Mr. Anderson! ...Anderson!

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Panic Switch

Dark Match Winner
With the 90 day compete clause expiring very soon. We all know it's pretty much set in stone that he will join TNA. Both sides have expressed interest in each other and it is only a matter of time before he debuts. So I pose the question how do you think he should debut and in what fashion?

I personally propose the idea that he debuts at No Surrender.
My idea is this: Kurt vs. Morgan vs. Sting vs. Styles as the main event. During the match a mysterious man wearing a balaclava jumps the barricade and enters the ring right as Styles, Sting or Morgan hit their finisher on Kurt and is about to win. The mystery man cleans house including security that try to remove him from the ring. Kurt gets to his feet and gives the man a hug they shake hands etc. as Kurt thanks him for helping him. Kurt then goes to cover someone. Suddenly the mystery man reveals a microphone. The man knocks out the ref with it and then reveals himself to be Mr. Anderson. Kurt is going nuts as Ken isn't following their arranged plan. Ken then hits him with the mic and a Green Bay Roll. Sting then gets the cover allowing him and AJ to go at it at BFG for the title and retirement. ken then goes into a feud with Kurt over the betrayal.

What ideas do you have for his debut? It doesn't matter how realistic or unrealistic it may be.
I've had enough of the "OMG he betrayed the MEM!" angles, personally. It's just not surprising anymore.

I'd really rather see him in the X-Division. At least for now, until the MEM angle runs its course and the main event scene is a bit less messy. If I'm booker (and I'd make a shitty booker, admittedly), I'd have him beat down whoever wins the Samoa Joe vs Daniels X-Division championship match. Lets say Daniels gets the 1-2-3... Joe rolls out of the ring and Daniels celebrates. As Joe walks up the ramp, Mr. Anderson emerges from the crowd, hits the Mic Check on Daniels and puts the boots to him and tosses him out of the ring.

Anderson calls for the mic and proceeds to cut a promo on how he's finally arrived in the premier sports entertainment product in the world today (of course that's not true but who cares, it's just a good thing to say when you're on their show) and plans to instantly make an impact by challenging Daniels THIS WEEK ON IMPACT! for the premier TITLE in sports entertainment today. This makes it clear how he'll be debuting (of course he'll lose the title on Impact! in a way that furthers the angle), and gives a TON of credibility to the X-Division title since a very hotly anticipated debuting star is setting his sights on it right out of the gate.
Good idea. But I am inclined to think that Tna is going to give him a brand new ring name altogether. Being the Charismatic wrestler that he is a name like mr. Anderson is far too plain. Not to mention he will probably need a new gimmick too. I always thought he should have changed his name to Kennedy like warrior did so if this happened he could keep the name. Perhaps they will bring back his two rivers Jack persona haha. Just kidding but they will likely come up with something new for him in order to keep him from getting dull.
My opinion is that TNA will not rush to put Mr Anderson.......Anderson into the main event picture. As Panic Switch pointed out, there are already 4 people in the TNA Title picture; Kurt Angle, Sting, Matt Morgan and The Phenomenal One, AJ. I actually believe that they may debut him when or after Sting retires, as they have ultimately lost a significant main eventer. Plus, it would just get things confusing and it'll also be more of a surprise. We know Anderson will debut but just keep in mind that right after the 90 day no-compete clause has just ended.

As to how he would debut, if at No Surrender, he may interfere in the World Title match but is more likely to interfere in the X Division match, likely attacking Joe over Daniels. This is why I believe he with debut at Bound for Glory so that they can replace a recently retired star. Soo, if at Bound for Glory, I think after the World Title match a riot will start like that one at iMPACT a few weeks ago. But MEM and World Elite outnumber the Frontline due to others who have switched over for the money. But then a video package airs and everyone (MEM in the ring and Frontline out) watches. Then Anderson sprints out and cleans house of the MEM.
This is just my theory.
Whatever he does, I REALLY REALLY REALLY want him to introduce himself. As strange as that sounds, that's exactly what I mean. No videos of him on the tron, no "mysterious guy" angle, no announcer shouting his debut. I'd like for this to happen at a Main Event, where some guy (preferably Angle) has to go against someone of whoever-at-the-time-his-opponent's choosing. And when Angle's music dies down and everyone waits with anticipation, Kennedy is heard loud and clear via mic shouting "Mr. KENN-ED-Y!!!! I just think that would be original and awesome. Go with it however they will.
can we say stone cold steve austin all over again, as far as getting fired from one company, going to another and making something of himself, not comparing the 2 guys because he will never be stone cold, no one will.
can we say stone cold steve austin all over again, as far as getting fired from one company, going to another and making something of himself, not comparing the 2 guys because he will never be stone cold, no one will.

