Most shocking: Triple H's betrayal

El Rev sXe

If you have ghosts...
In honor to the AMAZING and shocking ending of RAW, I thought what are the most shocking moments in the history of the WWE of the last 10-16 years? so to start this new series of threads I thought the better way is by pointing out a BETRAYAL: involving Triple H

so these are my 2 most shockings:
Triple H, HBK live on RAW about to reform DX. all the arena is going crazy, all lights are green, everywhere you see there are pepople making the "X" sign... they both go from corner to corner to warm up the crowd, then they are both about to to the "X" sign with all the pyro's then POW!!! HHH kick's HBK and hit's the pedigree..... need I say more??

Triple H return's from the HIAC match with Batista after a couple of months. tag team action: HHH teams with long time mentor, friend and icon RIC FLAIR agianst Carlito and Chris Masters. anyway the match ends with a good ol pedrigree on Masters, both Flair and HHH celebrating, huging each other, and then out of nowhere the slegdehammer crush'es Flair's skull!!!but it doesn't end there... Falir is a bloody mess and almost crying but then HHH slap's him 5-6 times and take's him out of the ring, all the way through the backstage and puts him inside a limo...talking about aggression and humiliation.

so these are my most shockings betrayals that Triple H has to offer. so what are your thougths about this, feel free to agree or disagree or mention other moments (honorable mentions: Orton's betrayal, turning his back on DX: X-Pac etc..)

I think one of the most shocking moments was the Lesnar-Show match when the ring exploded. No one ever expected such an end to a match.
If u r asking abt a betrayal, it has to be when Triple H turned on Flair after their tag team match.

I agree Triple H's turn on HBK after they reunited in late 2002 was a shocker and ultimate betrayal. But a year earlier nothing would compare to the aftermath of Wrestlemania 17 where Stone Cold aligned himself with Vince.
During that time I wasnt reading spoilers or news on the wwe and its plans.

It was a huge surprise and a huge heel turn for Stone Cold at the time due to the respect the fans had given him for being outspoken and outlandish towards Vince.
Looking back the entire arena dropped what they were saying/cheering for.
While I do agree there's some shocking betrayals behind that, I think you're missing one.

Evolution (Triple H in particular) turning on Randy Orton the night after he won the World Heavyweight Championship belt, it was a shocking moment as well, it made for a great storyline, and it got heat for Triple H, I think that may very well be one of the more shocking ones.

And then I guess there's the betrayal of Stephanie McMahon, when he turned on her and became a face at their (2001, or 2000, I can't remember) "second wedding" because Stephanie had lied to him, but in the end, he turned on her, which got him over as a face, but it was still a shocking moment, ending the McMahon-Helmsley era.
For me it has to be HBK superkicking Hulk Hogan in 2005 after their tag match on RAW. I had seen them team up at Backlash which gave me mixed feelings as I've long been a massive HBK fan but I really don't enjoy watching Hogan (I respect what he's done for the wrestling world before anyone starts) but anyway after Backlash I didn't watch any WWE for a couple months until that night, I had no idea what was going on with RAW at the time and I just remember thinking "HBK and Hogan are still tagging?" and then after the match that time WHAM! with the Sweet Chin Music on Hogan and I literally froze, I REALLY didn't see that coming. HBK's expression afterwards kicked ass.
so these are my 2 most shockings:
Triple H, HBK live on RAW about to reform DX. all the arena is going crazy, all lights are green, everywhere you see there are pepople making the "X" sign... they both go from corner to corner to warm up the crowd, then they are both about to to the "X" sign with all the pyro's then POW!!! HHH kick's HBK and hit's the pedigree..... need I say more??

I was at that Monday Night Raw in person. It was at the Van Andel Arena in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The entire arena marked out for a possible DX reunion so bad, myself included. When Trips pedigreed him, I thought there was going to be a riot.
Stephanie turning her back on her father to join alliance...that was like a huge shock...

Also the DX reunion gone wrong in 2002...that gets a mention...

