Multiple World Title Reigns


WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Now this sparked out of a post about Edge have 9 title reigns in 3 years. Now the thought about it, there is some hypocrisy about moaning about Edge's World Title reigns compared to the times when a number of wrestlers had a similiar amount of holdings of the prestigious belt in WWE.

The first person I think of is The Rock, he held the championship on 9 occasions (7 x WWE, 2 x WCW). Within the first 5 months of his first capture, he was already a 3 time World Champion and eventually it spanned out to having 8 World Titles within 3 years of winning his first belt. Now this very similiar to Edge, yet should we overlook this because he was over at the time? It's still the same amount, with 7 of his reigns being shorter than 3 months (some cases 1 month).

3 titles in 5 months
8 out of 9 Championships in 3 years

Next, naturally, is Triple H. He first won his title in 1999. In the first year of that, he held the title a futher 3 occasions, making a total of 4 in his first year, 2 more than what Edge had by the end of his first year since winning his first reign. Add an extra 2 years, yes there was an injury, but by the time Triple H was 3 years in from winning his first reign, injury aside, he had another reign and was also GIVEN the World Title shortly after Brock Lesnar was made Smackdown exclusive.

4 Titles in first year
6 out of 13 Championships in the first 3 years.

Next Stone Cold Steve Austin, he first won his title at Wrestlemania 14. By the time he won the title again at Wrestlemania 15, he was a 3 time champion. When he reached his third year (Wrestlemania X-Seven) he won his 5th title and gained a 6th later on in the year. He had all of his title reigns in the space of 4 years.

3 Titles in first year
5 out of 6 Championships in 3 years.

Few other honourable mentions:
Jeff Hardy - 3 reigns within 9 months
CM Punk - 3 reigns just over 1 year
Orton - 4 reigns in the past 2 years

Point being. I think where people go way over the top about Edge's title reigns, yes they are quite alot, but he's a reliable champion. He's had the equal amount of treatment similiar to that of people back in the attitude era and even those today. I think where it is alot for Edge to have, you need to look closer at those who had similiar reigns. You have legends of the company having near similiar amount of reigns to Edge, some in the same short amount of time but also the same amount as Edge took to win his titles.

I mean The Rock, only 2/3 of his championship runs lasted more than a month yet we consider him one of the greats, when in championship terms, he done the same amount as Edge. The same can be said of Triple H and even Hardy and Punk, the latter two have had worster reigns yet 3 of them within 13 months of combined. I think it's easier to exclude Austin because he reigns have lasted a decent amount of time when he's held the belt.

Question is, when you think of Edge's reigns, do we actually think about the other guys who've had high amount of championships and look closely at their reigns?

But do you think it's easier to focus on the championship reigns nowadays because they place more emphasis on them? It's a just thing that's bugging me abit and I wanted to know what you think? Or is it simply we're overlooking the matter that we may consider Edge one of the greats in the future?
I believe we place more emphasis on today's titles because there are so many of them. Edge gets criticized for a lot of things but his nine titles in three years is an unfair criticism when you look at guys like Rock and HHH. People think that there are titles changes every month now. You should have seen it during the Attitude Era. For example, here are the world champions in 2002 alone:

Chris Jericho, HHH, Hulk Hogan, Undertaker, Rock, Brock Lesnar, Big Show, Kurt Angle, Shawn Michaels

Nine different champions in one year is ridculous especially considering the longest champion was Brock Lesnar and Chris Jericho who had a reign around three months.

So Edge hasn't been the only one who has had multiple title reigns in a short period of time but we tend not to focus on The Rock and HHH because they are considered greater than Edge. We find things to pick apart concerning superstars and Edge's title reigns is just an example.
Edge will be eventually be considered one of the greats and I love the comparisons he's got compared to the likes of Rock, Austin and Triple H. They have all recieved the same treatment more or less and have one thing in common during the prime of their reigns. They were all reliable for the most part. Yes injuries happen, but these guys have carried the company, or in today's case brands. Edge will be in the talk someday, but I honestly think his next reign or 2 should be a long one just to cement him in and be a lock for this debate.
The term "World Title Reign" is diluted in WWE because there are two world titles. Anything prior to the Lesnar-HHH split has more value because there was only one belt. Hogan's 6 WWF title reigns will always be more impressive.
The term "World Title Reign" is diluted in WWE because there are two world titles. Anything prior to the Lesnar-HHH split has more value because there was only one belt. Hogan's 6 WWF title reigns will always be more impressive.

I agree. From Chris Jericho’s Undisputed Title run to Brock Lesnar’s first, the World Title was at it “highest value”. It essentially represented the top Championships of the top two companies in the history of Pro Wrestling.

As for Hogan’s 6 WWF runs, the first 5 can be argued. On one hand, one person can say WCW was around and there were technically two World Titles (WWF and NWA / WCW) back in the day, like in today’s WWE. On the other hand, one person can say he’s Hulk Hogan, he’s 6 WCW runs were also more impressive. Either way, I get what you’re saying.
yeah the difference is rock hhh and austin were all constantly changing the title around, whereas edge just jumps brands getting the title - not that i care but that's why it loosk worse - it's not as if him, cena and batista are furiously trading the title in an epic fued or something.

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