Comparing the guys.......thats EXACTLY what you're doing. Please, think before you type. Now, on to pressing matters.

I don't care how he debut's just as long as he announces himself as whatever his new name is. Mr. Anderson is too plain and it would just remind everybody of The Matrix so that's out. I'm sure Kennedy will come up with something. Here's hoping that Kennedy will help make TNA just that much more entertaining.
drink the koolaide, TNA is getting good, now we have the BLACK POPE and MRKBS, what the hell whats next MVP or VIP showing up????what was making it bad is gone for 1 company doent make it right for another, yes some good, Matt M. for one, as for MRKBS, might as well give 3 weeks in ROH or AAA and see if he has more balls or all talk like he has.
My opinion is that TNA will not rush to put Mr Anderson.......Anderson into the main event picture. As Panic Switch pointed out, there are already 4 people in the TNA Title picture; Kurt Angle, Sting, Matt Morgan and The Phenomenal One, AJ. I actually believe that they may debut him when or after Sting retires, as they have ultimately lost a significant main eventer. Plus, it would just get things confusing and it'll also be more of a surprise. We know Anderson will debut but just keep in mind that right after the 90 day no-compete clause has just ended.

As to how he would debut, if at No Surrender, he may interfere in the World Title match but is more likely to interfere in the X Division match, likely attacking Joe over Daniels. This is why I believe he with debut at Bound for Glory so that they can replace a recently retired star. Soo, if at Bound for Glory, I think after the World Title match a riot will start like that one at iMPACT a few weeks ago. But MEM and World Elite outnumber the Frontline due to others who have switched over for the money. But then a video package airs and everyone (MEM in the ring and Frontline out) watches. Then Anderson sprints out and cleans house of the MEM.
This is just my theory.

dude that is original i will give you that... but noone is that smart over at TNA to do anything different from the norm... Hence why they are still a far number my opinion and only my opinion i think TNA could have every hott superstar and still waist it away....Look at how WWF(WWE) DOES IT AND WE GET WASTED TALENT AND WAYN TOO EARLY RELEASES...
Let's not Booker T this. World heavyweight champion within the month. No "is he face, is he heel?" bullshit either. Straight-up face, no question. Getting in the way of others? Pfft, who cares about Hernandez anyway? I'm pretty sure I'm the only one. Utilitarianism and all that.

TNA have got to keep his momentum going for as long as they can, no matter what the costs. He needs to cut a cheesy program on Mr. McMahon being a dick and then needs to go directly into main eventing a pay-per-view and beating Kurt Angle for the world title. You've waited a long time to get a guy that got cut out during a WWE title push TNA - let's not fuck it up.

Down the line, he can turn heel and feud with MMA SUPERSTAR Bobby Lashley.
u know wat i would personally love, if he somehow kept the kennedy name. of course he cant do that but be creative with it. he could call himself Ken Eddie or Ken Edy would be so cool. Imagine Ken-Eddie or Ken-Edy. that way he could still say kennedy
This is becoming an increasingly large issue with the WWE guys coming over to TNA and being main eventers within months. I am one of Kennedy's biggest fans and the thing I want the most for him is to come in and work his way up the ranks.

I saw where Austin was referenced and if you remember Austin rose to the upper midcard in WCW before his release, then after his stint in ECW, he came to WWF and worked his way up the card. Everyone knew the potential Austin had and after years of hard work, it clicked at the King Of The Ring with the famous Austin 3:16 speech.

I feel that's valid to mention because that's how the Kennedy situation should be handled. These guys come from the WWE and TNA just kisses their butt and throws them straight to the top. By doing this, they're basically saying that WWE is more competitive than TNA. It discredits the wrestlers on their current roster (and boy do they have some talent) and it just doesn't help the WWE wrestler coming over in the long run in the company. The only exception to this idea is obviously a main eventer jumping over.

