Most Embarrassing Moment.

GI Cake

Thank God For Sodamy.
As humans, we are not perfect beings. And as much as we try to hold ourselves up with pride, we are often taken down a peg or two from certain moments and events. Some embarrassing moments can include getting a wedgie in the hallway of Middle school, or even getting shot down from your high school crush. What I am saying is, despite how much we wish to deny it, we all have a embarrassing moment we wish to forget. Let me indulge into mine.

It was High-School prom. I was a Senior in High-School and went to prom with a girl I had only started seeing. I was hoping to make the connection and make it a relationship. I had the whole night planned out and it was going to be a blast. As soon as we show up to the beach side hotel, we have our pictures taken and we are seated with our best friends at a dinner table. The rest of my friends that arrived earlier got up and went to take their pictures. This is where the trouble happens, the employees hosting the party sit a random group of kids at my friends table, leaving them seat less. I was in a state of both confusion and frustration, the kids were even eating into my friends half-eaten salad, gross! My friends were also confused as to why their seats were taken. Now that wouldn't have been such a big deal if the Prom host didn't walk up and threaten to kick out my friends if they didn't sit down and eat. Why would you have one employee hijack a table underneath a group, then yell at said group because they're not sitting? It was simply non-sense. And being the confrontational person I am, went up to the manager and started telling him that my friends table was stolen and should move the random group to another table. Then he started barking at me that I was causing problems. I then raised my voice because I am just that brand of special idiot. After much yelling my principal and administrator walk up behind me and take me out to the hall, telling me I shouldn't make such a big scene out of a small issue.

In the end, the kids were moved to a new table and my friends got their table back, but my date was disgusted with my behavior and decided to spend her time with her now, boyfriend. I knew that for the rest of my days I will be known as the guy who nearly got kicked out of Prom.

Simple question folks,

What is your most embarrassing moment?
When I was first out of college, I took a waitering job to pay bills until i could find a job. One of the cashiers/hostesses at the restaurant had a, unique look, shall we say? Her belly looked like that of a woman who was far into pregnancy, as in her belly had dropped.

Being the friendly guy that I am, I started asking her questions. How far along are you? Do you know if you're having a boy or a girl? Seeing no ring on her finger, I asked more. Are you and the father together? Have the two of you decided on a name? Questions such as those. She answered all of them, but with a look of annoyance on her face. I couldn't understand how someone would be annoyed or upset with someone asking questions, especially since she readily answered them.

Anyways, there was a girl, Chrissy, that I worked with that I was starting to get close with. One day, when I first arrived at work, I saw people both laughing and scowling disgustingly at me. Confused, I asked Chrissy what was going on, and she asked me if I really had asked Naomi if she was pregnant. Noting that I did, she laughed heavily at me, confusing me. When I asked her what was so funny, she told me that Naomi did look like she was pregnant, but in actuality, she was not. She was just, well, overweight. I had to deal with the mocking of my fellow staffers and the scorn of Naomi for about a month before people forgot about it, but it was pretty embarrassing, to say the least.
For the first decade of my life I had suffered from social anxiety. In 3rd grade after about 4 years of counseling and the determination of my second grade teacher to help me, I got over it. Prior to then I had always been completely mute in public places, my guess is that I feared rejection and still do to some extent. Anyway this all came to a climax when I was in summer camp only a mere 2 months before I would utter my first word in a public school, I had to go to the bathroom. My best friend had recently been kicked out of camp due to causing a disruption for fighting back against kids who laughed at him for his very feminine voice, so I was bored that day. I had to take a shit and I never liked to go to the restroom in a place full of children. My fear was with those loose stalls some immature kid would purposely walk in on me. It got to the point were I REALLY had to go and I was too shy to ask were the bathroom was so a 10 minutes before my mother was to pick me up, despite my anal resistance I took a shit in my underwear. I didn't notice any snickering and since I have always had nasal problems I could't smell anything. My mom was disgusted when she picked me up and claimed that people were appalled by the event as well.

Anyway I had to ride home trying not to sit on my shit, and eventually had to take a shower. I never made that mistake again, when you got to go, you HAVE to go.
I should have my head examined for revealing this goes:

In high school, I was covering the team's football game for the school newspaper. I was on the sidelines, turned away from the action to pick up my camera, unaware that an end sweep had been called and about six guys on defense (my school's team) were chasing the running back out of bounds at high speed......headed directly for me. I was told later that tons of people were screaming at me to get out of the way, but since I don't hear, I was stupidly unaware of what was going on.

