straddles Beth against the bottom rope and proceeds to choke her with her boot. Lilith is unaware that Rebecca has recovered on the opposite side, but she soon feels Rebecca’s presence as Rebecca charges across the ring and attacks the larger woman with everything she’s got. Lilith tosses Rebecca aside, and tries to follow up with a clothesline, but Rebecca ducks and uses her momentum to clothesline Phoenix, who had just recovered from Lilith’s onslaught.

Torrie: Wow, what a knockdown! Beth will be feeling the effects of that shot later on….

Beth rolls out of the ring leaving Rebecca to deal with Lilith alone. Rebecca makes use of her speed and scores a takedown on Lilith. She begins to ride Lilith on the mat, looking for an opening. Rebecca locks in a Fujiwara armbar, as Lilith struggles against the hold. Before Lilith can roll free, Rebecca repositions herself, and locks in a straight armbar. Lilith manages to turn to her side and breaks free of the hold. The two women begin to fight for position on the mat, as Rebecca traps Lilith in a legbar, but Lilith reverts back to her MMA background and punches her way out of the predicament. Lilith locks in a keylock, and transitions the hold into a standing anaconda vise. Lilith powers Rebecca to the mat, with the hold still locked in, as Rebecca desperately tries to break the hold. Rebecca manages to roll out the hold, and gets the upper hand on Lilith, going to work on her leg. Rebecca quickly locks in an Indian death lock, in an attempt to wear down Lilith’s leg. Much to Rebecca’s surprise, the pain merely makes Lilith angrier, as the girl violently begins to lash out at Rebecca with wild punches. Lilith manages to grab Rebecca by the throat with one arm as she pulls her closer and begins to gouge her eyes with the other. Rebecca has no choice but to break the leg hold.

Torrie: This is ridiculous; Lilith has Rebecca by the throat, and Look she’s trying to rip her eyes out!! The Indian Deathlock is a painful move; how Lilith is doing this is beyond me…

Sable: Its official, Lilith isn’t human. She doesn’t feel pain, she doesn’t suffer, just look at those hollow eyes Torrie... I’m fairly positive that the woman is more machine than she is saline…

Lilith pushes Rebecca away, and gets to her feet, a slight limp in her step. Beth reaches in from the outside and attempts to drag Lilith to the outside, but Lilith refuses to go down without a fight as she stands her ground. A clothesline from Rebecca rocks Lilith and kills her momentum, allowing Beth to drag her out of the ring. Beth clotheslines Lilith on the outside. Beth slams Lilith’s head against the ring steps, before driving her back first into the ring apron. Beth drives Lilith against the guardrail, unaware of Rebecca’s whereabouts. In a true “Holy Shit” moment, Rebecca dives through the second rope onto Beth, slamming her back against the guardrail.

Torrie: Oh my God!!!!

Sable: You’ve got to be kidding me!!!

Torrie: I think Beth might be broken in half…

Sable: You think Beth maybe broken in half? Are you Blind Torrie? There are bodies strewn all around the outside

All three women are down and out on the outside as the referee begins the 10 count. Rebecca is the first woman back to her feet, but she is swatted away half a second later by Lilith, whom in her rage, tries to get to phoenix. Lilith drags Beth to her feet and whips her into the ring stars opposite the entranceway. Lilith turns and swats Rebecca away from her again before turning her attention back to Phoenix. Lilith bounces Beth’s head off of the announce table, which sends Torrie and Sable currying.

Sable: Come on Lilith, can’t you go terrorize the Spanish announcers for a change?

Lilith begins clearing the announce table. She takes the top off the table and takes the monitors off, but before she can capitalize on Phoenix, Rebecca attacks Lilith from Behind. Lilith manages to fight Rebecca off, and then she quickly turns and clotheslines a recovered Beth. Lilith kicks Rebecca in the gut and puts her in a powerbomb position. Lilith lifts Rebecca into the air, looking to drive her through the table, but she turns right into a spear from Beth Phoenix, the force of which knocks Rebecca off Lilith’s shoulders. Beth and Rebecca, working together as a unit for the first time in the match, take advantage of a weakened Lilith, as the duo proceeds to drive their adversary through the table via a double vertical suplex.

Sable: Our table… Yeah thanks girls, because I so wanted to call the rest of the match standing up

With Lilith down on the outside, Beth and Rebecca roll back into the ring and resume their one on one match. Beth hits a vertical suplex on Rebecca, before taking control of Rebecca’s arm. Beth hits a fisherman suplex, and makes the first cover of the match


Rebecca gets her shoulder up. Beth locks in a bow and arrow stretch, in an attempt to wear Rebecca down. Rebecca manages to fight her way out and reverse the momentum. Beth tries for a short arm clothesline, but Rebecca counters and hits a T- Bone suplex, turning Beth inside out. Rebecca quickly capitalizes and locks on her submission finisher The Iron Cross (Rings of Saturn) on Beth

Torrie: Rebecca got the Iron Cross early, will Beth tap?

