Most Epic Fail: Valentine's Day


[This Space for Rent]
How many people have tried their hardest to make this day the single most important day in a girl's life, only to blunder it up unbelieveably?

I've single handedly done both. (both, ie. fucked it up royally and successfully given someone the greatest)

Worst: I took a single red rose into this girl's (Jamie) work place. I stood in line, and when it came time, I asked her out for Valentine's, in front of practically everyone. She thought it was incredible, because she'd never had that done before. She accepted.

I bought flowers, candy, a bear, the works. I went to pick her up, met her Grandmother. Impressed to the max. So we're on our way to a great Restaurant, one of the best around here..

And bam.. I forgot to book a reservation. :( Epic Fail on my part.

Best: Erin & I went out for a nice dinner, then retreated to a hotel I had booked. I told her to wait downstairs, until I called her up.

I bought some rose pedals, spread them out on the bed. I bought some candles, lit the place up. Hot tub in the room, tons of greatness everywhere.

As Erin opens the door to the room, I'm down on one knee with a ring in my hand. Her reply.. "Why are all the lights off, what are you doing? Did you know there is something wrong with the door, it didn't read the card properly. What's in your.. OH MY G**!"

:lmao: Epic Fail on her end.
So what happened when you told her that you forgot to book a reservation

Regarding Jamie.. well, the best answer to this is.. my Wife's name, is not Jamie. :lmao: So I'm sure you can see things didn't exactly work out.

I was too naive to know I had to book a reservation back then. I was a teen more trying to impress the girl by doing a shit ton of things, than making actual sure the most important one (eating) was checked off first.

We found out when we got to the restaurant. We could've waited, but the wait was for 2+ hours, they said. So we just went somewhere else. (not nearly as great)
I've only spent Valentine's Day with two people. The worst Valentine's Day I had was with my first girlfriend. It was my first year in college, and we pretty much did nothing but drink, go to the movies, eat together at the college cafeteria, and fuck. But, much to my surprise, she got pissed when Valentine's Day rolled around and I hadn't planned shit, as I saw our relationship as nothing more than a half-step above being fuck buddies. But, she was materialistic as shit, so we just went shopping and that shut her up.

The best Valentine's Day I had was the first one I had with my second girlfriend. This was pretty much a great date night spent together in the Raleigh-Durham area (i.e., a limo, a dozen long-stemmed roses, a nice restaurant, a swanky hotel, a diamond tennis bracelet, and an extra special and extended sexy-time session).
I have spent Valentines day with 2 people. The first one I spent was with the girl I was with for 3 & a half years. Boy that Valentines day was the worst one I have ever had cause just when I arrived at her place & opened the door I caught her cheating on me with some dude that I ended up stabbing the fuck out of a few minutes later. The one that I spend with the second girl was fantastic. Actually we spent our first Valentines day as really close friends & by our second Valentines day we was together for 4 months. I got her a stuffed animal which I was told later on was a rat, my long necklace(which I eventually took back), chocolates, a few burned cd's just for her & flowers. Man that was a great Valentines day.
I dont blame him. If your girl wanted to have sex with him I cant blame him for having sex with her. You're just lucky he didnt turn that knife sideways then stick it straight up your candy ass. ;)

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