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Moves that lost their power

Born To Fly

Occasional Pre-Show
What moves in the WWE have lost their power or knockout ability over the years? Secondly, why would the WWE make a move lose all credibility by taking away their power?

My example is Randy Orton's between-the-ropes DDT.

When he first used it, it was a powerful move that would KO an opponent or someone...like his punt (which hasn't been used in a while).

Now when I see it, it's in the middle of the match and if there is a cover, the opponent kicks out at 1 or 2.

Your thoughts?
A move that I feel has been devalued for no reason is the Lionsault. Back in the Attitude Era Jericho won most, if not all, of his pinfall victories by using the Lionsault and idt he has won a single match by using it since his return in 07. It is one of the most enjoyable moves to see executed and for the past 11 years I have marked out each and every time that I have seen Jericho hit it.

While I'm on the Jericho train I'd also have to point out that his once feared submission the Walls of Jericho rarely makes an opponent tap out these days and half the time they have Jericho doing it in a very weak way as opposed to the high angle intense Walls of Jericho that every wrestler in the WWE used to fear.
I'd say any variation for the moonsault of top rope splash. So many different wrestler's use them now it's just insane. We have people who use those moves as just everyday moves and do not win matches with them, then we have those who use them as finishers and win matches with them. Kind of confusing. It's like so just because Evan Bourne comes off the top rope as a finisher he'll beat his opponents, but because let's Kofi Kingston comes off the top rope as just a regular move, he won't beat his opponent with it. It's weird, they have lost their power and their impact because they are way overused. Wrestlers use them now to just get their cheap pops and to look cool, not because they are effective moves to end matches too.
Many moves have lost their feeling and power. The first one I think of is the Walls of Jericho and the Lionsault just as enterkey said. I personally like The Walls of Jericho better than the lionsault.

John Morrison's Moonlight Drive just dissapeared. The last few times he used Moonlight Drive it did not finish off the opponent or he used it to lead up to the Starship Pain.

Edge's Edgecution is used as a regular move now. It used to be a finishing move.

There are just so many moves that has lost it's power, but fortuantely some of these moves are revised from time to time.
I'd say The Chokeslam... Before when someone would hit it, it was lights out... Now so many people use it, it's basically a signature these days for numerous people... Hell, even Rampage Jackson used it when The A-Team was in the ring on Raw!
Many moves have lost their feeling and power. The first one I think of is the Walls of Jericho and the Lionsault just as enterkey said. I personally like The Walls of Jericho better than the lionsault.

John Morrison's Moonlight Drive just dissapeared. The last few times he used Moonlight Drive it did not finish off the opponent or he used it to lead up to the Starship Pain.

Edge's Edgecution is used as a regular move now. It used to be a finishing move.

There are just so many moves that has lost it's power, but fortuantely some of these moves are revised from time to time.

The Edgecution not only has become a normal move in Edge's arsenal but it also doesn't look as good as it used to, it almost appears that Edge isn't even trying to take anyone out with that impaler DDT. If they built it up again it would be a devastating finisher and could easily replace his crappy spear.

The Moonlight Drive was a great move when Morrison was using it on ECW during his feud with CM Punk and during his long time alongside the Miz as a tag team. It is a much more effective finisher than the starship pain is and I feel that they have their roles reversed, SP should be the regular run of the mill move whereas MD has a much more finisher feel to it.
Shit the DDT was Jake the Snake's FEARED finishing move. He invented the damn thing. Now everyone does it and it's not nearly as deadly as it once was. Randy's is cool, but Jake's was better.
Hell, a suplex at one time was a show stopper.
what about moves that GAINED strenght. The People's Elbow anyone? The Rock was so damn good he made an ELBOW deadly.
NIce thread man
First off is the Spear. I know it's Edge's big finish but it just doesn't say 'game ender' to me anymore. Maybe it's because it seems like everyone has used it at one time or another. Edge should rededicate himself to the Edgecution and bring back his submission the Edgecator. Someother moves that have lost the punch they once had simply because they became to common.
The spinebuster, the piledriver (why this isn't a finish anymore I have no idea, other then it's somewhat dubious nature). The bottom line is there seems to be a lack of thought going into finishing moves lately. The finisher used to be a major character point. Guys were synonymous with their finishers. Austin had the Stunner. Rock the Rock Bottom. HBK Sweet Chin Music. I could go on and on because every one in the Attitude era seemed to have an established and unique finisher. Hell, a lot of them had two finishers. Now the only guys with well establishes finishes are Orton and Cena. Even Undertaker can't seem to stick to a finisher, Tombstone or Chokeslam or Hells Gate or TCB. To me a finisher for a wrestler should be what a super power is to a superhero. A go-to get-the-job-done move. It's yet another lost part of the art form, I would very much like to see return.
In all honesty, I think that the Walls of Jericho has lost a lot lately. Everytime he puts it on, I expect his opponent to make it to the ropes within seconds.
Kofi's Trouble In Paradise has really lost its power. Since Shawn Michaels is gone, I've depended on Kofi to deliver that devastating final kick to his opponent, but everytime he "breaks out the steel drums" (instead of "tuning up the band"), one of three scenarios will happen: 1) The opponent dodges the TIP only to get caught in the SOS, which I still believe shouldn't be a finisher, 2) The opponent gets hit with the TIP and as Kofi is about to pin his opponent, some interference from the opponent's valet or somebody else from behind distracts Kofi, usually ending in either disqualification or Kofi's opponent hitting his finisher and getting the win.
If you think about it, a lot of moves have lost power. But the one that really bums me is how the 'E took AJ Styles finisher and put it on a diva. Michelle McCool has no business using the Styles Clash. But back to the 'E since this is in the WWE board, all the finishers seem a little week, truth be told. Big Show's knockout blow, the Miz's Skull Crushing Finale, Orton's RKO, Cena's AA and STF, Kofi's TIP, all of those are recognizable finishers, though Big Show's finisher was at one point contested by Nexus' Michael Tarver. I think in the end, the programming change killed the move strength. Tack on repitition of moves in a match and we easily get bored. A finisher is supposed to be one and done. WM matches are the ONLY time that a finisher can be kicked out of, and the last time for a while should be Taker-HBK from Mania 26, though I have no idea what WWE plans to do.

