Most Overrated In The UFC

Tha Wolfpac

Hey Yo...
Hey Yo!

Simple question, but strictly just posts about fighters from the UFC,

Who do you think is the most overrated fighter, currently still active in the entire UFC?

I'll probably get flamed for this. But seriously i always fail to understand the buzz behind the Huntington Beach Bad Boy Tito Ortiz. Once upon a time he had the most fearsome ground and pound we had seen in a long time, but other than that especially in recent years he has failed to leave an impression in the UFC from my perpesctive. He was in an un memorable fight to say the least recently against Forest Griffin that didnt do much for either fighter. So plain and simple the man isn't as good as he is cracked up to be.

So in your opinion who is the most overrated currently active UFC fighter?
I have to agree with you Wolfie.

I've never really rated tito Ortizas a fighter, yes he has got some great wrestling and good control but thats only a third of what todays modern day Mixed Martial Artists. Tito hasn't got the boxing skill which is shown with his in inability to circle, step in or out of range and set up strikes. His submission skills are average with his wrestling being more of a hinderance in this case because he'd rather hold control than go for submmissions.
Right now I would have to say Frankie Edgar.

I have nothing against Frankie Edgar, but the fact of the matter is that he got a bullshit decision victory against the greatest Lightweight to ever live, when he shouldn't have received the title shot to begin with.

Before he fought BJ, Frankie got dominated by another overrated piece of shit in Gray Maynard just 3 fights before, and only defeated mediocre fighters in the UFC, which were all decision victories except for his fights against Mark Bocek and Matt Veach, aka guys with highly unimpressive stints so far in the UFC and guys who I doubt hardly any of you know.

So, yeah.. the fact that he's actually UFC Lightweight Champion, and the fact that he's actually considered one of the best Lightweights in the World right now is a fucking joke. The dude is a good, talented fighter, but he's nowhere near the elite of Lightweights in MMA, and BJ Penn will prove that to be an absolute fact come UFC 118.
Rousimar Palhares.

I have seen claims that this guy is the next MW champ from many people on other forums. When really I have never seen nothing too awfully impressive. He got decisioned by Hendo, and really didn't show anything special in that fight. Then he decisioned Jeremy Horn, who as much as I love, was in the middle of a terrible run in his UFC return. He was coming off of getting finished 2 straight times.

Then he beat Lucio Linhares by Heel Hook. Still not very impressive as Lucio Linhares is not a very good fighter. Not terrible, but definitely not that good. I mean he never even actually won a fight in the UFC. Just look at his record. every time he has faced any one with a bit of skill he gets finished. Not just beat.

The he beat Tomasz Drwal by Heel Hook. Which would have impressed me. As I think Tomasz is a pretty good fighter, if he didn't slip at the beginning of the fight and literally just hand his leg to the guy. I do think he is a good fighter, and has a bright future, but right now he don't deserve all the hype.

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