Beth pushes her body backwards, desperate to reach the ropes. She flings her body about wildly, dragging Rebecca along with her. Finally Beth reaches the ropes in front of her which forces Rebecca to break the hold. Rebecca continues to wear down Beth’s arm, she uses the ropes as she loops Beth arm around the middle rope and applies pressure with her foot. Rebecca stomps on Beth’s arm, then locks in another armbar. Beth counters and throws Rebecca. She hits a clothesline, still favoring her arm. Beth begins to build momentum as she hits a running powerslam on Rebecca. Beth stands and rallies to get the crowd behind her. Beth tries for her finisher early, but Rebecca counters and hits a facebreaker, which doesn’t take Beth completely off her feet. Rebecca hits a dropkick, knocking Beth to the mat. Rebecca picks Beth up and faceplants her directly on her knee. Rebecca turns to taunt the crowd, as she proceeds to climb to the top turnbuckle. A minor distraction caused by the fans which was all Beth needed to quickly ascend to the top, cutting her rival off at the pass. Rebecca and Beth fight for position on the top, but Beth gets the upper hand, as she proceeds to send Rebecca crashing to the mat with a huge superplex!

Torrie: Wow! Did you see that? I think the whole ring just shook from the sheer force of that impact!

Sable: That’s what these girls are willing to do in a match this important, when the titles on the line, you’ve got to give it your all

Beth covers Rebecca


Rebecca kicks out at the last second. Frustrated, Beth gives the crowd the signal that the match is over. Beth lifts Rebecca onto her shoulders to try for her finisher again, but Rebecca continues to fight. Rebecca counters Beth, but walks right into a huge clothesline that rocks her. Beth moves back to the corner, stalking Rebecca for a spear as K- Nox struggles to pull herself to her feet. Beth explodes out of the corner looking for the spear, but Rebecca sees her coming and slyly pulls the referee in front of her and ducks out of the way, causing Beth to crush the referee with the spear. Rebecca moves and capitalizes on Beth’s sudden confusion. Rebecca kicks Beth in the gut and lifts her up and hits the Falcon Arrow, driving Beth down on her head. Rebecca goes for the cover, but sees that the referee has been laid out.

Torrie: Beth took out the referee by mistake, allowing Rebecca to take advantage…

Sable: Wow! Beth just killed the referee with that spear, her face told the entire story, and she was downright shocked at what happened

Unbeknownst to either Beth or Rebecca, Lilith has since recovered from being put through the announce table earlier in the match, and has begun to wander over to the timekeepers table. Lilith throws the official out of his chair and quickly grabs it and slams it together. A look of hate forming on her face as she makes a b line straight for the ring, looking to do some damage while the ref is down.

Torrie: Oh my lord…. Lilith has a chair… this sick, twisted, demented maniac has gotten hold of a weapon, and now someone is going to get hurt

Sable: This is going to be hard to watch

Lilith gets into the ring and immediately starts to swing at anything that moves. She rams the front of the chair into Rebecca’s gut before smashing the chair across her back. Lilith turns around and cracks Beth in the back, dropping her to one knee. Not satisfied, Lilith aims and cracks Beth Phoenix hard across the skull, the impact of the blow knocking Beth out of the ring. Lilith immediately goes to work on Rebecca. Lilith hits a spinning side Belly to belly suplex before pounding Rebecca with rights and lefts. Beth Phoenix is shown on the outside, she has been busted open at the top of her skull, the Blood pouring from the open wound and trickling down her face.

Torrie: Now the Champion has been busted open, she can hardly even stand!

Lilith continues to brutalize Rebecca, every time Rebecca attempted to make a comeback, Lilith kept cutting her off. Lilith blocks a clothesline from Rebecca and hits a complete shot, driving Rebecca down face first. Lilith goes for the cover as a new referee runs in



But can only manage a two count. Lilith hits a gutwrench powerbomb on Rebecca, as Beth manages to crawl back into the ring. Lilith turns her attention away from Rebecca and towards Beth. Lilith delivers a side belly to belly suplex on Beth, then goes for the cover

But again can only manage a 2 count, as the champion kicks out. Lilith lets out her frustrations on Beth as she proceeds to deliver her devastating MMA style elbows that have made her infamously known throughout the locker room. Lilith lands each of the elbows continuously to the side of Beth Phoenix’s head, targeting her bleeding wound and opening it up even further, leaving Beth with the proverbial “crimson mask” as the result.

