Most successful NXT Rookie after Daniel Bryan?

2nd most successful former NXT Rookie

  • Bad News Barrett

  • Bray Wyatt

  • Curtis Axel

  • Ryback

  • Fandango

  • Brodus Clay

  • Heath Slater

  • Justin Gabriel

  • Titus O'Neil

  • Darren Young

  • David Otunga

Results are only viewable after voting.

Cody Trail

Occasional Pre-Show
Of all the current WWE Superstars that were once NXT Rookies, Daniel Bryan is easily the most successful of the group. He is one of the most over men in the company, and the only one to hold the WWE Championship, the World Heavyweight Championship, and the Money in the Bank briefcase.

But who is the second most successful NXT Rookie? Bryan deserves the gold for sure, but who has earned the silver?

The choices are:

Bad News Barrett (Wade Barrett)
Bray Wyatt (Husky Harris)
Curtis Axel (Michael McGillicutty)
Ryback (Skip Sheffield)
Fandango (Johnny Curtis)
Brodus Clay
David Otunga
Heath Slater
Justin Gabriel
Titus O'Neil
Darren Young

Note: I didn't include the Rookie Divas from NXT 3 because we all know AJ Lee blows the rest out of the water. I'm only talking about the male Rookies.
In my opinion its Ryback. He made his return as an absolute powerhouse, Shell-shocking everyone in his path, and developing a winning streak for a few months... Until he was unnecessary dragged into the CM Punk-WWE Title picture, followed by getting ambushed by The Shield regularly, until he was reduced to just another big muscular guy.

Number 3 in my opinion, is Wade Barrett- winner of NXT season 1, title shot for the WWE championship, ruthless leader of the Nexus... Until too crossed paths with CM Punk, and was expelled from his own gang. Went on to form The Corre, but just wasn't the same ever since the original Nexus dissolved.

Number 4 should be Bray Wyatt- from zero to hero. An out-of-shape, nothing special brawler came back as the leader of the mysterious Wyatt family. Took out Kane and Daniel Bryan, and has a healthy momentum going for him. Just hopefully he won't be put face-to-face with John Cena or CM Punk, or we can guess which way (up or down) his career will go from there.
In my opinion its Ryback. He made his return as an absolute powerhouse, Shell-shocking everyone in his path, and developing a winning streak for a few months... Until he was unnecessary dragged into the CM Punk-WWE Title picture, followed by getting ambushed by The Shield regularly, until he was reduced to just another big muscular guy.

Number 3 in my opinion, is Wade Barrett- winner of NXT season 1, title shot for the WWE championship, ruthless leader of the Nexus... Until too crossed paths with CM Punk, and was expelled from his own gang. Went on to form The Corre, but just wasn't the same ever since the original Nexus dissolved.

Number 4 should be Bray Wyatt- from zero to hero. An out-of-shape, nothing special brawler came back as the leader of the mysterious Wyatt family. Took out Kane and Daniel Bryan, and has a healthy momentum going for him. Just hopefully he won't be put face-to-face with John Cena or CM Punk, or we can guess which way (up or down) his career will go from there.

You just made me realize CM Punk has hurt a lot of the NXT guys momentum-wise in the past. Throw Curtis Axel onto that list as well. :suspic:
Great topic.

Daniel Bryan is by far the most successful so far out of the NXT rookies. 3 time WWE World Champion, 1 time Tag Team Champion with Kane, 1 time United States Champion, and Money In the Bank 2012. For someone that got eliminated during the first elimination, he has done VERY well.

But who has seen the 2nd most success from those contests? Let's take a look at each of the others.

Wade Barrett
3 time Intercontinental Champion, NXT Season 1 winner, leader of the original Nexus, leader of The Corre. Now he informs us of when there is BAD NEWS. Sadly, I thought he would have seen far more success by now.

Heath Slater
3 time Tag Team Champion with Justin Gabriel. Now he leads the 3MB stable.

Justin Gabriel
3 time Tag Team Champion with Heath Slater. He hasn't done much else.

David Otunga
2 time Tag Team Champion with John Cena and Michael McGillicutty. He was never any great in the ring but was good on the mic. Hopefully he can be used in a managerial role as his lawyer gimmick more later down the line.

Michael McGillicutty
1 time Intercontinental Champion, and 1 time Tag Team Champion with David Otunga. He saw a push with Heyman as Axel although I am unsure if he will get much further up the card now.

Husky Harris
He is in the middle of a big push as Bray Wyatt now, but ultimately has not accomplished anything of note yet as far as titles or awards yet.