I wasn't hurt; I never even saw what happened. The running back (from the other team) ran into me from behind, apparently picking me up and carrying me away from the defensive players pursuing him. A few seconds later, I was standing on the table that held the Gatorade...... my skirt was ripped and I was holding the ball that the running back had placed in my arms as he carried me out of danger.

I'm looking around me, astonished, to find 2000 people in the stands cheering me as I try to hold my skirt closed with one hand......while holding the damn football with the other.

I felt like a complete ass, and for the rest of high school, I was forbidden by the administration from standing on the sidelines during a football game.
One of the most embarrassing moments that comes to mind was one of the first times I called a girl. I was barely a teen at the time, I was only 13. Back in 1998 this was before everyone and their dog had a cellphone. I didn't even have my own line. I had to ask my parents each time I needed to make a call, using their line from in the den. It was cordless so I was able to take the phone into my room at least for privacy.

Anyways they had told me I could not date until I was 16, yet I had scored the digits of a pretty cashier at the mall. I wanted to call her but my parents would have been really angry. They were very strict. So I pretended that I needed to call one of my classmates to get notes for a class project. They bought it and I called her from in my room. She wasn't there and I left a message to call me back. When she called back, my mother beat me to the phone. She couldn't fathom why a girl would be calling for me. Especially since mom thought I had called my classmate. So she asks the girl if she was his sister because that was who I had supposedly called.

It led to a very akward three-way conversation between the three of us and then my father yelled at me when he got home. Needless to say, my dating life remained private from that moment up until I brought my wife home to meet them for the first time. Nearly as akward there too, but that's a story for another topic.
About 4 years ago while I was in 6th form (college for American readers), there was a girl in my yeargroup who was an absolute bitch. Our year group was around 30 or people, so you tend to know most people. She was the traditional 'queen bee popular kid'; she was nice to your face, very bitchy behind your back, and treated her 'best friend' like shit in front of everyone else.

Anyway, one day, she flipped at one of my best friends, and I was really pissed off about it. Then the following day, after I'd broken up with my then-girlfriend the previous evening, she made a joke and I snapped at her. She went off on one about how rude I was, and that it was because I wasn't getting any etc etc, and I was fuming. i e-mailed my friend again when I got home, and said the following (apologies for spelling and grammar; I was young and foolish):

"lol i was gonna tell her to sell her car n get lyposuction. she eats more mcdonalds than her bodyweight and thts sayin somethin considerin shes the size of a small moon."

Now, I don't normally say anything like that about someone, but on this occassion, I felt it neccessary. So I sent it to my friend. And, to my horror, everyone on my contact list. That's most of the yeargroup, people who know her, including her best friend. Needless to say, I was shocked beyond belief, and dreaded going in the next day. When I did, she made no indication of knowing I'd sent the e-mail to the whole yeargroup, so for the time being at least, I felt I'd got away with it.

Then, one of the most unexpected, and best moments ever, happened. She left the room to go for a lecture, and everyone in the common room (the majority of the people I'd accidentally e-mailed) turned to me and applauded. Turns out that EVERYONE in the year disliked her, and found my e-mail to be comedy gold. Even people who I didn't really get on with said 'nice one.' Even her best friend came up and agreed. We then spent an hour bitching about her and laughing about the whole situation, and she never found out!

So yeah, at the time, when I realised I'd actually sent it to everyone instead of just one person, embarrassing was not the word.
Freshman year of high school I was changing for soccer. This was after school so there were not a ton of others around. I was in nothing more than my boxer shorts and got thrown out of the locker room as hazing was common for Freshman. There was only one girl out in the hall and she was a friend of mine so that part was not too embarassing. However, when she gave me a supportive hug and brushed up a little too close it caused what I can only describe as something an inexperienced 14 year old little pervert might get in his pants. I was humiliated, I am just fortunate she never said anything to anyone or at least it never came back to haunt me.

Maybe she was just flattered.
Mine just happened yesterday. I was sitting in church in an upstairs room. This girl was singing. If thats what you want to call it. I'd say it was a cross between yelling/off key singing. Anyways, i didn't know the song, so i wasn't really paying attention. Now, I'm a person who likes to joke, and I like to be the first person to say that joke. I'm also the person that usually says what's on everyone mind. On the other side of the room were 2 girls that i knew. I swear i heard the words Awful and singing.
So i said out loud
“ Hey! Don't make fun of her. That was a Great song.”