Torrie: Lilith’s elbows are just sick; I think Beth might be KO’ed after that

Lilith goes for the cover yet again on Beth Phoenix



Rebecca Knox breaks up the 3 count. Rebecca starts to hammer Lilith with all she’s got, but soon realizes that she can’t out strike her adversary. Rebecca begins to build momentum by using her speed to her advantage. She hits a dropkick on Lilith, then scores with a hurricanarana takedown. Rebecca tries to clothesline Lilith, but finds the larger woman won’t even budge. Rebecca hits a low dropkick, as Rebecca takes out Lilith’s leg from under her. Rebecca locks in a legbar, as Lilith shows the first sign of real pain the entire match. Lilith reaches the ropes to break the hold, but Rebecca continues to stomp away. Rebecca pulls Lilith to her feet and begins to chop away at her chest in the corner. Lilith takes 2 shots before grabbing Rebecca by her throat and tossing her into the turnbuckle where she delivers her devastating, lightning fast strikes. An uppercut slumps Rebecca in the corner, Lilith waits for her to recover, before charging in with a high knee strike to the skull. Lilith drags Rebecca towards the middle of the ring and nails a double underhook suplex. Not finished, Lilith picks up Rebecca near limb body and nails a double arm DDT. Lilith goes for the pin


Beth Phoenix breaks up the 3 count.

Torrie: Gosh, how close was that? This is really shaping up to be an excellent match!

Beth hammers away on Lilith, but an uppercut from Lilith soon kills her momentum. Lilith whips Beth into the ropes and tries for a knockdown, but Beth ducks, bounces off the ropes on the opposite side and hits a flying clothesline. Beth begins to build momentum has she delivers a scoop slam to Lilith, and then one to Rebecca. Beth rallies to get the crowd behind her, showing that despite being battered, she’s still in the match

Torrie: Scoop slam to Lilith! And then one to Rebecca! My god a bloody Beth phoenix is beginning to make a comeback!

Beth whips Lilith into the turnbuckle, she tries to follow up with an avalanche, but Lilith rolls out of the way and Phoenix eats the turnbuckle hard. Lilith climbs on top of the second turnbuckle rope and begins hammering away on Beth from above. A momentary distraction casued by Rebecca on the outside is all the opening that Beth needs. She reaches up and grabs Lilith and hits a huge running powerbomb from the turnbuckle. Beth goes for the cover



But can only manage a 2 count as Lilith Kicks out. Beth has a forlorn look on her face as she was positive she had the match won.

Sable: Wow! Beth hit a running powerbomb on Lilith! I didn’t think the girl had it in her, not after the beating she’s taken…

Beth hits a vertical suplex on Lilith, but instead of going for a cover, Beth straddles her and starts pounding away, kicking things into a higher gear. Beth turns around and spears Rebecca off the ring apron and turns her attention back to Lilith. Beth signals for the end of the match as she gets Lilith up on her shoulders. Reaching down deep, she uses one last burst of energy and hits the Beth Valley Driver on Lilith in the middle of the ring

Torrie: Beth hit the Driver, its over, go for the cover girl!!

Beth covers Lilith



But somehow, Lilith kicks out at the last second

Torrie: How did she kick out!?

Sable: I keep telling you Torrie, Lilith isn’t Human, that move would have finished of 90% of the rest of the women in the back.

Beth is in a sheer state of disbelief after Lilith managed to kick out of the Driver, buts she’s determined not to give up. She’s hammers Lilith with everything she’s got, but she soon finds that even her best is not good enough, as Lilith soon kicks things into a higher gear, and soon gets the upper hand on her weakened and drained adversary. Lilith ducks a clothesline, and lifts Beth onto her shoulders, and within the blink of an eye, Lilith delivers the Pyschclone (F5) to Beth Phoenix.

Torrie: Gosh what an F5!

Sable: Out of nowhere!! Beth didn’t even have a chance!

Instead of going for the cover, Lilith makes a cut throat gesture with her hand signaling that she wishes to do more damage to the Champ before pinning her.

Torrie: Not the Millennium Suplex!! Sable, if Lilith hits this Beth WILL be KO’ed

Lilith lifts Beth and applies the Crossface Chickenwing, but before she can drive Beth backwards on her head, she spots Rebecca on the outside trying to get back inside unnoticed. Lilith lunges for Rebecca but misses as the woman quickly steps back. Rebecca reaches into her sports bra and pulls out a package of powder that she had opened, she quickly throws the powder into Lilith’s eyes, momentary blinding her

Torrie: What just happened?!

Sable: It was some sort of powder; Rebecca threw it into Lilith’s eyes!

Rebecca quickly gets back into the ring and stalks a battered Beth Phoenix, whose still struggling to recover. Rebecca measures Beth, and hits the Falcon Arrow on her nemesis for the second time in the match. Rebeccca covers Beth Phoenix




Rebecca pins Beth Phoenix to become the new UWWA Intercontinental Champion!!!

Torrie: Come on ref, she cheated, she cheated!!! She doesn’t deserve the Belt!

Sable: She didn’t cheat Torrie, she did what she needed to do to survive the match. Brilliant move on Rebecca’s part throwing powder into the eyes of Lilith!

Anounncer: Here is your winner and the new UWWA Intercontinental Champion, Rebecca Knox!!!

