My Idea for Cena's next feud


Championship Contender
I am hoping that when Cena beats Del Rio at Survivor Series it is the end of Del Rio as a main eventer which means Cena needs a new rival and I have an idea for who it should be. Roman Reigns. He needs a push and I don't believe he should be a face when he gets his push.

The way I would create this feud is for Cena to cut his usual 'Champ is Here' promo on the Raw after Survivor Series and during the promo the Shield's music hits and only Reigns comes out. While Cena is looking for Ambrose and Rollins, Reigns jumps him, Spears him, then Powerbombs him. I think then he should go backstage and HHH is the first there and he is saying nice work. Then Ambrose and Rollins show up annoyed but HHH tells them it was his idea and sets up a match between Cena and Reigns at TLC for the title in a TLC match which Reigns wins with the help of Ambrose and Rollins.

I think this idea works as Reigns gets his push and Cena gets his opponent and when he loses he gets freed up for another run at the WWE title or Royal Rumble. Also the Authority now has greater control as they have the 2 major titles and US title and could even have Rollins feud with Langston to try and get all singles titles in the Authority.

Your Thoughts
I think it is a little too soon for them to start branching off the Shield. We still haven't seen some matches involving them and giving Reigns the World Title would end some great possibilities. At TLC, I think we can see Rollins/Reigns hopefully in a match with The Rhodes', The Uso's and The Real Americans. Thereafter a couple of matches against the Wyatt family.

There is no rush to put Reigns in a match with Cena and to give him the World Title. There are plenty of other options for him certainly. He will get his World Title - just not yet. As for Cena, I wouldn't be shocked to see him face Del Rio at TLC. Other options are The Miz, Mark Henry and Ryback. I would personally like to see him face The Miz because they have had some good matches in the past and it is a very easy feud to have for a couple of months before the Road to Wrestlemania.
I love the fact of Reigns in the title picture but not exactly right now. The seeds have been planted for a Shield split going by their backstage interview two weeks ago on Raw, Ambrose stated he's the best causing Reigns to slowly look at him in a way that everybody thought the slow split has started. Roman Reigns has the look that Vince McMahon loves and the fact he's The Rocks cousin is an added bonus for him. Look at all the possibilities in the future for Roman Reigns, there is so many and one has to be The Rock vs. Reigns! McMahon would fall to his knees for that match.

Roman Reigns will have a build up much like Batista back in the Evolution days but he will be on his own before going big. I can see 2014 being the year reigns proves that he's good in very physical One on One feuds with guys like, Ryback, Big Show, Punk, Orton...etc! Fast forward to the 2015 Royal Rumble, Roman Reigns gets the victory and has a classic Road to Wrestlemania possibly going against Cena. Thats when I think Roman will shine...WRESTLEMANIA 31!
Actually sounds like a good idea, doubt it happens but I like it.

And with it being the world title, it can happen.

Now how could anyone say its too soon? Sure in the grand scheme of things its too soon, but lets face it. Sheamus beat Cena for the WWE title at TLC before, he sure hadn't been around as much as Reigns has now, nor in as many high profile matches.
great idea, but WAY too soon. Reigns and Orton both holding gold could lead to a match between the two down the track, I see Reigns push starting the night after Wrestlemania, where the ne storyline arc generally look to kick off amid the host of shit rematches. I would like to Csee Cena kept away from the WWE Title, let him defend the WHC and have him feud against whatever heel they deem fit, or have him drop the belt and then chase it rhouh Mania
I think it's a little too soon for Roman Reigns to ultimately get that sort of push. If the various stories I've read over the past few months are legit, then I think Reigns could very well see a push of that level sometime in 2014, but I'm thinking that it'll be post WrestleMania XXX.

I can see WWE ultimately start to break The Shield up at the Royal Rumble. With the mantra of the match being every man for himself, I can easily see The Shield embracing the idea with at least one member turning on the others, at least somewhat, to attempt to win the match. This generates some major tension within the group that ultimately leads to their demise not too long after, perhaps at the Elimination Chamber or right at the final push towards WrestleMania XXX. During this same time period, I can honestly see theme engaged in a feud with The Wyatt Family that leads to those building tensions with the dam ultimately bursting. If WWE has big ideas for Reigns first, maybe Rollins & Ambrose turn on him.

I suppose that WWE could go the route of having Reigns have a singles feud with Cena and that drives a wedge between the group, with Rollins & Ambrose possibly becoming jealous. They justify their feelings by stating that Reigns is putting himself above the good of the group, in their eyes at least, and use that as the catalyst for turning on him. Maybe what ultimately initiates their turn against Reigns involves them interfering in a title match against John Cena in which he has Cena clearly and cleanly beaten. Rollins & Ambrose interfere, costing him the title with Cena about to lose clean, and this sets up Reigns as a true singles force right from the start. I don't see WWE going down this road with him, but I think it has potential to set Reigns up as a strong singles threat right from the start who can ultimately head back into the title scene after he's finished his business with Rollins & Ambrose.
I don't think Reigns is quite on Cena's level yet. Maybe next year.