Skip Sheffield
He had a monster push as Ryback where he had multiple WWE World Championship shots, all of which he failed to win. Ryback might win the title someday, but at this time he has not accomplished anything major.

Brodus Clay
Brodus, like several of the other names has yet to win anything noteworthy. The potential is there, although when making these rankings on who has seen the most success from NXT rookie seasons 1 through 4 so far, I have to look at his past as opposed to his future.

Titus O'Neil
He has had some title shots for the giant pennies with Darren Young, but ultimately has not accomplished much yet. I hope to see them win the giant pennies at some point though.

Darren Young
See Titus O'Neil. I can honestly say the same for him other than that he was part of the original Nexus.

Johnny Curtis
NXT Season 4 winner. He had a decent push when he became Fandango, but he has yet to win any titles or awards. Other than that all he's done is a short lived gimmick where he told puns. Oh yeah, and there's that tag team title shot he "won" in NXT but never got.

As for the diva season.... Only two are even worth mentioning.

1 time Divas Champion. With the exception of possibly Mickie James, AJ is the best diva since the days of Trish and Lita. I hope she remains the focal point of the division for quite some time, she is the best they have.

NXT Season 3 winner, 1 time Divas Champion. She's improved a lot but not to the level that AJ has.

So after looking at several NXT rookies from seasons 1 through 4.... the most successful other than Daniel Bryan is Bad News Barrett. Now, some of the others have potential to become more successful than him, but if we are looking specifically at what everyone has accomplished since the NXT contests then Barrett clearly has accomplished a bit more than the others. Up until now anyway. We might be looking at an entirely different answer a year from now or further down the line.
Obviously its Ryback based on his failed main event push..Barrett would be third based on getting title shots and being IC Id say Fandango based on how popular he was after Mania and also beating Jericho..AJ was the most successful diva though
obviously it needs to be Wade Barret.
If you look on titles and achievements he is the only out of these guys to win a Singles championship - and he won it 3 times {I think Axel's run was pointless so I don't count it}.He also got some world title shots and failing but now with his new gimmick and a new year maybe Barret wil succeed.
Well I guess Kaval is out...

But the answer to your question is "Bad News" Wade Barrett. The WWE was grooming him to be a future world champion in the E. You saw his push doing his rookie year in the WWE. He lead both rookie factions in the forms of the Nexus & the Corre. It's just a shame that the World Heavyweight Championship is now defunct. He could have won that atleast one time before the title merge with the WWE championship. Now time will only tell if Bad News Barrett is worthy to be in the main event scene once again.
If we're not segregating, and I don't see why we should, then the only one that can really contend with AJ Lee is Ryback.

Before her time as Diva's Champion, during which she's shown herself to be so far ahead most of the female roster that it's literally embarrassing, AJ Lee was arguably the most significant non-wrestler on the roster: involved with Daniel Bryan when he was world champion, involved with CM Punk (and Daniel Bryan) while he was WWE champion, involved with Dolph Ziggler while he was world champion, involved with John Cena while he was John Cena.

Not to mention that, in terms of acting or consistent match quality, she's better than the majority of most people with either, or both, sets of genitals.
Out of the list of names I would have to say Ryback. He had a sustained run in the main-event and was fairly impressive. I think he put on some pretty decent matches and I thought he was doing well as a face. People seemed to be warming to him.

Unfortunately, he isn't great on the mic and was never going to sustain a place at the top.

AJ has been amazing. I ,like many others, have been very impressed with her and I feel she has saved the Divas wrestling. For the first time in years she has made me not press fast-forward and credit it to her for that. Entertaining in the ring and on the mic.

My personal favourite it Wade Barrett and I really hope he is a success. I still think he has everything to be a success. The "Bad News Barrett" gimmick isn't as bad as some think and I'm enjoying it. Axel has potential as does Fandango.

When all these names are retired I think it is a fair assumption that Bray Wyatt will have been the most successful. He has a fantastic gimmick and is still very young. He has great potential and I feel he can be a huge success.
So behind Bryan I would have:

2nd - Ryback - Has been a somebody on the main roster and main evented a handful of PPVs. Now would probably be the low point of his main run as Ryback.

3rd - AJ Lee - Current Divas champion and maybe the best diva (in terms of an all round star since Trish and Lita). Been involved in a main event storyline and a run as a GM too.