Everyone knew i was being the sarcastic snob that i am. Everyone laughed except a lady in front of me, who happened to be the girl's mother. I wasn't facing her but i saw, out of the corner of my eye. she gave me the DIRTIEST LOOK EVER despite her husband rofl next to her. I still see that look in my dreams.
X number of years ago when I realized my fear of heights. In this case, it had to do with looking up at places that were high above me (as opposed to looking down from a high building) like a high ceiling. In this case, I was at a post office with my mother when I looked up at the high ceiling. My bowels randomly started to act up and it only got worse the longer I stared up at the ceiling. I tried looking away but it was already too late. I pissed my pants. In front of everyone.
In the 7th grade I was incredibly sick. I woke up feeling horrible and begged my mom to let me stay home. Unfortunately, I had faked sick so many times and had gotten so good at it that my mom didn't believe me so she made me go anyway.

First hour was okay. Had one little incident when I spoke incredibly loud since I couldn't hear too well due to the fluid backup. Nothing big. Then second hour came, Home Ec. I remember that I would never drop a deuce in school, I was always too embarrassed. However, I would let out the occasional squeaker. I lifted my leg, and then it happened. Drawers full of shit.

No one noticed for a while, but then everyone started commenting on the smell. I eventually snuck up to the teacher and begged her to let me see the nurse and she obliged, so I averted the ridicule from the class. I went into the restroom, thinking I could dispose of the evidence, but there were several kids skipping class in there so I was out of luck. So I went into the nurse's office and after sitting there for maybe 2 minutes, she immediately figured out what happened. She gave me clean underwear and called my mom to come pick me up.

The only upside to this was getting to say I told you so to my mom. She felt really awful.
I knew as soon as I saw this thread that it was going to come down to piss and shit stories. I also knew that most all of them would be in the days of youth. Sadly for me, my story was not in the distant days of the schoolyard but instead much close. Not many years ago, while living in San Francisco, I suffered my most embarrassing moment.

For those of you who know the area, I was working on Market St. near Embarcadero Station, near the Ferry Plaza. I lived in Outer Sunset, only a few blocks from the beach. I worked a morning shift and was out by early afternoon, ready to catch that N Train back home. After boarding underground, maybe a few minutes after taking my seat, I realize it: I really really really really have to pee. Like, FUCK I HAVE TO PEE! But I also didn't want to have to jump off at Van Ness Station or something, go pee, and then come back and wait again for my train. I felt it wasn't so bad, that I could hold it until I got home. 40 mins or so later, as I left the train at Judah and 43rd, I knew things were about to get messy. I figured I could find some alley or alcove to piss in. Most of the shops out there don't have bathrooms, and many weren't even open. And the houses out there all encircle the block they are on; there are no alleyways or alcoves. Everything is connected, and everything is VERY visible to all neighbors.

So, ok. Let's check myself here. I have only 5 blocks to walk to get home. Rather long blocks, mind you, but not too bad, right? I CAN do this. I CAN do this! So I start power walking because running just wasn't going to happen. I made it one block down...then another. Not much further to go, but man this is really starting to hurt. I'm just starting to regret all the coffees and iced teas I had back at work when it happens. My bladder just couldn't take it anymore. I can't recall any piss I've ever taken being so epic. Also, thank god for dark blue jeans, because a lighter pair of pants would have the already awkward event much more unbearable for the remainder of the walk home.

So yeah...fuck me. My pants are fucking soaked. My work shoes were filled with urine, drowning my feet in it. I hurried home, trying my best to avoid contact with any human being. Many older asian women cleaning their kitchens gave me odd looks as I hurried by their windows. I finally get home and immediately dispose of my pants, boxers, socks, and shoes. No point in saving them, they were past salvation. I ran straight to the shower, grateful that at least the house was empty of roommates. I spent the rest of the day indoors, mulling over the fact that I, at the time a 24 or 25 year old, had just pissed myself like I was a grade school noob.
There's lots of alcohol related ones, but this is the most recent:

I went out with my friend and drank about 7 double vodka and red bulls in twenty minutes. I was so drunk, I my paid friend £20 for stealing a man dressed as Mr. Blobby's head. I then got seperated from my mate and left the bar. I tried to get back in bar, but I wasn't allowed. I went to bar over the road briefly, but then I remembered my mate was still inside. The previous week, I had managed to get into a club through the fire escape when the bouncer denied me, so I tried to get back into the club round the back, but I couldn't find way in. I thought I knew a quicker way back to the front, so I climbed onto a wall. It was really dark, but I could see what I thought was long grass, with a darker smooth patch to the left of it. I jumped onto the smooth bit.