Rebecca is overjoyed as she grasps the prize she’d been seeking for months, but was never able to capture. Rebecca stands in the middle of the ring and holds the belt above her head, ignoring the boo’s and jeers from the crowd. Satisfied with herself, she even does an Irish Jig that further infuriates the crowd. Her internal victory party is short lived as she sees Lilith make a lunge for her out of the corner of her eye. Rebecca quickly ducks and rolls out of the ring, backing up the entrance way with her new championship in tow.

Kane vs Celeste Crimson​

No Holds Barred Match

Tale of the tape


Height: 7’0

Weight: 326 lbs

Finisher: Tombstone Piledriver

Former WWE Champion
Former ECW Champion
Former Intercontinental Champion
Former Tag Champion


Celeste Crimson

Height: 5’ 10

Weight 170 lbs

Finisher: Pyroclasm (Crucifix Choke)

Former WWE World Champion
Former WWE Tag Champion
Former UWWA Tag Champion

The Story
Kane had been feuding with Celeste’s longtime friend and former partner Aurelia Molotov (picture a near 7 foot tall version of April Hunter). Aurelia had become the target of the Big Red Machine, who had been previously running roughshod through the entire roster, after pinning him in a tournament to crown a new Intercontinental Champion. After weeks of stalking Aurelia (which included viciously attacking her during the UWWA Tournament) Kane defeated Aurelia in a non title match up on RAW. That was when Celeste interjected herself into the feud.

Celeste, who had made history a few months back by becoming the first ever women’s world champion by pinning Chris Jericho, had just come off successful in a feud against Shawn Michaels. Celeste told Aurelia that she had her back, and that she wouldn’t let Kane do any harm to her. Aurelia knew that she could trust her friend, though she knew that there was an evil lurking beneath her exterior. Celeste began to do Aurelia’s dirty work, which began when she called out Kane on behalf of her friend. The Big Red Monster was taken aback by Celeste, because she showed no fear of him. It perplexed him and he soon voiced his confusion. At first Kane was taken aback by Celeste’s beauty, commenting backstage on how she looked so much like a lover that he lost a long time ago.

It wasn’t until after a little poking and prodding by Kane revealed Celeste to be as sadistic and as unpredictable as he was, as Celeste unknowingly revealed her inner demon to Kane. Kane soon stopped seeing Celeste as a mirror image of a love lost long ago and began treating her for the psycho he saw in her. Kane made it a personal mission to bring the monster in Celeste to the surface, in which he all but failed. In one last desperate act, Kane cornered Celeste. He told her he could see the evil in her. Kane asked her what was holding her back, what was keeping her from losing it…. Celeste told Kane that unlike him, she still had a free will of her own; she wasn’t a prisoner to her sub consciousness. Kane told Celeste that he wanted to see the evil unleashed.

As the weeks leading up to the big Summer PPV drew closer, Kane made one last attempt to bring the demon out of Celeste. Kane and Aurelia were slated to go one on one at the Summer PPV with the IC title on the line, but Kane made it a mission to take Aurelia out before the PPV. A week before the PPV, Aurelia defended the title against Batista, and despite Batista’s best efforts to win the belt, Aurelia retained. Kane brutally attacked Aurelia post match, Celeste ran to the ring to save her friend, but the damage had been done. Kane had succeeded in his quest to take Aurelia out of the match, as his attention suddenly turned from Aurelia and her title, to the demon that lay dormant inside Celeste. Celeste agreed to take her friends place and to face Kane at the PPV, but she warned Kane, that if her demon did become unleashed during the match, the all too familiar a circumstance would be too overwhelming for his fragile psyche to comprehend.

In the days leading up to the match, it was revealed how similar Kane and Celeste really were; their dark childhoods, their fascination with fire, their damaged psyches and unpredictability, and their extremely high thresholds for physical pain. Celeste revealed that although Aurelia was her friend, she was glad she was taking her place against Kane. She didn’t see Kane so much as an overwhelming challenge, but rather as an obstacle that needed to be deconstructed, both physically and mentally. Kane stated that right before the match at the PPV that he had come to a new conclusion about Celeste. Kane reveled that the more he looked at Celeste, looked into her eyes, and studied her demeanor, the less of his long lost love he saw in her and the more of himself he saw in her. Inside, Kane said he knew that Celeste was sick, twisted and demented. She was a monster, just like he was.

The Match​

Jim Ross: Welcome everyone to the Conseco Fieldhouse in Indianapolis, Indiana. What a PPV it has been so far and the night has only just getting started…

Jerry Lawler: That’s right JR. And what a match up we have next, “The Big Red Monster” Kane vs “The Submission Queen” Celeste Crimson…. In a No Holds Barred Match…I’m at a loss for words on this one

JR: And we’re joined by the lovely Sable, representing the UWWA to help us call the match…

Lawler: Sable!

Sable: Hi guys! Man….Kane vs Celeste… it’s like looking in a mirror these two. You wouldn’t know it from looking at Celeste, but she’s psychotic. She’s unpredictable and she’s dangerous.

Lawler: More so than Kane? Kane’s a monster what could he possibly have to fear?