4th (Joint) - Wade Barrett - His star shone brightest during the run with Nexus with always getting TV time and being associated with Cena and Orton. IC runs haven't been too special and may never quite be the star he was destined to be.

4th (Joint) - Bray Wyatt - Was an out of shape nobody back in the day. Career has taken an upward curve since getting on to the main roster and is involved with the Superstar of 2013 currently, the aforementioned Bryan and rumored to work a match with Cena at Mania, so his stock is still to rise some more.
Its clearly EC3 aka Derrick Bateman.. lol

I think Barrett or Axel are the guys... I'll edge Barrett over Axel. I still think this guy with a world title someday.
Well, generally speaking, none of those guys have come remotely close to Bryan's success. If you look at the various NXT "Rookies" who've made it to the roster, you'd have to consider any or all members of The Shield as being the most successful after Bryan. The Shield have been nothing short of dominant and, as of right now, are easily the most dominant faction in WWE since Evolution.

Dean Ambrose has been WWE United States Champion for 228 days, as of today. The 10 longest reigns with the title are:

1. Lex Luger: 5-22-80 to 10-27-90 = 523 days
2. Ravishing Rick Rude: 11-19-91 to 1-11-93 = 419 days
3. Montel Vontavious Porter: 5-20-07 to 4-27-08 = 343 days
4. Nikita Koloff: 8-17-86 to 7-11-87 = 328 days
5. Barry Windham: 5-13-88 to 2-20-89 = 286 days
6. Ric Flair: 4-9-78 to 12-30-78 = 265 days
7. Stunning Steve Austin: 12-27-93 to 8-24-94 = 240 days
7. Shelton Benjamin: 7-20-08 to 3-17-09 = 240 days
8. Antonio Cesaro: 8-19-12 to 4-15-03 = 239 days
9. Superfly Jimmy Snuka: 9-1-79 to 4-19-80 = 231 days
10. Sgt. Slaughter: 10-4-81 to 5-21-82 = 229 days

As of today, Dean Ambrose & Greg The Hammer Valentine are tied for #11 with 228 days each. Tomorrow, Ambrose will tie Slaughter for having the 10th longest run with the title and he'll be tied with Snuka for the 9th spot 2 days later. If he makes it to day 241, he'll overtake Austin & Benjamin, who're currently tied for #7.

Rollins & Reigns were the tag champions for almost 5 months and, as a unit with Ambrose, they've scored wins over everybody they've faced with the exception of The Undertaker and they put him on the shelf. When it comes to accomplishments as a whole, the only guy on the list that's even remotely close is Wade Barrett. Unfortunately, being Intercontinental Champion 3 times hasn't done him a damn bit of good, though you can blame that on Vince's chaotic booking of the mid-card champs during WrestleMania season in 2013. Here's hoping that doesn't happen this year.
Eventually Bray Wyatt will be the answer to this question, but currently it's Wade Barrett. Ryback will probably get more votes because his main event push is more recent than Barrett's. It's easy to forget with Wade's current crappy gimmick and lack of relevance, that he had a great feud with Cena at one time and looked like the next top heel. Even after that fell apart though, he at least went on to hold the IC Title 3 times between 2011 and this past year.

With Ryback, he seemed to be the new top face for a short time, before getting the rug pulled out from under him in a head scratcher. 2 back to back title shots against CM Punk in October and November of 2012, and then 2 more against Cena in May and June. He couldn't really be taken seriously in the matches vs Cena after he lost to Mark Henry at WM 28 in the upset of the night. In the past 6 months, Ryback has been reduced to a monster jobber.

So again, Barrett's push feels like forever ago, so I'm sure he'll get less votes. However, he's had the better accomplishments and overall, the better career in my opinion.
I'm with Barrett and the reason is the title runs.

What's crazy about Ryback is that he has never won a major title on the main roster. He's gone for the WWE Title a few times and he could have easily been Intercontinental Champion, but he's never actually won a title. Barrett has had the IC belt three times and for a decent length. Barrett was the leader of the Nexus, an acceptable IC Champion without any major heat or feud and he is someone who has something that can't be ignored. Barrett is the guy you let stick around because you know that if he ever gets really over, it will be awesome.

Ryback is a victim of a push and a series of decisions that were beyond his abilities because he honestly isn't that talented. There are going to be a ton of guys like Ryback, but Barrett is someone who could never get over again, but he has the far better shot.
Bray Wyatt would be the most successful at the moment. He's the only relevant one i can think of.. Wade Barrett has been a flop multiple times.

