Most Comical WWE Moment


Occasional Pre-Show
Admit it or not there have been some times when the WWE has just made you laugh out loud. Don't be embarrassed if your LOL moment was considered stupid by others nobody is here to judge just to share a chuckle. Here are my top two.

1 Whenever Daniel Bryan loses. I have to admit I just belly laugh for a good ten minutes whenever Bryan loses a match. I mean the guy just isn't a pro wrestler, too small and too bland looking. When HHH gets the best of Bryan its comedy central time for me.

2 First time I heard about Eric Bischoff blasting Ric Flair backstage. My friend told me about this. He just read Flair's book and told me that Bischoff told Flair off in front of the entire backstage locker room. I laughed for about 20 minutes because everything Bischoff said was soooooo true!!! Flair was never a draw and he had a horrible old man's body when he was in his prime.
The most recent instance of good comedy I can think of is when Kane and Daniel Bryan were attending anger management sessions with Dr. Shelby. I didn't like the idea of Kane being used like that at first, but when he started explaining the things he did to people over the years (including but not limited to electrocuting Shane McMahon's balls), I just lost it. Really funny stuff.

Triple H's recent material is pretty funny too.
When Austin attacked Booker T in a grocery store is the moment i think of when i think of what has made me laugh the most.
Probably the one that made me laugh the most because of how unbelievable ridiculous it was, was when the Bunny and Adam Rose were tagging, and the Bunny took a nut bump on the corner, and Michael Cole said "I think he hurt his jelly beans". I similarly laughed when Owen Hart was dangling at the entrance ramp while Steve Blackman was kicking him, and I think it was Lawler who said "he's gonna kick the candy out of him".
Damien Mizdow. Mimicking everything Miz does is fresh, entertaining, and extremely hilarious! Who would eliminate himself from a US championship battle royal title match just for the act?! Hysterical! The WWE Universe actually gave a standing ovation when Damien Mizdow made a one-man suplex. Well deserved! Us Damien Sandow fans are happy to see his career back on track. He puts smiles on peoples faces every Raw and Smackdown and it must be a great feeling getting cheers and support each match. Not only that, but the Miz deserves props as well. He is so delusional and that is top-quality humor if you ask me. From thinking the WWE Universe is chanting "We want Miz NOW!" (We want Mizdow!) to his clever mind games with Naomi and the Usos ( Apologies from Miz), Miz is as funny as it gets! Stardust is also funny with his mannerisms and whatnot. He actually wore JBL's hat and stood on top of the announce table the whole match. If you want to see super-entertaining interviews, search up Stardust interviews. They are bizarre to the max!!!
Dean Ambrose in the middle of the crowd laughing wide-mouthed after Seth was slimed by the stuff in the MitB briefcase. HILARIOUS!

1. Kurt Angle. Nuff said. LOL. Guy was funny. Everything from slapping Benoit's butt to tag in to the Austin comedy bits. Guy is gold.

2. When John Cena used to be cool and rapped every week on Smackdown. Guy had me on tears. I miss that cool Cena.

3. Brock Lesnar beating the heck out of Zach Gowen. Pushing him down the stairs was hilarious.

4. Eddie when he used to cheat all the time.

5. Brock destroying Cena at Summerslam. I was LAUGHING the entire time because I hate Cena. That was the 2014 Match Of The Year for me. Best match in years!

6. The Rock. Every. Single. Time. When he appears on TV.
5.) The Rock and Hurricane backstage bits- absolutely hilarious and made the Hurricane look somewhat of a big star

4.) Booker T and Goldust - This pairing was genius and I still laugh at these skits

3.) Sid pooping his pants - Yes this happened at Mania vs Taker. My brother pointed this out to me as we were watching it on PPV. I didn't believe him, but now that I have watched it over and over again it's hilarious.

