most intimidating figure in wrestling history

whos the most itimidating

  • Great Kahli

  • yokozuna

  • big show

  • abyss

  • andre the giant

  • big daddy v

  • brock lesnar

  • goldberg

  • undertaker

  • kane

  • other

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That's all folks.
Who the most itimidating "big" wrestler in history? Now by intemidating...I mean if you were standing in the ring, and you seen this itemidating wrestler come down the entrance and you just flat out shit your pants and cry. Who would be this wrestler?

Weight requirement around 280 pounds. I'm talking super heavyweights. no triple h or batista or anyone under the weight limit.

-The Great Kahli. 7'3 and 420 pounds, he got pounds, he got the size, the the size, the unreal strength and a well done gimmick (when heel); but doesn't have the charisma, the endurance or that little something. that little something.

-Yokozuna. The heaviest wrestler in WWE history squashed jobbers and mid-card wrestlers from his debut in November 1992 to his Royal Rumble 1992 to his Royal Rumble victory in January 1993 the same year, he won his first WWE World Title at the coming WrestleMania. What could be more terrifying than than seeing this giant ass coming down from the second rope to crush your chest. Add in a couple kicks, and you gotta piss fest in the ring.

-Big Show-the largest athelete in the world. His image is boring and not that itimidating. But pass all that is 500 pounds of brute force that can knock you the hell out with one punch. Not much else to saybut if that isn't terrifying idk what is.

-abyss. To me more of a hardcore legend than foley. Six feet eight inches of a terrifying image. Gret look, great storylines, one big scary dude.

Andre the giant. The original giant. Made big john studd look like a bitch. Lol his size alone should be intimidating. But what about the 15 year undefeated streak. He was a one time wwe champion which is a shame. But if andre wanted that belt...who'd stop him?

-big daddy v. I'm a huge fan. He transformed from the world's largest jobber to a great ecw champion. 500 pound...probably more. Throw in that ghetto drop and a big ass elbow to the chest and you got a "mastodon".

-brock lesnar. Perfect cobination of strength and speed. we see the real speed in the ufc. Brock lesnar is a two time all american. He's a wwe champion, king of the ring, and royal rumble winner in a span of 2 years... He has frekish strength and don't see how this big man could have ever been beaten.

-goldberg...exception to weight limit...I don't need to

-undertaker- 17-0. Wwe champions and world champion. Tag team and hardcore champions. He Debut in 1990 and just one year later won wwf gold. Sure to be future hall of famer. With nicknames like the deadman, demon of death valley, lord of darkness, makes the undertaker a perfect intimidation to every oponent he steps into the ring with. No matter how big or small.

-kane is my pick. Jr quotes-" one has assulted, physically dominated the undertaker as we are seeing..."..."an awesome presence." When I was 5, kane made his debut. My parents wouldn't let me watch kane because of the nightmares thatfallowed. Kane scared me. Around 2002 we saw a new fan favorite kane. He was really agile and we even seen a couple dropkicks from the big red machine. Kane was intemidating and that scary ass mask didn't help.

So what your opinion...who do you think is the most itimidating figure in wrestling history. Try not to bash this thread...I worked hard.
Easy answer for me: Taz.

Taz wasn't the biggest wrestler around; hell, he was fucking short as shit to be quite honest, but you know what? He was still the most intimidating, believable wrestler I've ever seen. Why? For two reasons:

1. His style.

Taz came in there and could suplex literally anything, in any type of way he wanted it. He threw countless motherfuckers on their heads like they were nothing. From guys like Sabu to a beast of a man like 911... it didn't matter who you were, if Taz got his hands on you, he was going to dump you on your head.

2. His mouth.

To this day Taz is the most intimidating promo cutter I've ever seen. He was pissed off ALL THE TIME and whenever he got on that microphone, he talked shit like no other, and he was so violent and intense in his words that you couldn't help but to believe that what he was saying was all 100% true.

People call ECW fans "smart marks" and all that kind of stupid stuff, but even the most die-hard ECW fans back then felt like Taz was 100% legitimate and could kick anyone's ass in the business. Every single one of them felt that way; that's how real of a bad ass Taz carried himself as. It was unbelievable, and we'll never see anything like it again.
like JMT's reasoning and logic. We're actually both going to use a similar logic, and the same promotion... But not the same person.

Mine is definitely Rhino. For me, I always thought he was actually more intimidating than Bill Goldberg, and even more to the point, his Spear was way better than Goldberg's ever was. Still, he gets far too much criticism for his height. Just because he's perhaps a few inches shorter than the norm, most people don't consider him much a threat. I tell you, underrating the ability of Rhino is something that should never be done, but everyone fucking does it. He totally plays the character of "destroying monster" better than Bill Goldberg did, and what's more, he just looked like someone you didn't want to meet in a bar on a Friday night.

