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MVP = Boring


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thats right this guy is borin as shit and needs to be repackaged turned heel or something hopefully a heel turn is next for mvp because his whole face run has run its course and i cant think of any memorable moments this guy has done while bein a face. he is much better as a heel so that in mind how would you change mvps character? would you turn him heel? or keep him as a face and just change his gimmick ?
Hmm, I actually am quite a fan of MVP. He puts on pretty good promo's and his wrestling has improved somewhat over the last couple years. I like him as face, not because he is good at it but I just like the character ( I know it sounds kidish but what can you do). But I do agree with you, he needs to turn back to heel, he was a rising star when he was heel. He put on one of the feuds of the year with Matt Hardy and made the united states title look credible again. So I would like him to turn back to heel, but him as a face is far off boring in my opinion.
Aside from his initial heel run MVP has been extremely boring in and out of the ring. When he first debuted and had feuds with the likes of Kane, Benoit, and Hardy I had great hopes for him and thought that one day he could go far and grab a world title though as soon as they crazily turned him face he lost his initiative in the ring and mic. This man thrived as the cocky better than you heel that was half man and half amazing and once you take that away in exchange for a reformed prisoner that has paid his debt to society the crowd stopped caring about him altogether. After seeing him on NXT the other week during his rookies match he looked like he couldn't care less about being there and even less about being a pro. If he were to go back to the heel character that he did so well I know that he would cease to be as boring out there and the crowd would love it.
He needs a heel turn like right now. MVP can still bring out good promos as a face but he needs to be a cocky heel. He is like rey mysterio. I could never see Rey mysterio as a heel and MVP shouldn't be a face. MVP was one of the best people to draw hheat on smackdown a time ago and I saw a very good future with him in wrestling like I see a good future in WWE with the miz. It seems like MVP is probably getting a mini push with jack swagger I guess I'm not really sure but if the WWE gives MVP a mini push with a heel turn MVP is good to go.
I like MVP a lot. Heel or face...
Now I thought it was funny when him and mat kept on competing against each other in stupid who's better then who games but still...it was pretty entertaining

I think he's such a nice guy as a face that I don't care if he's boring cause he seems like such a nice guy

I like him regardless but I'm assuming most of you are saying BORING as far as MVP being face goes
I like him either way. Better as a heel? yes. Sucks as a face? not in the slightest. During most of his face run he was lost in the shuffle on Raw. Now hes on SD! he is looking at a fued with Swagger. He could easily become a champion as a face and use it to turn heel tho. Other than that im not seeing many other options to turn him heel. You cant put him on a losing streak and have him get pissed off, thats how they turned him face. You cant give him back his money b/c Dibiase is using the spoiled rich guy. I dont see many options to turn him heel.
I've never cared for him either but you will find that there is a large segment of the IWC that loves the man. He and Kofi Kingston fall in the same category for me. They are guys that the IWC loves, but make me want to flip the channel simply because they don't interest me. That isn't saying down the road he can't improve but as of right now, I do find him boring. The IWC probably won't feel the same way.
MVP is completely useless right now as a face. I mean wtf is he doing? He is jobbing all the time now! The man sucks as a face pretty much. Please WWE, repackage him as a heel! Let him be the character he was destined to be!

I feel bad for MVP because he looked to be a future main eventer but was dropped down to a jobber. The WWE sucks like that sometimes.
A heel turn for MVP is a must. I'd even go as far as to say to save his career, he needs shipping off to Smackdown because there's just no way he can main event on RAW.

In a similar way to Matt Hardy, he looks sluggish around the ring because of his size and every move looks like it takes all his effort. He does cut a decent promo but he's being wasted right now. He's almost a forgotton fear so a heel turn (using the angle of no opportunity, no more Mr Nice guy etc) and then we might get to see the best of him.

If he's to stay on RAW, he could start a fued with the likes of Morrison or Truth or both if we can hopefully get a Morrison heel turn which I've been waiting for to give him a kickstart.
First you spell it B-O-R-I-N-G.

But I do agree with you that MVP is sorta lost in this midcard limbo. He was one of the people that got me hooked to wrestling. To this day, the Matt Hardy vs. MVP is one of my favorite feuds. I hated MVP, but in a good way.

Then he turned face and never really did anything. We got promise from his first redebut on Smackdown and then he fell right back in.
I agree with the majority. MVP is in dire need of a heel turn and without it he can be saying hello to his future endeavors letter pretty soon. With his recent run of just forming one night stand tag teams to put over other feuds, he could be a destined jobber for life. I was a big fan of his heel work and particularly his feud with kane a few years back. That was the feud that got me hooked on wrestling and i adapted to MVP as one of my favorite wrestlers at that time. Unfortunately, his face turn could have been a turn for the worst in terms of his career.

On the bright side maybe he can team with chavo and form a jobbing tag team
:lol: jokingly of course
thats right this guy is borin as shit and needs to be repackaged turned heel or something hopefully a heel turn is next for mvp because his whole face run has run its course and i cant think of any memorable moments this guy has done while bein a face. he is much better as a heel so that in mind how would you change mvps character? would you turn him heel? or keep him as a face and just change his gimmick ?

So, this is you schtick? Your gimmick? Who is LK gonna hate on this week? Let me guess, you're now gonna individually quote each post that disagree's with "You're Wrong. He Sucks and that's the way it is because I'm the only one who can be right because I'm a spoilt little child"

But I suppose you did actually ask a question this time so please, please I'm begging, prove me wrong.

As for me, MVP needs an overhaul. I always thought he worked better as heel. The lovable rogue thing just never works in my eyes. If you're a thug, act like one. Nobody likes thugs. People look over their shoulders and hold on to their wallet and phone when thugs are around. Play on the prison lifestyle. Make him fight hardened, tough to beat. Perhaps give him some gang members like Matt Hardy had Shannon Moore and Crash Holly. Not so much a stable than just followers. Have them in the back cutting deals and beating on people they don't like. Change of attite wouldn't hurt either.
The WWE completely butchered MVP's face turn. The guy was getting cheered as a heel because of his attitude and swagger, and the WWE took what made him special away. They took away his cockiness. After his promo on Raw against Orton, he definitely looked like a future Main Even Face. After that, the WWE dropped the ball.

So, I definitely think a heel turn is in order just so he can get his Swagger Back. I figure since Kaval and Layla seem to be in a romance angle, I'd use that as an opportunity to turn MVP heel. He can chase after Layla and have Kaval play her protector.
ok ill say it quick.....mvp heel=a fucking mazing. mvp face=zzzzzzzzzzzz. puts me to sleep during his matches. and this whole shit about him going to prison and now he changed his ways for the better shit is horrible. no one cares. now i miss the mvp where he was the only man in history with 3 halfs. turn him heel definetly give him the tag titles or just get rid of him
Bill Lesnar agrees with the OP. Bill Lesnar found MVp much more tolerable as the cocky heel, who was full of himself. Now MVP is stale, and looking at the talented roster, his time looks to be up
*blinks* Anyone else notice....black guys in current WWE seem rather stale as a face. I think the only standout was Kofi, and look at what he is doing now. R-Truth...I dunno I kinda zone out when I hear whassup. MVP is obviously designed to be a heel. Wait wait, I like Henry as a wise bear type character, so he can stick face. Hm, I just defeated my argument. Ah well, MVP is still dull as this 'cool guy' face. Then again, who CAN be a good face in the E these days?

Like purebreed, not tweener. Cena, Mysterio, Hardy, Christian(?). The E seems really heel heavy overall these days, but when you think about it...being a face is hard. Now I wish to contemplate. How DO you play a face? Effectively.

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