My delema


GLaD I'm not you...
Ok so my parents keep asking me what do I want for christmas. They offered a PS3 and a 360. Originally they wanted to get me a Wii, but they can't find them anywhere. So my question is which out of the two systems do you not only think is better right now, but what will have the better future?
I don't have a PS3, but i definitely say 360. Both have almost equal graphics and some same games, but one thing really separates Xbox from Play Station - Xbox Live. Sure Ps3 has internet play, but it doesn't compare to Live. Not saying PS3 is bad, but Xbox is better.
id rather get a ps3 because ive always loved playstation. The good thing about xbox is right now it has alot more games available right now, but ps3 is gonna start shipping out a bunch of game soon as well. Bad thing about xbox is it wont have metal gear solid or god of war 3 when it comes out, which stinks.
Ok so my parents keep asking me what do I want for christmas. They offered a PS3 and a 360. Originally they wanted to get me a Wii, but they can't find them anywhere. So my question is which out of the two systems do you not only think is better right now, but what will have the better future?

First, I seriously want your Parents. For them to offer either of those two systems is extremely great of them. Both are majorly expensive, & its a great thing they can't find a Wii, because the 360 & PS3 both have much more ability to be better. (in my opinion, anyways)

I don't have a PS3, but I DO have a 360.. so I'd say 360.

The downside to the 360's are that if you get the 3 red ring lights, you'll have to get it repaired. However, its free because it was a glitch of some sort by Microsoft. I also think the 360's are far better to have, because half the games they currently have for the PS3, you can also get for a 360.

Finally, I think a lot more people are online capable with 360's than PS3s. So if you ever wanted to play people online, 360 would definately be the way to go.
I'd go with the PS3, I just have a feeling that you'll get more longevity out of it, my reasoning for this is that if you look at how each company handled their old system when the new ones came out, it just seems that Sony realized that they still needed to support the PS2 after the PS3 came out, where Microsoft just seemingly forgot about the X-box after they released the 360, I can't say much for the games, and all that other stuff cause I haven't really spent much time with either console
In my opinion you should get the Xbox 360. I'm not saying that the PS3 is bad, but that Xbox Live makes game play so much better. The Xbox 360 has an unmatchable game catalogue. The problem is that it has the dreaded "Ring of Death". It all depends on what you want from a system.
So after discussing with my parents. It sounds like I should go for the PS3. I asked her about the X-Box live and she said that online is out of the question, so that kills that entirley. So now I just have to figure out which system has better games now and which one will in the future. I was looking on ign, and the games coming out for PS3 such as Turok look simply fantastic, not to mention my dad wants a blue ray player... So without X-Box live is there really that much of a difference between the two systems?
So without X-Box live is there really that much of a difference between the two systems?

not really dude, some games will be exclusives to ps3, some will be exclusive to xbox, but prolly the biggest different is the price

and the 40 gb playstation 3 cant play any of the ps2 games if you have any, 360 plays alot of the reg xbox games no matter what kind of 360 you get
Well, it's beyond me why people think games like Turok are exclusive to PS3, if that is what you're suggesting. It may be because they're forced to promote non-exclusives for lack of Triple A exclusives, in my opinion anyway. The difference between games that are both on each system - the PS3 uses an ever so slightly darker pallet, the 360 has rumble and the PS3 has what is generally considered clumsy motion control.

Don't get me wrong there are some good points for the PS3, but I think they're far outweighed by the good points of the 360. The major one being the much larger games catalogue. Right now, it's impossible to guess which system will have the better exclusives in 2008, as most games that have been announced are for both consoles. However, the 360 already has two years of awesome exclusives behind it, some of which are fresh out, some of which are from nearer the launch but are still very much a sight to behold. What the PS3 does have in exclusives aren't that great. Trust me, I've played the majority of them on my brothers machine. Resistance is a mediocre FPS, of which the 360 has the best ever collection of, Motorstorm is a fairly fun game , but the graphics are overrated and it's easy to grow tired of it. Heavenly Sword, well, you might as well have God Of War 2 as it is considered by fans and critics alike to be a similar but far superior game. Lair is apparently difficult to control, although pretty, and thought by almost all magazines I've read to be awful. Ratchet and Clank seems like a great game and I should be getting to play it around Christmas, but if you've played any or every installment so far, prepare for much of the same. Uncharted is another one I'll be playing around Christmas. Right now, I don't see what the big deal is. It seems like Tomb Raider to me. Or, how many have dubbed "bloke raider". I'll probably give an update once I've played it.

Personally, I don't have Xbox Live. It is very nice to have, yes. It does make your experience more pleasurable, yes. But it isn't really necessary. There are plenty of single player games on the 360 that offer enough depth that you don't need online. The only problem is, bastard, cock-sucking developer's stopped integrating local play into many games, and so it's getting more and more difficult to get your mates around your house to play a game. That's a problem for both consoles though. How I miss the days that Time Splitters ruled supreme on PlayStation 2...

I think that maybe your parents should research into Xbox Live before completely saying no. If you get a premium or elite Xbox, you get a month of free play anyway, and after that it's only forty pounds a year for it. That works out at £3.33 a month, hardly as expensive as some would have you believe.

