Mr Perfect "Curt Hennig"


Master of the Aussie kiss
Was there anything short of winning the big one, this guy couldn't do? Watching his DVD, I realised that When it came to talent, this guy had it all. He was great in the ring, and had Mic skills, that as he would say, was Simply Perfect. The way he carried himself, he made everyone believe that he was what he said he was. I'm sure even he believed it.

He brought out the best in people, making them look the best that they had ever been. Having classic matches with people like Bret hart, Hulk hogan and Ric flair just to name a few.

I think, if he was given a chance, He could of made an Awesome WWE champion. I'm surprised they didn't give him the chance. Everything that guy did was Perfect.

What is your opinion on Mr Perfect Curt Hennig?
True, Mr Perfect, was Perfect. He had incredible in ring and mic skills and i'm also surprise he was never given a World title reign. But he still was a great superstar and will never be forgotten.:robvandam:
I think one of Mr. Perfect's greatest strengths was his ability to put people over, even if Henning won the match he could still make his opponent look like gold and that imo is a true sign of a great worker. Of course he put on fantastic displays and I really enjoy watching his match with Bret Hart at Summerslam '91 for the IC Title which is just a fab example of two great performers doing what they do best. The guy had charisma, a great character and was excellent at inciting the fans and perhaps it was a shame that he never carried the WWF/E championship...perhaps he is the greatest worker to have never held that championship.
Overrated. I like him, but his one defining moment was losing to Bret Hart at SummerSlam. Before what was it? A couple of amusing promos. After? Rap Is Crap. That's about it.

He shouldn't have been workd champ because there were just better options at the time.
Curt Hennig was a world champion for over a year, in the AWA, which was a recognized world championship at the time. So, please stop saying he never had a world title reign.

He definitely never won the WWF/WCW/NWA titles, partly because of the era he was wrestling in - there were too many huge stars to put the belt on - and partly because he was injured for much of the early 1990s.

I think part of the problem was that he was best as a heel, and that he would get cheered when he was supposed to be hated. In the era of his prime, wrestlers were heroes or villains - there were no shades of grey. A bad guy getting cheered wasn't acceptable, a perfect reason to bury him, combined with the fact he didn't move merchandise (remember, he was best as a heel and bad guy souvenirs didn't move as well as face souvenirs). Hogan had the hulkamania t-shirt, Hart had sun glasses, Savage had any number of catch phrases - Hennig just didn't move merchandise the same way.

"Absolutely Perfect" was a great catch phrase, but when rendered by a heel in age of superheroes, it didn't catch on like "Oh Yeah", "Hulkamania's running wild", "The Best there is, the best there was, the best there ever will be", etc.

Did he deserve to be WWF champion, at least for a few months? Of course. He was a very good wrestler, and good on the mic (as a heel; as a face, he couldn't work the crowd as effectively). But there were numerous people in his era that we could say the same about (Roddy Piper, Ricky Steamboat, Rick Rude, Jake Roberts). He just came about at the wrong time, and suffered injuries at the wrong moments.

He, however, had a variety of moves, great promos and yes, while he didn't have a series of classics to his name, except with Bret Hart, he was given opponents like the Big Bossman, Lex Luger, Brutus Beefcake and a badly faded Kerry Von Erich to deal with - these were tough opponents to shine with, and Hennig did find a way to make them look good. An extended feud with good opponents, like Steamboat, would've resulted in a far longer list of classics to add to his name.
I think Henning could have easily done well if given the ball. Of course he was around during the Hogan era, so anyone else actually being given the chance was a slim possibility. If Hogan wasn't around as long as he was it would have been a totally different story. Bret would have been given the title a lot sooner I'm sure since Hogan was too egomanical to put him over. Bret and Henning had a great fued over the I.C. belt, and I'm sure it could easily do the same. At the same time, Henning was a great worker with whomever he was put in the ring with. Almost like the Ric Flair of 90's as he stayed good while making his opponent look good. He was truly a class act and will be surely missed. :headbanger:
I was a huge fan of Curt Hennig. As a little kid, I remember watch him in the AWA, where he absolutely dominated that company for a little while. I also loved the Mr. perfect gimmick he used in the WWE. This guy was the total package. in the ring, he could hold his own with anybody. He was a great technician who had that "it" factor. The man was also gold on the mic. Anyone remember those great vignettes of him throwing a touchdown pass to himself, hitting homeruns, bowling 300's and making numerous holes in 1? Those vignettes were so damn creative, innovative and it made you believe in the gimmick. Hennig was truly a tremendous talent.
If there was one thing Hennig couldn't do was sell. I can't tell you how many matches were ruined because Hennig was so set on making every little hit throw him through a loop. His best match in the eyes of many was the Summerslam 1991 match. The main reason why it was so good was because his back was so hurt he couldn't over sell. And just like that *Snaps finger for emphasis* he had a classic.