Sable: well for starters, you have to take in Celeste’s incredible martial arts background. If you’ve ever really seen Celeste in action you’ll know why people sometimes call her the most dangerous woman alive. She has lethal kicks and strikes, she can use submissions at will, and I’m sure she can move faster than Kane can even think. Kane will need more than power….

Sable is cut off in mid sentence as “Conquer All” by Behemoth plays over the loudspeaker. The crowd erupts but their cheers are soon drowned by the sound of exploding pyro. A blast of pyro ignites a Hazard Sign hanging above the ring, which burns bright as the music plays. Celeste begins to make her way to the ring, escorted by walls of flame that shoot up around her

JR: It’s like she’s walking straight through fire!

Announcer: Introducing first, from Sacramento, California weighing 170 lbs, Celeste Crimson!

Celeste acknowledges the crowd as she makes her way to the ring. She jumps up onto the ring apron and grabs the top rope. Celeste slingshots her way to the top of the rope, balances herself on the top, before doing a shooting star press dismount into the ring. Celeste tightens her MMA style gloves while waiting on her opponent.

Lawler: Well that’s one pyromaniac out of the way… Ahh!!

He’s cut off by the huge blast of pyro signaling the arrival of the Big Red Machine. “Slow Chemical” by Finger Eleven plays as Kane walks down the ramp with a purpose, staring down Celeste the entire time.

Announcer: And her opponent, from Death Valley, weighting 326 lbs, Kane!

Kane ignores the hostile welcome he receives from the crowd, as his mind is set on focusing on one thing… Celeste. Kane reaches up and grabs the top rope and pulls himself onto the apron. Kane steps over the top rope and into the ring, his gaze never breaking away from Celeste. Kane slowly raises his arms over his head, as the arena darkens. Kane drops his arms as lightning flashes from the sky and strikes the 4 corners of the ring as 4 large pillars of flame erupt from the turnbuckles, igniting the air around him and his opponent. Celeste remains unmoved during the display of power, showing Kane that she won’t be intimated by his bag of tricks. Kane backs away with a scowl on his face as Celeste cracks a sadistic looking smile. The referee rings the bell and the match is underway.

Kane adjusts his shoulder pad as he and Celeste circle each other. Kane lunges for Celeste, but she ducks under him and kicks him hard in the ribs before he can fully react. Kane backs away and turns to face Celeste again. Kane tries to trap Celeste in a corner and overwhelm her but she rolls beneath his legs and kicks him backwards into the turnbuckle. Celeste quickly follows that up with a knee strike to the face. Celeste backs away and tries to bait Kane out of the corner. Kane takes the bait and rushes out of the corner, where Celeste trips him with drop toe hold. Celeste immediately tries to apply the Ankle Lock, but Kane kicks her off and gets back to his feet. Celeste takes Kane out at the knee, bringing the big man to his knees; Celeste kicks Kane in the head dropping him to the mat. With a grunt, Kane quickly rolls out of the ring and onto the floor. Kane begins to pace as he begins to voice his frustrations. In a fit of rage, Kane lifts the ring stairs from their foundations and sends them flying.

Lawler: Easy big guy, no need to lose your cool…

Sable: Celeste is getting into his head, he knows it…

Kane and Celeste trade words, as Celeste taunts Kane from the inside. Celeste targets Kane’s knee again, but Kane catches her kick and powers her down to the mat with a short arm lariat. Kane mouths off to Celeste, but eats his words as Celeste sits up to look him in the eye. Kane kicks Celeste in the face, grabs her by the shoulders and places her in an upright position. Kane runs, bounces off the ropes, and hits a low dropkick, sending Celeste flying across the ring. Kane picks Celeste up and tosses her body outside the ring where she lands in a heap on the mat below. Kane follows Celeste to the outside and rams her against the barricade. Kane picks Celeste up like a rag doll and drops her face first against the top of the barricade. Celeste shakes off the attack and begins to move towards the announce table, with Kane in tow. Kane hits Celeste with a shallow uppercut as Celeste falls across the announce table. Kane scares away several ring officials away from their chairs, grabbing two of them, he tosses the chairs into the ring. Kane grabs Celeste and tries to whip her into the ring post, but Celeste counters and kicks away Kane’s arm. Celeste kicks Kane in the leg and drives him back against the ring apron where she leaps up and knees Kane in the side of the head, dropping his body down to her level. Celeste takes advantage and begins to wail away on Kane unmercifully with repeated right hands, taking the giant down to the floor.

JR: Celeste has lost it, and now she’s beating Kane unmercifully with right hands!

Sable: Ah, I think her reactor core has been destroyed… gentlemen, get ready for a meltdown

Celeste reaches under the ring and throws a trashcan into the ring before reaching underneath the ring again and retrieving a lead pipe.

Lawler: Ahh! Kane she has a pipe, this maniac woman has a pipe!