Even though Cena rarely loses, when he does lose it means something. Cena has been a sort of launching pad into the main event.

Edge, RVD, Punk, Bryan, Barrett, R-Truth, and the Miz were all elevated to the next level after feuding with Cena. Although, it seems the latter three have regressed. Mainly because of bad booking and lack of planning after their feuds with Cena.

I think Cody Rhodes is the best candidate for working with Cena and trying to get to the next level. I know they're both faces, but HHH and Authority members can force them into a few high profile matches. Cena status won't be affected. But depending on the city and crowd's opinion of Cena, Rhodes could work as a mega-face like Punk in Chicago or RVD in the ECW Arena.

Otherwise, Sandow can come after Cena again. Sandow did look strong in defeat. Plus, the fact that people cared about Sandow losing is great for his future.

Another route they can go is to give a veteran one last run in the main event like Mark Henry's recent feud with Cena. This way even a losing program in the main event spotlight would be a good way to wind down a career.

Christian's recent rash of injuries has his career at 5 minutes to midnight. And as a part of the Peeps, I think the magic from his 2011 feud against Randy Orton can be reignited. Christian is a steady hand, a solid worker, and can drag main event caliber matches out of John Cena.

I'm not even sure if Christian is injured or if creative just doesn't have anything going for him.

It would be awesome for Rey Mysterio to get one last run in the main event. His match against Cena for the WWE Title after MITB 2011 was great, and could serve as fuel for the feud. This way Rey can still be elevated in a losing effort, then go on to work with Sin Cara, Los Matadores, or some other luchador as a passing of the torch for Wrestlemania XXX.
I have no interest in seeing Cena fight with Cody Rhodes or Christian. I dont ever see Rhodes being a main eventer nor do I see Christian ever getting back there. Decent mid carders and that is where they should stay.

Big E Langston would be interesting as a baby face vs baby face fued. Big E can still be the IC Champ throughout this. A match at the Rumble could really make Big E into something.

Sheamus as a heel would be good too. I used to love Sheamus when he was bad, he grew really stale as a face but put that mean streak into him, Sheamus and Cena could be interesting.

RVD returning with Paul Heyman is another possibility.

Other than that I am really struggling. Unless they go down the title vs title route and he starts a fued with Orton. I would save that for Wrestlemania though.
It's a mistake if they break the Shield off before Wrestlemania IMO. We'll see the writing on the wall before Mania, but we won't see the actual separation until Mania IMO.

I'm sure if Cena holds the title until Mania, then we'll see a feud of John Cena vs heel Sheamus starting after Sheamus returns. Which is unfortunate, but probably true.

But until then, i'd like to see Antonio Cesaro have a feud with Cena over the WHC
Fortunately it's WrestleMania season soo, so WWE can be lazy. Cena' Mania match is probably already set in stone. If it isn't, they'll have several ready and waiting to go.

They can pair him in nothing feuds up until Elimination Chamber time. Cena has never had a proper feud with Rey Mysterio. That seems like a good holding feud. High in quality, Rey can lose without it effecting him. Two matches, one at TLC and one at The Rumble.

Or you have him feud with Shield members for a few months. Ambrose against Cena might work if you have Rollins & Reigns helping him. It could put into question the result of a ladder match next month.
This doesn't work, for two glaring reasons.

One, when Cena returned and won the World Heavyweight Championship, the idea behind having Cena as champion was to elevate the World Heavyweight Championship. Giving him two wins over Del Rio and one over Sandow before losing the title is hardly enough time to do that. The person who takes the title from Cena should do so after Cena has held the title for a substantial amount of time, and after he's been built up into a championship threat. Quite simply, having Cena lose the title so soon after winning it, interference or no, does nothing for the title, and as such, nothing for the person who wins it from him. I wouldn't mind giving Reigns a match, but with the fact being that Reigns hasn't been built up into a contender of credible proportions, it's simply not the right time or the right guy to take the title for Cena. It should be another Daniel Bryan situation, where Cena holds the title for at least 6 months, and then is defeated by a credible challenger, be they heel or face. It worked(temporarily)for Bryan, and it would work again for whomever takes the title from Cena when they do so. Give Cena time with the belt and a challenger who's been built into a threat, and you've got both a meaningful title and a worthy champion. The belt isn't there yet, and Reigns isn't a credible champion, yet.

The second problem is that this essentially means the fracturing off of the Shield. Reigns would be elevated to a level far beyond his Shield bretheren, and while he's a guy WWE is high on, he's not at a point, yet, where him holding the World Championship would be meaningful. Further, he'ld be fractured off from the Shield with separate feuds, and with the WHC, it wouldn't be a minor feud where he could feud with his challenger, then return to the Shield as part of the group for their big six-man tags. The Shield has been together for only a year, the earliest they should start splitting off into single's wrestlers should be after Wrestlemania 30. So not only is Reigns not ready, it's not a good move for the Shield as a group. That's why having Ambrose win the Money In The Bank would have been a bad idea as well. None of the three, at this point, should be positioned in a place much higher than the other. This isn't Evolution, with the past, present, and future. This is the present and future, and thus, they should be positioned equally.