Now, you might say I'm biased. Well, that's an inevitability, everyone's biased. I can argue, however, to the degree to which I'm biased. I'd say not very. I often play the top games on other consoles round friends houses. In fact, I'll be getting a Wii soon. I've had the two PlayStations previous to the third, so you can't say I'm brand loyal or have some sort of grudge against Sony. In actuality, I think the original Xbox was an overpriced pile of shit, with only a couple of good games released each year. I'd say it's more comparable to the PS3 than the new Xbox.

I will say this though, if you want a cheap blu-ray player, go with the PS3. It undermines the entire concept of a games machine, but if what you mainly want is a cheap blu-ray player, there's no point shopping anywhere else.

Either way, have a Merry Christmas!
Thanks for the descriptive input Sam. I don't think your being biased at all, I asked for opinions and I got yours. It just happened to be a very well written one lol. I would love to get my parents to look into X-Box live, but they can be generous as well as cheap. Anything costing extra amounts of money a month is a no go in their books. Even if I offered to pay for it, it'd still be a no go. I'm also thinking about the range of PS2 games I have as opposed to X-Box. I must have a combination of over 40 PS2 and PSOne games as opposed to my 4 or so X-Box games. I don't know it's a hard choice. I've read through the replys and I thank each of you for the help. At this point it seems to me that both systems have their pros and cons.
I'd recommend keeping your Playstation 2 either way, if you still have it that is.

When I got my 360, I sold my PS2 and traded in all my games. I got around £100 overall. It's really not worth it now I think about it; I just miss playing the old classics like Resident Evil 4, Black, God Of War... Oh, the list goes on. I miss the good ol' days, when we could all just agree the PS2 was the best and laugh about HD. Sigh...
I am faithful to Sony Playstations, So I'm saying PS3.
But, I told all my friends I was getting one for Christmas and they was like "No, no, no get a XBOX 360!"
I think the only good thing about XBOX 360 is XBOX LIVE and I wouldn't even play that because my mum and dad wouldn't let me. But aren't their graphics very similar?
I think the only thing that really seperates the consoles is certain games, but mose games you can get for both of them anyway.
I'd recommend keeping your Playstation 2 either way, if you still have it that is.

When I got my 360, I sold my PS2 and traded in all my games. I got around £100 overall. It's really not worth it now I think about it; I just miss playing the old classics like Resident Evil 4, Black, God Of War... Oh, the list goes on. I miss the good ol' days, when we could all just agree the PS2 was the best and laugh about HD. Sigh...

Well it goes without saying that I'll be keeping my PS2. Hell I still have and play my NES, Genesis, and SNES. I'm a sucker for older games X_X. Any ways I'm leaning more towards the PS3 because of the PS2. By that I mean the series such as Kingdom Hearts which I loved. If they make a 3rd odds are it'll be exclusive to PS3. I never really got into series on X-Box... Halo... I tired, but I just never was able to get into them as much as with the PS2
Like I said, this year it's likely the PS3 will finally hit it's stride after a big title drought. I had this confirmed by gamestm magazine, which I would trust with my life. The 360 has already hit its stride and is consistently delivering more Triple A titles than the other two consoles combined. Take Japan out of the equation and Microsoft are easily winning the race.

I get your point about the series carrying on but I'd like to make two points: 1) I used the 360 as a chance to broaden my horizons and get into some new gaming series, which didn't take all that much getting used to actually and 2) the PS3 is notoriously hard to develop for, meaning more and more "exclusives" are slipping onto 360, even the big ones like Devil May Cry and Virtua Fighter. There have even been rumours about Metal Gear, but I don't see that happening.

Anyway, it's up to you.
My advise when your looking to buy a gaming system, is to not look at the systems features, controller types, anything like that. What you need to do is look at the games. What kind of gamer are you? Because I know my fave system, Nintendo, hasn't been mentioned much. I know you said it couldn't be found, but still. I grew up with an N64, and a few years ago got a PS2. And IMO, I liked the Nintendo exclusive games better, even if they are intended for a more childish audience. But what I'm trying to say, is look past all the features each system has, and try to figure out what system has the one game you want to play more than anything roight now, or what system has a game coming out that you will want (ex SSB-B for Wii for me)
I got my PS3 today, And I think everyone should get it. The Graphics are amazing, the range of games I got was good, and I got the 60GB one so my PS2 games work too. Not to mention it looks pretty and shiny, and does lots of other things that confuses me.
I got my PS3 today, And I think everyone should get it. The Graphics are amazing, the range of games I got was good, and I got the 60GB one so my PS2 games work too. Not to mention it looks pretty and shiny, and does lots of other things that confuses me.

*Looks around for Jake* OK, I think it's safe:

I disagree. The PS3 has one bona fide good exclusive that almost all the critics have agreed on: Uncharted. And even that is almost unaminously an 8/10 game. In fact, I was playing it in-depth last night and was not that impressed. It's Tomb Raider with a cover system and prettier graphics. That might make me sound bitter but trust me, it's not really a next-gen game. Games like Bioshock, Halo 3, Project Gotham Racing, Mass Effect, even old gems like Dead Rising, Gears Of War and Call of Duty 2 (officially the best "Nazi-beater" ever, seriously) have scored 9/10's and 10/10's across the board.

There will come a time when there's a vast array of good reasons to get a PS3, but right now there's only one: It's got a Blu-ray player inside.

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