My Fan Fiction

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Getting Noticed By Management

The events that led to the robot versus wrestler battle of 2012 started in 2009 just before Survivor Series. A young wrestler named Chavo killed many wrestlers during his wrestling career but nothing would compare to his master plan. "Nothing can compare to my master plan" stated Chavo talking to no one at all. He was in his secret lair deep underground the WWE headquarters. The lair was full of machine parts and sparks randomly flared around him. In the middle of the room a large cyborg was laying dormant on a surgical table. "They have no idea that I was the one that killed Benoit. Nobody thought that little Chavito could cut Owen's harness. Yes it was me, that killed Frank Gotch all the way back in 1918!" The truth was that Chavo was a wizard who had found the secret to immortal life. He had grappled with Genghis Khan all the way to Alexander the Great. You would think he would be an amazing wrestler holding great titles to his name but yet his greatest accomplish was the ECW title. "I should be holding the world championship!" Chavo screamed. "Now it is time for me to create my own wrestling promotion where I am the champion. I will avenge Eddie!" Now Eddie was Chavo's uncle and he was also a wizard but someone had murdered him throwing Chavo even deeper into his madness. "And I will plant my seeds at Survivor Series. Ha Ha Ha HA HA HA HAA!! HAA!!!

Chapter 1- The Beginning of The Revolution

"Hey Chavo!" Mysterio yelled trying to get Chavo's attention. Chavo slowly turned around seeing the man he hated since their WCW day's. "I wish you were back on Smackdown dog. There isn't enough latino pride over there and Vickie and Escobarn aren't enough." Chavo replied, "I just got tired of the taped show, needed some live action." Mysterio smartly replied, "You wrestle on Superstars" with a huge grin on his face. Chavo's face was full of anger and pushed Mysterio out of the way to his dressing room. "Just joking Holmes!"

When Chavo got to his room he was starting to get focused on his upcoming match. The guest host, Ted Dibiase Sr. thought it would be funny to make a wrestling legend like Chavo to face Hornswoggle. The constant repetition of this week after week is one of the factors that sent him over the edge. He has repeatedly faced Hornswoggle week after week in different gimmicks but tonight he will put the leprechaun in his place. An employee knocked on his door telling him his match was next.

Chavo slowly made his way into the ring and waited for the annoying music of 'Swoggle. The flutes blasted on the speakers making the hair on Chavo's neck stand up. As soon as 'Swoggle made his way into the ring Chavo pulled out the brass knuckles and nailed him in the head. Blood started to come out of the forehead of 'Swoggle and this only made Chavo excited. He stomped on his head opening the wound as referees came out to stop him. The blood on the ring reminded him of the murder of Test. They were having a friendly drink and Chavo slipped the drugs into his drink and soon after Test started to cough blood. Chavo was not going to kill Hornswoggle because he was an essential part of his master plan.

When the referees finally letting him back into his room telling him Vince was not happy and would be in to see him. Chavo knew Vince could yell but could not fire him, Vince was in on the murders and if Vince even suspended him he would tell the world. Chavo looked up as the door slowly opened as Chavo reflected on his history with the McMahons. Chavo had met Vince's father and had wrestled for him. He had liked his father, he saw the talent Chavo had. He became loyal to the McMahons but soon after Vince inherited the company he became deeper into the dark acts of wrestling. Vince used him to kill any wrestlers who learned of Vince's lies and cheating ways. He promised Chavo the world title but Vince knew in his mind if a world champion was convicted of murder the WWE would be sunk. He had to keep Chavo as a low-card wrestler, making sure everyone forgot who he even was. Chavo soon became tired of this job and moved to WCW, but he found he was addicted to murdering and kept up his practice. He saw WCW was sinking and figured a low card job was better than no job and became Vince's slave once again.

As Chavo snapped back into reality he saw Vince sigh and he was ready for his "punishment"

Chapter 2: More of Story
"CHAVO!!" yelled Vince as he stormed into the office. "All I ask is that you keep a low profile and I give you a nice paycheck, but you still do things like this!" Chavo slowly stood up putting a smug smile on his face, "Because I know whatever I do, you can't fire me." He pushed Vince out of the way with his shoulder as he walked to the door. "Well you know what Chavo, you're right I can't fire you, but you're never going on live TV anymore, actually you won't be on TV, you're my new... personal shoe shiner." Chavo stood in shock as it was Vince's turn to walk out of the room. "You won't be happy for much longer", Chavo thought to himself.

