My Cat

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Is a stone cold killer. I nip out for an hour, when I come back he's crunching a birds skull on my sofa. I've found the torso and legs. But I'm missing a wing. It'll be on my bed, I know it.
Is a stone cold killer. I nip out for an hour, when I come back he's crunching a birds skull on my sofa. I've found the torso and legs. But I'm missing a wing. It'll be on my bed, I know it.

Yeah, my Cat isn't a killer. He runs from mice.. I don't blame him through, if you seen these mice, you'd run too. I flipped on the kitchen light once, there were two of them eating my cat's food. They both looked up, as if to say "What the fuck do you want?" then proceeded to go back to eating.

Any mouse, or mice, that won't run when you flip a light on & you're standing almost right over them.. you know they're on the juice.
My house is buy a cemetary so it's overun with mice, shrews and birds. The carpet in my house lasted a week. How can something so little have such sticky insides?
well, unless I'm mistaken you did name your cat Homicide right, LOL

Looks like he's living up to the name:thumbsup:
Great. The cat tried to fight with him. But the ducks snaps at him. The cat knows not to fuck with him now.
Yeah, my Cat isn't a killer. He runs from mice.. I don't blame him through, if you seen these mice, you'd run too. I flipped on the kitchen light once, there were two of them eating my cat's food. They both looked up, as if to say "What the fuck do you want?" then proceeded to go back to eating.

Any mouse, or mice, that won't run when you flip a light on & you're standing almost right over them.. you know they're on the juice.

My old neighbor's little brother had a white rat that wouldn't run from cats or dogs your you mean your...let's should I put this....your...umm...umm....Dick? (Haha...such a Peter Griffin Moment) your you mean your...let's should I put this....your...umm...umm....Dick? (Haha...such a Peter Griffin Moment)


you know in your sig, tha Jake quote you have in there, the one that says "Just sit down adn don't type", I think that applies here
Is a stone cold killer. I nip out for an hour, when I come back he's crunching a birds skull on my sofa. I've found the torso and legs. But I'm missing a wing. It'll be on my bed, I know it.

So do random birds just wonder by your house? Or can your cat fly? :eek:

Flames Out
What sort of cat runs from mice? Mine attacks frogs as well. And she tortures anything before she kills it. What a bitch.
Mine likes to play with them before he goes in for the kill too. He was toying with a baby Blue Tit the other day.
Oh guess what I just got a baby kitten who is gorgeous, and guess what my brother called it.. Jake :p I call him Jakey-wakey, which is what I shall now call you.

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