(My last thrad) - Canadians I need your help. Moving to canada.

Pole Smoker

Pre-Show Stalwart
Ok Canadians I am just starting to plan my move to Canada. Some of you may of saw my earlier thrad about it but now I'm doing it.

I need to move from the sh1thole that is the UK and want a fresh start in Canada.

I'm getting help from people to plan the move but I'm sure I'll be there in the next 6 years maximum. Hopefully 3.

What I need help with is:

1. Where should I move? - I've been thinking both Toronto and Vancouver. Toronto could be better though because I hear it's better for immigrants. I want somewhere nice and relaxed with nice homes and people.

2. What should I expect? - What are the people like, willthey resent me being an immigrant?

3. Tell me what it is like in Canada - Anything you can add

I appreciate any help from you bros :). Even people who have been to Canada.
cheers bro. I'm looking more towards Toronto now. I want somewhere that won't be too much of a change. Random towns in Canada are not going to be easy to move to because people will used to their ways and there won't be as much jobs or other people like me immigrating compared to the cities. I hear Toronto is very multicultural which should make things easier.

I heard you get allot of snow there. But I saw a canadian online saying 50cm was loads for what they got. If 50cm is allot of snow in Canada then that will be no problem. I could probably go shirtless in 50 cm of snow. It was 70cm last Christmas here and that was easy.

Toronto is my plan now. Can anyone tell me what it's like in Toronto to live who has been there? Thanks.
Canada gets tons of snow, dude. We had multiple dumps of well over a foot each time this year. I'd say neither are great options. Both are incredibly big and overly crowded. You'd be best moving into a town just outside one of those major cities.
What the fucks a thrad? I could ask my Canadian family who live in Calgary these questions and get back to you.
Okay, Fine. I'll give you the breakdown, Starting from West-East.

Vancouver- Expect rain 10 months out of the year, very little - no snow in the winter. Just rain. Seriously, we get a lot of rain. Also one of the most expensive cities in N.America to live in. THE most expensive in Canada. The Mountain view is incredible though (when it's not raining)

Edmonton: Cold ass winters. Looking at -40 average. Hot in the summer. Shit Hockey team (sorry to the oilers fans, but you know it to be true). On the plus, the biggest Mall in Canada.

Calgary: Same as Edmonton, take out the big mall.

Winnipeg: Probably the coldest winters in the country. Floods in the Summer sometimes. Still a Beautiful city, if I had to pick any other one besides Van, it'd be Winnipeg.

Ottawa: Capitol of Canada. Gets a fair amount of snow in the winter, and decent summers.

Toronto: 52% of the people you meet in Toronto, are not from Toronto. Busiest city in the country. Majorly disliked by almost the rest of the country

Montreal: The most Beautiful city in Canada. The night life is amazing, and the people are really nice. Contrary to popular belief it is NOT all french. Spent 2 months there, and never once ran into someone who didn't speak English. Strip club on almost every corner downtown. Very Anti-Toronto. Take their Hockey team very serious.

The East Coast: Not going to go too much into it, because the eastern cities are almost all alike. Cold and wet winters. Hit by tropical storms almost every year. Great place to visit, wouldn't want to live there myself.

On a side note, I've seen that you say you like to go out a lot and drink. Well, if thats the case, then you might want to become a Hockey fan. Most people here take it quite seriously, and there has been cases of people being beaten down for saying that they like Soccer, or Football, and hate hockey. Pick the "home" team, and you should be fine. Should be.
Well if this really is your last thrad, I just gotta tell you buddy. Your a real gem. But honestly I know being put in prison on Wrestlezone forums is bad, but do you really think moving to Canada is going to help overcome the shame.

Here's to you, hope they tolerate you better than we could.
Thanks for everyone who helped. I'm just trying to get enough info before I go all the way. I can't claim I know what Canada is like as I've barely seen it but I thinkit's safe to say it's a TON better than sh1tty Scotland. We get rain 12 months/12.

Not sure where to go. I'll what other information I get from the thread to make me think of places.

Oh and if hockey teams are big then It's no problem. Football (soccer) is huge here and I have been attacked for not supporting a certain team before lmfao. I'll be fine.
Okay, Fine. I'll give you the breakdown, Starting from West-East.