I was also watching Smackdown, when Show and Lesnar exploded the was crazyy...was it planned? who cares...absolutly crazy, you could hear the crowd go crazy and Tazz swore a few times aswell..
though it wasn't on Raw, one of the biggest betrayals ever (not counting Hogan turning on WCW to form the nWo) has to be that of Stephanie McMahon turning on her father Vince in his street fight against Triple H at Armageddon.

i totally never saw that coming. i kept rooting for Vince the whole way and thought that he'd be able to fight his way out of that junk marriage between his bitter rival and only daughter, and just when it looks like he might, WHAM! Stephanie betrays her father and forms the McMahon-Helmsley Alliance. that was classic!

props for the Triple H turning on HBK during the DX reunion, turning on Orton with Evolution after his title win and turning on Flair after their tag match. all of these turns led to great angles, feuds and matches, more often than not some blood baths. why is it that Triple H is so good at betrayals, lol? remember when he turned on Austin too and was revealed as the mastermind behind the hit-and-run attack at the Survivor Series? this guy is the King (no pun intended) of betrayals!

HBK turning on Hogan was another classic. as noted earlier, great expression on HBK's face afterwards. he just might be the best storyteller inside the ring.

and of course, Jericho's turn on HBK, throwing him thru the Jeri-Tron was pretty epic. it totally reminded me (not sure if that was done on purpose or not) of the Barber Shop incident when HBK thru Jannetty thru the window. it would make sense given their prior feud at WM19 when Jericho said that he always wanted to be like HBK and then, like HBK, throws someone totally unsuspecting thru a glass structure of sorts. but this was a great turn and the best feud of the year by far and has made Jericho one of the top three talents in pro wrestling today.

great topic!
Shane betraying his father and buying WCW comes to mind. Really back than could not have seen that coming. Started a great concept though poorly executed invasion angle. But Thriple H back-stabbing Ric Flair is one of my fav. I mean Ric completely hyped up the build up to Triple H's return. Trips was officially over as a face and everyone completely forgot all the horrible things he did prior to his injury. Than he back stabs Ric and instant heel turn. Than it lead up to a pretty brutal Last Man Standing match. Man the things Trips did with that screwdriver seemed legit.
His turn on X-Pac at the time was some what predictable, but yet stile made us all shocked. DX II was against everything the Corporation stood for.

That being said, It still has to be on HBK on Raw. The set up was absolutely perfect (HHH making E bring Shawn to Raw if he wants HHH) They later come out to a huge roar with the DX shirts in the bag.

Next thing you know, it leads to one of the best feuds in the post attitude era.
Can't be betraying Orton - I just saw that coming. Why would HHH let Orton have the WHC when he has basically destroyed or injured anyone else who came in his path?

Sledgehammering Flair - Just as predictable... If he attacked RKO and Batista, what make Flair any special...

I don't think any of HHH's betrayals were shocking.... But Batista raping Rey Mysterio last year or Y2J breaking the JeriTron 3000 with Shawn's skull might be the winners...
I think HHH and HBK had the best betrayals .

Triple H - When he betrayed HBK (DX , whatever) in 2002 . My jaw dropped . I couldn't believe he actually did that . I kinda like , really hated HHH for that .

Shawn Michaels - When he betrayed Hulk Hogan . They were doing the Hogan thing and then . . . BAM! Super kicked . I didn't hate HBK for that because he is my absolute favourite wrestler of all time . LOL. Anyways , his kick to Hulk . . . that made my jaw drop too , I never saw it coming .

I think the best betrayals are the ones you can't see coming . (No dropping hints and stuff)

Plus , don't read the spoilers .
When you think about it, Triple H has played the backstabber role to the tea. His betrayal to HBK, Ric Flair and Randy Orton are huge highlights of Raw. I sorely miss this aspect about him and really hope to see it again in the near future. He was always a phenomenal villain. There was also when he caught Steve Austin off guard and revealed himself as the mastermind behind the Survivor Series Drive-By. The guy is truly great at this stuff.
The only HHH betrayal that was KIND OF shocking was at Wrestlemania 15 when he cost X-Pac his European Title match and joined the Corporation. I can honestly say that I didn't see that coming, especially when Chyna re-joined DX earlier in the evening, and it also led to HHH being "The Game" which was what put him in the Main Event.

The thing about most of HHH's SHOCKS are that you can see them coming from a mile away, this was the only one that had a surprise factor, every other one you would have to be an idiot to not see it coming.

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