Most Wrestlemania Matches

Captain Bean

Pre-Show Stalwart
Below is a short list of the wrestlers to have WRESTLED at the most Wrestlemania cards ( not including the upcoming WM25)

Taker - 16
Shawn Michaels - 15
Bret Hart - 12
HHH - 12
Hulk Hogan - 11
Kane - 10

This list shows the true longevity of the above wrestlers. My question is, will anyone top the Undertaker for all time wresltemania matches? I am presuming taker will retire at 20 or below, and HBK will probably retire at a similar number. Will any of the current roster top taker's wrestlemania matches?

here is a list of possible contenders.

HHH - 12
Kane - 10
Big Show - 8
Jericho - 7
Edge - 7
Orton - 5
Cena - 5

There is also Jeff and Matt hardy although im unsure as to how many WM cards they have wrestled on.

out of that list id say the most probable is HHH, as he will likely be like ric flair and not retire until he is old and grey, and he is already pretty close to takers number of matches.

kane, big show and jericho will likely retire before they reach takers number

edge and cena have good chances as they are both young and in their prime. orton has stated his desire to retire early, but he is only 28 or 29 and so will have a good ten years left in him.

your thoughts?

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