Most Prestigous belt out of these 6 major title's?

Most Prestigous belt out of these 6 major title's?

  • NWA World Heavyweight Title

  • ROH World Championship

  • WWE Championship

  • World Heavyweight Championship

  • WWECW Championship

  • ECW Championship

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Shining Wizard

Gregory Helms > You
Ok. So there are currently 5 major title's that I want to talk about and find out which you think is the most prestigous.

First is the WWE Championship:

Many legendary superstar's has held this built. From Bob Backlund to Hulk Hogan to Shawn Micheal's to Macho Man to Ric Flair and etc. Obviously those were'nt the order of the title holder's but they are just an example of who held it. But this belt has lost some prestigue threw it's most recent year's. The belt has switch hand's in less than a month with Edge and Cena on two occasion's. The belt is now a spinner which look's like crap. Also the guy who is holding the title can't get over as a legitamate face. He is a disgrace to the other champion's imo.

Secoundly is the World Heavyweight Championship:

This title dates back to the WCW day's and such. Again, alot of legendary guy's has held this belt. Two people that are current icon's or legend's which ever you prefer to refere them as is Sting and Ric Flair. This belt does'nt switch hand's that quick. But again the current champion is getting over but he is a disgrace to the other champion's when it come's to wrestling ability. The title has gone threw many feud's and etc. But this belt has been put to shame in WCW. They had people laying down and giving up the title like it was nothing. For example, at Bash At The Beach when Double J layed down for Hogan to pin him. Yes, there was controversey behind it but it's still no excuse. Another example would be the famous Fingure Poke Of Doom.

Third Belt is WWECW Title:

This belt is just crap. This does'nt include the past from original ECW. I feel that deserve's it's own category. It was defended six time or so in a row on FREE TV! It was like it could of been defended at any time. Lashley is holding it and he does'nt have enough credibility. He just joined and got an oppurtunity to hold it without earning it. He is getting Cena like reaction from the crowd. Atleast give it to a young talent that get's over like CM Punk.

ECW World Title:

It had so much history in the past. Alot of people held it. Super Crazy, Sandman, Raven, Justin Credible, Tommy Dreamer and etc. This was truly a pretigous title. People went threw hell to get their hand's on this title. That include's getting hit with chair's, slammed on table's and etc. It proved that the people fighting for the title wanted it badly. It never had short short title exchage's or anything like that.

ROH World Title:

I don't know much about the title seeing as how I don't get ROH and I barely download anymore but it has alot of prestigue to it. Bryan Danielson, Homocide, AJ Style's, Samoa Joe and etc has held it. They are pretty good wrestler's. That's all I know about it sorry.

NWA World Heavyweight Title:

This title imo is the most prestigous. Yes the TNA era of the belt has'nt been as good as the original NWA title defenses and etc. Even though the TNA era of the belt has lost some prestigue to the belt it still does'nt take away from the belt's past like some of the other belt's have. Ric Flair, Dragon Steam Boat, Sting, and other legend's have held this built. Ric Flair made the NWA and has held this built and made it legendary or helped make it legendary.

That's my take on this. What is everyone else's idea on the most prestigous World Title out of these six?
honestly....i think it has got to be the TNA title, just for the simple fact that the title isent thrown along to a bunch of meatheads that cant wrestle there way out of a wet paper bag like in the WWE. At least TNA gives it to the two types of people who deserve it. 1.the guys who have been around for a while and deserve it. 2. the future talent that are ready for a push. i dont really watch roh so idk what there like
Byfar it's the WWE World Title is still the most important title in wrestling.

NWA World Heavyweight Title:

This title imo is the most prestigous. Yes the TNA era of the belt has'nt been as good as the original NWA title defenses and etc. Even though the TNA era of the belt has lost some prestigue to the belt it still does'nt take away from the belt's past like some of the other belt's have. Ric Flair, Dragon Steam Boat, Sting, and other legend's have held this built. Ric Flair made the NWA and has held this built and made it legendary or helped make it legendary.

You're thing about the NWA/WCW title not to be confused with TNA's NWA strap.
When talking about World Championships i think you have to have one with honor and great champions hold that title in the past. ROH and WWECW are a joke IMO as no one that held those belts is a true legend yet to give those belts prestige. Now the WCW/WHC i dunno i mean great champs in the past but been tossed to around like a hot potato to star after star and this to me was the saddestday in all of wrestling when WCW made actor David Arquette the WCW Champion...come on what a disgrace...and well teh NWA and now NWA/TNA is second i feel as only time will tell if what TNA has done with the belt will make it the best and most i go with the WWE Championship as the most as it is the most well know title and have had great mean hold that title...and as much i dislike Cena as champion and what he has made the title look like it still is the best as the best wrestlers in the world want to the World Champions and to be reconigze as World Champion you need the most honored/reconigeable title and that is the WWE Championship so i go with that as the most prestiges
NWA from the 70's and 80's.