But let's go into what scared me most: His offense. In a time where all of the brawlers of the world, to me, worked a similar style of punch, punch, impact move, finisher, Rhino was anything but that. He worked a total power system that scared me shitless. He was twice the worker Goldberg ever was, and as any of the supposed "monsters" which he's compared to. He made his offense look legitmately scary, in an era in which I was wisening up to the business. He would often lift his opponents way above his head, and quite frankly, I bought his piledriver more than just about anyone in the business. While Jerry Lawler employs such a fake ass pile driver, Rhino legitimately looks like he's spiking your head into the ground.

Also, JMT spoke about mic work.... Taz was better at intensity, but keeping the intensity controlled, I admit that. Rhino was full blast of intensity no matter what he was doing. That energy, both in the ring, in his promos, anywhere really, made me feel like this was a guy who'd slit my throat in the parking lot if I pissed him off enough. And that's far more intimidating than any of the names mentioned above.

Going with Rhino here, and it isn't even close. This man just stuck the fear of God in you.
Big Van Vader, when he wrestled, no matter who he wrestled in his day, got the crap beat out of them, he worked stiff, so you went hell that hurt. I wish i could go back further in history, but I cant remember, except maybe The Baron von Rachke and his claw. Vader would either power bomb you or do a scary as hell moonsault.
2 words BRUISER BRODY! 6'5 285 lbs. I know when I watched him as a kid I was truly terrified. He was a wild man. His rampaging brawling style made everyone in the arena fear for their safety as he brawled in and out of the ring. He had Luger so scared in 87 he left the ring. He influenced a number of wrestlers including Mick Foley and "Necro Butcher". He was a force in Japan, tagging with Stan Hansen as well as a force in Puerto Rico and his reputation and style there ultimately led to his murder by fellow booker/wrestler Jose Gonzalez.

When he made his debut, and ripped that cage door open at IYH, I was 10 and scared as shit!!

He just seemed like a nightmare with that mask and his stature, and quite frankly I have been a Kane mark ever since.
Everything about him was imposing and I really feel sad that he hasn't achieved gold-studded success in the company.
Somoa Joe is pretty scary. I mean he just looks like the dude that will kick your ass for just looking at him the wrong way.

He's big and chubby but he's also very fast and agile for a guy his size. Plus he can fucking kick and choke you out in adition to a bunch of other submissions.

Just think Taz, but fatter and from the islands.
Easy answer for me: Taz.

Taz wasn't the biggest wrestler around; hell, he was fucking short as shit to be quite honest, but you know what? He was still the most intimidating, believable wrestler I've ever seen. Why? For two reasons:

1. His style.

Taz came in there and could suplex literally anything, in any type of way he wanted it. He threw countless motherfuckers on their heads like they were nothing. From guys like Sabu to a beast of a man like 911... it didn't matter who you were, if Taz got his hands on you, he was going to dump you on your head.

2. His mouth.

To this day Taz is the most intimidating promo cutter I've ever seen. He was pissed off ALL THE TIME and whenever he got on that microphone, he talked shit like no other, and he was so violent and intense in his words that you couldn't help but to believe that what he was saying was all 100% true.

People call ECW fans "smart marks" and all that kind of stupid stuff, but even the most die-hard ECW fans back then felt like Taz was 100% legitimate and could kick anyone's ass in the business. Every single one of them felt that way; that's how real of a bad ass Taz carried himself as. It was unbelievable, and we'll never see anything like it again.

Wow, dude, you took the words right out of my mouth. I also believe Taz was the most intimidating. Definitely not because of size but because of his legitamacy. He would be the guy I wouldnt want to anger, even though I would have thought back then if I walked the wrong way in front of him I would have made him angry. Taz all the way.
People call ECW fans "smart marks" and all that kind of stupid stuff, but even the most die-hard ECW fans back then felt like Taz was 100% legitimate and could kick anyone's ass in the business. Every single one of them felt that way; that's how real of a bad ass Taz carried himself as. It was unbelievable, and we'll never see anything like it again.

I just wanna point out a very interesting excerpt from a Paul Heyman interview after ECW folded, where he said 'making Taz look so tough was the greatest work (as in 'work') of his life'.
Reason being, Taz wasn't as tough as everyone believed he was and got his ass handed to him by RVD and Sandman backstage on two separate occassions(again these are dirt sheet reports).

