My cousin Michael

Christian Battlez

Getting Noticed By Management
made an alt. The Viper Killer. He got perma banned because he didn't know the alt rule and only made an alt because he forgot his password. If a mod or admin sees this can you unban him because he should have read the rules but he didn't know you couldn't make another account he doesn't know his password for the old one still but I had asked before because we share the computer to make sure they knew he had an account and I don't wanna get banned because he made an alt and have them think it was me. So can you unban him and if you don't at least know it wasn't me.
My father tried twice to make an account here because he is an uber wrestling fan. He is the one that got me into it, however, because we are coming from the same IP address, they banned him twice saying, "Stop making alternate accounts." I guess thinking that it was me who was making the accounts, but it wasn't.

I never said anything because I didn't think that there was anything that could be done.
Ehh, I don't recall.

I think it was something along the lines of Rutdogg or something like that.

I need to ask him to be sure.

Seriously though, how do you guys determine that it is an alternate just because it is coming from the same IP address? What if you have brothers of the same age or step brothers or something who both want to post?
Ehh, I don't recall.

I think it was something along the lines of Rutdogg or something like that.

I need to ask him to be sure.

Seriously though, how do you guys determine that it is an alternate just because it is coming from the same IP address? What if you have brothers of the same age or step brothers or something who both want to post?

You need to let someone know first. Will and his wife are both on here, and made the mods aware. My g/f almost joined, and I let the mods know.

It's not hard :shrug:
Yes, I let the admins know when my girlfriend and my roommate signed up knowing that they would be sharing and IP address with me.
You need to let someone know first. Will and his wife are both on here, and made the mods aware. My g/f almost joined, and I let the mods know.

It's not hard :shrug:

I get that now, but this happened like when I first returned to the forums. He seen what I was doing and asked, "Are you talking about wrestling?" I told him yea and he said, "How do I sign up?"

He tried and failed.

If it were to happen now, I would have definitely let the mods/admins know.

It's ok though, I mean, if you could un-ban him that would be swell. I will ask him what he made his username when he get's back. If you can't un-ban him or just don't want to, that's fine too. No biggy.
That's cool.

My dad is real knowledgable when it comes to wrestling. We argue all of the time in the house cause he is a huge Cena mark. Imagine us watching a Cena title match. It's horrible.

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