Most Underrated WWE Spot?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Of all of the spots that WWE have put together in their thousands upon thousands of matches, their have been many spots that were and still are considered a sort of 'OMG' moment.

Question: "What is the most underrated WWE spot?"

Answer: Mine would be this..


simply, I watched this and thought.. "OMG, is he dead!?" at this time though, I was only 5. I remember keep going on about it to my dad and keep asking him if Rikishi was dead. At that time, I didn't have a clue that WWE was scripted as I was 5 and believed everything and didn't know it was storylines and put together.
Watching it now, this actually looks kinda fake, I freaked at the time.

One that I remember is actually Kishi again. He splashed Val Venis, Jimmy Snuka style, off the top of a cage. JR's commentary makes the moment like so many other spots. "Think about your career young man, don't do it!!!" or something like that...

Obviously the Foley fall from the Cell... the camera angle from the floor, his arm sticks out looking like he tried to grab the cage. My friends and I were convinced hat he was supposed to hang off the cage but Taker threw him to hard.
Foley being choke slammed through the top of the HITC after being thrown off the Cell.

Generally people think of Foley being thrown over the side of the Cell, but people sometimes forget he got back of the Cell...only to be chokes slammed through the top of the Cell.
Bret Hart Vs. Diesel in Survivor Series 1995 where Diesel sent Hart off the ropes and through the Spanish announcer's table. Nowadays, it seems common place, but in 1995 that was a huge spot for the WWE(F).
Foley taking those back bumps from the side of the ring to the concrete floors, they were absolutely insane to see. I was reminded of them at Wrestlemania 28 when Jericho suplexed CM Punk to the outside of the ring because Punk's breath was clearly knocked out of him extremely bad.. he couldn't even stay down to sell the move, I think that was an overlooked spot that I can think of that's more recent.

The son of the boss, risking more than even the highest paid worker in the company for nothing more than making the crowd chant "Holy Shit!".

Shane has the top 3 in my eyes, this, the Coast To Coast on Vince and the Kurt back suplex... not only did he not have to take those bumps but he never gets the credit for them... As much as Foley and others risked, these stick out as being not only special but plain nuts.

If it was just a finish, not someone risking life and limb...then it's Davey rolling up Bret the way he did at Summerslam, very understated ending to a classic match that never really gets recognised.

The son of the boss, risking more than even the highest paid worker in the company for nothing more than making the crowd chant "Holy Shit!".

Shane has the top 3 in my eyes, this, the Coast To Coast on Vince and the Kurt back suplex... not only did he not have to take those bumps but he never gets the credit for them... As much as Foley and others risked, these stick out as being not only special but plain nuts.

If it was just a finish, not someone risking life and limb...then it's Davey rolling up Bret the way he did at Summerslam, very understated ending to a classic match that never really gets recognised.

This is a good one but I think his Summerslam 2000 fall was even more dangerous. Definitely scarier falling backwards than forward.
Foley being choke slammed through the top of the HITC after being thrown off the Cell.

Generally people think of Foley being thrown over the side of the Cell, but people sometimes forget he got back of the Cell...only to be chokes slammed through the top of the Cell.

I was going to say this one along with Triple H backdropping Cactus Jack through the cell roof all the way down to the mat, breaking the mat underneath him. Those two are overshadowed by Foley's fall off the cell and never get mentioned enough.

Bret Hart Vs. Diesel in Survivor Series 1995 where Diesel sent Hart off the ropes and through the Spanish announcer's table. Nowadays, it seems common place, but in 1995 that was a huge spot for the WWE(F).

Another one I was going to say. Sure it was just a shove onto the announce table and nowadays nobody would think much of it but back then it was big cause it was the first time anybody had seen a Table spot in the WWE.

The son of the boss, risking more than even the highest paid worker in the company for nothing more than making the crowd chant "Holy Shit!".

Shane has the top 3 in my eyes, this, the Coast To Coast on Vince and the Kurt back suplex... not only did he not have to take those bumps but he never gets the credit for them... As much as Foley and others risked, these stick out as being not only special but plain nuts.

Shane's spots really aren't underrated, I've seen them mentioned a lot around the internet. Behind Foley's fall off the cell and Jeff Hardy's spots, I'd say Shane's gets the most mentions.


Speaking of the boss, this one.


When I first saw this I thought he injured himself for real, it looked like he landed right on the edge of the announce table. I watched Austin's WHAT? DVD and on it he mentioned that the spot wasn't even planned, it was something Vince decided to do right at that moment just to make the fans go apeshit. It doesn't show it on the video I posted but right after Vince goes through the table Austin is looking down at him from the cage, suprised. He didn't need to take it but he is one "crazy son-of-a-bitch" as Austin put it on the DVD.

Here's another cool spot.


Big Show picking Undertaker up that high is amazing enough but, damn, did you ever think at the time that you would see The Undertaker destroyed like that? You can hear a loud thud as the mat breaks and the hole Taker makes is huge.

This is also a good one.




Probably the closest Cena will ever get to having a deathmatch where explosives are involved.


JBL getting chokeslammed through the mat is cool but what happens after that is what I love the most about this spot, JBL crawling underneath the ring to escape the cage and steal the win from Big Show. Genius on JBL's part.
Foley being choke slammed through the top of the HITC after being thrown off the Cell.

Generally people think of Foley being thrown over the side of the Cell, but people sometimes forget he got back of the Cell...only to be chokes slammed through the top of the Cell.