As for submissions, everyone manages to get to the ropes with various submissions. The best bet is for a guy to lock it in while keeping his opponent on the far side of the ring from the ropes or compete in a dang FCA match.
XgringolocoX, I have to wholeheartedly agree, ESPECIALLY with The Rock and the People's Elbow. I cannot count how many times I've heard people say "The People's Elbow is JUST an elbow drop." If you think about the weight distribution into the People's Elbow, it is immense.

The form that The Rock used by balancing on one leg and springing downwards, generated far more power than say the way other wrestlers would just lean into their elbow drop and let gravity take over.

I think that Chris Jericho has been the most watered down out of any superstar. I remember when he would use a bulldog, lionsault combination and then it would be game over normally. What needs to happen is the superstars need to save the multiple finishers for PPVs, mainly WM. Bring that edge of your seat suspense back just like HBK and Taker did at WM 25/26.

The only way for the superstars to truly regain a "FINISHER" is to have them struggle to execute it. No more false finishes with their special move. That would force the superstars to expand their moveset overall and truly save the finisher for last.
There are many but ill focus on three.

The Edgecution - Back in the day Edge used this as one of his finishers and would often get victories of of it now it is used as just a regular move in his arsenal and if he hits it will only get a 2 count from it.

The Lionsault - Same as the edgecution this used to be Y2J's finisher now he is lucky to even hit the move (seriously think about it when was the last time he hit it) and if it does hit it will only get 2.

The Walls Of Jericho - This was (and to an extent still is) Y2J's finisher, years ago if this move got locked in 90% of the time the match was over now if it is locked in the opponent will almost always get the ropes (when was the last time Jericho won a match with the walls?)
The Walls of Jericho sucks now, it just looks like a crappy Boston Crab, when it originally looked devastating. The move used to put so much pressure on the neck and lower back when applied properly, like Jericho used to do in the late 90s, now it is just bad.

The DDT used to be a great finisher, when it was used by Jake Roberts. Now Raven is the only wrestler with a credible DDT finisher. Edge used to use Gangrel's awesome Impaler DDT as a finisher (the Edgecution), but now he only ever gets a 2-count with it.

Waste of great moves IMO
There are many but ill focus on three.

The Edgecution - Back in the day Edge used this as one of his finishers and would often get victories of of it now it is used as just a regular move in his arsenal and if he hits it will only get a 2 count from it.

The Lionsault - Same as the edgecution this used to be Y2J's finisher now he is lucky to even hit the move (seriously think about it when was the last time he hit it) and if it does hit it will only get 2.

The Walls Of Jericho - This was (and to an extent still is) Y2J's finisher, years ago if this move got locked in 90% of the time the match was over now if it is locked in the opponent will almost always get the ropes (when was the last time Jericho won a match with the walls?)

Jericho actually landed a lionsault last night on Raw.

But I agree with everyone about Jericho being the one who got screwed over with finishers. I used to remember that whenever Jericho was in a match, it was only a matter of time for him to use the walls of jericho and then win the match...Now it's just a regular boston crab.

