Mudvayne or Hell Yeah?

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It is a simple question on which band do you prefer over the other? Or Do you prefer them equally as much?

I love Hell Yeah and I love Mudvayne. I like Hell Yeah as they are one of the best super groups out there. They're all about getting messed up and having a good time. They have some good music and three albums out. I've yet to hear their third album which has just been released. I believe it is called Band of Brothers, although I could be wrong. (To annoyed to look it up, 5th time I've tried to write this now!) Anyway, Hell Yeah has a Pantera feel to them, along with a nice southern rock feel to them as well. Mostly on the Stampede album that has some really good tracks on it. I like this album more than the first one as I think I just played the first one out. Who knows?

Mudvayne has released 5 albums from LD 50, to their last release of their self titled album called Mudvayne. (Obviously) Anyway, Mudvayne changed their sound throughout each album. LD 50 was a raw, hard hitting technical sound with amazing bass play in which made the band stick out. Chad’s vocals were more of a growl versus the screams he lays out on the newer albums and Hell Yeah tracks.

To me Chad was at his best with Mudvayne; his breathing, vocal conditioning was always on point. I guess while having fun and kicking ass with Hell Yeah, he seems to giving up on his voice conditioning. So, I've heard and it does seem with each recording that Hell Yeah has put out.

Well, for me my pick of who I prefer is Mudvayne. I can listen to Mudvayne day in and day out. Chad’s vocals with Mudvayne on every album are amazing. Well, with the exception of the self titled album. I am a huge Hell Yeah fan, don’t get me wrong but I can go months and months without listening to them. I usually cannot do that with Mudvayne. Anyway that is my choice.

So, who do you prefer Mudvayne or Hell Yeah? And why?
I personally never cared much for the makeup. They look like bad clowns to me. But the music, their music was great. Maybe given more time Hellyeah will get better but Mudvayne has so much history and so many great albums imo. I like both LD 50 and Lost and Found. Yes they change a little in the process but they are still good. Happy is one of my favorites. I also like forget to remember and determined. There are a bunch I like from LD 50. I currently have the CD in my car right now.

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