As for the divas, all the divas on NXT season 3 suck and they're all currently irrelevant, including the Divas Champ.. Some help she's been to the divas division, she hasn't done shit. They need Eve back or someone.

If we're not segregating, and I don't see why we should, then the only one that can really contend with AJ Lee is Ryback.

Before her time as Diva's Champion, during which she's shown herself to be so far ahead most of the female roster that it's literally embarrassing, AJ Lee was arguably the most significant non-wrestler on the roster: involved with Daniel Bryan when he was world champion, involved with CM Punk (and Daniel Bryan) while he was WWE champion, involved with Dolph Ziggler while he was world champion, involved with John Cena while he was John Cena.

Not to mention that, in terms of acting or consistent match quality, she's better than the majority of most people with either, or both, sets of genitals.

AJ doesn't do anything. I'm sick of you people being blinded by WWE, just because they give someone a small little push. All AJ does is hide behind Tamina and skip around the ring like an awkward little girl.. She has no idea how to get heat, it's ridiculous. She does the same repetitive shit every week and get's no heel heat for it. There are so many problems wrong with this woman... There's a reason why Tamina is used more than AJ and is getting more ring time, AJ isn't any good.
You just made me realize CM Punk has hurt a lot of the NXT guys momentum-wise in the past. Throw Curtis Axel onto that list as well. :suspic:
well in Punk's defense, it's not really his fault that WWE has/had lame things planned after their feuds with Punk which i will get to when i go through these wrestlers one by one (that are listed).

1. Bad News Barrett (Wade Barrett)- he's my number 2 on this list. the reason he's after Bryan AND another wrestler is first, his title wins and two, how he's currently booked. As of now, he's booked very stupidly. he started off hot and they could've/should've kept it going. Barrett can go in the ring and can speak, let him be what he was when he was the leader of Nexus, only without a group behine him.
2. Bray Wyatt (Husky Harris)- Got to give it to him. he started off badly, got repackaged and i think he's got the brightest future of all the former NXT guys. he can wrestle in the ring, but he's gold on the mic. he can play the creepy character to near perfection.
3. Curtis Axel (Michael McGillicutty)- i put him 4th and not for his in ring skills. in the ring, as Axel or McGillicutty, he can put on a great match. the issue is when he speaks. he doesnt have the best charisma on the mic. he needs a manager to help him get over
4. Ryback (Skip Sheffield)- what i said about Axel is almost the same as Ryback or Skip. he's not as great in the ring as Axel, but he's a powerhouse who can put on a nice match, but he's very limited on the mic, especially as a heel.
5/ Fandango (Johnny Curtis)- he has the in ring skills and it seems like he can speak, however, i just cant see his gimmick getting over enough to be a main event type of player. Fandango is a midcard gimmick to me as it's hard to take a dancer who likes to wrestle seriously.
6. Brodus Clay- he's been booked very badly. he seems to have the perfect style to play a monster type of heel and bet if he did it would work. dont hate his dancing gimmick he had, did hate the tag team and dont like the whiny main event playa gimmick either, but if they turn him into a monster type of heel, he could break out.
7. David Otunga- Otunga is a guy that i thought could play a heel leadership role and do it very well. he came off as a bit of a jerk when he was doing the lawyer gimmick where he was always sucking up to Big Johnny. the issue with Otunga is he's very limited in the ring. dont love him in the ring (unless he's in a tag team with a better wrestler than he is)
8. Heath Slater- he's a one man band, until he found 2 other guys and now they are a 3 man band.....he's not bad in the ring at all, so that's not a problem. i think it's his gimmick (drop the band thing) and his mic work isnt great yet.
9. Justin Gabriel- in NXT, he didnt show me the best mic work and that still hasnt changed. i think he has a very nice finisher, but i dont think he's the best as a character.
10. Titus O'Neil- Another power house. he's not the best in the ring, but he and Young arent a bad team, have too many losses to take them real serious though.
11. Darren Young- he can go in the ring and he's not awful on the mic, but he's not great on either. he's in a tag team and is the better worker there. it's hard to take them seriously though.
Well, generally speaking, none of those guys have come remotely close to Bryan's success. If you look at the various NXT "Rookies" who've made it to the roster, you'd have to consider any or all members of The Shield as being the most successful after Bryan. The Shield have been nothing short of dominant and, as of right now, are easily the most dominant faction in WWE since Evolution.