Give Cena time with the belt to elevate it, and give the wrestler who takes it from him a long-term build. Cena's only held the title for a month, and Reigns hasn't been built up, individually, as a credible threat. The Shield isn't ready to split, nor are they ready for one member to be elevated to a position higher than the others.

What's needed, more than anything, is patience here. Patience with Cena to elevate the belt, patience for a credible challenger to be built, and patience with the split of the Shield. None of those would happen in this scenario.
I think a Cena/Reigns feud would definitely be interesting but there are a couple of problems.

Reigns isn't ready for a world title reign just yet; his mic skills are still relatively unknown and he's normally well-protected in six-man tag matches.

At the same time, Reigns and The Shield can't really afford another loss after their recent defeats, so it would be difficult to think of a result that really works well for Reigns.

Plus, there was talk only a few weeks ago that Cena won the World title to add a bit of prestige to it - a Reigns victory would cause a similar drop in prestige as when Sheamus beat Cena out of nowhere a few years ago.

I think Cena will keep hold of the belt til WrestleMania, possibly even longer than that.
RVD. He should be his next feud, if he plans on returning to WWE TV this winter. If not, then I was thinking a possible triple threat match at TLC between Cena, ADR and Sandow for the World title in a Ladder match or something. I like Reigns, but it;s too soon and this would be bad for him because he has NO chance in hell of beating Cena.
Way way way too soon for that we don't want to have another Ryback here. I see Cena winning this Sunday then hopefully going on to a triple threat at TLC with Sandow, ADR and Cena which would eventually branch off to Sandow vs Cena at the Rumble. It seems at the past few rumbles and by past few I mean like past 10 minus a few exceptions one of the title shots goes to a non regular main eventer to see if they can deliver there. We've seen that Sandow can hang with Cena I think the Rumble will Sandow. After that he'll defend the title in the Chamber against hopefully 6 worthy competitors then go on to WrestleMania either defending or winning the title. I think that's the best route WWE should take with Cena.

With Reigns though they should have the tensions rise during the Rumble and break up either at the chamber or a few weeks after and have the triple threat at Mania. I'd rather it not be for the US title but that's fine whatever. Have Reigns win here and go on a winning streak either with or without the title then have him face off for the title around the summer of 2014.
Sheamus would make a nice pre-Wrestlemania feud if he's coming back as a heel, which I think he should. They had great chemistry together a few years ago, and the feud would be's been what?...3 years or so since their last match?
I like the idea of having Reigns against Cena, but I like the idea Jack Hammer had of The Shields demise playing into it further down the line...

Looking at the roster it seems, to me at least, that a member of Shield could easily win MITB and, why not have it be Reigns that wins in..have the tease of the other two being jealous while Reigns does something other MITB winners rarely do, racking up a nice winning streak so he can be taken seriously as a headliner...then have him go to cash in on Cena but the other 2 guys beat the crap out of him (loses by DQ) just as he's about to cleanly pin Cena. They beat the crap out of Cena as well...sets up a rather interesting tag match at SummerSlam next year and, when business is finished, Cena can be a honorable guy and offer Reigns his rematch...Reigns pins him clean, Cena shakes his hand...boom, accepted main event guy.

It'd give Reigns time to get more confidence on the mike/in solo matches too as, like many have said, he's not quite ready yet and I'd hate to see his potential wasted in the dead waters that are pre-WrestleMania season.
I would rather have a returning Sheamus or RVD against Cena for pre-Wrestlemania feud. Both have history with Cena and these feuds actually have the potential of elevating the World Heavyweight Championship. There is enough with these two guys going against Cena for the WHC to become interesting. Even a three-way (if RVD does come back) can be a possibility before Wrestlemania.

As far as Roman Reigns is concerned, his time will come. This is not his time, not yet. Let him develop more, and may be we'll see him reigning WWE someday.
I would like Reigns to get some 1v1 feuds under his belt before going after WWE's top dog. He will be on top of the mountain someday, but I want to see him climb that mountain first.

Anyway for the next feud I pick Sandow. The story is already there and that didn't really have a satisfying ending yet. Let Sandow have a PPV match against Cena to really elevate his status like people say his MITB match did. (I disagree with that thinking, but lets try to make the best of it) I say make it a Ladder Match at TLC, where Sandow can cut promos about how he was able to beat 5 other men in 1, so surely he can beat Cena in 1 as well.

OK granted he doesn't make a very credible threat to take the title from Cena, but really who does anymore. Everyone knows Cena's holding it until at least WM, might as well try to make Sandow look good even if he is a filler opponent.
Sheamus would make a nice pre-Wrestlemania feud if he's coming back as a heel, which I think he should. They had great chemistry together a few years ago, and the feud would be's been what?...3 years or so since their last match?

No they had one on Raw in 2011. Triple H reffed, Punk did commentating. :)

I said the same. Cena vs Sheamus would be a nice fued to take us into WM season! A heel Sheamus of course!!!

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