Mustang Salley Nicest Poster Award

Nicest Poster

  • Mustang Sally

  • Rainbow Yaz

  • Navi

  • ShinChan

  • Dagger Dias

Results are only viewable after voting.
Not that I wish to put words in her mouth, but I think Sally would be welcome that someone else accept the honour this year. She was that nice a person.

I went with ShinChan/Kapu. Guy is basically always upbeat and positive.
Sally was a great person, and I have to agree with Fallout. She turned down modship in the WWE section multiple times so other people could have it. She probably would turn the award down for someone else, but she still deserves it.
I wanted to opt for Mustang Sally winning this posthumously, but I truly do believe she is the type of person that wouldn't dig that. She'd want somebody else, and I'd honor that.

Rainbow Yaz deals with a lot. We get crazy over in WZCW, and he wrangles us back to sobriety from time to time. He dealt with a few of my drunken moments too. Nice guy. Easy to talk to. Has a dog.

Navi seems nice enough, but haven't really reacted with her much here.

Shinchan is probably the most positive person on the internet. We get sardonic as fuck here, but dude stays chipper like a cartoon character.

Dagger Dias reps a lot. Also pretty nice, but I'm not sure if I'd say he was the nicest, at least for this year.

Torn on Yaz and Shinchan. Going for Yaz because I don't know how plucky Shinchan would be if we Skyped for an hour after I wetted my whistle.
I should probably Skype with you guys at some point. Although that would be awkward as my activity in WZCW has been non-existent. I'll admit, I've had ideas for new characters, but I've not felt confident enough in my activity to commit.

Also, yes, I have been drinking tonight myself.
No question Dagger. Not sure how many reps he's given me since I joined but it's quite a bit. Plus he's warned me multiple times to resize my sigs and had the perfect opportunity to be a dick about it, but wasn't. A cool chap and a nice poster.
I voted Sally because she was still far and away the nicest person on the forums this past year.

After her it would've been Dagger.

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