I do remember when Jericho did the Walls on Danielson during NXT he put his knee on Danielson's head and when I saw that I hoped he would start using that on Raw/Smackdown but that never happened...
The most obvious ones to me are the DDT and Neckbreaker. Those were classic finishers that once executed it was match over. (Jake The Snake, Rick Rude, HTM, Raven, Dreamer, etc) Now they're just common mid match moves like a clothesline or headscissors.
I think a lot of moves have. When you got indy moves more contrived and "cool" looking as ever, of course the older moves are going to be deemed bad finishers. Here is a short list of mah:

- DDT. This used to be one of the most feared finishers. I mean who wants their head crashed to the mat? Now if it is done in a match it is "just" another move or a Diva uses it because she doesn't have much skill to do something else.. However, I appreciate Maryse bringing it back in a meaningful way.

- The Big Punch. Any boxing fan will tell you that all you need is one good shot to the jugular to knock someone out. Yet, you people are saying that when the Big Show does it isn't a good finisher. What else can I say?

- Neckbreaker. Another "used" to be feared move.. Unless it is part of some stupid indy move. Or a Diva uses it because it is "kinda hard to mess up". I think Layla is the only one uses it as a finisher though.

- Dropkick. I remember when dropkicks were suppose to be put over as amazing athletic ability. Now it is seems like every diva, besides Maryse, and most of the men do a dropkick. But to be fair, at least the men who do them can. All the divas besides the Bellas have to do a one legged variation, but that makes me go "huh?". lol
The most wasted move I see today is Loinsalt and walls of Jericho. Even Jericho's code breaker has lost his power. Last week he hit Cena with code breaker and The put Walls of Jericho on him but still Cena was able to counter it and turn it in STFU. I was like what the hell? Why wwe is ruining all of his finishers ? Another move taht has lost its power is chockslam. Mainly in PPV's we see Undertaker chockslamming someone and his opponent moves only to get tombstone after. Now I can hardly believe someone getting pinned after chockslam.
Walls of Jericho used to be, if you got in that then you were done. period. Now, basically can get out of that or reach the top ropes. The Hart Dynasty's Sharpshooter doesn't seem to have lost it's power, yes it's used wayy too much and it's basically the only move they use but once it's locked in, no one ever gets out (Unless the person gets distracted or attacked by an outsider).

The Code breaker used to be more powerful too, if you got hit with that then you were done, no questions asked. Now, more and more people are recovering from it so it's kind of like 'WTF is this supposed to do nowadays?'.

I don't think the Chokeslam has necessarily lost it's power (as wrestlers rarely get up from it) but it's definitely used by everyone now which loses it's actual value.
Submission wrestling in general is what I miss the most. Why did CM Punk stop using the Anaconda Vice? Why was Danielson not allowed to use the Arms Across America/ Cattle Mutilation? Why does Jericho use the Walls Of Jericho like a scrub now? What happened to Big Shows AMAZING cobra clutch backbreaker? The only decent submissions left in wrestling today are the Anklelock and the STF...and when John Cena is making people tap out and CM Punk isnt you know something is fucking wrong.

So it is written...so it shall come to pass....
Quoth The RaVeN....Nevermore
The Walls of Jericho hasn't made anyone tap out in like a decade. If ever there was a move that's utterly lost a significant amount of it's power, it's the Walls/Lion Tamer.

The WCW incarnation he used was incredibly visually painful, and that's now morphed into the weak Boston Crab style he uses today.
The Walls Of Jericho has severely lost its power. It used to be the most damaging submission hold in wrestling, but now, its nothing.

I know Shawn Michaels is retired now, but his sweet chin music lost its power towards the end of his career. It seemed as though it was always a set up move, or it was a desperation move and the pin came a minute after the move.
Anyone who doesn't say the DDT is out of their fucking mind. Jake Roberts invented this move by a freak accident. The man almost ended Steamboats career earlier than it had because of it. Someone getting dropped on their head while being driven into the mat should knock anyone out, but now it's just a move that people use like a 2 dollar prostitute.
The Edgecution not only has become a normal move in Edge's arsenal but it also doesn't look as good as it used to, it almost appears that Edge isn't even trying to take anyone out with that impaler DDT. If they built it up again it would be a devastating finisher and could easily replace his crappy spear.

The Moonlight Drive was a great move when Morrison was using it on ECW during his feud with CM Punk and during his long time alongside the Miz as a tag team. It is a much more effective finisher than the starship pain is and I feel that they have their roles reversed, SP should be the regular run of the mill move whereas MD has a much more finisher feel to it.

I know. The Moonlight Drive and the Edgecution were such devastating moves. Morrison won the ECW title with the Moonlight Drive. I miss that move alot.

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