Fucking canal, wasn't it?

I managed to wade out, looking like I was in a Vietnam film holding my arms above my head in shoulder depth water. I then tried to get back in the club soaking wet, obviously the bouncer wouldn't let me.

Bouncer: Why are you so wet?
Tastycles: Because it's just started raining
Bouncer: ...
Tastycles: And I fell in a lake.

Eventually I found my friend (who had been kicked out of the club, naturally) having tried to get in the staff door for about 20 minutes by entering random codes. For the record, the code to get into Lava/Ignite staff entrance in Oxford is not 1066 or 1234. We got taxi to his house, where I sleep under tiny blanket. Before taking my clothes off:

Tastycles: Can I borrow some shorts
Friend: Yep, these
Tastycles: Are they clean?
Friend: Only worn them a couple of times.

Whrn I woke up in the morning, I found that they are boxer shorts. Which is nice, I then realise I need to borrow clothes as I can't go back to London in sodden clothes.

Tastycles: Have you got any tracksuit bottoms?
Friend: No, I only have one pair of jeans
Tastycles: You only own one pair of trousers?
Friend: Yes
Tastycles: Can I borrow them to go to the charity shop?
Friend: Yes

My friend has a 30" waist. I have a 36" waist. Eventually, I'm able to get them on enough that they look like actual clothes, or at least like clothes Russell Brand might wear. Next I realise I need shoes (socks, underwear and t-shirt I had spares of). My friends don't fit, so I have to use some flipflops from the living room. His housemates are all female, so you can imagine what they look like, with my heel touching the floor despite the fact I'm wearing them.

I get to the Dr. Bernado's shops, and find that there are only one pair of trousers. I try on the fetching Puma tracksuit bottoms to discover that they are in fact three-quarterlengths in the changing room. Regardless, they fit better than my friend's jeans anyway, so go to the till still wearing them.

Tastycles: Can I buy these trousers I'm wearing?
Assistant: Yes
Tastycles: Thanks, it's a long story
Assistant: No worries, that'll be £4.99... ... wait a minute this £20 note is wet, is that the long story?!"
Tastycles: Yes. I see you also have shoes, I'll take these [slightly too small shoes] please
Assistant: £3.99

I then got the bus to back London, and had to get a replacement phone. I walked into the Apple store on Regent street whilst wearing three-quarterlength trcksuit bottoms, argyle socks and shoes which bear a resemblance to both trainers and brogues, all of it with the Dr. Bernado's tags still on, and carrying my clothes from the night before in 2 Tesco's carrier bags, so I look like some sort of evacuee. I'm not sure which part was the most embarrassing, but the whole story was heavily repeated across the holiday period.
My story was both embarrising to me but more to a work collegue. The story starts with me splitting from my ex girlfriend and having to move off the estate we both lived on because she is a psycho bitch.(Another story for another time.) Anyway i ended up staying at a friend of a friends house which was good for the short term.

Anyway the woman who lived next door to where i was staying was on the ugly side, But she was nice to speak to. She ended up coming into the bingo where i work a couple of times and began to have a couple of one night stands with a guy i work with.

Not long after she knocks at the house im staying at and tells the guys wife that the lad who i work with has gave her the clap and that she has been to the doctors and he needs to go and get sorted, she also adds that because i know him she thinks it is best i tell him.

So the next time im in work with the lad i ask him to come to the staff room cos i need a chat and basiclly tell him while trying not to laugh in his face that he has gave my next door neighbour the clap, to which he rolls his eyes and just answers backwith "not another one"

After that i refuse to touch anything he touches until i have wiped it down with a clean cloth.
I don't have too many embarrassing moments when im sober, it's usually when i get too drunk that i make an ass out of myself. The worst one happened this summer.

Out of my core group of friends at home when we all went off to college we rarely get to see each other since one went to Wales another went to Scotland and others going across Ireland. So during the summer one of my friends invited us all over to her house to hang out together and trade stories about college while having a few drinks.
We ended up playing kings and as the game went on and the more drink i had i ended up paying less attention to the rules thus having to drink more, when it came to the last king who ended up getting it but me. I had to down a full pint glass of vodka, miller, Captain Morgans and Heineken.

It was also the same night as the boxing match between David Haye and Vladimir Klitchko. A few of us had put money on Klitchko to win and when we found out he did we decided to celebrate by playing another game of Kings. The last thing i remember was turning over the last fucking king..........again. I can't even remeber what was in the drink i had to down but i doubt it helped things.