It was the night of Survivor Series and it was time for the Batista vs. Mysterio match. As Mysterio made his regular entrance playing to the crowd Chavo was anxious, excited that his plan was about to go off without a hitch. "I walk alone!!" blared on the speakers as Batista came onto the ramp meeting his home town. As he slowly walked down the ramp trying to cover the hometown pop he felt a tingle up his neck. He ignored it knowing it would be weird to slap himself on a PPV. As he rolled into the ring there was a voice in his head telling him to give the bird to the crowd. Before he could realize that was a horrible idea he saw his hands in the air with the middle finger being displayed. Mysterio slapped his hand down and whispered, "Holmes, were PG now, you can't just do that." Next the voice became louder and said "Kill Mysterio" he was ready and told himself no but he looked to see his meaty hands wrapped around the child-like body of Mysterio. He threw Rey down to get out of the ring before the voice came back again, screaming this time, "DO IT" then it all went black. Batista woke up getting walked to a cop car. He frantically tried to tell the cops his story but they immediately tased him. Before he hit the ground the voice came back telling him to run.

Chavo laughed as he sat in his secret lair. The video camera caught the shock in every fan as his plan started. He now watched Batista go into a superhuman rage as he threw the cops into the car leaving dents in the metal as Batista ran into the darkness. Chavo had drugged Batista the night before and placed the cyborg skeleton into his body, leaving Chavo in control of the new improved behemoth. But what the WWE universe didn't realize Batista wasn't the only one about to reach headlines. At this very moment Triple H, Jack Swagger, and The Great Khali were all hearing the voice in their head. All were coming out of the Arena facing the rain of bullet fire the cops were already firing at Batista. They all fell to the ground but sat back up in an Undertaker fashion. The metallic skeleton poking through the holes in their human skin. Chavo laughed again, he knew not many people would die in this plan, he would deactivate them after the police found the planted evidence in Vince's office. Vince would go to jail for the sins he has committed as Chavo would be far away in Mexico.

As Chavo slowly collected his things ready for his taxi near the back exit he found Mike Awesome standing in the doorway. Chavo looked in shock because he had killed Mike a few years ago. "I killed you" stammered Chavo. "I know what you tried to do and I've discovered you and Vince's agreement. Some of us survived Chavo, you're going down." As he said that Crash Holly, Yokozuna, and Brian Pillman walked next to Mike in support. "How?" As he said that single question the man who he wished he could find walked in front of all of them."I found the Chavo Connection so I faked my death so I could devote myself to bringing back the wrestler's you killed." stated Eddie Guerrero. "No, Eddie, it was for the greater good! You don't understand! Vince is going to jail, and I turned him into the police!" Eddie responded, "After sacrificing more innocent people, your evil reign ends here" Yoko then hit Chavo with a super kick allowing the rest of them to hit their finishers on the evil Chavo. Last was Eddie as he locked on the Lasso as he pulled until Chavo stopped struggling. The undead wrestlers slowly locked the door, closing the door on Chavo's last act.

Well that's my fan fiction. There is some inside jokes in there like Escobarn and The Chavo Connection so ignore those. And it was supposed to be ridiculous.
When I started I was trying to make it as weird as possible. Then it started to make sense. I didn't know how I was going to end it when I was writing but I was happy with it.
pretty good, but not as good as Hitler becoming a Super Saiyan in the Goku/ Anne Frank romantic story Until the end of Time, or the citizens of the Naruto village of Konoha participating in an endless amount of sex in an attempt to multiply like rabbits in the epically funny The Mating Frenzy.
Hitler becoming a Super Saiyan inspired me to start my own faux news site.