Celeste advances with the weapon and begins to batter the Big Red Machine with it. Kane begins to retreat back towards the barrier, as to shield himself from Celeste’s onslaught. Kane suddenly grabs Celeste’s arm, preventing her from hitting him with the weapon and flings her over the barrier and into the crowd. Kane steps over the barrier in pursuit, but is immediately met with another shot with the lead pipe. Kane blocks another shot with the pipe from Celeste, and then shoves her aside. Kane begins to brawl with Celeste as the fight thought the crowd. Kane slams Celeste hard against a steel wall. Kane mouths to her that “two people with their instability cannot co exist”. Kane tries to avalanche Celeste against the wall, but she moves out of the way at the last second as Kane hits the wall hard. Celeste responds with an “I know” before pummeling Kane with more of her vicious kicks. The two fight their way over to the production stage next to the stairway leading to the entrance ramp. Kane overpowers Celeste and throws her against the steel stairs. Kane forces Celeste up the steps and onto the entranceway. Celeste continues to show her tenacity, fighting Kane the entire way.

JR: This match has become nothing but a brawl. Just two sadistic, maniacal human beings imposing their will on each other

Lawler: And on one side you have a 7 foot 330 pound sadistic monster that doesn’t feel pain…

Sable: and the other you have a sadistic martial arts master who also doesn’t feel pain… hmm… tough call

Celeste takes advantage of her formidable striking ability, freeing herself from Kane’s grasp with her lethal kicks. Celeste rears back and catches Kane across the chin with one of her awesome superkicks, causing him to teeter on the edge in front of a drop of the entranceway. Kane quickly drops to a knee to save himself from going over, knowingly leaving himself open to attack. Kane blocks the oncoming kick, reaches out and grabs Celeste by the throat. Kane picks Celeste up over his head and runs with her, driving her back first into the Plexiglas beside the Titantron. Kane picks Celeste up on his shoulder, looking to drive her face first into the Plexiglas fixture, but Celeste rolls of Kane’s shoulders at the last second. Celeste looks for another superkick, but Kane wisely dodges the kick at the last second. Celeste kicks the Plexiglas with so much force, her foot imprints itself on the bottom of the glass as the bottom of the fixture begins to shatter.

JR: Kane was wise to duck that time, good lord, Celeste’s kicks are so powerful and precise she just cracked that glass fixture.

Kane scores with another uppercut, knocking Celeste down. Kane throws Celeste down the slanted rampway was she rolls towards the barriers in front of the ring. Kane slams Celeste backwards against the barrier. Kane chokes Celeste against the barrier with his foot, while screaming obscenities at her. Kane remarks “you should have stayed out of my business” as he gets a cord and proceeds to wrap it around Celeste’s neck, choking her with cord. Celeste’s body goes limp as Kane releases the cord, picks up her body and throws her back into the ring. Celeste wheezes, trying to catch her breath as Kane steps over the top rope and back into the ring. Kane kicks Celeste in the side of the head, Celeste rolls out of instinct to get away. Kane lifts Celeste to her feet and whips her into the turnbuckle. Celeste looks down and out as Kane charges in to squash Celeste in the corner, but she moves ate the last second, and Kane eats the turnbuckle hard. Celeste goes to the outside apron, looking to slingshot herself onto Kane. Kane finds himself aware of his surroundings and jumps up to meet Celeste as she slingshots herself to the top, knocking her off the ropes with an impressive looking dropkick.

JR: Bah Gawd!!! What athleticism from the Big Red Machine!!

Lawler: Oh my gosh! Kane just leapt up and drop kicked Celeste right out of the air!

As Celeste struggled to her feet on the outside, Kane ascended the top turnbuckle. With the crowd holding their breath, Kane leaped from the top taking out Celeste on the floor below

Sable: That’s it, she’s done. She may not feel pain, but that doesn’t mean her body doesn’t absorb it.

Kane walks over to Celeste’s limp body and nudges it with his foot. Kane lifts Celeste to her feet and lifts her body over his head in a military press. Kane walks over and tosses Celeste over the top rope. Kane slides underneath the ring and walks over to one of the steel chairs lying dormant in the corner. Kane picks up the chair and tosses it down in the middle of the ring as Celeste slowly gets back to her feet. Kane signals for the chokeslam, has he grabs Celeste’s throat. Celeste begins to fight Kane’s grip as she tries to wrench herself free. Celeste kicks Kane’s hand away and tries to aim one at his face, but Kane blocks the kick and has her by the throat. Kane lifts Celeste for chokeslam, but Celeste counters mid move – driving Kane down across the steel chair with a DDT much to the delight of the crowd. Celeste begins to catch her second wind as she picks up the chair and begins stalking Kane with it. Celeste levels Kane across the skull with the chair, Celeste targets Kane’s knee with the weapon wailing away in a brutal fashion. Celeste delivers not one but two violent, but well placed roundhouse kicks to the side of Kane’s head, dropping the big man to the canvas. Celeste threads the chair through Kane’s leg and around his knee has she rushes to retrieve the other steel chair lying on the opposite side of the ring. Chair in hand, Celeste tells Kane ”you haven’t suffered yet” as she proceeds to wail away on Kane ‘s chair wrapped knee, compressing it between the chair in her hand as Kane violently recoils

Lawler: Oh my Gosh!