Kennedy never got to Main Event status, so to me the best move (and not the move TNA will make) is to send him down the card and have him work up. People are going to be interested in him regardless, so it will make it easier to move him up. The thing you want to create with Kennedy is character development. You want the character to have a story and interest around him. You want the character to go through adversity and success to become something unique.

I hope TNA doesn't waste the talent Ken has. He's truly one of a kind and I find it hard to believe that he won't shine sometime in his wrestling career.
Kennedy does have the potential to be the big thing in TNA, but it's fairly unlikely. They have a tendency to rush anybody who's recognizable straight to the World Title picture. I would prefer him to go after the Legends or X Division titles first. Actually work up the ranks for a little while. Maybe become a little more sound in the ring. Here's to hoping they don't pull the trigger too soon.
I'm not at all convinced that Kennedy or Anderson or whatever he's going to call himself belongs in the main event scene. I know that the guy has become something of an internet darling, but I just don't see what the big deal about him is. Yes, the guy is pretty good on the mic I'll grant, but something always happened to cause him to lose momentum in the WWE just when things looked like they were going his way.

Whether it was an injury, Wellness Policy violation, filming a lousy movie, the guy sometimes disappeared for months on end. Whatever plans the WWE had for him before the injuries or policy violation were scrapped or put on hold and the guy would spend months being built back up and then something would happen that just caused the whole thing to happen again. Eventually, I just stopped giving a damn about the guy, couldn't be bothered with it.

Now, if Kennedy goes to TNA and manages to stay healthy and prove that he really does have the stuff like many within the IWC claim, then maybe I'll give the guy some praise and admiration. Stick him in the X-Division, let him develop himself there because God knows they need somebody with some charisma.
wait till he hurts someone like aj or kurt the guy is a slob in the ring and has been known to hurt others (orton) and get hurt all the time what if he seriously hurts a guy like lashley i think its a huge mistake for tna they should go after umaga or someone more stable then anderson he's one bad injury from being gone alltogether
This is TNA...TNA, and since hes a former WWE guy, 5 bucks says he goes into the Main Event and probably wins the TNA World Title some how within the next 2-3 months, ala Angle or Booker T ruining pushes of AJ or Morgan.

P.S--- Don't red rep me, just blast me in posts.
This is TNA...TNA, and since hes a former WWE guy, 5 bucks says he goes into the Main Event and probably wins the TNA World Title some how within the next 2-3 months, ala Angle or Booker T ruining pushes of AJ or Morgan.

P.S--- Don't red rep me, just blast me in posts.

Booker T never won the TNA world title he just held onto Samoa Joe's belt but was never champion. As far as Kennedy winning the World Title two or three months into his TNA career I hope not. TNA made their name on the X Division and Kennedy leaving WWE and going straight after the X-Division championship would hopefully restablish some credibility to the title that made TNA famous.
Before TNA pushes Kennedy into main event status they need to have him wrestle as a midcarder for a few months to see if he can stay healthy and to give him time to sharpen his wrestling skills back up. I don't think that they should rush into ME status because i doubt that he has wrestled that much since his last match from wwe.
I personally would love to see him come in and start in the Legends title picture with Kevin Nash and Rhino. If not the Legends title, then just stick in a midcard feud with Rhino. I think they'd have great chemistry.

I, like many others, just want him to rise up the ranks in TNA.
I really hope they don't push Kennedy/Anderson to the top of the card, and he should be kept as far away as possible from the MEM. Kennedy/Anderson would be a great addition to TNA's roster, and he could certainly be World champ and attract new fans, he's got charisma, he's great on the stick and if he keeps injury free, he's very solid in the ring.

However, TNA are known for pushing new talent and ex-WWE stars right to the top. This would be completely the wrong way to go. Kennedy/Anderson needs a good long feud against an established wrestler to legitimise himself near the top of the card. If he's pushed straight to the top, he could fail, he could get injured, he could leave. TNA needs to make sure Kennedy/Anderson can compete solidly, without getting injured, if he can do that, he could easily be the face of TNA.
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