This was funny, but I think if it were better written it would be funnier. However, I'm a huge fan of crack fics, so I enjoyed it.
The guy that wrote The Mating Frenzy also did his own artwork


:lmao: :lmao:

Have you ever read Cloud Mows The Lawn? It's probably the worst example of a scat fic, ever. I was laughing so hard because it was so stupid. I found it on TV Tropes.

If you don't want to find it, here's my summary: Tifa gets so turned on by watching a shirtless Cloud mow the lawn...she shits on the floor.
LOL, I'll think I'll skip that one

I'm already scarred enough having read Tsunade explain menstruation and menopause to Naruto in graphic detail

Oh, bad fan fiction. Such amusement.

Tell me you're familiar with the works of David Gonterman. Quite possibly the worst fic author ever.

Oh, bad fan fiction. Such amusement.

Tell me you're familiar with the works of David Gonterman. Quite possibly the worst fic author ever.

what do you mean by worst? worst as in horrible grammar or plot? or worse as offensive?

I've read some disturbing fanfics, as well as some totally stupid ones. Others, such as I Saw Daddy Beating Santa Claus (a Vegeta/ Bulla story) is not only extremely well written, but is very funny as well.
Worst as n he's pure shit. In one of his stories, the obvious Mary Sue, Davy Crockett, gets born because one of the Sailor Scouts gets pregnant by sperm from Dr. Robotnik, and the Sailor Scout has a failed abortion! It's just all around dreadful!

I'll link you to the TV Tropes page. It can explain it far better than I can:
Worst as n he's pure shit. In one of his stories, the obvious Mary Sue, Davy Crockett, gets born because one of the Sailor Scouts gets pregnant by sperm from Dr. Robotnik, and the Sailor Scout has a failed abortion! It's just all around dreadful!

I'll link you to the TV Tropes page. It can explain it far better than I can:

I'm sure he's not the worst, more than likely he writes bad fiction for shock value. The truly awful stories are the one's where the writer tries to be genuine but has slim to no information on the series they're trying to write about. The story they write is butchered to the point where it becomes almost too insulting to one's intelligence to read.

For example, take the story Sailor Buu. The author conceived an odd pairing between Majin Buu and Lita Kino (Sailor Jupiter), problem is that the writer had only a slim amount of knowledge of either series. The resulting story became so butchered that the only reason why I even followed it to the end was I was curious to see just how awful it could get.
I don't think I ever read any hidiously bad fanfiction myself- though quite a lot of general bad stories, which of course were Mary Sues or self insertions. The funniest of these followed the adventures of a girl who was badly mistreated by his family and friends so she ran away in work in a seedy bar- upon where she was discovered and became a musical sensation. When her family heard her beautiful voice singing sad songs about her life they all broke down in tears and then committed suicide....

I do remember reading a DBZ fic that was set in Pride and Prejudice in which the author simply lifted mass amounts of the origonal text and changed it slightly to fit in Dragonball Z information. "That Mr Vegeta there has a power level of 15,000 a year. He would make such a good prospect as a husband" :p
I don't think I ever read any hidiously bad fanfiction myself- though quite a lot of general bad stories, which of course were Mary Sues or self insertions. The funniest of these followed the adventures of a girl who was badly mistreated by his family and friends so she ran away in work in a seedy bar- upon where she was discovered and became a musical sensation. When her family heard her beautiful voice singing sad songs about her life they all broke down in tears and then committed suicide....

I do remember reading a DBZ fic that was set in Pride and Prejudice in which the author simply lifted mass amounts of the origonal text and changed it slightly to fit in Dragonball Z information. "That Mr Vegeta there has a power level of 15,000 a year. He would make such a good prospect as a husband" :p

I read some on pokemon once, it was quite interesting
:lmao: :lmao:

I write fanfiction myself. None of it is that bad, I don't think...

I do as well; my current story has the potential to be extremely confusing, so I've gone out of my way to make sure to tie all the loose ends inside the prologue first, that way even the dumbest of readers should be able to understand whats happening.
Do people from Nashville really like Daffney or something? First there's you, then DigitalNight...
Yeah, I know you have. I remember seeing "Daffney Unger" in one of DigitalNight's sigs and I was like "Where have I heard tat before...oh yeah! Echelon's sig!"

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