Motor City Machine Guns can cut promos.

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Pre-Show Stalwart
seriously, after watching these guys last night and the heat both men drew, they ARE entertaining. Something that Ted Dibiase jr., cody rhodes or the miz can't do, and that's cut a promo, let alone, draw heat. I slept thru the motor city machine guns until now, and now i've realized what i've missed.
WTF how can you sleep through A MCMG match it's awesome fast paced adn almost always entertaining. McMg guns always were decent promo cutters and so is teh Miz. Anyway MCMG has imprved greatly as of late and are getting the push hopefully to a feud ending Suicide (The Wrestler) and bringing back eitehr Kaz, Senshi or someother x-division guy. Back to mcmg here's a different promo
You're just now realizing this? I'm glad you finally discovered what so many of us already know and that's that the MCMG's are the best tag team in the biz right now. Good wrestlers, great on the mic, and can really draw heat. Their a big part of why the TNA tag-team division is the best tag-team division in the sport today.
When Sabin shoved the mic into Daniels' chest and Shelly said "He already has a mic dude" Sabin responded "I just wanted to hit him" ... that was CLASSIC. It really does not get much better than that.
These guys are both great and they work great in the ring as well. I have been watching TNA a while now and they are always some of the better entertainers on there. Unfortunately their size keeps them from really working the Main Event ... but the two of them really are rising superstars.
Ive long considered Sabin and Shelly as the best tag team in the business today, ever since them and Jay Lethal took on Teem 3-D in that tables match (i think?) ive considered them to be awsome. I think TNA are doing good in building them to, there not pushin them over the moon right away and going with a nice slow approach, which hopefully will pay off eventually.
Eh, Sabin's only half-decent. I like how Shelley is clearly aware of this, and helps him through the promos. That or he just takes the piss out of him. For example, Sabin demands a confession from Daniels (it's just Daniels these days - what the fuck?) and goes to pass him a microphone. Shelley politely informs Sabin that Daniels already has a microphone. Sabin replies with something half-witty. Pretty good chemistry.

Shelley is the stand-out though. I don't think I'll ever think differently. Was a great shame that Daniels kicked the shit out of both of them. I am, however, hoping for a Guns/Staniels encounter. I'd actually look forward to that.
Shelley is a lot better in the ring then Sabin, has a lot more experience as well by wrestling in Japan and Mexico
The guns have definitely been stepping it up as of late. Shelly has always been great on the mic, but Sabin has also been able to hold his own. It's only a matter of time before these guys blow up.
WHAT!?! The Guns are the best tag team right now how can you sleep through them?
and they were always decent promo cutters!
I've said it before and I'll say it again....I think Shelley could be the next Chris Jericho. He's slightly smaller than Jericho so he has that going against him but he reminds me a lot of pre-super fame Jericho. He's a great wrestler and great on the mic (though is is a bit of a dick). He's a natural heel and I think he can make people hate him and then cross over to be a top face.

As for MCMG overall, I think they are a great team. I like that they're not being overpushed but it gets a bit tiring when they get pushed only to disappear for a while and then get pushed again months later. As mentioned, they can cut a great promo together (while Sabin is a bit bland alone), have great chemistry, and put on great matches. Their really needs to be a plan with these two. It's clear they can be a team for a while and then have the standard breakup feud, but will anyone get pushed after that?
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