Sable: I told you… this woman has lost her mind. Even if she was docile before, the potential for this kind of violence has always been there!

Lawler: Both Kane and Crimson are out of their minds; this match isn’t going to end until someone leaves on a stretcher!

Celeste applies a leg bar on Kane, using the chair as leverage. Kane tries to fight his way out, but Celeste reverses the hold into an Ankle Lock, has she applies a grapevine for more support. Kane feigns tapping, the sweat dripping from his brow, as he decides to gut it out and try to make it to the ropes. Kane pulls Celeste using the strength in his upper body, desperately trying to reach the ropes. Celeste tries to pull Kane back towards the center of the ring, but Kane manages to swat her away with his good leg. Kane tries to stand, but his entire leg just buckles underneath him. Kane swats Celeste away, trying to put the relentless woman down so that he can free his knee from the steel chair. Kane manages to sidestep Celeste, and using all the power he can muster, flattens her with a short arm lariat. Kane struggles to get the chair off his knee as he threads it through his leg, all the while hurling obscenities towards Celeste. With his back turned to her, Celeste gets to her feet like a shark smelling blood, as she rushes to attack, but Kane catches her and hits a big sidewalk slam, shifting the momentum. Kane feels his adrenaline pumping as he lifts Celeste off her feet with one arm; Kane turns and plants her with a powerslam. Kane makes the first cover of the match


But Celeste kicks out. Kane mounts the smaller woman and begins to hammer away on her with right hands. Kane mouths “you call that suffering? Let me show you suffering.” Kane lays Celeste out with one more right hand, then rolls out of the ring to collect more weapons. Kane grabs another chair and slides it into the ring; Kane rummages under the ring and retrieves a small brown bag, which tosses into the ring next to the turnbuckle. Kane tries to slide back into the ring, but is met with a baseball slide by Celeste, which knocks Kane backwards. Celeste slingshots her body over the top rope onto Kane, but Kane catches her with ease. Kane rams Celeste’s body into the ring post, crushing her back against the steel. Kane throws Celeste into the ring and slides in after her. Kane grabs the steel chair beside him as the crowd holds their breath, waiting for the worst to come. Kane hits Celeste in the gut with the top of the chair, causing Celeste to fall to her knees. Kane slams the chair down across her back, drilling Celeste into the mat. Celeste slowly rises to her feet, a wild look in her eyes. Kane cracks a sadistic looking smile as he cracks Celeste hard across the top of the skull with the chair! Celeste crumples on the canvas, a dazed look on her face. Kane cracks another smile as he moves into the cover.

JR: God what a shot that was! The poor girl may have brain damage

Sable: get a fat woman and tell her to sing, this match is over!


Celeste kicks out again, almost on instinct, and Kane is beside him. He gets to his feet seething.

Lawler: How did Celeste kick out of that? It never ceases to amaze me watching this woman in action. With this kind of tenacity maybe she can beat Kane

Celeste slowly gets to her feet, her body still reeling from the onslaught from Kane. Kane picks up the trash can and advances upon Celeste. Celeste suddenly hits a drop toe hold, sending the trash can flying, and rolls Kane over and applies an armbar.

Sable: How is Celeste doing this after that brutal chair shot?

Lawler: as you pointed out Sable, Celeste is a martial arts master, these are all basic maneuvers to her, she could do them in her sleep... or in this case, knocked halfway unconscious

Kane manages to fights his way to his feet as he simply picks Celeste straight off the canvas holding her above his head trying to choke the life out of her. Celeste gouges Kane’s eyes to free herself. Celeste tries to capitalize but Kane knocks her right back down with a boot to the face. Kane walks over to retrieve the trash can as the crowd firmly gets behind Celeste, willing her on. Kane swings the can at her but Celeste ducks out of the way. Kane tries to swing the can again, but Celeste kicks the can straight back into his face, knocking him to the canvas. Celeste goes for a quick cover


But can’t keep Kane down for long as the Monster gets right back up. Celeste knees Kane in the head and decides to go high risk. Shaking the cobwebs free, Celeste gracefully ascends to the top of the turnbuckle. Standing on the top, she motions to the crowd who cheer her on in approval, as Celeste completes a picture perfect Shooting Star Press, coming down hard across Kane’s body. Celeste goes for the cover again.

JR: Celeste hits the Shooting Star Press! But will it be enough to pin Kane?


Kane gets the shoulder up at the last second, as Celeste begins to lose her temper once more. Celeste grabs Kane and locks in her patented rear gogoplata submission hold, trapping Kane’s arm behind him and wrenching it at a ridiculous angle. Kane rolls and uses his long leg to reach the ropes. Kane elbows his way free, and gets to his feet. Kane grabs Celeste and yanks her to her feet, but Celeste counters and begins kicking away at the injured knee she had worked on earlier. Kane pushes Celeste away but she fires back with a low dropkick, dropping Kane to the mat leaving him holding his knee in pain. Celeste has a wild look in her eye has she begins to stalk Kane. Celeste levels Kane with a superkick and then quickly moves and locks in her nasty submission finisher, the Pyroclasm.