This one here. Everyone always talks about him being thrown off the top through the table. The chokeslam through the cage would have been much more brutal imo. I think he himself even said that one hurt worse because he was not expecting to go through to the mat. This one makes me cringe even more than him going off the top through the table. Good call man.
Jeff Hardy taking a Van Daminator off the staging at Invasion. I was amazed by it. I must have been 12 when I first saw it and was completely blown away because I never realised how high the stage is.

Another would be Rollins taking that bump at TLC. When he hit his head on the table after falling off the ladder. It looked sore, it looked kinda botched but I was like OMG.

Honourable mentions - The many Jeff Hardy spots at TLC (the huge Swantons, The spears off the ladders). Shane McMahon falls. Big Show being shot by a tranquilliser gun!
Jeff Hardy leg dropping/sitting on Edge layed out on the ladder at WM(i forgot the number) during money in the bank.

All the ones I first think of have already been mentioned, so I'll be the one to be different. I know this is Underrated WWE spots, but hey WCW and any footage thereof are owned by WWE now so if you don't like it, sue me.

Vampiro VS Sting: Human Torch Match

When Sting was set on fire and fell of the top of the WCW Titantron. Now I will say this one is a legit OMG/HOLY SHIT moment. However, I doubt Sting would agree to set himself on fire, much less risk his career falling from such a height. And the fall, it looked flawless, like a fall in an action movie. That's why I believe it was a stunt double and not Sting himself.

It really surprises me this never gets brought up. Its a near 7 foot man, diving over FIRE to the outside of the ring, such a dangerous spot and I never hear of this one getting mentioned.

I can only imagine what must have been going through Undertaker's head when he was getting ready to jump, so much could have gone wrong if he had timed the jump wrong.
Rey Mysterio getting DDT'd through a table by Sabu at ONS 2006. The match gets overlooked because it ended after the spot with no winner. Still a crazy and dangerous move.
I believe it was KOTR 2001 where Shane took those amazing suplexes from Kurt Angle! Yah probably Shane gets a lot of credit but still those spots were incredible! Not only did he get suplexed on the concrete floor he got suplexed through not one but two glass windows. Just to entertain the crowd he did that. When he got suplexed on the concrete floor he was legitimately knocked out. Not a lot of athletes would take that kind of bump let alone someone who didnt really have to.

Foley gets a lot of credit and rightfully so but i gotta go with Shane-O-Mac
One of my favorites was the chair shot The Rock did to Ken Shamrock. I dont know if you guys remember it but it was the most brutal chair shot ive ever seen

I am still amazed that Randy Orton was willing to do this to impress management. This is one the matches that really legitamised Orton in the eyes of his peers and the fans. To face Mick f'n' Foley in this type of match takes a lot of balls, and that bump in the tacks is brutal. I gained max respect for Randy from this match, and its one of my favourite matches of his career.
Chris Jericho stretching Benoit in a modified Walls of Jericho across the peak of the ladder at the 2001 Royal Rumble is what jumped out of my head when I seen this post. That whole match was quality but I marked out for that spot even though it didn't involve anyone being slammed/thrown/diving off anywhere super high. I just thought you couldn't get a more flashy submission high spot than that and I've yet to see one. 1:40 mark
One of my favorite spots that NEVER gets talked about, or the match for that matter is Razor suplexing Shawn out of the ring and his leg hitting the guard rail at Summerslam 95.
Probably one of the most underrated matches ever as well. Too bad for the botched finish though.
Brock smashing Taker in the forehead with steel steps during their HIAC match at No Mercy 2002.

The blood pouring from Taker's forehead was just unreal. I still can't believe he finished the match after the cut. Blood was everywhere, and Brock was covered in it too. And it happened before the cut, but Heyman screaming "What are you doing?!?! Are you insane!!!" before Taker prepares for a leg drop on Brock from the top rope is still hilarious.


Probably my third favorite Cena match ever, and the thud of the steps smacking Umaga....ouch.


Mainly for the look on Shane's face afterwards, and is it just me, or was the referee trying to warn Vince about Shawn coming down by shaking his leg? Always something I think about every time I watch this. Still my favorite "watch evil Vince McMahon get the shit beat out of him at Wrestlemania" match, and Shawn's revved-up superkick at the end is the perfect ending.
So many to choose from.
Taker chokeslamming Edge from the ladders through the ring
Taker giving the Last Ride to Mark Henry.
Shelton Benjamin skinning the cat and then headscissor/rana throwing Shad of Cryme time over the top rope.
Still with SB, during one of the money in the banks he flips over the top rope to kick the ladder while retaining hold of the ropes and sending Hardy to crash into the ropes.
SB sunset flip powerbomb on Punk leaping over someone to the outside while Punk and other person locked up with Punk on apron. Think it was Elijah Burke.
SB was caught once springboarding off rope into Sweet Chin Music by HBK, but there was a second time where he caught the kick and hit HBK with a roundhouse kick of his own.
These are just a few. There are a lot of moments that I recall that might not be classed as spots by most,
I have 2 favorite spots of all time time and they have Chris Jericho getting speared:

The first one was on Smackdown when Rhyno gored him through the Smackdown set was awesome.

the second one is when Goldberg speared him through the Chamber Hud at SummerSlam 2003 it still watch that spot and they always look more brutal everytime I watch!!!!!!!!!!!
HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN superplexing the Big Bossman off the top of the cage on Saturday Night's Main Event. Nothing like that had ever been seen before. And to have it be done by to huge guys like HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN and the Big Bossman made it all the more unbelievable.

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