Vancouver- Expect rain 10 months out of the year, very little - no snow in the winter. Just rain. Seriously, we get a lot of rain. Also one of the most expensive cities in N.America to live in. THE most expensive in Canada. The Mountain view is incredible though (when it's not raining)

Edmonton: Cold ass winters. Looking at -40 average. Hot in the summer. Shit Hockey team (sorry to the oilers fans, but you know it to be true). On the plus, the biggest Mall in Canada.

Calgary: Same as Edmonton, take out the big mall.

Winnipeg: Probably the coldest winters in the country. Floods in the Summer sometimes. Still a Beautiful city, if I had to pick any other one besides Van, it'd be Winnipeg.

Ottawa: Capitol of Canada. Gets a fair amount of snow in the winter, and decent summers.

Toronto: 52% of the people you meet in Toronto, are not from Toronto. Busiest city in the country. Majorly disliked by almost the rest of the country

Montreal: The most Beautiful city in Canada. The night life is amazing, and the people are really nice. Contrary to popular belief it is NOT all french. Spent 2 months there, and never once ran into someone who didn't speak English. Strip club on almost every corner downtown. Very Anti-Toronto. Take their Hockey team very serious.

The East Coast: Not going to go too much into it, because the eastern cities are almost all alike. Cold and wet winters. Hit by tropical storms almost every year. Great place to visit, wouldn't want to live there myself.

On a side note, I've seen that you say you like to go out a lot and drink. Well, if thats the case, then you might want to become a Hockey fan. Most people here take it quite seriously, and there has been cases of people being beaten down for saying that they like Soccer, or Football, and hate hockey. Pick the "home" team, and you should be fine. Should be.

very helpful thank you. Confused more now though because Toronto sounds bad now. Sounds like Montreal might be a good shout? Whats it like in summer?

Not sure where I'll go but i basically want somewhere that has:

Nice People
Decent Summers (This won't be hard for me I'm used to freezing in summer)
nice area with good homes and such.
Hot azz chicks

Probably would be a hockey fan for the lols. Being a football (soccer) fan so I'm used to getting in bother over it.

Am I fuked if I don't know French?
will my Scottish accent make chicks melt?. Everyone says that foreign guys get chicks but I don't see how this would work lol.
Accent? no. It won't work for you. High immigration rate remember? every 5th or 6th person you meet has an accent. Based off what you are looking for, I'd say Ottawa, or Edmonton. Montreal is great, but you need both French and English to work in most places. As far as women, it don't matter where you do go, each city has a ton of hotties.
Accent? no. It won't work for you. High immigration rate remember? every 5th or 6th person you meet has an accent. Based off what you are looking for, I'd say Ottawa, or Edmonton. Montreal is great, but you need both French and English to work in most places. As far as women, it don't matter where you do go, each city has a ton of hotties.

lol thats a good point actually about the accent.

Checked out info on Ottawa and it looks good. Might go for there. I'm going to Canada 2 times soon so I'll get a chance to check it out and make a decision.

But also what kind of animals go about? Are there big ass spiders and snakes in Canada? Scared shitless of them lol. (especially those spiders)

Also are the restaurants good in Canada? Is it basically the same sort of thing as the USA?

1) vancover if you like rain, toronto cause toronto is awesome. winnipeg is dreadful and not recommended.
2)depends on how fluent you speak english, and if your a hard worker, and have a good personality.
3) canada has a terrible justice system.... go to the states.

oh and i actually live in canada so i know.
1) vancover if you like rain, toronto cause toronto is awesome. winnipeg is dreadful and not recommended.
2)depends on how fluent you speak english, and if your a hard worker, and have a good personality.
3) canada has a terrible justice system.... go to the states.

oh and i actually live in canada so i know.

cheers. The states would be far too hard to move to anyway not worth it. Ottawa and Toronto are my top 2 choice now.
1) vancover if you like rain, toronto cause toronto is awesome. winnipeg is dreadful and not recommended.
2)depends on how fluent you speak english, and if your a hard worker, and have a good personality.
3) canada has a terrible justice system.... go to the states.

oh and i actually live in canada so i know.


And nothing wrong with the justice system. We just don't put people away for 10+ years for having a little bit of weed on them. (looking at you California)

But no, there's no big spiders, or snakes or anything. Bears. And thats usually only in the remote parts, like the smaller towns.

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