But if were on about current championship's it has to be R.O.H's. It took six month's to build up to Homicide gaining the title. I cant imagine TNA or WWE waiting that long. Usually if there is'nt a clear number one contender there will either be a mini tornament or battle royal. The majority of R.O.H. title change's mean something and are'nt as frequent. And unlike WWE they have wrestler's who have earnt and deserve title's as there champion's.
yeah i would say ROH because they dont hot-shot it, they dont put the title on people just to get ratings, but that makes sense because ratings mean absolutely nothing to 5 years, only Low KI, Xavier, Samoa Joe, Austin Aries, CM Punk, James Gibson, Bryan Danielson, and Homicide have held the title... Joe's reign was damn near 2 years long, and Danielson's was 15 months long...this title means something because you have to be the best to win it, it doesnt switch on outside interference or lame storyline excuses

WWE's titles have been reduced to accesories over the last 10 years, and i would say NWA has a prestigious title, but its lineage has been splintered so much over the years, and since being exclusive to TNA, it gets passed around just like the WWE title
honestly....i think it has got to be the TNA title, just for the simple fact that the title isent thrown along to a bunch of meatheads that cant wrestle there way out of a wet paper bag like in the WWE. At least TNA gives it to the two types of people who deserve it. 1.the guys who have been around for a while and deserve it. 2. the future talent that are ready for a push. i dont really watch roh so idk what there like

You're kidding me, Jarrett, Abyss, Christian? Give me a break.

The NWA title has been dead for about 20 years, so it is excluded. TNA does not even care about the title, that is why it is just kind of tossed into every ppv and is not even the main event half of the time.

It comes down to WWE versus WHT, and since the WWE title is older it has more prestige. I would argue that the WHT has a better connection with the pre-1990 NWA title than the current one. The NWA title has been buried so many times it is not funny. This title kept a steady stream just jumping leagues until the end of 2002 where it took an 8 month break.
IMO the ROH title, That title wasent just given, it was earned. The title dosent change hands ever few minutes and I belive that everyone that has held it deserved it. ROH goes by talent not overness. It dosent really matter if you are a legend or not, ROH isnt on tv and by the way, calling the ROH title a joke makes absolutly no sense, the ROH title is prolly the only title I Take serious right now. NWA-TNA title has changed hands every ppv since Genesis, The WWE main event titles are held by two of the most generic,boring wrestlers around today. I call that a joke.....Their is wrestling outside of WWE and TNA, you know that right ? As for the WECW title, clearly that title has completely no credibility whatsoever cause ECW is just the obscure WWE brand. As opposed to old ECW, that is a very credible belt, the matches for it were amazing. In closing, The most credible title is the ROH title due to the great matches for it (their were some exceptions),Great Star power and whoever holds it holds it for a loooooooong time.
the WWE's WHC and the WCW title are not the same. The WHC records start when Triple H was given the belt.

Yes, you are correct on a pure black and white side. I argue though that there was a lineage through the titles that drew them together and made the WHT closer to the NWA title pre-1990 than the current NWA title to the old NWA title. The NWA started up and stopped so many times and went through the sewers to find champs.
the people who said that the roh title is a joke are just full of it. u kno wats a joke...seeing batista and cena as our world heavyweight and our wwe champion. everbody in roh earned that title like samoa joe, aj styles, bryan danielson, homicide and others. theyre all talented wrestlers and then u have cena and batista. rite now the wwe and the world heavyweight titles r jokes. im praying that batista and cena lose at wrestlemania the most prestigous title is the nwa title only because of its history
Drofthuganomics1 said:
When talking about World Championships i think you have to have one with honor and great champions hold that title in the past. ROH and WWECW are a joke IMO as no one that held those belts is a true legend yet to give those belts prestige.

How can you contradict yourself in the very first sentence???..."the belt has to have honor", ummm hello, its called Ring Of Honor for a reason, cause they actually care about the title, they put on great matches & fueds for the title & any of their matches that they have for the title will probably completly shit on any title match WWE has had in recent you even watch ROH???...remember the bidding war TNA & WWE were having with Joe, Punk, & Bryan Danielson, all former ROH World Champions might I add...all 3 are easily the best young talents out right now, 20x better than Cena & Botchtista, Punk went with WWE, Joe went with TNA, & Danielson stayed with ROH, WWE is stupid cause they are burying Punk, & TNA is smart cause they are gonna push Joe to the moon this year...of course there's not gonna be any "Legends" in ROH, they're only 5 years think about the quality of the matches first before you think of what "Legend" has held the belt already
I'm sure i've seen an identical thread like this...

However, for age and length of existence you have to go with the NWA Championship, but for fme and glory, either of the current WWE Belts.
id say that it has to be the wwe title because, despite what people say, there has been many long reigns with the title, diesel held it for a year, hbk held it for 9 months, cena's 1st reign was 10 months and his current one is six months and counting, jbl's was 10 months, hogan had many long reigns, bret hart's second was 9 months, sammartino held it for many years, but i do understand when people say it has been passed around a lot, but most of that happened during the attitude era from 1997-2002
i think that the World Title holds the most prestige right now for the simple fact that it has barely been changed since it was made in the early 90's or so. The WWE title to me doesnt have any prestige because it is a spinner belt. John Cena is not a good wrestler and cant keep the crowd on his side. I hope that HBK beats him at WM23 so that they can get rid of that crap mockery of a belt.
i hate the spinner belt. so much. back in 05 when kurt angle beat cena by dq and bischoff brought out the former undisputed "brock lesnar dominated" title belt, i was so happy. i dont know if they hve any plans to get rid of it becuz when RVD won it they didnt know he would get in trouble but he still kpt the spinner. of cosre he was on ecdub so they knew he would lose it back quick but who knows? i just hate it though, thats for sure
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