Most Ridiculous storylines in WWE History


Championship Contender
In my opinion Kane and The Undertaker's storylines are the most corny and ridiculous.

For Example the storyline behind their match Wrestlemania 14 was beyond ridiculous. It was so stupid and the match sucked too. Same with their Wrestlemania 20 match.

No wonder WCW was beating WWF in ratings in 1998. WCW was providing Pro-Wrestling whereas WWF was providing Soap-Opera. ......Anyways.......

Which are the Most Ridiculous Storylines in WWE History in your opinion ?
Katie Vick is the obvious answer, so anything else mentioned is sort of an honourable mention.

What I will put on the table as one of the most ridiculous storyline's in WWE history was when Mr. McMahon tried to stage his own death in 2007. It was just so painfully fake, it wasn't even funny. You had to be a complete idiot to think for one second that Vince had been legitimately killed live on television. It was a storyline that tried to be all serious, with having the police come to RAW to question the wrestlers, but it was about something so unbelievable, it fell completely flat and failed miserably. Yes, the police questioned people after Austin was run down at Survivor Series in 1999 but that was done really well and managed to be entertaining whilst sticking to the seriousness of Austin being the victim of a hit and run attack. Of course that was scripted too but it wasn't so outlandish and over the top that it wasn't buy-able as a story. And to cap it all off, the same day that Vince was going to have the episode of RAW that paid tribute to Mr. McMahon the character, the news breaks of Chris, Nancy & Daniel Benoit's deaths, so therefore Vince had to come out, as the chairman of the WWE, and speak publicly, therefore killing off ANY believability and creditability that storyline potentially had, therefore making it one of the most ridiculous storylines of all time in my book.
Road Warriors/Droz/Pusherman storyline. It may not be the most ridiculous but it was such a bad idea and poorly executed that I had to mention it. WWE was just asking for trouble.
Rey Mysterio versus the late great Eddie Guerrero, for the custody of Dominic. Made all the worse by having the kid sitting at ringside during the match, and even being brought into the ring for certain segments. Absolutely brutal. The thought of a situation such as custody being determined by a wrestling match is pretty ridiculous. And having Dominick right there throughout all of it made it even worse. Not to mention the inappropriateness of uncle versus father.
the WORST feud in Taker's career was agaisnt Giant Gonzalez,no punchy with the most boring WM at Ceasar palace.
Taker vs SID at WM 13 is not an good feud too with an bad mention to the WWE, cos Stone cold was treachery at RR 97 and it was the most year of controversial history.
Not a storyline really, but wcw was famous for putting on (insert anything here) on a pole match. They started it with billy clubs and nightsticks and the normal weapons. Then it went to contracts, but after that it started getting out of hand. It was starting to get so comical that I swear they did a Oklahoma's hat on a pole match lol.. It was starting to really be a Nitro regular.
The Hornswoggle storyline definitely takes the cake. He can turn himself into a coin, paint holes in walls to run through, and the little people's court under the ring. Look I can accept that watching wrestling requires you to suspend some disbelief but that requires you to believe the entire universe operates on the principles of bugs bunny cartoons.

And don't give the good ol' it's for kids excuse. As a kid I would have thought that shit was ******ed and would have wanted to see Undertaker piledriver him into the land of wind and ghosts.
As well as the obvious ones mentioned in here already, the Santino "Santina" storyline from a few years ago was simply horrendous.

Not funny, painful to watch and just pointless. It was a waste of time on WWE TV that could have been put to much better use. It really irritates me when the WWE storyline writers come up with something so poor, that 95% of the audience will go for a piss break whenever it comes on TV. Surely they can come up with better that this? Surely.....

How has nobody mentioned Mark Henry and Mae Young getting together and Mae Young giving birth to a hand??got to love the attitude era
That bullshit involving "Papa Shango" putting a curse on The warrior back in 1992. What a crazy crock of shite that was.

Then there's Katie Vick,
The whole "Hot Lesbian Non-Action"
Mae Young has a hand
Hornswoggle is Vince's son
Vince dies
Vince is the greater power
Debra is Rock's manager (the build up to WM17)
Taker & Big Show in Summer 99
Big Show's dad dying of cancer during feud with Boss Man
Boss Man cooking Al Snow's dog
Kaientai trying to chop off Val Venis's willy
TAFKAGoldust (Or Gimpdust) from laste 97/early 98

Hell, there was so much shite poured out during the Attitude era that it isn't a shocker to see how people compare it to Jerry Springer
an other stupid storylines was the mysterious Général manager of Raw,every time Michael cole said "i have received an email from general Manager of Raw".

Many rumours,was supposed is to be Vince Mac mahon himself or Triple H or Steve Austin or maybe Shane Mac mahon and at the end, we never saw what is really this mysterious person.
Finally Fans of WWE are become suckers for this fake story.
- Billy/Chuck wedding
- Katie Vick
- Vince vs Steph was undoubtedly a low point of SD in 2003 which was a great show for the majority of the year
- Y2J/Kane feuding in 2000 over a cup of coffee. Y2J said, "did that burn you?" The Kane character in general has been involved in a bunch of over the top, nonsensical storylines.
Not a storyline really, but wcw was famous for putting on (insert anything here) on a pole match. They started it with billy clubs and nightsticks and the normal weapons. Then it went to contracts, but after that it started getting out of hand. It was starting to get so comical that I swear they did a Oklahoma's hat on a pole match lol.. It was starting to really be a Nitro regular.

Russo loved the pole (pun intended). Didnt matter what it was, if it had something to do with the feud or not, just put something on a pole.

My nominees are:
-Katie Vick
-Lucy (Triple H and stephanies dog)
-Undertaker has been in quite a few shitty angles. I hated the whole corperate ministry angle, Giant Gonzales, The 94 Rumble Resurrection, "Killing" Paul Bearer
Matilda being kidnapped and held for Ransom. He was the mascot dog for The British Bulldogs Tag Team and if I remember correctly his kidnapping had to do with Bobby Heenan.

The Papa Shango and RepoMan Characters were ridiculous embarrasments. If it wasnt for Flair and Savage I think 1992 might have been Vince's worst year which is saying something because 93-96 were pretty bad too.

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