MVP vs Regal


Big Boot, Leg Drop, 1....2....3
Looks like this will be the main mid card feud for Raw. MVP will go over here, with Regal probably getting a tag win or a non-title win. you think this feud will get a PPV match? How long will this go? Do you think it will be entertaining and will there be some promos cut? I think MVP working with Regal will give him some good experience as Regal is a savvy vet (although he is boring to watch, he is smart in the ring and can teach MVP a lot).

Nothing too big right away for MVP is a good thing IMO. Develop his character slowly on Raw. How do you think this will play out?
if you saw MVP's match with Benoit you know that MVP is capable of doing some really good technical matches. I think it should be some good matches in our future.
This is a smart move by WWE, I see a mini-feud with Regal. MVP's not really had chance to have a great technical mat wrestling match since his feud with Benoit. This really upped his game, and I think with the worked shoots by MVP and Miz recently about the same people in the main event will be a great chance to get some good experience with great workers before moving up the card. Personally I see Miz as a go to heel if the main event heel situation is getting stale, or if somebody is injured. As for MVP, I see him as a rising star of WWE.
i dont get why regal gets these pushes. honestly he is just as boring as JBL. he has been around way to long and needs to hang up those boots.
Oh, man!!! You gotta love ya' some Billy Regal!! He's one of the last "true" technical wrestlers who doesn't try to "woo" everyone with huge, match-ending spots the whole match. Plus, his mic work is far beyond most in wrestling today. He can be comical, serious, comical and serious! He can mat wrestle, be technical, he can scrap(as you saw with Kennedy a few months back), he's great!

He the only thing that has hurt Regal throughout his career is his physique. (also, I think he had some issues with some kind of substance abuse, that can put a damper on things)

Overall, glad to see he's starting a program again!!!
Regal needed something to do. So did MVP. It fits. I see this becoming a heated rivalry between two good workers. Regal has some cred as the King of the Ring champion, and being a former IC champion. Regal's got about another good year or two left before he's probably washed up, so this program will be good for the both of them. I'd personally like to see them trade the belt at least once or twice.
This feud should be a lot of fun. A couple of title trades would be good too, with Regal getting the belt early on and maybe changing the title design to the UK Champion, the UK flag would look cool on it, it would be a fun focus of the feud too. Since the Ultimate Fighter has the same feud going on right now. I think the mic skills of both wrestlers could be very entertaining and also get serious! And yes, we all know Regal doesn't have the physique but his scrappy, beat down attitude does make him interesting, especially if the brass knucks come back!!
I am excited about this one, hopefully WWE doesn't drop the ball on this!
REgal provides the oppurtunity for MVP to put on good matches and go over someone with a bit of credibility all teh while keeping a foot in the main event picture with the orton stuff... actually a smart move from WWE MVP can then go on to have a higher profile feud over hte strap maybe with rhodes or dibiase
I believe the WWE missed their opportunity to push MVP to the moon a year ago when he was one of the top heels on Smackdown. Now, they're trying to push him to the top via babyface gimmick and it's really striking out with the fans.

Wrestling 101: How do they push a recently-turned babyface to stardom? Start tossing him into feuds with established, veteran heels with tons of credibility. And who's got empty slots in their calendar for the next few weeks that fits the bill? You guessed it... The "Man's Man" Lord Steven William Regal.
I totally agree with the D man... This is the single easiest way to rid MVP of that nasty momentum hes carryin... that stuff is bad, dont wanna get the crowd too into it..

LIKE WTF, NOBODY cares about regal. he gets some heat, yea, but he also gets some boring chants... and as much as i love technical wrestling... hes WAY past his prime. I dont wana watch this.... therefore, i dont wanna watch MVP.... therefore, WWE succeded in ruining his push.
Is Regal a good worker ? No doubt about it, he is a great athlete and yes he has some mic-skills but that aside what does he have ? Does he have anything that he could actually "pass on" to MVP ? In my eyes no, even if they make it a real feud over the US-title I doubt that it´s going to be much of a push for anyone because well...there was the Regal/Punk feud over the IC-title and well how long did it last ? How many times did the title change ? How much did this feud put anyone over ? Even though Regal is a decent athlete with talent, I don´t believe that it will be much of a real feud more like one of these "Dolph Ziggler" feuds. I´m not saying that Regal doesn´t have anything to give to anyone but in this case he really hasn´t.
And of course somebody could say "how are you so sure about that ?", Well how can you be so sure it isn´t happening this way ?

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