Hennig was undoubtedly one of the better talents in the late 80's to early 90's. I wouldn't have been surprised had he eventually been given the WWE title had his back not gave out on him.
If there was one thing Hennig couldn't do was sell.
Really? To me he sells just like HBK, The undertaker, HHH even Bret Hart.
I can't tell you how many matches were ruined because Hennig was so set on making every little hit throw him through a loop.
I think he was great at what he did. He entertained fans. and kept them on their feet. He was loose, and relaxed Rather then Stiff. You can't tell me how many? Maybe you could show me just one. Pleas i beg you.
His best match in the eyes of many was the Summerslam 1991 match. The main reason why it was so good was because his back was so hurt he couldn't over sell. And just like that *Snaps finger for emphasis* he had a classic.
Of course that was the reason. He had more then one good match, Are you saying he was injured in every one? Well if you are, wouldn't that be a good thing? I mean if his best matches was when he was injured what is that saying?
Hennig was undoubtedly one of the better talents in the late 80's to early 90's. I wouldn't have been surprised had he eventually been given the WWE title had his back not gave out on him.
I agree. If he was in his prime, in this era of the WWE, He would have the title. It was unfortunate that there was other people.

Edit: Great first post. Keep it up.
Really? To me he sells just like HBK, The undertaker, HHH even Bret Hart.

He sells exactly like Shawn Michaels (heel) because it was Hennig who Michaels patterned himself after. It's the same exact reason why Michaels was horrible at selling as well. What do you mean he sells like Bret? While Hennig would flip himself head over feet every time someone kicked his leg or fling himself over the top rope from a simple punch, Bret would take a corner bump straight to the sternum and make it look realistic.

I think he was great at what he did. He entertained fans. and kept them on their feet. He was loose, and relaxed Rather then Stiff. You can't tell me how many? Maybe you could show me just one. Pleas i beg you.

One of the more recent ones I've seen was Perfect and The Genius vs the Ultimate Warrior and Hulk Hogan from SNME. Hennig over sold every little hit and made it damn near unwatchable for me. You can look at the Texas Tornado series of matches and most matches from his debut in the WWE until his back started to hurt.

Of course that was the reason. He had more then one good match, Are you saying he was injured in every one? Well if you are, wouldn't that be a good thing? I mean if his best matches was when he was injured what is that saying?

So I named his best match as an example of how good he can be when he doesn't oversell and you try to twist it around as if I'm saying he was incapable of having a good match healthy? That one example I gave you was an example where due to an injury, Hennig was unable to oversell. No longer to oversell every move, Hennig was left with his natural talent. Nowhere did I say that Perfect was a poor wrestler. As long as he was relaxed and just trying to put on a good match instead of acting like a pinball he was a damn good talent. His best matches were those where he toned down his selling.
Mr. Perfect

Was a great wrestler and he did deserve a tittle shot..... someone mentioned the fact that hogan wouldnt have gaven the strap to him... but I think your wrong... behind the scence Henning and Hogan had a great working relationship and I think hogan would have wanted to had a longer feud with henning, but it was Vinces decision to have hogan pass the belt to the warrior and no one else.... if you look at what was going on at the time the match could have easily happened.... only with vince fearing hogans age he decided the Warrior was the next best thing... but at the time I could have seen a very good feud between them where Henning would have got the tittle for a bit...... cause if you remember thats where the Hogan feuds were leading at the time till warrior came in... oh well

Still he was a good guy and deserved a tittle shot... to bad like someone said earlierethat he was injured for most of the 90's cause It probably would have happened there agian as well..

oh well... still Henning was great and WWE did a good thing in inducting him into the HOF so early.
If there was one thing Hennig couldn't do was sell. I can't tell you how many matches were ruined because Hennig was so set on making every little hit throw him through a loop. His best match in the eyes of many was the Summerslam 1991 match. The main reason why it was so good was because his back was so hurt he couldn't over sell. And just like that *Snaps finger for emphasis* he had a classic.

Hennig was undoubtedly one of the better talents in the late 80's to early 90's. I wouldn't have been surprised had he eventually been given the WWE title had his back not gave out on him.

I couldn't disagree more with the selling part. IMO Henning was one of the greatest sellers of all time. As well as Flair and HBK. They are all small guys and they should be selling like crazy like that. Bret wouldn't look good selling like they did because he was built like a brickhouse.
I couldn't disagree more with the selling part. IMO Henning was one of the greatest sellers of all time. As well as Flair and HBK. They are all small guys and they should be selling like crazy like that. Bret wouldn't look good selling like they did because he was built like a brickhouse.

When you're facing someone the size of Andre the Giant, sure, be the pinball. However, when most of your opponents are your size, why would you sell as if they're a super heavyweight? Hennig at times had no concept of varying levels of selling.

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