But I see what you mean, that man was menacing and I tell you what (coz this gave me a chuckle)-
Paul.E wanted to sign the Ultimate Warrior, only for him to job to Taz:lmao:

That is sheer brilliance on the part of Paul.E, one of the greatest mind in the history of pro-wrestling
The Vote is tough.....through out the 70s and 80s, there was a man that frightened you to the very bone. His name was Andre the Giant. The 8th Wonder of the World. Undefeated for 15 years. Even the Hulkster seemed scared of him. He was the phenom of the WWF and the first man to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. Andre's aura faded towards the end of his career. A gap was forming, and it was completed with his departure and eventual death. That gap was filled quickly by the man we call The Phenom today. The Undertaker's enigma, size, and sheer intimidation have made him the Andre of the 90s and 2000s. Undefeated at Wrestlemania, and a guy that no one seems to beat fairly, heel or face. His royal deadness has been a pioneer in a ton of matches. Casket Match, Buried Alive Match, Hell in A Cell, Inferno match, and the Last Ride Match....all considered to be the most feared and ominous matches in all of history.

When it comes down to a vote, you really have to choose between these two. The others are nothing in comparrison. For sheer respect, I'll vote Andre; However, as far as I am concerned the Undertaker has passed Hulk Hogan as the Greatest Wrestler of All Time.
Stan Hansen, Dr Death Steve Williams, and Terry Bam Bam Gordy.

Just watch any of the matches they worked in Japan. I watched a tag match early today as a matter of fact where Hansen/Gordy teamed against some Japanese wrestlers. One of the Japanese guys accidentally kicked Hansen in the head and for the next 10 minutes or so Hansen beat that dudes ass legit all around the arena, and Gordy just walked around him keeping everyone else at bay.
I would say first would be Undertaker down to his ring entrance. To his ring psychology he has a very intimidating and very talented character.

I also agree with a previous post about Taz in ECW. He was the biggest bad ass back in the day despite his size. He ran through everyone in the original ECW.

As much as I don't like bringing him up now, but Benoit was another intimidating bad ass. Like Taz he wasn't a big guy by any means, but he was one of the last guy I would fuck with.
My first pick would definately go to Big Van Vader. Huge, strong, loud, and just damn scary.

But I'd like to bring up an honorable mention who hasn't come up yet Abdullah the Butcher. A match with Abbie meant you knew you were gonna get cut to ribbons win or lose. The Madman from the Sudan still looks and acts fucking crazy. Had to be a frightening sight for many a jobber.
2 words BRUISER BRODY! 6'5 285 lbs. I know when I watched him as a kid I was truly terrified. He was a wild man. His rampaging brawling style made everyone in the arena fear for their safety as he brawled in and out of the ring. He had Luger so scared in 87 he left the ring. He influenced a number of wrestlers including Mick Foley and "Necro Butcher". He was a force in Japan, tagging with Stan Hansen as well as a force in Puerto Rico and his reputation and style there ultimately led to his murder by fellow booker/wrestler Jose Gonzalez.

Brody and Taz are my picks.
Taz wasn't the biggest but you had to pound on him day and night to stop him!!
Brody was a beast,I salivate at what that man could've done in the orginal ECW!!
For me it would have to be the Big Show, I grew up with him on my t.v. and I actually met him when I was a kid and his arm was bigger than me which but getting off the trip down memroy road. If his look doesn't scream imtimidating then I don't know what does, his hands are the size of skillets and legs the size of tree trunks. When he was the Giant in WCW, my dad turned the t.v. sometimes b/c I would be scared to see him. So that's my pick for the most imtimidating.
Of the names on the list I'd go with Brock Lesnar. When he showed up outta nowhere tossing Mark Henry and Rikishi around like ragdolls that was bad ass enough. Then when the first time he F5'd Big Show with 3 cracked ribs with ease it was game over!

But the guy that had me shared schittless growing up was Abdullah The Butcher. You have that guy standing across from you and tell me you wouldn't be rethinking your life plan.

No one mentioned Mankind...not the Mr. Socko version with tights and a torn button-up shirt. I'm talking about Mankind circa 1996 when he battled the Undertaker in the Boiler Room Brawl and the Buried Alive Match. I was convinced that the guy was crazy. He had patches of hair missing and randomly squealed and pulled his hair out...what about when he sat on the ring apron, and was jamming a "spike" into his knee to knock it back into place? Complete nutjob...He sat in the boiler room with rats crawling over him. I know it was a work, but I was convinced that Foley was demented. From his eerie music to his hunched-over walk with his head cocked sideways, this man was looney-tune as this character. Maybe not the most intimidating but he deserves to be in the discussion.
In all honesty my pants would be soiled if I was up against any of the guys on that list.

