Mother Strangles Newborn Son

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic


Sometimes you've got to do what you've got to do to make sure the party doesn't stop. The woman was probably aware that she was pregnant. I know it can happen. But that whole lack of period thing would alert most women. I just don't know how she could have done it myself. If she didn't want the baby it would have been very easy to get rid of it and have nobody know. You just dump it on somebodys doorstep. Not all people are bad. in fact you would probably have to look very hard to find a person who wouldn't help an abandoned baby.
What the hell! Was it post partum depression, or could she just not take care of her child? Get an abortion if you don't want it. Give it to an orphanage. Don't kill your kid if you don't want them. Its not your life to take away, after birth. If it was a chemical in balance, like PPD causes, that is too bad, ash she will be charged with murder most likely. Hopefully she gets the help she needs.
Infanticide has been practiced throughout history across many cultures for many reasons. Infants have been killed as a sacrifice to gods, a means of sex selection (boys being preferred over girls), a way of controlling the family size and general population, a mercy killing if the baby was deformed or sick, and so on. Infanticide is still practiced in some parts of the world to this day.

Cases like this woman’s are the exception to the above mentioned reasons. She isn’t some scared unknowing 14 year-old. From the brief article, it sounds like she hid the pregnancy. Based on the fact she was cognizant enough to go on vacation and was boozing it up hours before, I have a feeling she didn’t want the kid and intended to get rid of it. And she probably would have gotten away with it had she not been interrupted during the clean up. I don’t see how she could claim postpartum depression as that usually develops a few weeks after the baby is born not within mere minutes.

As a mother and having a family member who can’t have children, these cases make me sick to my stomach and angry. There’s really no reason for this in modern societies. While I can’t speak for other countries, in the US you can take your baby to a hospital or fire station and give it up within the first few days without any repercussions. Yet despite the new law, women continue to kill their newborns and toss them in dumpsters.
If she didn't want to keep the baby she could of put it up for adoption so that it could of went to a couple that couldn't have children of her own, by doing this is very sad and she should go to jail for at least 20 years but knowing the system in the UK right now she'll probably get about 5 and get out in 2 years
Some people really just dont think or have a heart. If she didnt want the baby their is a million options she could have done. I really dont know how any person can do this, unless the have a mental condition, but even with a metal condition you would have to be pretty messed up to do this. People need to realize a baby is a live human being and not some goldfish u can flush when u dont want it.
People like this are the reason you should have to take a test and pass a mental evaluation before being allowed to breed. Things like this make me ashamed to be human. It's not like this was the murder of someone who could defend themselves or could have done anything to warrant anger. This was cold, senseless, and selfish. How many times do you hear about a young woman's life being ruined by having a child unexpectedly? Apparently, this was teh case here. If it's this much of an issue for someone to have a child that they're selfish enough to murder them to not have to deal with them, the solution is simple: Don't have sex. If you can't handle the possible consequences of it, don't do it.
People like this are the reason you should have to take a test and pass a mental evaluation before being allowed to breed. Things like this make me ashamed to be human. It's not like this was the murder of someone who could defend themselves or could have done anything to warrant anger. This was cold, senseless, and selfish. How many times do you hear about a young woman's life being ruined by having a child unexpectedly? Apparently, this was the case here. If it's this much of an issue for someone to have a child that they're selfish enough to murder them to not have to deal with them, the solution is simple: Don't have sex. If you can't handle the possible consequences of it, don't do it.

I completely agree KB, I just this was just too extreme for someone simply not wanting a child, she could have dropped the kid on some random doorstep, put him up for adoption, something...anything was better than this. The question I would like to know is even if you were suspicious that your close friend was pregnant, why not ask her to take a test infront of you, if she refuses or something then you know that she is or guilty of hiding something from you. How can someone hide a 9 month pregnancy so easy? This was just complacence from all involved.

And just sick on the part of that vile woman.
As intelligent creatures, we try to justify everything barbarick that we do. Post-partum depression is a bullshit excuse that some scumbag lawyer came up with to get these animals off the hook.

I get depressed. I either take it in stride or talk to someone I care about. If you have a baby and you are severely depressed, there is no reason you cannot get help. Also, if you don't want your child, you can easily put it up for adoption.

In New York, you can leave a baby in front of a Firehouse or Church legally, no questions asked, and I believe this law is also in effect in other places.

This woman should get the death penalty, as should all child killers/molesters. But, she'll end up getting off because some doctor will cry that she was sick and couldn't help it. Well, I've got a bad cold right now. Does that give me an excuse to kill someone? No. I did something about it. I popped two Dayquil and am feeling better.

The second you even get a THOUGHT about hurting your child, check yourself into the nut house. Simple.

Evil urges are only evil if you give into them.
What kind of frame of mind allows you to do something like this?? By hiding this from everybody around her, clearly this was something she had planned...So what...the...fuc*? WHY? I can't comprehend the kind of mind that would allow somebody to even dwell on something that severe...It's a baby..... A newborn baby, just discovering life.. Just now seeing the woman he should have grown up calling momma..And now the baby is nothing.... Just another filler in the dirt in some overpriced coffin in a cemetery...

stories like this really make me lower my head in shame, that things like this are allowed to occur. To a baby who's only mistake was being put inside the body of a feeble minded girl who could have just as easily put the baby up for adoption or dropped it off somewhere.

I don't have the heart to put an animal down when it really needs it..So I can't understand the concept of being able to kill a baby.... Just a baby.... So many years ahead - wiped clean from it's future..Because the babies mother is a greedy, inconsiderate bitch who seriously deserves the most severe crime they could possibly receive.. And the lawyer who would take this person as a client simply because they will collect a paycheck is not only wrong..But it sickens me....

I hope that paycheck is worth the guilt I hope you feel as your life continues..Knowing you defended the murderer of a child who was never given a chance to live.

if I believed in god, I'd ask him mercy on your soul..But since I don't....I won't

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