JR: Oh my God! The Pyroclasm! This nasty MMA style Crucifix Choke submission hold, Shawn Michaels tapped out a few weeks ago to this maneuver, and now it’s locked in on Kane!

Lawler: Aaah!! Will Kane Tap? Will he pass out?

Kane struggles violently against the hold, Celeste holding his arms hostage making it impossible for him to break free using his upper body. Kane desperately tries to make it to the bottom rope using his feet, as Celeste cinches in the choke trying to knock Kane out. Kane cries out in pain, and tells Celeste “you haven’t beaten me yet” using all the power he can muster, Kane begins to fold Celeste’s body like an accordion using his right arm, and maneuvers Celeste straight onto her back into a pin. The referee moves into the count but Celeste breaks the pin immediately, consequently forfeiting her submission.

Sable: Kane broke the Hold! What does Celeste have to do to beat this monster?

Kane swats Celeste away, Celeste tries to capitalize but Kane grabs her by the throat and plants her with a massive Chokeslam!

Lawler: Ah the Chokeslam! Its over now, I knew Celeste couldn’t beat kane

Kane goes for the cover

But Celeste kicks out at the last second

JR: Bah Gawd! Celeste kicked out of the Chokeslam! Where does this woman keep finding the strength to continue?

Sable: Celeste doesn’t feel pain, she doesn’t suffer. She’s basically the female version of Kane. You think you’ve got her down, but then she just gets right back up

Kane is furious that the Chokeslam didn’t put Celeste away. Kane begins to argue with the ref about the count but the ref holds his ground. Kane losses his temper and assaults the ref, Chokeslaming the referee all the way to hell for his efforts. With Celeste still trying to recover after the effects of the Chokeslam, Kane slowly walks over to the turnbuckle to retrieve the small brown bag. Kane holds the bag in his hand with a sadistic smile on his face. Kane begins to trash talk Celeste as he opens the bag and pours out hundreds of thumbtacks on the middle of the canvas.

Lawler: Thumbtacks!!!

Kane gestures with his thumb as he motions for the Tombstone, much to the horror of the crowd. Kane lifts Celeste onto his shoulder, looking to drive her headfirst onto the tacks. Before he can complete the maneuver, the movement of a figure running down the ramp quickly catches his gaze. The crowd erupts as the Intercontinental Champion, Aurelia Molotov (picture a near 7 foot tall version of April Hunter) runs down to the ring to confront Kane

JR: Aurelia, the woman that The Big Red Monster put out of action right before this match, she’s back to get a piece of Kane!

Kane drops Celeste and quickly turns his attention to Aurelia. Kane tries for a clothesline, both Aurelia ducks, quickly taking it to Kane with right hands. Aurelia ties to whip Kane but he overpowers her and sends her into the ropes, but Aurelia charges back with a flying clothesline, knocking Kane down. The crowd is on their feet as Aurelia stalks Kane. He gets back to his feet, and Aurelia grabs him by the throat. Kane struggles against her grip, and counters, locking his hand around her throat. Locking the two in an epic struggle for control.

JR: Oh my god, whose going to blink here?

Sable: This is an epic struggle between these two behemoths!

Kane begins to overpower the smaller and weaker woman as he begins to feel her grip loosen. Panicked, Aurelia low blows Kane, killing his momentum.

Lawler: Gosh what a low bow! That could be the death blow for Kane!

Aurelia grabs Kane by the throat and chokeslams the larger man onto the bed of thumbtacks! Aurelia slides out of the ring as another referee runs down to the ring, just as Celeste moves in to the cover on Kane!



JR: By God she’s done it, Celeste has pinned the big red machine! Celeste pins Kane thanks from a late match interference from Aurelia Molotov

Lawler: Oh my gosh, I didn’t think she could do it.

Sable: I had a feeling that was going to happen; Kane took Aurelia out of this match specifically so that he could have Celeste all to himself, Aurelia got some retribution in this match, costing Kane the win

Lawler: Aurelia chokeslamed Kane on a bed of thumbtacks!

JR: it was an impressive display of power

Announcer: here is your winner by pinfall, Celeste Crimson!

The crowd Cheers Celeste as Aurelia enters the ring to congratulate her friend. The two back away and make their retreat as Kane sits up from the bed of thumbtacks, staring at the two women with a look of pure hate in his eyes.
I thought you booked the women's wrestling alot better than the WWE. You made the matches have more psychology then the WWE. Your match also seemed to flow very well. I enjoyed the Pheonix/Knox/Lilith match the best, but thought all 3 were solid and they came off more exciting than the women's matches in the WWE, even if it's only words. 9/10

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