"Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig's last feud?


That's all folks.
Next in the series, WWE legend (RIP :worship:) "Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig. A.K.A son of Larry "the axe" Hennig and father of Joe Hennig which also goes by the name Michael McGillicutty. (Now you see why everyone's so pissed about WWE changing second or thirds generation's names.) If you've never seen this guy wrestle you're truely missing out no doubt.

A Little Background
Known by many as one of the best in-ring technicians of his generation, Hennig held fifteen major championships in his career. He is a two-time world champion: one-time AWA World Heavyweight Champion and one-time WWC Universal Heavyweight Champion, (wikipedia;)) two-time WWF Intercontinental Champion, one-time WCW United States Champion, and one-time WCW World Tag Team Champion with Barry Windham. Ranked by WWE as the 4th greatest Intercontinental Champion in history, Hennig was the longest-reigning champion of the 1990s and has been credited with helping bring the importance of the Intercontinental Championship close to that of the WWF Championship during the decade. (Wikipedia)

His death from Cocaine intoxication shocked the wrestling world on Feb. 10, 2003. Curt Hennig would've been 51 next March, and would've probably already considered retirement at this point in his career. Like most wrestlers, I'm sure he would've wanted a great send off.

What I want to know, if Hennig was still around today, who would you want his last feud to be with? One final send off. Can be anybody in TNA or anyone in WWE. Current rosters only please.

So let's have it..

-Who would you like to have seen "Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig feud with for the very last time before he retired?

-Where would this match take place and what kind of send off would he receive?

If anyone has suggestions PM me.​
I would have loved to see him feud with Kurt Angle. The matches these 2 guys would have pulled off would have been simple amazing....the battle of the suplexes.
This is my favorite wrestler of all time so i have given this some thought. The best feud would be with Curt And CM Punk. My reason for this is that Curt's gimmick works as a great face or heel, so while he would be the face in this feud he could still be the same Curt that we all know and love. Imagine Curt cutting a promo about being perfect and Punk coming out saying that his life of sex and drugs could never make him perfect and only he is perfect because he is straightedge and better than you. Also lets not forget that these two are capable of putting on classic matches consistently.
I'm not sure if he ever faced Jericho, Guerrero, or Benoit in WCW. I'm pretty sure he didn't have a long feud with any of them which would have been great. He could have had a phenomenal series of technical matches with anyone of them. Kurt Angle would definitely be my top choice it would be the ultimate dream match in my opinion. The two of them would have probably had the match of the year, and possible feud of the year. If they would of had the opportunity.
Two words: RANDY ORTON! It really wouldn't matter who is the face or the heel. That match would be priceless either way. What would REALLY be interesting is Ted Dibiase Jr. making a run in to help Randy Orton seeing as how Ted Dibiase Sr. and Curt were pretty tight back in the day.
Kurt Angle without a doubt. Those two guys are/were both technical geniuses and grade A performers. It would have been great to watch the matches and promos those two would put on.
I would say his son Joe Hennig would be perfect in my opinion. He's inhirited great in ring ability from his father. Facing his son Joe would be a proud moment for both father and son. It doesn't have to be a personal feud, just one final send off. Curt would pass the torch to his son Joe which would be perfect to draw in some ratings. What kind of wrestler wouldn't love to go out and face his son in his final match ever. It would be amazing and boost Joe's confidence and give him some huge momentum. It would be a perfect type match. Instant classic.
Hennig and Jericho would be my pick. The mic work alone would be entertaining, and the match/matches would blow the roof off. This would be a great Wrestlemania match. Jericho could after Hennig for claiming to be "Perfect" when Jericho was the man to, in case you hadn't heard, be the only man to beat The Rock and Stone Cold in the same night to become the FIRST Undisputed Champion. Being in WWE Hennig could be Mr. Perfect. I would pay good money to have seen this.
Curt versus Kurt. Technicality out the anus. I would totally bet that if this match ever occured, there would be no doubt a bunch of people would be changing their minds and what the best wrestling match of all time was.

