Mr. Baller

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Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus
Wrestler's Real Name: Joesph Porter
Wrestler's Gimmick Name: Mr. Baller
Wrestlers Nickname: The Can't Miss Prospect
Height: 6”3
Weight: 235 lbs
Hometown: LA, California
Billed From: Miami, Florida
-----------Hair color/length: cornrows
-----------Eye color: blue
-----------Facial Hair: goatee
-----------Ring Attire: Warmup suit to the ring similar to NBA player. It will say Mr. Baller on front of shirt, and back of pants it says ballin. Hae wears short blue tights in the ring, and it says ballin on the back as well.
-----------Backstage Attire: Warmup suit previously mentioned above.
-----------Physical Features:
-----------Tattoos: No tattoos
Alignment(Face, Tweener, Heel): Heel
Gimmick: Cocky bball star who thinks he better then everyone else
Strength/Weakness: Strengths 1. Quick and elusive 2. Great ring awareness 3. Great high flyer. Weaknesses: 1. Cocky 2. Mat and submission 3. Argues with refs too much
Trained By: MVP
Sample Pic of Wrestler:


Brief History: Moving to Miami in his early teens. Mr. Baller was going down the wrong path until MVP got his hands on him. MVP took him under his wing to prevent Baller from going down MVP’s troubled past. MVP trained him and eventually let Mr. Baller to the Indy Circuit where he went 43-5, but never got his title opportunity.
Title History: Mayhem Champ, Tag Team Champ
Entrance Music: Mr. Baller by Royce the 5"9
Entrance description: Comes out jumping up down like hes getting pumped for a game. He then walks to the ring with a basketball all cocky with his smile. He then begins to spin the basketball on his finger in front of the fans and taunting them telling him they cant do this. When he is in the ring he goes on to top rope to show off his great looks and saying no one can look like him and as gets down he rips off his warmup suit similar to Hogan ripping off his Hulkamania shirt.

Finishers: Hit The Showers (Skull Crushing Finale)

15 Most used moves: Crossbody off the top rope.
Game Changer - Beautiful Disaster (signature)
Springboard back elbow
Jumping DDT
Standing moonsault
Swinging neckbreaker
Legdrop off the top rope
Arm drag
Whisper in the Wind
Standing leg drop (Kofi’s Boo Boo Boo move)
Sample RP:
Interviewer: Mr. Baller may I have a moment of your time
Mr. Baller: Who in the hell are you?
Interviewer: I’m…
Mr. Baller: Wait, I don’t care who you are because you aren’t good enough to waste my time with an interview. Do you know who I am?
Interviewer: (trembling) Mr. Baller
Mr. Baller: That’s right I’m Mr. Baller the best thing since sliced
Bread, I am the main event, the can’t miss prodigy. Now get out of my face and don’t come back till you actually become decent enough to
even take one moment of my time. ( Pushes interviewer away)
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