MVP Of The Past 5 Years

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Who's TNA's most valuable wrestler of the past 5 years? Give reasons.

Christopher Daniels:

In my opinion he is more valuable than A.J. Styles. He's never gotten the same oppertunitys as Styles. He's never really been given a shot at main event status. He's never held a world title like Styles has. And he has one thing that Styes doent have (until his heel turn that is). Charisma. He can play heel or face. Wheras Styles promo skill's have only been intresting since his heel turn. Hi promos used to bore the shit out of me as a face.

Daniels has in my opinion had the last three match's of the year (in TNA).

2004: Triple X vs. A.M.W (6 Sides Of Steel)
2005: Christopher Daniels vs. A.J. Styles vs. Samoa Joe (Unbreakable)
2006: L.A.X. vs. Christopher Daniels & A.J. Styles (Ultimate X)

I'd probably pick him over Styles because he's not as high profile. Styles has gotten the oppertunity's that he's deserved. Wheras Daniels has constantly stole show's but has never been given a true oppertunity.
Hate to disagree Y 2 Jake but I'm going to have to say AJ Styles. He was really the first wrestler that you could brand as a TNA wrestler. He stood out more than any other wrestler when the company first got off the ground. But dont get me wrong, Christopher Daniels is awesome, I just think that AJ was the first wrestler to really stick out as TNA.
I agree with what both of you said. To me, AJ and Daniels are even, I like Daniels more but they both are great TNA icons. Ron "The Truth" Killings could have been as big as those two but when he formed the 3 Live Crew with B.G. and Konan things started to go downhill for him. He became a midcarder after that and never had a title shot since.

Jeff Jarrett deserves some credit too for being the only great heel TNA really had even though he was a title hogger it made the fans hate him even more(I doubt the fans will be cheering for him when he returns as a face).
i am going to have to pile on AJ said above, he was the first guy that wasnt linked to WWE that really made an impact when they were just getting started...he has been there from the start, i have lost track of how many X Division titles he has won, but gets the credit for making it an important part of the show, also winning 3 NWA World titles, plus a few tag titles,...awesome matches/fueds all the way thru 5 years with the likes of Jerry Lynn, Low Ki, DLo Brown, Sean Waltman, Fallen Angel, Raven, Jeff Jarrett, Ron Killings, Samoa Joe, LAX, Rhino, plus, helped put over guys like Micheal Shane, Kazarian, & Chris Sabin early on...i am sure i am forgetting some guys, but you get the picture.... AJ Styles has possibly been the MOST important figure in TNA since its inception
Whenever I think TNA, I think Jeff Jarrett... hes been a fixture in the company as a creative force, High Card wrestler, hes had great success as a heel wrestler and most of the younger talent can learn a lot from this guy.
Indeed Mr. Stlyes would be the choice. He is non-WWE, a world champ, a tag champ, a X division pioneer and champ. He emibodies TNA's goal of providing a alternative to WWE programming. He is a great face or heel. Not only is he the only triple crown champ in TNA he is a multi-time triple crown champ. I admit that he is not the first person I think of when I think TNA, but when I think accomplishments, he is at the top.(side note: the triple crown championness is farily lopsided, but still.)
While I agree with jake that Christopher Daniels is the best in ring perfomer of TNA, AJ Styles is the MVP of TNA.

MVP discussion is always fuzzy in any sport. It doesn't necessarily imply the best wrestlers, just the most important one to the company. AJ seems to be the lightning rod that TNA uses to spread the X-Division. AJ is the one that got heat from Big Dave, further exposing his name. When the competition makes a point to bad mouth you, you know you've arrived.

AJ is the torch bearer of TNA. He's not the best all around performer, but he's the guy that makes you stand up and say, damn. Well thats until Russo keeps putting him into a bunch of matches with 6 guys.
Styles and Daniels have both had Tryouts in WWE but, then again that dosent really make them WWE guys. Daniels Has been valuable in terms of match quality and as Y2 Jake said, charisma that AJ stlyes lacks.
The thing though that Styles has on Daniels is moves. Styles has so many more moves then Daniels its not even funny. Also, Styles is alot more flashier then Daniels.Therefore, I think Styles beats Daniels maybe by a 1/2.
I must also say A J Styles. You only have to read my Book This! shows to know I'm quite high on him.

Since I've become aware of TNA, Styles is the first one I have been able to instantly relate with them, especially considering my lack of knowledge on the ROH guys that have performed for them.

Also, I have only just recently started ordering all of the TNA pay per views (All we can get here in Australia), and so far his matches have been the highlights for me.
same im from australia 2 and have only just started watchn tna for about 3 months and AJ styles is an wrestling machine
Sorry about this- I do agree that Daniels is a great talent and has never truly been rewarded for it but to me Styles has always been the superior talent. His in-ring presence has always impressed me more than Daniels' and I think that really he's got a better move-set. You know that Fosbury Flop that he does is actually a high-jump technique. Then Styles, who I'll admit is hardly "Captain Charisma", also has better mic stills and a better image. The final factor would be that Styles has got all the breaks and, in doing so, has become TNA's only triple triple crown winner by winning the World Title 3 times, the tag titles 4 times and the X Title 5 or 6 times (I forget which).

Hang on, hasn't Styles already been voted TNA MVP? Three times according to the back of his new DVD.
I'm actually going to go with Jeff Jarrett on this one. I'm not saying that because he owns part of the company but because he has done a lot of stuff for the company. He put over talent like Ron Killings, Aj Styles, Christian Cage, Rhino and etc. Not only that but he has been a true heel that was able to interact with the crowd and actually get them to hate him to the point where they would try and start a riot. Who remembers the KOTM match at Slammiversary last year. When they saw JJ win they started throwing shit at happen and it looked like they were about to riot. I never seen a heel be able to do that in TNA or in WWE for a while now. The only problem I saw with Jarrett is that he always managed a way to find himself in the main event zone. Something I hated and it reminded me of Triple H but this year he is giving shots to other people and is letting other people try and carry the company. Now you want to talk match of the year. Last year at BFG, the match he had with Sting was just awesome and was match of the year in my eyes. We saw classic mat wrestling. Last year he also had a classic match with Christian Cage and this year was involved with a MOTY candidate in the Lethal Lockdown match.
I agree with TNA Smark on this one. Jeff Jarrett is the MVP because he runs almost everything in TNA he also carried the company on his back. Without Double J you wouldnt have a TNA to watch. Now since he has came back he seems hell bent on making new stars and putting them over including stars like A.J. Styles,Abyss, Ron Killings, Samoa Joe, and Christian Cage. For those of you who like TNA but dislike Jeff Jarrett at least be thankful that he is there.
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