Motor City Machine Guns For Hire

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Little Jerry Lawler

Sigmund Freud On Ritalin And Roids
When's the last time we have seen the disappearing act know as Sabin and Shelley wrestle? I haven't seen them wrestle since I turned 21 and that was two months ago. You saw them out in the crowd on Impact Thursday night and I've heard their cries. I'm reaching out to them and I have found a way to make them useful yet again.

Join The Beautiful People

I consider Sabin and Shelley to be very handsome guys and if they join they will automatically be better looking than Madison Rayne (facewise) and they're cocky and arrogant sort of like Velvet and Angelina. The Beautiful People want to cleanse the world one ugly person at a time and who better to take care of the dirty work than the Guns. For starters they can take out Deaner because he has no use in TNA and he's ugly which is the main point. It will gain the Beautiful People more heat and further become one of the better things about TNA instead of watching MEM dominate almost every single minute.

Cute Kip is a thing of the past. Sabin and Shelley are the present and the future.
I like everything about it except for the inevitable feud, as you pointed out, with Cody Deaner. If they did it, I'd want them to just give him a beat down on an episode of Impact and move on to something more interesting.

Sets up an interesting possible match though. Say... Angelina, Sky, and MCMG vs Tara, Kong, and ... I dunno... maybe Team 3D in a 4 on 4 mixed tag? I'd watch it.
how old are you because you sound like shallow 13-year old B**** to me.First of all,Madison rayne is NOT ugly,she's smoking hot and i bet she's 10 times better looking then you

and second of all,this thread doesn't make any sence,the MCMG are wrestlers,they are in TNA to wrestler,they are not here to be sidekick puppies to angelina and velvet.The beautiful people is a GIRLS GROUP and the MCMG have better things to do then follow angelina and velvet during all there knockout matches,thats a waste of talent

I think I know how your mind works,your thinking the beautiful people are hot,the MCMG are hot,lets put them together just for heck of it,well sorry hunny,it doesn't work like that
The Guns don't really work in the concept of other stables. When you look at what they did with Lethal Consequences, they were constantly mocking them and expressing their superiority. It didn't lead to the blowoff feud that it should have, but it was teasing it. The problem with the BP is that the Guns would essentially have to take it in the ass from the Beautiful People, and while they might be doing it from management, it really doesn't work for their characters. They'd be constantly sniping at each other, really, and the only logical place to go is a feud...but you can't very well do a female tag team vs a men's tag team. Simply doesn't work well.

And, really, it doesn't fit their characters to begin with. They're not big on allies. They only grudgingly teamed up with Lethal Consequences because they hated Suicide that much, for whatever reason, and they bitterly resisted hooking up with the Frontline, mostly because their characters are just pricks in general. Alliances aren't a big thing for the Guns.

But to be honest, anything to get the Guns a push is a good thing at this point. It's been said countless times, but it's abysmal at how TNA keeps screwing them over. They're great on the mic, separate and together, and their ring work is great cruiserweight action. I mean, goodness, another company entirely saw fit to give them their light heavyweight tag team titles, and we're talking not only about a prestigious company in IWGP, as well as one where it's more difficult for a gaijin to get a title. So in a company they don't even work for, in a country geared to work for natives, they won tag titles...and yet, with fewer obstacles in their own company, they can barely get a title shot.

At this point, anything the Guns can get is a good thing for them. It's a common, oft repeated sentiment, but the fact is, TNA is really just wasting a great team in the Guns, who right now could be rocking things with a feud against Booker and Steiner, or defending America against the World Elite, but instead, they aren't even on TV.
how old are you because you sound like shallow 13-year old B**** to me.First of all,Madison rayne is NOT ugly,she's smoking hot and i bet she's 10 times better looking then you

and second of all,this thread doesn't make any sence,the MCMG are wrestlers,they are in TNA to wrestler,they are not here to be sidekick puppies to angelina and velvet.The beautiful people is a GIRLS GROUP and the MCMG have better things to do then follow angelina and velvet during all there knockout matches,thats a waste of talent

I think I know how your mind works,your thinking the beautiful people are hot,the MCMG are hot,lets put them together just for heck of it,well sorry hunny,it doesn't work like that

Did I expect this kind of response from the masses of the simple-minded posters? I did. Will I respond with the vulgarity and crudeness like this poster? I think not. Simple soul, all you have to do is look at my profile and see that I'm 21. I don't even remember what it's like to be 13. And how are we suppose to define levels of hotness. How exactly is she ten times better than I? An investigation is in order.

Joining the Beautiful People will be better than anything they are doing right now which is what? Standing out in the crowd holding signs. Losing to Suicide on a daily basis. Seems to me that they are a waste of talent already. Why couldn't it work for the short term? You have to think, Saritafan, that's the beauty of America. We can think as freely as we want. MCMG are doing nothing right now so it can work for a while. I don't think they are going to stick with the Beautiful People for the length of time TNA are in business.

And what's a hunny? Is that a new term that's just been created? I have to look into this further. Could be the hot new trend. I'll research this and give you the details later.
It's kind of foolish of how TNA would let Traci Brooks or MCMG rant about how TNA screws them over. Doesn't that send a bad message to everyone watching and wrestlers that would want to sign with TNA?

I digress; The bottom line is TNA is screwing MCMG for the 1000th time. Are they still not over of that they won't blade? I don't know, but I'll be damned. They are "conspiracy victims" and yes they are still working in TNA. The idea of them joining The Beautiful People sounds nothing short of entertaining.
If Russo gets the Head Booker spot that he likely will once the dust settles, I fully expect him to use them a lot more prominently, then when things were under both Jarrett and Mantel. Russo is usually pretty big on promoting young talent.
They might as well, anything to get them on TV at this point. That would be a pretty epic stable and the backstage promos would be gold. I doubt it would happen though, the Beautiful People is considered a sorority or something, they mentioned it awhile back. I don't think they'd let in male members, but maybe Shelley and Sabin could work some charm on them. Slick Johnson's already associated with them, so why not the MCMG?
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