Movie Theatres

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
I guess this would go in this subforum so here it is. A thread dedicated to the wonders of movie theatres. In this thread feel free to describe any traditions you have when going to the theatre, any improvements you could make to movie theatres, anything at all about movie theatres.

My Traditions

Personally, I am not the biggest theatre enthusiast as I would much rather watch movies on On Demand, however I have a few weird tradtitons when going to the movie theatre. Firstly if I'm taking a girl to the movies I buy everything. And I buy tons of food and drinks and candies. It is this weird thing that I have to do. I feel that I need to provide copoious amounts of nutrition no-no's for whomever I am taking. If it is just me and one person a general snack could be three boxes of candy, a large drink (Ice Tea) and either a big thing of popcorn, or a small popcorn and nachos. I think this is the proper thing to do to enjoy the movie theatre.

Secondly I always sit in the last row. I feel that the last row gets you the greatest seating as well as allow you to do whatever you want without people really caring. Also even better than just plain old last row is having a seat by the stairs in the last row because you can stretch your feet. I think this tradition started back when I use to go to the movies with my family as my dad always suggested sitting in the very last row.

How to Improve Theatre

I would personally have themed movie theatres. I currently live by an Egyptian themed movie theatre and it really hypes up the overall experience of going to the movies. I think if all theatres stepped up their interior and exterior design then it would attract more people to come. Also movie theatres need to get cheaper. One of the biggest reasons I don't go to movies that often is because of the cost. If they were to get cheaper then I think more people would be inclined to go to the theatre.

What are your views on the movie theatre?
I don't really have traditions when it comes to going to the movie theater. I just go every once in a while for movies that I really want to see immediately, as in when they come out. If it's a movie that looks good but not worth spending the money to go to then I'll just wait for it to come out in DVD or On Demand.

However, as far as improvements there is quite a few they could make. I know they have to make a profit and all, but some movie theaters are just too expensive for the average family. For god's sake, my best friend and I went to the movies a couple of months ago and the total money spent was nearly $50. We bought 2 drinks, a small popcorn and like 2 boxes of chocolate and we're paying nearly $50!? That's fucking ridiculous. Now imagine that with not 2 people, but with 4. Yeah, it's way too much. So I think lowering the price would be great as it would still bring in a lot of people and they'd still be making a profit.

Another “improvement” they could make is getting people to be quiet when a movie is going on by either telling them to do so or get kicked out. There's nothing more annoying than someone talking throughout an entire movie questioning every little thing. Shut the fuck up and listen to the damn movie, maybe then you would understand what the hell is going on. In the closest movie theater to my house, they don't really do shit so it would be great to enforce some rule like that.
I love going to the movies. It is probably at least in some part related to when I was a kid and there was nothing else to do in town but go to the movies. I love the pre-movie Trivia, I love the smell of the popcorn, I even love the cheesy curtains around the screen to give it some representation of the stage.

I don't really care where I sit thought my wife is big on trying to get a seat about three or four from the back and in the middle. I don't often buy snacks but if I do I'll get a small popcorn and a large soda which is the perfect proportion of popcorn to soda so I'm done with both at the same time. The only real routine I've got is when I go with my wife we do a thumbs up/thumbs down rating for whether we want to see the movies previewed in the trailers. And we're both quiet during a movie, I don't understand people that talk in a movie.
I absolutely love going to the movies. It's one of my favourite things to do. The big screen, surround sound, comfy seats (especially at an AMC) and amazing junk food make it something I look forward to. Like Mike C, I love the atmosphere so much and I love being able to share that atmosphere with friends or a date despite it not being the most social situation. It's nice to leave a theatre and be able to discuss what you've just seen and hear everyone else's opinions.

I love sitting in the front row of the second section of seats, not the ones directly on the floor, if that makes sense. It's the best because I can put my feet up and won't have any people in front of me.

I wish there was a way they could lower prices. I have a membership card at my cinema so I get discounts and points all the time, otherwise I would not go as often as I do. And for what I save on the actual tickets I end up spending on treats anyways. It's outrageous. This could be avoided by not buying food I guess but I really can't resist Milk Duds or popcorn or nachos or Cherry Blasters or giant pretzels or...
I'm more of a "wait for it to come out on DVD" kind of viewer to be honest. I'm not a fan of going to the movies unless I really can't wait for it. I suppose going to see an Action or Drama movie it wouldn't be so bad, but I'm a more Comedy oriented person and I hate watching comedies in a large group. I'm not talking Madea or any horseshit like that, I'm talking more along the lines of Seth Rogen/Apatow/Kevin Smith kind of movies, where dialogue is important and if you're not paying attention for a moment, you could miss one of the best jokes of the film. When you have cackling morons who laugh like they're dying at every single joke, it's easy to miss out.

So yeah, I'll watch it in the privacy of my own home.
I prefer theaters over DVD's. I watch movies to chill and what better way than to get out of the house and chill somewhere where all your troubles vanish? The movie theater is the ideal place to take a girl out on a date and it's also the ideal place to go with a few friends and waste a few hours in fun. Home? I live there. Where's the fun in that?
I love going to the cinema. It is the reason that I have been 4 times in the last week and a half. I don't know what it is about them that keeps me coming back. AT my best guess, I would say that it is the environment that keeps things fresh and keeps me excited and you never know what you are going to get.


One of my traditions when I go to see a movie is to arrive a good deal early and watch all of the trailers from start to finish. Yes, it might be completely sad but I love watching the trailers. This is especially true when I go to see movies that are demanding of a higher aged audience. To me, it means that I am going to see some of the best and most provocative trailers for upcoming movies and those are the ones that I really want to see the most. I have seen hundreds of movies in theatres now and I would never dream of missing the trailers. If I do, I am genuinely quite upset that I have. I think it is a staple of the cinematic experience and I don't want to miss out on that. If I could go and ask the dude to replay them all before the movie starts, I definitely would.


How about an IQ test before people are allowed to enter the theatre? That would make things greatly better, in my estimation. If you are just too darn stupid to appreciate a horror movie for what it is, without laughing and giggling at the parts that are supposed to draw thee audience into the experience, then you don't get in. Or perhaps you just put them in the remedial viewing room. SO many movies have been spoiled by kids laughing at parts that are supposed to make or break the movie and it just pulls you right out of the experience. This is something that gets me really upset when I go to see movies and horror movies in particular.

Good thread idea.
Going to the movie theater is still a fun past-time because it's a great chance to hang out with friends or go on a date for a somewhat cheap price, although that depends on the theater. Back in my first semester of college my roommate and some friends and I would go once a week every wednesday evening to see whatever looked the best that week. Every now and then I'll go. Some traditions include buying Dots rather than popcorn, or sometimes we'll go a Dollar Tree store located conveniently next door and have the girls sneak some $1 candy in with us inside their purses.

Some improvements would be for them to be a little sctricter on the NO TALKING policy, it's hard to enjoy a movie if someone behind you won't shut up. There have been times when I have fought the urge to get an usher to come tell the person to leave. Sometimes the floor is too sticky, but that seems to be a problem in every single theater and not just the one here where I live.

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