Dean Ambrose has been WWE United States Champion for 228 days, as of today. The 10 longest reigns with the title are:

1. Lex Luger: 5-22-80 to 10-27-90 = 523 days
2. Ravishing Rick Rude: 11-19-91 to 1-11-93 = 419 days
3. Montel Vontavious Porter: 5-20-07 to 4-27-08 = 343 days
4. Nikita Koloff: 8-17-86 to 7-11-87 = 328 days
5. Barry Windham: 5-13-88 to 2-20-89 = 286 days
6. Ric Flair: 4-9-78 to 12-30-78 = 265 days
7. Stunning Steve Austin: 12-27-93 to 8-24-94 = 240 days
7. Shelton Benjamin: 7-20-08 to 3-17-09 = 240 days
8. Antonio Cesaro: 8-19-12 to 4-15-03 = 239 days
9. Superfly Jimmy Snuka: 9-1-79 to 4-19-80 = 231 days
10. Sgt. Slaughter: 10-4-81 to 5-21-82 = 229 days

As of today, Dean Ambrose & Greg The Hammer Valentine are tied for #11 with 228 days each. Tomorrow, Ambrose will tie Slaughter for having the 10th longest run with the title and he'll be tied with Snuka for the 9th spot 2 days later. If he makes it to day 241, he'll overtake Austin & Benjamin, who're currently tied for #7.

Rollins & Reigns were the tag champions for almost 5 months and, as a unit with Ambrose, they've scored wins over everybody they've faced with the exception of The Undertaker and they put him on the shelf. When it comes to accomplishments as a whole, the only guy on the list that's even remotely close is Wade Barrett. Unfortunately, being Intercontinental Champion 3 times hasn't done him a damn bit of good, though you can blame that on Vince's chaotic booking of the mid-card champs during WrestleMania season in 2013. Here's hoping that doesn't happen this year.

Wrong NXT. I'm talking about the contested show that replaced ECW and aired on SyFy and in 2010, not the developmental facility that replaced FCW and airs on Hulu Plus.
Why are The Shield and AJ Lee in this discussion? The OP made it perfectly clear what we are talking about.

This comes down to what have you done for me lately and what the future holds. They only guy not stuck low card or in the shitter is Bray Wyatt.
I would have to say at this time, it is Daniel Ryback.
Wade Barrett is close, but he isn't getting ring time atm, whilst Ryback is.
Whilst Barrett had the IC title run, Ryback got into the Main Event scene and was over with the crowd.

Presently, they both are struggling. Bray Wyatt is now on his way to overtaking them if his gimmick works for long enough.
At this point in time as we speak then i would say Wade Barret by just a little bit. However i voted for Wyatt as i see him being bigger then any of them other then DB by this time next year. If they stop misuseing Wade and he can not get hurt in the middle of a push he has the ability to be a future WWE Champ but that's alot of ifs. Ryback had a good run but he seems to be loseing the backing of VKM fast as of late. Axel............if he can get a personality then maybe he could be.

To sum it up going by what they have done i would say wade. Going by what i think is going to happen then Wyatt with Wade right behind him. As for the others they have had their moments but none of them come close to the others i talked about.
Bray Wyatt would be the most successful at the moment. He's the only relevant one i can think of.. Wade Barrett has been a flop multiple times.

As for the divas, all the divas on NXT season 3 suck and they're all currently irrelevant, including the Divas Champ.. Some help she's been to the divas division, she hasn't done shit. They need Eve back or someone.

AJ doesn't do anything. I'm sick of you people being blinded by WWE, just because they give someone a small little push. All AJ does is hide behind Tamina and skip around the ring like an awkward little girl.. She has no idea how to get heat, it's ridiculous. She does the same repetitive shit every week and get's no heel heat for it. There are so many problems wrong with this woman... There's a reason why Tamina is used more than AJ and is getting more ring time, AJ isn't any good.

AJ can work, cut very good promos and is totally in sync with her character. As a long time fan, she probably does believe the things she says about Total Divas etc. She's a title holder and had the only serious Divas feud in a long time earlier this year. She has been in stories with top guys throughout 2012-13 before going it alone (Bryan, Punk, Kane, Cena, Ziggler) and had a short stint as Raw GM. So yeah, really irrelevant.

As for hiding behind Tamina and letting her do most of the work - she's a fucking heel, what do you expect?
And she doesn't generate heat because of the moronic booking. She's a wrestler talking about how wrestling is more important than reality shows and the shallow, Kardashian wannabes that inhabit them. That's hardly going to make people at a wrestling show want to boo her - what she's saying is totally true. People were cheering for her after that first promo!

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