^Certainly, Jake. That's because most people don't appreciate solid wrestling, but will instead forgive a lack of talent for a catchy gimmick. Hell, I still flip in my WM 2 copy to watch the tag match between Beefcake/Valentine and The Bulldogs just to see Tommy hit shoulder blocks into the corner. He was so goddamn fast and intense that I thought for sure he was part animal. He made even the most basic of moves seem like Bruce Lee was in there dropping bombs on a guy. I just wish that Billington, Davey, and Hart were all given upper spots in the eighties to wrestle against guys like Flair, Steamboat, and Savage. Imagining the quality of the potential matchups is staggering because of what could've been done THEN to elevate the product to the next level and help it evolve faster instead of McMahon's "let's push a gorilla in the main-event" mentality that was in use most of the time. It's that stupidity that made it so that Japan and Mexico were light-years ahead of America in terms of workrate as a whole. Hell, the American promotions spent the majority of the nineties just trying to play catch-up.