I would have also loved it if Mr Perfect fought Randy Orton during his Legend Killer days. Hennig would have taken Orton to school before one RKO ended it all.
Always liked watching him, he had the ring and mic skills. The promos they did when he first came to the WWF were excellent, basketball, football, he always was PERFECT !!!!

Final opponent: Kurt Angle, technical wrestling dream. always liked Henning's suplex's.

Location: Minnesota his home state, and a great treat for fans that followed him from his AWA days until the end. The send off by the crowd would be loud and proud.
i would say dolph ziggler since there are so many comparasons between the 2 or his son muchale mcgulicutty. a father vs son feud hasent happen in a while and those 2 would put on one great match
The obvious choices would be Angle or Orton but I'd like to see him work with either Edge or Jericho. You'd have great promo's and you know that the matches themselves would be, in a word, PERFECT !
I would have to say that I would like for his last feud to be with Randy Orton. I would like Randy Orton to play on the "Legend Killer" persona leading up to the match. I would also like for it to take place at WrestleMania in Minnesota for teh WWE title. I would love for Mr. Perfect to win and forfeit the title the next night on a live Raw from Minnesota.
I would say his son Joe Hennig would be perfect in my opinion. He's inhirited great in ring ability from his father. Facing his son Joe would be a proud moment for both father and son. It doesn't have to be a personal feud, just one final send off. Curt would pass the torch to his son Joe which would be perfect to draw in some ratings. What kind of wrestler wouldn't love to go out and face his son in his final match ever. It would be amazing and boost Joe's confidence and give him some huge momentum. It would be a perfect type match. Instant classic.

This sounds like, excuse me for being corny, the "perfect" choice. It would establish his son and give the fans a really emotional match and moment. The only thing I would add is that I would book Joe Hennig to win through a roll-up or something. Perfect would get up and act like he's mad. Then he'd smile, raise his son's arm, and hug. As Joe was walking out, Curt would stop him and walk over to his corner to pick up his signature towel. Then, he'd toss it back to Joe like Perfect used to do with Bobby Heenan. This would be the ultimate symbol of a torch-passing, saying effectively to the world and his son "That's the next generation. That's the next Mr. Perfect."
John Cena. I would have liked to see Perfect, my third favorite wrestler of all time, go out with a run against the Main Event, and the crowd going nuts, and nobody in the E does that these days like Cena. It would give Curt the biggest poossible stage, and Cena has shown he's capable of putting on great matches with technical wizards as well as nearly anyone, and he and Perfect would mesh well. Wrestlemania, for the World Heavyweight Title, Title vs. Career match. I think these two would tear the house down. Not to mention that their personas would be great counterpoints. While Perfect worked well as a face, he was truly at home as a heel. Heel Perfect vs. Face Cena. Make it happen, Danno!
In WWE I would say Triple H considering the two have history together and when Mr Perfect returned at Royal Rumble 2002, Trips kept looking at him as if there was tension between him & Perfect. They dont match up stylistically in the ring but in my head Trips powerhouse movesets against Perfect's technical movesets make up a good match, it would be intense action and the selling in this would be good too.

In TNA I would obviously go for Kurt Angle. These two would put on a technical masterpiece and the promos between the two would be good too with one claiming to be "Perfect", the other "The Greatest Wrestler In The World", they bicker over whose the best technical wrestler, maybe they could pull a Chris Jericho here and introduce a book in which one of em reads out 1000 technical moves lol.
Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Perfect would be a tremendous combination, some people mentioned Chris Jericho and Triple H as well. All good choices. My money would have to be for Chris Benoit. It probably wouldn't main event a Wrestlemania or anything, but a good feud similar to the MVP vs. Benoit feud for the U.S. title back in '06 would be pretty great IMO.

I would do one of two things, either book them both as faces, or Hennig as the heel and Benoit as the face. In either situation, Perfect would play the part as the perfectionist [of course] and talk about how he's a better technician and mat wrestler than the world reknown Benoit.

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