But if I had to pick the scariest motherfucker out of all of them it'd be Brock Lesnar.

At least guys like Big Show and Khali I could probably outrun. Brock is just a machine.

Freakishly strong, freakishly fast, and he could easily send my neck the way of Hardcore Holly's if I pissed him off enough.
Hercules Hernandez is receiving my vote for this one.

Hearing some of the old school stories of Herc in the back made me come to two conclusions...

1) Herc vs. North Cal would do 1 mil buys.

2) I'm glad I wasn't a cocky fan back in the day where the cops used to laugh if a wrestler (Herc) felt like drilling you.

RIP Herc! :worship:

If I had to pick one of the ones listed in the poll I'd go with Yoko. Simply because you look at all the big men listed up there (I'm talking big man like Andre, Yoko, Show) and he's easily the most athletic for his size. Watching some of Yoko's old matches make you wonder how man over 600 lbs can do some of the things he did.
this one was easy for me..

Undertaker hands down..

Growing up, sometimes I would shut the tv off before he came on. He just scared the shit outta me. I'm from the age where he was cutting promos in the graveyard, talking to his dead parents. It was freaky shit fo sure.

And that damn ring music and slow ass walk to the ring, did not help. I was a sucker for wrestling till I was about 15 or 16, I always wanted to believe, and the Undertaker was sure one hell of a beast back in the day.

The promos were just so real, I've went back and you tubed em now to see and it still brings back a little chill down my spine. I can't explain it. Thr Undertaker is one of the most influtential and intimidating figures the wrestling world has ever seen. He might not have been the hugest like Andre, or he might not have had crazy ass paint like Kamala, but he looked dead. If you go back and look @ the promos from the early '90's he is pale as a ghost, it was just eeire.

The urn, paul bearer, all the kane stuff, his parents being killed and the whole storyline with them trying to blame taker for it all..

I member the rumble where HBK hurt his back in the casket match, after kane and bearer come down and lock taker in, roll it to the top of the ramp and light it on fire. After the smoke cleard he was gone... fuckin freaky. I just watched that match again last month on my rumble dvd anthology, and I fuckin was lookin over my shoulder and I had to flip that light switch to the "on" position.

Hands down ... The Undertaker has my vote
The Great Khali was when he dominated Taker but now hes a joke.
Big Show never wins.
But there is 1 man who dominated almost every1 in that list...The Undertaker. The obvious choice is Taker because he beat almost all those "big men" up there.
My pick is either one of the Steiner Brothers but I'd lean more towards Scott. His promo delivery wasn't the best but, he always got the reaction he wanted in WCW and could kick the shit out of just about anyone that messed with him.

I'd still not have the balls to shout steroids at him to this day
I haven't been watching wrestling long enough to really know a ton about WCW or old school ECW, so there are a lot of guys I can't fully comment on. But personally, I'm going to go with Brock Lesnar. I know he didn't have a legacy or anything, and he doesn't have the history of guys like the Undertaker, but I mean...the guy is scary as hell. I wouldn't want to get in the ring with him, especially now that he's a UFC fighter... Are you kidding me!?! Goldberg was dominating, but that was partially because they wanted to script his character that way. There were plenty of people who COULD have beat him, if his character allowed for it. Undertaker is scary mostly because of the fact that he's a legend and he's been stealing people's souls for decades. But I'm just going to have to go with Lesnar, because I think the guy would legitimately want to kill me if we ever got in the ring together. I would definitely want him in my corner in any real fight...
No Contest.... Andre The Giant. This guy was fricken huge!!!!! He made the big men like Hulk Hogan look like little girls. He had a 15 year undefeated streak that will never be repeated. One look at the guy will make you pee yourself. When you think about guys such as Brock Lesnar, you say to yourself, "Whoa." When you think about guys like Andre, you say out loud, "Oh My God, That Guy is Enourmous!" It's a miracle that Andre was born like that. The height alone would make you scared, but then you see how big and muscular he is as well and you want to cry. Imagine seeing that guy coming down the ramp to fight you... not a pretty picture is it?
i had to vote for andre.. for the Andre in his prime, for the Andre who was so pissed off that he wasn't the wrestler to fight Ali that he picked up the boxer he was against on the undercard and threw him from the ring into the crowd.

He threw a grown man, an athlete into the crowd from the ring.. if that image doesn't intimidate you then you are Taker or Show lol

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