The rest of the night is based on what other people told me and a few photos. Apparently i fell asleep for about 10 minutes during which they put duck tape around my legs and one girl put doritos down my jeans(note to self: find out why that girl was so willing to put stuff in my jeans). You want proof you say?

If you look closely you can see the last king turned over on the table. I hate that king.

But that's not even the worst part. The girls house we were in owns dogs and she leaves the dog bowl beside the door to the bathroom. I mean that's just asking for trouble isn't it? Yes that's right i pissed in the dog bowl. No photographic evidence this time im afraid. We happened to be talking about that last week when we were at her house again as her dad was walking by the doorway(he could end up being my boss this summer) luckily he didn't hear the whole story and assumed it was some other house and saw the funny side.

The next thing i remember was waking up the next morning wondering why there was doritos on the inside of my jeans and having to go into work still a little drunk which made for some interesting conversation with the customers that day.
The moral of this story: Don't play kings twice in the same night and if you do happen to get the last king both times pray there isn't a dog bowl in the house.
I should have my head examined for revealing this goes:

In high school, I was covering the team's football game for the school newspaper. I was on the sidelines, turned away from the action to pick up my camera, unaware that an end sweep had been called and about six guys on defense (my school's team) were chasing the running back out of bounds at high speed......headed directly for me. I was told later that tons of people were screaming at me to get out of the way, but since I don't hear, I was stupidly unaware of what was going on.

I wasn't hurt; I never even saw what happened. The running back (from the other team) ran into me from behind, apparently picking me up and carrying me away from the defensive players pursuing him. A few seconds later, I was standing on the table that held the Gatorade...... my skirt was ripped and I was holding the ball that the running back had placed in my arms as he carried me out of danger.

I'm looking around me, astonished, to find 2000 people in the stands cheering me as I try to hold my skirt closed with one hand......while holding the damn football with the other.

I felt like a complete ass, and for the rest of high school, I was forbidden by the administration from standing on the sidelines during a football game.

That is just about the greatest story I have ever heard, props to you for sharin Sally. ;)

My most embarrassing moment happened senior year of high school during my senior presentation, I've had my fair shair of bad moments and like every kid I've expeirienced the accident in class and the akward first kiss stuff but this one tops it for me. I've never been much of a public speaker, as a matter of fact the idea of it used to scare me more than anything, I would rather get stabbed than have to be in front of a bunch of people talking. What made things worse was during study hall the period before the class I had the presentation in I realized that I had left my notecards at home, so then I felt even more freaked out. If I hadn't known my topic well I would have been totally screwed, but even considering this I still had my fear of being in front of people. Everyone said that my content was great but that I looked really nervous and I sure as hell felt it, I was red as shit, sweating bullets and my voice had no power to it. I got a good grade but it was the longest 8 minutes of my life and what made it worse was I could tell by the looks on their faces that I looked like a fish out of water.
For my money there are two incidents that really stand out in my head as the "most embarassing," as my friends that remember the situations still won't let me live down either to this day.

The first happened on a camping trip about 7 years ago when I was living in Utah. Some friends and I decided to go camping in Moab where we changed campsites every night by kayaking down a river. I got up in the middle of the night to pee and the campsite was so dark that I couldn't even see my hands in front of my face. I couldn't see where I was going and I tripped over a few pots and pans, then over a rock, and went tumbling down a small embankment and fell headfirst into the river beside me. My tentmate heard the entire thing, and helped pull me out of the water; I was ridiculed indefinitely for the remainder of the following day.

The second, and probably the more embarassing out of the two as this happened in daylight, occured during my senior year of high school while I was attending a small boarding school in Georgia. The school had taken a skiing trip to a man made slope located in North Carolina, and me and my bubbies being [reletively] no stranger to the slopes, we conquered the black diamond in only a few hours. Feeling confident I decided to race one of my friends down the said black diamond. My other classmates who were present decided to place bets. Even though there were mutliple paths down the slope, I had really only practiced and gotten accustomed to one path through the center. When we started my friend jumped out in front and took the path that i was trying to take, which forced me onto the side of the slope I was unfamiliar with. I got maybe 30 yards from the starting line until I hit an awkward looking hump that I didn't see, which sent me tumbling end over end down the rest of the slope. And this wasn't powder that we were racing on, it was pretty much nothing but packed ice. It was also pretty warm out that day so I wasn't wearing any layers so I got cut the fuck up in addition to facing heavy ridicule.

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