2.) Angle/Austin/McMahon bits- OMG how can you not laugh at these

1.) Billy Gunn sliding right through the ring - I can't remember the show, but he was so lubed up, when he entered from under the ropes he slid from one end of the ring to the other
Pretty much anything Edge & Christian did in 2000.
The five second pose, their interactions with Kurt Angle and Commissioner Foley. These guys were 100% gold. It was "dude, stoner" comedy, but I loved it.

See for yourself:

"genital warts rule!"
two things always stick in my mind.

Shawn michaels dressing as hogan a and saying brother god knows how many times. "I tell ya bother by the time summerslam comes brother ill be 102 brother brother" just gold.

The DX bit where they made fun of the nation of domination. It shows that you could take large shots at someone with alot of crude jokes, but did not come off as tasteless.

There are alot of things i have found hilarious over the years, but these two always stick out to me
5.) The Rock and Hurricane backstage bits- absolutely hilarious and made the Hurricane look somewhat of a big star

This, and basically everything The Rock did during his Hollywood Heel phase. He was trying so damn hard to make people hate him but we couldn't 'cause dude was just too damn entertaining. His "via satellite" bits during that time alone are more memorable than anything that happened on Raw in months
Survivor Series.......No wait. John Cena Vs Rollins. Comical how they consider this a match. Do they think the fans are stupid enough to buy for 1 sec that Rollins will become #1 contender. Maybe if it was a grudge match for no other purpose than to have a main event since the championship is a dead belt.

Maybe we will get lucky and they will put this waste of time on the preshow.
Mine is old. One night Vince was sent to the hospital with a broken leg or something after an altercation with Austin.

He was in the hospital bed and asked the doctor a question. The doctor turned around and it was Austin. He jumped on McMahon and started punching him. Then he picked up a bedpan and clunked him over the head with it. Just the noise of that bedpan hitting Vince on the head still makes me laugh to this day. Then they both fell of the other side of the bed.
Mine is old. One night Vince was sent to the hospital with a broken leg or something after an altercation with Austin.

He was in the hospital bed and asked the doctor a question. The doctor turned around and it was Austin. He jumped on McMahon and started punching him. Then he picked up a bedpan and clunked him over the head with it. Just the noise of that bedpan hitting Vince on the head still makes me laugh to this day. Then they both fell of the other side of the bed.

I was wondering how long before someone mentioned the above. Another Austin favorite of mine was the beer bath in the ring. McMahon selling it so well and swimming on the floor made that scene. My favorites were the rock n' sock connection skits. Foley finishing the Rock's sentences. Ha. And the classic "This is your life" skit.
As Meth Head said anything that Hollywood Rock was apart of.
Eddie Guerrero(and Big Show) My favorite is when Big show got counted out because he had bowel problems from eating a burrito given to him by Eddie. And when Eddie sprayed Show with that sewer truck. I also enjoyed when Eddie would try to cheat to win by pretending that he was hit by his opponent with a weapon.
When ever Stephanie Mcmahon would get insulted (Jericho, Rock, Rapper Cena)
Ric Flair- when he would get mad and elbow his jacket or when he used to have chop offs With his opponent and then walk out of the corner and fall face first
Goldust/Booker T and Rock N Sock connection
Dx-The Dx product selling segments, the little peoples court, DX press conference, Shawn Michaels controversy/Stan segment, Triple searching for Michaels to reunite DX, DX and Cryme Tyme, etc.
Stardust- if you haven't seen any of his backstage interviews you should watch them.(specifically the ones with Eden) If they could get Stardust more on air mic time he could be as over as Mizdow.
Miz/Mizdow- I enjoy Miz more because of how delussional he is. The A-lister, The Money Maker, playing exceptionally well off of Mizdow ("We want Mizdow", "We Want miz NOW")

Out of all these moments I have to go with Eddie Guerrero. Eddie's matches were fun to watch, and him finding ways to cheat during them always had me in tears.
My Funniest has to be the Booker T and Goldust segments I thought they were great together, Could have had their own TV show and a lot of the old WWF home video segments were quite funny with guys like Bobby Heenan and Ted Dibiase etc.

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